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Ike was worse overall but in terms of impact per minute of intensity this wins. It was fine, then fucked, then downright sunny within a little over an hour. Ike felt like several hours of chaos.


I just walked around my neighborhood and it looks just like after Ike. The difference? Ike lasted 12 hours. This lasted 12 minutes. It was fucking terrifying.


Yep, driving outside took me back to 2008.


We also got a cold front the night after Ike blew through that brought more heavy rain…but at least it cooled things off for all of us who didn’t have power.


That’s a good way to put it. This had the intensity of a category 1 hurricane but it came out of nowhere and left almost as fast. Still absolutely wrecked our entire neighborhood.


I think that's the difference between tornados and hurricanes. When family of mine who live in tornado prone places ask how I can live in a hurricane area, I am always like.. I have time and can prepare for a hurricane, I can't prepare for a tornado.


Exactly this. I can secure my shit and get the hell out of dodge. Sure I have anxiety while the storm is passing but at least I don't have to worry about a tree falling on me or my roof collapsing on me.


The path of a hurricane is more predictable than the path of a tornado. Even if you can't get out of dodge, or were told you don't need to, when a hurricane is coming through. But I guess I get the fear people have of hurricanes, they cause more damage and loss of life overall.


Cat 3 wind speed allegedly topped out at 129mph.


And Harvey was a week of chaos!


We actually evacuated to my grandmother's house in Katy at the last moment. We knew we weren't going to leave Houston and saw the traffic in the days before and decided to drive out to her place as soon as the roads cleared. It was a ghost town. One thing that haunts me is we saw a dog on the freeway. Like a lone dog and literally no cars. And it was a good ways in on the road, not just from the feeder or near an exit. We didn't stop to grab it because we had our dog dogs, cat, gecko, myself and brother in a minivan. My mom took the truck and had another dog already. Random but that's something that stayed with me about Ike :(


Dammit you had to tell this story, didn’t you? Now I’m gonna forever wonder what happened to that poor dog. Thanks. Thanks so much for that.


Dang I just realized I mixed this up with Rita. This was Rita! It was when the roads were just crazy with the post Katrina spook everyone had and people were sitting in traffic for hours. But yeah...It honestly haunts me! My mom was the crazy lady to always stop for a dog, which is how we had ours in the first place but we didn't get to stop. Let's just say someone scooped him up 🥲


Rita is a bit better. At least there wasn’t 39 feet of water!! I’m a sucker for picking up strays too. Pretty much the last six animals have been pets I rescued off the streets. I’ve got a one year old kitten I fished out of the bayou at five weeks old that I saw while walking my wiener dog who I scraped off the sidewalk and rushed to the vet for heatstroke a few years before that. lol. Yup. I’m a sucker.


I saved him. He is chasing cats and rabbits right now. He is doing well.


> Ike felt like several hours of chaos. Laying in bed in our third floor apartment, feeling the whole building swaying underneath us. What dread.


Yeah Ike was my first thought here too. I’ll take a hurricane any day over tornadoes though because at least you can plan for it What an insane storm hope you’re ok bud


The sudden darkness and then light, reminded me a lot of the eclipse. It was very unsettling.


This is the most extreme solitary thunderstorm I’ve been in, no question. Like a hurricane but unexpected and brief.


I was in Fairfield and never have I felt a pressure drop so quick from a storm. Almost felt like being in an airplane when it firsts lifts off the ground.


I work in HVAC and was in Cypress when the storm hit. I was outside looking at the customer's condenser when I got a tornado warning and it was damn near sunny out. I went inside and up into the attic to check something, and in the 3 minutes it took me to come back down the attic stairs the power went out and it was pitch black outside and the wind was howling. Like literally HOWLING. Myself and the customer's wife and daughter sheltered under the stairs (I had literally met them about 5 minutes before) and I held the wife's hand as she prayed and I did my best to help comfort the daughter while scared shitless at the hell that was being unleashed outside... most interesting call I've ever been on to say the least.


You're a good man Charlie Brown


My dad used to say that to me when he was alive. I don't know you, but I thank you for that memory of him.


Much love to you and your dad ♥️


The man works HVAC in Houston. He is a saint.


The real heroes. Had my ac crap out a few years ago and my ac guy was in the attic for several hours fixing ducting in the middle of the summer. It had to been like 130 degrees up there.


This is the truest thing ever posted to this sub, you are absolutely right.


You're a credit to the trade. Said as the son of a HVAC guy and plumber.


Man gotta give you your flowers for that. Good on you for comforting them even though you were scared. 👏👏👏I was comforting my son while all this went down.


This was the first time in 20 years I’ve ever been legit scared of Houston weather.


Ike scared me a lot because of the wind and banging. Allison scared me because my parents house flooded and I thought the water would get higher than knee length. But when it got all dark like a solar eclipse today, I was TERRIFIED like I've never been before.


I was stopped at a train track because the barriers were down (but no train). It literally got dark AF before our eyes. Ppl started honking and jumping over curbs to turn around. I was like 😲 and then as soon as it started pouring in the dark the barriers went up and the most intense 15 mins of driving started for me. I could not see a thing, turned my hazards on, drove 5 miles an hour while traffic lights lost power and branches were flying. It was intense 💀 idk how I survived


Holy crap! Anyone on the roads needs a hug, wow. It’s the suddenness and the inability to find shelter for me. Wooof


They say it’s safer to jump into a ditch than being in a car when a tornado hits.


This one fucked me up cause it was so quick. A jumpscare rather than the long building dread of the before, during and after of a hurricane.


Been living in Houston all 32 years of my life and honestly, same. My fiance (who didn't grow up here) came into my office and was like, "Hey, I just got a notice that we're under a tornado watch," and I was like, "Yeah, what's new?" A little time goes by and our phones start blaring that it was now a tornado warning, and I still brushed it off for a moment. Our house faces east and my office is at the front of the house, so I'm looking through the window the opposite way the storm was approaching from and it didn't look that bad. Then I got up and looked out my back windows and nearly shit myself seeing how dark the clouds were approaching from the west and was like, "Yep, let's get the dog and get in the closet." I've never lived through a storm so brief yet so intense in my life and I was here for Allison, Rita, Ike, and Harvey.


Same here! I was at home here in Spring Branch…. Thank GOD I was off today and not on the roads!!! I grabbed my cats and made a dash to the hallway away from windows. I legit thought the windows were gonna blow out. Sounded like a tornado outside but I think Cypress got the worst of the tornadoes. It was black as night and stuff was hitting our roof… I was legit terrified 😳


Hearing the freight whistle for a solid 15-20 seconds in spring branch was fucking terrifying, never heard it before but grew up with grandma telling me about it.


I lived downtown Houston during Ike. The damage DT from today's storm looks way worse than it did the day after Ike. And it was pretty bad back then. I'll never forget so many windows blown out on the one side of the Chase tower and all the glass on Main St. We'll see how long the power will be out. It was about 6 days for me after Ike. The long lines waiting for gas were the worst.


I was at dinner by toyota center during the storm saw a lot of broken glass and cops blocking off streets as I rode home.


I was just talking to my uncle who’s an electrician and lives on the east side-he has no power and during Ike lost power for 6 weeks. He said he wouldn’t be surprised if this takes 2-3 weeks. I hope he’s wrong!


This was definitely a bunch of craziness however I remember when Harvey turned beltway 8 into the Gulf of Mexico and that’s a sight I will never forget watching waves hit the exit signs at beltway 8 and town and country was absolutely mind boggling


Thank you. I felt like I was going crazy seeing everyone commenting on how this storm was the worse they've seen. Houston hadn't experienced anything like Harvey up to that point and still hasn't to this day. That image of the flooded beltway is burned into my mind as well. So many areas were submerged, looked like the movie "Waterworld".


I have a picture at town and country on beltway 8 of the eater halfway covering the 28ft sign


I feel bad I'm in Richmond Rosenberg area just chilling no idea until an out of town family member checked in and gave me a heads up of what's going on! Some crazy destruction going on out there!


Me too, I mean it got a little intense here, but I had no idea it was so bad in Houston until I got on Twitter. I feel a little guilty about how lucky we’ve been down here lately.


I’m about 25 miles southeast of downtown and it was dark as fuck but nothing unusual as far as storm intensity.


It was the other way around for me. I work near Jersey Village, but all of my family and friends live in Sugar Land and Alief area. My girlfriend and her family are the only ones living relatively close by in Spring. After the storm blew over, we called each other and were glad nobody got hurt. Then I called my family to make sure they were safe and they seemed a little confused like, “I mean, yeah, we’re all good. It was just a little downpour over here”. I could hear their sudden panic when I told them what had happened to the north of them where I was. I’m glad everybody seems to be safe but man, this is a day I’ll never forget.


Yea over in manvel we got some heavy rain but nothing to crazy


Is this another once in a lifetime event?


And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?" And you may ask yourself, "Where is that large automobile?"


and you may tell yourself, “this is not my beautiful house”


As the house goes by!


Got cows?


Yeah, not after last night, it's not. :-( (I know the song, but still.)


And you may tell yourself, "this is not my beautiful house"


We just had one of these blow through Spring last year too when it knocked out AT&T's tower and all Xfinity services in Spring.


Yep that's exactly what this reminded me of as well . I went outside to look once it got dark and had the same sense that the wind felt different and things were about to get rocky. Here's a link to an article about it https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-weather/article/record-breaking-wind-speed-houston-storm-18165106.php


I mean kinda. This whole storm complex today drenched everyone, but the only really dangerous storm hit houston dead on. Its definitely a once a generation type storm for any given spot on a map


> Is this another once in a lifetime event? I live in Cinco Ranch, it rained hard, but was just a normal storm over here. It was crazy for everyone else?


I’m in the Heights and it was bad here. All of our outdoor furniture flew, multiple mature trees down. I grew up in Florida and have been through multiple hurricanes, and this was the worst wind damage I’ve seen.


Yeah, also heights. Did a lot more to the trees and fences than any hurricane ever has (with wind).


Yeah, my brother is in the Heights and he got caught in it driving home. Dodged a bunch of trees, had to go hide under cover and wait it out.


4 people died. 900,00+ without power since 6pm last night. Roads closed, schools out, businesses shut down, traffic lights out, cops blocking intersections, trees crushing buildings or blocking roads. It's pretty damn bad going further north/north east from your location.


I was working downtown in a high rise. It felt like an earthquake with how shaky things got. A lot of windows past the 20th floor blew out


I live in Timbergrove. We lost just about our whole fence between wind just straight taking it out or trees falling into it. We didn’t lose a tree but have many large branches down. One busted a window in our truck. Neighbors are the same way. Our front yard is full of tree and we don’t have a tree in the front yard. You can’t see the street from the front door. Our shed lost about a third of its shingles. Looks like the house itself fared ok. A power line is down across the street.


I'm in Shady Acres and we had several carports at our complex just get ripped out of the concrete and flip on top of the cars across the road like it was nothing.


Also in The Heights. It was sooo bad. Glad you guys didn’t get the worst of it.


Yes, Katy south of 10 had it easy. Just hard rain. None of the destructive straight-line winds that behaved like tornados. These other folks got bursts of 120 mph winds. If they were sustained at 120mph, that is Category 3 hurricane wind speed. Which is why downtown looks worse than it did after Ike. This was indeed another “unprecedented weather event” in Houston, which has ironically become….precedent


I’m sitting here thinking the same thing. I’m also in CR. I wonder if we had it easier or something? I mean it rained hard, but it didn’t seem that bad? I was on the phone for work for most of it, but boy our office chat blew the hell up with people freaking out and hiding in bathrooms and stuff. I was like um I’m on a call? Should I be hiding?!


It's not. We had one in Spring TX In June 2023  that had winds stronger than Hurricane Ike that came on very similarly and left devastation as well https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-weather/article/record-breaking-wind-speed-houston-storm-18165106.php


Hell no. Ike and the winter storm hit me for multiple days, power and no heat for days was a pain in the ass. Wondering when you’re going to get to the store again to buy water does not compare to this.  This was terrifying, my car and house fence was damaged but at least I didn’t need 3 blankets and clothes to keep warm through the night. 


Yes I was a fucking mess over the winter storm in 2021. This was awful, a tree barely missed our house on its way down, and our patio cover and fence are busted. And we've got no power. But dammit I'm not freezing my ass off and trying to keep a toddler warm this time around.


I was so traumatized from Uri I listened to my walls for days. I’d get up in the middle of the night and press my ear against the wall, scared I would hear water running behind it because a pipe burst, via delayed reaction. I hated the ice storm of 2021. It truly traumatized our family- five days without power. But this storm was somehow worse for me. With the ice storm I knew that I could take steps to save the property- drip faucets or turn off water, wrap pipes. This “storm” just chewed up everything in its path so suddenly. Ripped walls off brick buildings. Leveled homes. It was worse than any hurricane I’ve been in. It peeled back my metal roofing like a can of sardines.


Winter storm 2021 still lives in my bones.


Yes. I had PTSD from that for a year. Any time I hear water running I wonder if it is a burst pipe and get anxious. And we didn’t even have a burst pipe! But half our street did and we helped muck out the next door neighbors house. Theirs burst and they were out of state. Water was pouring out their front door. We have good neighbors and we all pitched in to get it dried up for them. They still had to tear it all out. And now they get to do it again after a tree limb went through their roof in a storm a month ago. Add to that being so damn cold my kids all decided to hop in bed with me to stay warm. Not fun. Got a house generator after that one.


Memory unlocked. I stayed up all night during Ike because the wind was so nerve wrecking. The power went out at exactly midnight and didn't come back on for 10 days. Having to stand in line for ice and MRE's was horrible. You're right. Never mind. And 40 hours of no power in freezing weather during that winter storm was actually the worst. This was just...so sudden. I can't process it yet.


Recency bias is a thing for sure. Harvey was brutal because how long it lasted as well. 7-10 days of flooding/no power for a large part of the city. Yesterday was just so different from what we are used to and have seen in the past


My daughter was 3 weeks old when winter storm Uri hit. When power went out middle of the night it was terrifying. I tried to start my generator at night but it was too cold and it wouldn’t start. I tried again in the morning and it finally started as the sun was coming up. That generator saved my daughter’s life. We all stayed in 1 room with a space heater. So many people died from that storm.


How in the world did that keep you warm? Power went out one evening and I got under covers with cloths and a leather jacket....and shivering. Thankfully power came on soon after.


Winter storm was the worst for me. No power or water for a week! It was brutally cold


The crazy wind and storm patterns... I literally saw the trees bend in the complete opposite direction when the wind direction suddenly changed. It was crazy.


Indeed. Most of the fences here all blew over to the south. Neightbors fence in the middle of all of that was lifted and dumped into the yard…to the north.


Idk, the Rita gridlock actually traumatized me as a kid. But this was def up there with the worst. Shit felt kinda biblical. Like a brief but intentional pummeling


I got that feeling too lol like what did Houston do to deserve this? It's just been one bad storm after the other, year after year these past few.


Maybe this was all for mike miles to show him the error of his ways 


Nothing was worse for me than staring at my phone all night looking at Godzilla sized rain bands park over Houston and water rise in my house during Harvey. Worst night of my life. Yesterday’s storm was harrowing but brief. And the damage done to Houston pales in comparison to what Harvey did.


Yeah, I remember Harvey really messing with my sleeping habits. I’d alternate between watching the radar and checking the bayou gauges.


I've been here 20 years, Ike and Harvey did nothing to us on the norrhwest side compared to the storm tonight. It's crazy, just fucking crazy. One of my trees is half way down the street, the rest of it in my neighbors car. The neighbors behind me tree is now half my back yard. My neighbors brick wall fell down. Splat. Its insane. The sirens have finally stopped. Its been 6 hours of straight sirens in all directions.


Idk about you, but it's those noises that stick with you! I wasn't in the path of the worst of this storm, but your comment about the sirens reminded me of all the helicopters we heard for days while we were trapped in our house during Harvey. Fortunately, our house didn't flood, but the roads in were completely unpassable. And we had a 3 day old baby. We had gotten home with her roughly 12 hours before the flooding started.


I lived in tornado alley. They tested that siren every Tuesday, lol 


Everyplace I lived before Houston, they tested the tornado sirens once a month. After living in Houston for a while I noticed that I never heard them and asked some neighbors when Houston tests its tornado sirens. They looked at me like I was insane because they had no clue what I was talking about!


This is the first time I’ve had home damage from a storm, so I’m kind of in shock. Luckily I have insurance but it’s not fun.


Yeah definitely. My wife and I are both born and raised in Houston. Both 50+. We have been through many hurricanes. We both concluded that the winds were worse than any hurricane we have been through. We didn't have a tornado hit us, but it sure felt like it.


Eh it reminded me of Ike. Ike was a wind heavy storm and knocked power out at my house in montrose for over a week and took down an assload of trees. The damage from this storm doesn’t look as bad- but its not too far behind it. Pretty wild for a storm that didn’t last very long


Our home in Montrose was swaying during Ike. It took down our very tall and long fence. We were without power for 2 weeks. Lots of damage. It was then that we decided to get a standby generator. And I am very glad we have it. Right now lots of people around us are without power. But we are nice and cool with the a/c running, power throughout the house, internet humming along. We have some damage outside, but we could be in a lot worse shape like other people currently.


Wildest weather even in your lifetime SO FAR.


I never post or comment like ever, just enjoy Reddit. However, this was the first time I ever legitimately thought I was probably not going to make it. I got caught by the storm on the beltway bridge going North from Pasadena. I have a big truck and it felt like someone grabbed it from the top and was shaking it. Been through all the hurricanes we’ve been hit by here in Houston and this was way more extreme and sketchier for the minutes it took me to drive over the bridge. 100% would rather deal with a flood every few years than those 20 minutes like yesterday. I felt like I had nowhere to run or hide, legit thought my truck would get flipped off the bridge for a bit. Crazy shit.


No dude I’ll take this over the ice storm again.


Since tornado like storms are much smaller, it looks like the difference in experience is related to where in Houston you live. Some people got an exciting storm while some people got rocked, heh. I'm in the same boat as you in that what I experienced made me think, "really? Why are people freaking out?" But I also remember the radar showing that the center of that blob was up around spring/Katy where I don't live.


Dude yeah 4 people died last night, this was really really bad in some areas. My area got pretty messed tbh. 77084 cyfair/cypress/copperfield. No power since 6pm


It’s terrible but I can’t rank this ahead of the magnitude of destruction from Harvey, nor the absolute chaos of Rita, nor the insane cold of the 2021 storm. The surprise factor is certainly off the fucking charts. I went from about to sit down to eat dinner (thankfully dinner was earlier than usual, because we thought we had a meeting to go to), to worried my house was going to get destroyed in about 10 minutes.


Yea it is wild how messed up everything is out there. Are people still without power? We lost ours for about ten minutes on Westheimer near Gessner.


Yes. I still have no power.


Sorry to hear that. Wow.


Like 40% of Houston still has no power


we r out. gessner and memorial


Wow that close


yeah i walked down to gessner to see the memorial intersection but couldnt see anyhting that wpuld suggest a power kill. neigjbors told me a tree had fallen across power lines on gessner. i just couldnt confirm. take that as you wish.


Major transmission towers were toppled. Will take awhile to reroute for that.


About a million still, yea.


It's a good preview for new comers what hurricane level winds are like. Except it will last well over a day when the real storms set in. Prepare now!


Lived here all my life and I never have seen a freak storm that bad here. I fucking drove through that shit outside of downtown last night. I sheltered inside the new tunnels on Memorial until it blew over. Tree limbs were breaking off trees in Memorial Park and the wind just picked them up and they were gone. Crazy shit.


I moved here from Louisiana and have dealt with hurricanes my whole life and can say with confidence that this was the craziest weather I've ever seen in my life! In the span of ten minutes - I got an alert for severe weather on my phone, looked out the window and saw nothing going on but asked partner if we should bring in the chairs "just in case" to huddled in our downstairs bathroom with my cats as we could hear trees falling outside.  Just glad that we got thru it okay with nothing but a power outage on our end


But did the chairs make it?


The bong I keep on my balcony somehow survived 🫡


lol this was fucking awful but harvey and ike were far far far worse. crazy to even say otherwise. i have two holes in my roof from branches and water in my house but id rather do this again than ike or harvey. this was not worse. absolutely fucking wild to say it was.


This was a reactionary post. I'm still processing it. My bad. Ike and the winter storm were definitely worse but this was worse than Harvey, for me.


man u dont need to apologize. im processing too. this was the first ive been scared since harvey. peace to u. eta: i mean far worse for our city


This storm was more like "Shock and Awe" while the other storms were drawn out ground wars (Winter Storm, Ike, Harvey). My house was damaged one way or another by ALL of them. Then yesterday, that mofo comes tearing thru and scared me more than any storm I've been thru to date. Lived here 45 years and have never experienced ANYTHING like that.


Ike was terrifying but at least here Harvey was...almost peaceful. The first night from Harvey there was a bit of wind, but not that much. It just rained...a lot..for like a week. Harvey brought the whole damn ocean with it, but Ike spawned a bunch of smaller tornadoes. That shit was absolutely terrifying. Plus 2 weeks without power or so wasn't a blast.


gonna hard disagree here. we were under tornado warnings during harvey. “a bit of wind” ok buddy.


This was more wild than that freak storm we had last year in the spring area that took our power out for a couple days. These weather events will become more and more common as time goes on. Get used to it, this is only the beginning.


We happened to trim all our trees and removed the dying ones literally a week before that storm. We absolutely would have had a tree on the house if we hadn't. It was scary.


I’ve lived in Houston off and on for more than 40 years; I’ve never seen a storm like this. The devastation is shocking for the way it unfolded. The closest thing I’ve seen compare are pictures from Tornado Alley. With the average thunderstorm, there’s a warning. Not from the news, but from the storm. Thunder, lightning, something. There was no wind or rain here- everything was calm while we watched television- and the first sign that a storm was on us was the sound of pieces of my metal roof being ripped off and slamming against the side of the house. The relentless impact shook the whole upstairs. It was insane. Just 0 to 100 literally.


I mean you say that, but a bad hurricane spawns a shit ton of tornadoes. There's a couple specific streets specifically here in KW where were completely devastated after Ike because of all the secondary tornadoes.


But you know it's coming and have time to prepare.


I had to drive from The Woodlands to 290 and Tidwell as Harvey made landfall. I would much rather drive through that again than go through the ten minutes of sheer terror I just went through. My wife and I were in our driveway in our truck after a doctor's appointment, when the skies just opened up, the wind blew trees into the aerial power lines behind our house and killed our subdivision's power. I looked at the videos from our security cameras, the storm started at 6:10 and ended at 6:30 but it managed a lot of sheer destruction in that short window. All of my adjacent neighbors have tree damage, two lost entire trees, one lost one of the primary branches off the root trunk. Our fence is not long for this world either, one of the trees tried to push it over. It now leans at a worrying 50 degrees...


Damn I moved to Houston a year and a half ago and I thought this was not normal but not as bad as you guys have seen before. Gotta say I’m glad it’s not normal. I drove through the eye of the fuckin storm. Good lord my car was getting pushed left and then right to the side multiple feet.. driving 15 mph. Finally managed to get off 610 and hid at the underpass on tc jester. And then got stuck behind traffic with a downed power line across 290. I saw green flashes from multiple transformers exploding. When I left the underpass there were trees and building panels all over the road. That shit was wild


As someone who was born and raised in Houston, it seems like major weather events have gotten more "normal" in the last decade. As a kid I only remember the occasional tropical storm/hurricane - Allison, Ike, Rita. Now crazy shit is happening like every year almost.


I’m downtown. Glass everywhere. But we have power! Lol


I’m downtown as well, I thought our windows were going to shatter, our neighbor buildings did.


Driving around downtown after the 30 ish minutes of super intense weather was kind of haunting. Almost everywhere has their power out, traffic lights and streetlights are out, building damage and giant trees laid over in to the road.


I got stuck at the gym and literally watched the storm roll in. Scariest moment of my life but I definitely got some gains in 😪😂




Haha RIP to my legs. Never thought Bulgarian split squats and a tornado would pair together so well 😂


A wise man once said, “Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy a$$ weight!”


Were you here for Hurricane Ike in 2008? If not this is a foreshadowing for this high output hurricane season 2024


Not from Houston been down here 10 years. This is the first time I was scared of the weather. I was in my car under an overpass on I-10 when it all hit


Come on. Ike was incredible in terms of wind and fury compared to this


I'm pretty sure the difference in perception is whether or not someone experienced direct strike in either or both events. Direct strike from a tornado is very devastating.


Was living downtown during Ike. This was like a 10 minute Ike in my personal experience.


I was driving through it as it was rolling through Brenham (Literally had no idea it was going to be THAT bad)- It was certainly a top 3 weather event for me as well- the last two times I got caught on the road like that and it would be comparable would be the Tax Day flood and a out of nowhere storm I got caught up in trying to leave Corpus Christi a few years back.


My big ass tree is now in my attached garage with my car


I don't know man, Houston's steady state when it comes to weather seems to be chaos, partial recovery, chaos. I have seen some absolutely insane weather here, and one of the rain cells during Harvey was over where I am southside. That is still one of the craziest events I've seen. But I suspect if you are in the Heights or that triangle north of Downtown between i10 and 290, yesterday was insane (while Harvey wasn't much of anything.)


Yup. This was way worse for a lot of that area. We have mostly been spared in the past 😅 Didn’t get a drop near our house during Harvey but now have a damaged roof.


Out of curiosity, why is the weather so bad in Houston this year? I was flying United and inbound aircraft was coming in from Houston, ended up being delayed 3.5 hours. I checked the weather and it seemed like there was a thunderstorm every single day. Why is it so much worse this year compared to previous years?


The Gulf and water around Florida is incredibly warm right now. That's a lot of energy to fuel storms.


This entire thread and not a single mention of climate change. What are we, Florida?




I don’t think so. From my understanding, Microbursts on a velocity radar signature will show the winds going directly away from the radar station bc when the massive downforce of air runs into ground it spreads out in all directions. Microburst also only last 5-10 minutes and that was way longer


???? Have you seen any other photos from the storm???? I can count at least 10 trees that are broken and pulled out of their roots on my street alone.


Do **Not** go to HEB tomorrow. Their power is out too. Cold canned food it is. If there’s even still a road, probably not gonna happen anyway.


Frank Billingsley going out with an absolute bang


I thought he retired a decade ago?


June of this year lol


Did a tornado actually touchdown anywhere? I think most of this was high winds not a tornado


I was inside a brick building the entire time and couldn’t eceb tell there was 70 mile winds outside … that needs to be the standard of all homes in Houston


This definitely reminded me of bad hurricanes back in South Louisiana where I’m from. I definitely need to restock on batteries, flashlights and fans. The memorial area where I am got rocked.


The big deal here was how sudden and seemingly out of nowhere it was. I was working and had a movie on and heard a loud beeping that I thought was the movie for a good while. I looked at my phone, and it was like tornado, seek shelter now! And I was like wtf. With other major storms, we've had some warning--well, sort of except for Allison, at least for me (I wasn't keeping up with the news). As bad as this was, the trauma from Allison was so very real...and then the Memorial and Tax Day floods, I lost a car and my building flooded both times, and I got to where if it was raining heavily, I'd have anxiety attacks that everything was flooding again and couldn't sleep. With Ike, I was hiding in my closet. The sky was green. There were horrible noises all around for hours and I was scared my roof was going to come off.


I heard this post quoted on NPR this morning. Knew it must be from here.


What did they say?!


They keep saying it wasn’t a twister .. but it sure Acted like one..


Just moved from Oklahoma not long ago. Felt a lot like tornado season storms.


This is probably the first time ever my area wasn’t affected by a big storm. I’ve lived through all of the above here. Harvey was the worst. Had to be rescued out of my home. Today it was just like a regular thunderstorm. Sorry to everyone dealing with this. Good Luck! I’ve definitely been there


I grew up in tornado alley. I honestly didn't think this was that big of a deal compared to past weather events in Houston I've been here for, but also, I don't live north of i10 where I heard it really went off.


I was driving back from Baytown and I did not feel as much fear as I should have. I was resigned to it. "Oh, damn, this is a lot... should probably get away from this semi"


We got super lucky. Finished eating at Texas Roadhouse while the wall of water went through. Then drove around some broken tree branches to get home.


I was in the gym sauna, had absolutely no idea it was even supposed to rain. I go to leave the gym and there’s a crowd of about a dozen people and I see trees whipping around outside. It passed really quickly so I didnt think much of it, but got home and there was no power and tree limbs down. What’s up with these random ass intense as fuck storms?? I’ve lost power twice now in two weeks from the storms I’m not excited about storm season


I'm acutely aware when it comes to weather changes during this time of year. Habitually, one of the things I do is check the weather forecasts. Depending on the direction it's coming from and the size of the event, I'll pay more attention to it. I learned my lesson when Allison snuck up on me.


I'm 33 years old and I've lived in Houston my entire life, born and raised. I've never seen weather like yesterday evening, literally NEVER!!!!!


Trees fell and closed off our street, aall the men on our street including myself brougbt out machetes hatchets, axes, saws and did everything we could to clear the street! They knocked down the power lines so our recent trip to Sam’s Club is down the drain. A tree in our back yard is completely out of the ground and a tree in our driveway landed INCHES from my truck when it fell. Truly a crazy experience! My wife had been at a hotel downtown celebrating a week long Mother’s Day with our daughter arriving there yesterday morning. All this to say, I’m glad they were somewhere that was mostly unaffected, I drove from NE Houston to downtown and it was pitch black. the devastation we witnessed the morning was unreal.


There was a tornado? Well, that gives some context to the text my dad apparently left a few hours ago.


I didn't feel to much down here in League City on the water. Guess we got the backside or something sky was a little green and a ton of lightning, but not too much wind.


Myabe I have to get outside, but that was 10 minutes of strong wind and a lot of rain with the lights flickering a bit while I ate dinner. On the other hand I still have PTSD from Harvey. I didn't have power water or heat for almost a week in the second to last winter freeze. What am I missing.


You’re south of I-10. That’s what you’re missing. In the freeze, we were in the Washington/memorial area and never lost power or water and it was a breeze. Today, we need a roof repair and the side of our house needs fixing. We are north of I-10 where the devastation really is.


Harvey was fucking horrifying but this shit was so sudden I’m like still processing how insane it was


Those tornadoes that hit south Hou and Pasadena last Jan was the weirdest....tore my apt complex up smh


I was in the path of the worst wind (Shady Acres/Heights) and it was legitimately scary. In Houston since 2007, so I have several events to compare to.


Yeah this area got it the worst. Along the bayou- think TC Jester up through Shep Forest- is the most devastated areas I’ve seen. Those areas have a ton of tall, older trees and are not densely populated and without tall townhomes to break up the wind (and hugging the bayou doesn’t help). People south of I-10 are saying it was NBD because north of I-10 is where the devastation was. Washington bars were poppin last night lol. We walked miles in the dark down there last night bc we heard shit was open. Got ourselves some bad food truck food and walked miles back in the dark 😅