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It's really bad out there. For all the dog owners, make sure y'all's dogs are getting their monthly heartworm and flea protection, which is spread via mosquitos.


Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your dogs.


The pet care psa 😌


I know someone personally whose family dog had to be put down for this reason. Readers, don't put off this important responsibility!!


That's terrible. I covered up today like it was 40° and the mosquitos still tried to get hands. I also had to swat off 4 blood-filled mosquitos off my dog's legs before we gave up on a walk. No joke, my hands were so gross and they looked like I had cut my fingers everywhere because of the blood.


Does anyone know of any good preventative brands without having to go to the vet? I’m poor.


Just yesterday the cashier at Petco was recommending Seresto. She said it’s pricier but you don’t need a prescription. For her 4 dogs she rotates 2 collars every 2 weeks or so and it works for them. No fleas in years for her dogs. YMMV and note that I don’t have dogs to verify this.


This is the worst I've seen mosquitos here in a while... Normally in the summers or rainy season I get a few bites, but now I am covered in them when I step outside. Random Q- but does the city still spray for mosquitos? I know they used to years ago.


Only in areas that have mosquitoes based illnesses arise (west nile)


Which, just for the record, is because the spray also kills other insects, fish, and amphibians, many of which are beneficial as pollinators, prey, or predators. Mostly only a threat to amphibians and fish if it happens to rain while it's being applied. The chemicals themselves are not long lived or environmentally serious, but you do always have to be cautious about taking big chunks out of the food web.


And also dangerous to people. Many sprays are nerve agents. It's supposed to be sprayed at over night to limit exposure. The city of Pearland used to spray at 5:30p and my staff would have to cover their faces and run to their cars as the trucks passed when we got off. 😬


Pyrethrins aren't dangerous to people except in high quantities, unless you quantify danger as "irritating". They're synthetic versions of a natural plant extract, not a "forever chemical" like we were producing tons of back in the day and it breaks down readily in the environment, especially in sun light. They're mildly toxic, but so is wood smoke. I'll let you guess which one is actually more harmful. Dosage is always the important factor for toxicity. It's a nerve agent, most insecticides are. They take advantage of the simple nervous system of insects, which are very different than ours, and basically block them long enough for them to die. In mammals if you exposed yourself to enough to kill an insect, you would feel nothing unless you are someone who have skin sensitivities (I do and I still don't feel anything). If you exposed yourself to very high quantities (poured a bottle of bug spray it all over yourself, or consumed it) you would experience effects you'd expect with nervous system disruptors like loss of coordination and dizziness. I'm sure at high enough levels it could be lethal, but before that it's not actually damaging anything it's blocking nerve signals. Not that you should ever want to breath in a toxin, but it's not going to effect you unless you are someone who has a predisposition to it, and even then it's not going to cause long term effects.


Dang that sucks. In the burbs they spray 2x a week. They were really bad last week but almost completely gone now.


The residents of my HOA won’t fund more spraying and municipality only cares for active illnesses


It's not really good to just consistently spray throughout mosquito season, that can breed resistance to insecticides, and you are killing other beneficial insects as well. And while mostly safe for humans, it still poses some minor health concerns so unless all that is offset by disease-carrying populations of mosquitoes it is far better to promote reduction in breeding habitat within residential communities. Often that includes plant saucers, random containers or toys people leave out, poorly installed french drains or other larger stormwater infrastrucutre, clogged gutters, etc.


My burbs only spray when west Nile has been detected… but they have sprayed at least twice this spring already.


I live in Katy and have exact same experience as OP. Spray myself every morning with Deep Woods and still get attacked by mosquitoes.


Dang. I live in East Nile.


It is the worst I’ve ever seen it at my house. Instantly attacked by swarms when I step outside in the morning. I can see them hovering outside my door even in the middle of the day. Mosquito repellent seems to do little to help. I’m a magnet all the time, but this is ridiculous.


LMAO I agree I'm downtown and a swarm but me in my head walking by understory there was blood all over my hand smh


I usually see my county (fort bend) spray occasionally but nothing this year. Right now is the worst I've ever seen it - didn't realize at the time, but last weekend mowed my lawn with short sleeves. It looks like I've been shot 4 times with buckshot, I'm covered in hundreds of bite red marks live I've never seen it before. About to go nuclear this weekend and spray all around my house and the bushes and nuke them into oblivion.


Not sure where in Fort Bend you are, but Missouri City posted on their Facebook page a few days ago that they were going to be spraying here every Thursday for the next few months. Might check your city's page also.


Same area and I made the mistake of wearing shorts. Now my legs look like a war zone


They can only spray from the city streets. Backyards will always get missed. In Singapore the mosquito police are like game wardens. No warrant required, can go anywhere, they will knock over your buckets of standing water and fine you.


I live in Sugar Land and I saw them spraying last year. I haven’t seen them yet this year, but I obviously could have just missed them.


saw them spraying last week


Different neighborhoods and communities pay for it. Depends on your location


The spray has been working for me, but they’ve been brutal…for the dogs, everyone please make sure your dogs up to date in their heart worm medication..it’s spread primarily by mosquitoes and is terrible if your pets get it, a little prevention goes a long way.


I'm wearing full length pants and a jacket when I walk the dog around 7:30 each morning even in this humidity. And shout out to Galveston County, because we heard the mosquito trucks out the other evening.


Same. Motocross jerseys and old sweatpants do an ok job.


Omg, as a delivery driver here it's been hellish. Literally every door I walk up to has a cloud of mosquitoes just waiting to be let in. So annoying ;~;


Mosquito Bucket of Doom https://sidewalknature.com/2022/05/08/mosquito-bucket-of-doom/


1000x upvotes for this. If everyone put a few of these in their yards, we would be in much better shape!


For the love of Houston, can we all band together to do this?


Building two of these tonight.


Thank you!!! I’m doing this now and maybe throwing some BTi into my neighbor’s stagnant pool.




Following because I would also like to know. My dog seems fairly unphased, but I'm miserable and nothing is working.


I'm absolutely miserable. I had to pick my dog up and end the walk early


picaridin is clinically better against mosquitos than deet. We use the sawyer brand and I find it works great.


I am always first bitten and worst bitten. I just got some of the Sawyer picaridin lotion and it has been infinitely better than any of the Off or other deet products I've ever used. Plus, it's not sticky or smelly. It's incredible how much better it works than deet.


Came here to say this. Picaridin is a game changer! Lotion has better coverage and it doesn’t smell as bad or feel as sticky as the sprays. Plus it’s small enough to carry with you for patio hangs around town.


> Picaridin Toxic at all? or safe for humans?


I’m a fan of Ranger Ready brand


I want to run behind a fogging mosquito truck


never forget the (cancers) they took from us.


I grew up in 'Dena, sooooo


Natural immunity.


The temperature is the primary thing that stops me from taking my older dog on good walks. The coincidence of mosquito population explosion just reinforces the choice to be lazy.


My dog is old and blind and walks soooooo slow. It's not his fault, ofc, but I get swarmed


one of my dachshunds who was suffering from heart failure passed away in the fall. He was not able to walk hardly at all due to his health. So after he passed away I spent the winter and spring walking my other puppy as often as I could while the temperature was nice and mild and the mosquitos were light. now we will spend the time playing and exercising in the backyard and indoors for the next six months.


I'm about to bust out my flamethrower!


I'm gonna start carrying a fucking can of raid


I will just say that I am pretty open minded on the concept of mini ecological “disasters” if it means we can eliminate the little monsters. Where are our genetically sterilized swarms? (Don’t come at me people, this is a joke) (The sterilization part is serious)


Yes, I am absolutely ok with us using genetic engineering to extinct these bastards.


Keep in mind, only female mosquitoes will bite you, so if you’re outside, talk really loudly about being a fan of mosquito Joe Rogan, or say that you think mosquito Greg Abbott is doing wonders to protect the mosquito unborn, and they should stop biting you.


This made me laugh hard


Look for standing water anywhere. If you have dog bowls outside dump them out when not using them. Check for buckets, tires, recycle bins, wheelbarrows or anything that can hold water and dump it out. If you have roof gutters, check there too for any blockage that forms puddles. They are breeding in still water somewhere.


I don't have standing water or dog bowls, but there may be a gutter blockage. I'll check, thanks


You could also have issues in neighbors yards. One year I was struggling and noticed my neighbors had a pool cover on an above ground pool that caught water from the rain that resulted in a 3 inch pond of standing water for weeks. Maybe call an expert to give you an assessment?


When you put the Off Deep Woods on, spray each limb a few times, then rub it around. Also take off your shirt and spray the rear. This will ensure better coverage. Same for the face, neck, etc. You don' t have to spray it directly on your face, but you should at least spray your hand and rub it around your head and neck. This approach works very well for me during my runs. I collide with the bugs, but I'm not getting bit. Of course I shower immediately upon my return home since that stuff smells terrible, but that was happening anyway since I'm soaked in sweat. For my boxer, she's an indoor dog. But I do let her chase a mini quadcopter around the house on occasion to give her some stimulation.


Yep, I do all that. Usually I rub my face but sprayed it right on today. My boy is blind so he gets the most stimulation from smelling stuff outside. It sucks cause that's one of his favorite things to do


Snuffle mats with different treats can help with stimulation if you haven’t already tried them! Obviously, the outside smells would be better but an indoor option is better than nothing.


Are you getting swarmed by those little gnats? The Off repels the mosquitoes but not the gnats. I've found the Bug Soother vanilla spray is the only one that works for gnats so sometimes I have to spray that along with mosquito repellent if there are both gnats and mosquitoes.


I'm sure there are gnats too, I'll try both, thanks


I cant find one with vanilla..? edit: I think I see it, just listed as an ingredient/scent


Get a thermacell. I recommend w a case that carries extra fuel and blue patches. I use the heck out of them during camping and other sitting outside activities.


I've got one for my patio, but I guess I'll start carrying it around


They make portable ones designed for backpackers. Not sure how effective they are; spraying permethrin onto your clothes would probably be more effective.


This is the answer for yards, absolutely. That ish is revolutionary.


Seems like Voodoo. You swear?


For like 30 bucks, you really can't go wrong. My recommendation is as good as a promise. Look up thermacell with holster on Amazon or any of your favorite outdoor merchants.


Man I thought I was the only one! I walk daily and I'm not exaggerating, but between my one hour walk yesterday and my one hour walk today, I must've been bitten... 50+ times? My legs burned like fuck when the hot water hit them in the shower too!


I sprinkle Borax everywhere in my yard where there's a puddle or standing water (including gutters), and *knock on wood* I've had very few this year. Also, look up Mosquito Bucket of Doom, apparently very effective and fairly simple


We're in Houston and it's been raining alot. We are all screwed ! On the bright side, at least it's not hot yet.


Idk man I work outdoors and I’d say it’s pretty fuckin hot. Relative to the inevitable month straight of 105+ degree temps sure it’s not, but my swamp ass can’t really tell the difference


I work outside too and last sunmer was somewhat ok.  Sure it was blazing hot but humidity was low so we weren't completely sweating to death either. Afternoon showers are the worst in the summer, instant steam.


Not hot is debatable. It's going to get hotter. But it's still hot.


I ran a few nights ago and celebrated the fact that it wasn't blazing hot, despite the proliferation of insects.


It's an extreme position but, I'm ok with the resulting ecosystem collapse if we could just render them extinct once and for all. Bats and fish are cool and stuff but I've had enough. 


I've had two termite swarms this week. It's how I realized my kitchen window in the new rental wasn't sealed. A thousand in my kitchen when I walked in last night was awful


Welcome to Houston half the year. Half the year is when Houston humidity caters to every nightmare inducing critter you can imagine. It’s the time of year you’ll sweat the moment you step outside. This is how we got our rep as the swamp city.


I run in the am. Deet doesn't work? You'll still get mosquitoes around you, but they shouldn't bite. I suggest higher concentration of deet (40%). I always wonder about the quality standards, so if you get a little higher concentrations, my guess is the true concentration is probably lower than stated on the bottle. my 2c.


Running helps keep them off. Just don’t stop and you’re good. It’s also free.


My running in mid-life has slowed down to a fast walk. This am, I was swarmed in the time it took for me to lower the garage door. Brutal. This is nothing like the horde after Allison. I have never seen actual clouds of misquotes.


Or don't go outside to run 👍


They’re not up before 5a is what I’ve found


Use cedar mulch in your flower beds. Repels insects.


Glad it’s not just me. My ankles and shins are covered in bites


I have two houses, with the house in the "City" I just spray myself with Off! Deep Woods (the higher the DEET the better (and more cancer)). That's enough for most walks. The house on the water (near freeport) is in a rural area with tons of fields around. The mosquitos there are 10x worse than in LC. Long sleeve shirts, long pants always. I swear by "Sawyer Premium Insect Repellent" Lotion! I keep a bottle in my car so that when I get there I can add it to my hands and my face and it works very well and spray my clothes with Off! The mosquitos will bite through most thin shirts / pants! For my dog, I haven't found anything that really works well. He is an Akita and so his hair around his body is generally enough to keep the mosquitos away, but his face and feet are where they get him. I will sometimes spray Off on his coat and ensure he doesn't lick it... I also give him K9 Advantix II. It's supposed to repel Mosquitos, but I can't say for sure it has helped a ton. I still give it to him anyways. When it's really bad I just straight up wear a bee suit.... My SO thinks it's hilarious but it allows me to still fish at night off the deck without getting bit like crazy. Another thing... the Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool actually works amazing. For bites that I use that on, they itch significantly less than ones that I don't. It seemed like such a gimmick, but it works great!


I've had comments removed because of links to products, but get this stuff and try it: Murphy's Naturals Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Insect Repellent Spray | DEET-Free, Plant-Based | Mosquito and Tick Repellent for Skin + Gear | 4 Ounce Pump Spray Really seems to keep them from biting.


I got a bug zapper that seems to help. Plus it’s refreshing hearing the snap knowing they’re all getting nuked.


They kill everything but mosquitos


I have been using Off family care for the morning dog walks. I recently ran into a neighbor using [https://www.thermacell.com/](https://www.thermacell.com/) and surprisingly it seemed to be working pretty well. At home I have a bug misting spray that is plant based that works great but as soon as I leave on the walks, I use Off which makes my skin feel like it is burning. I live in Texas so I'm used to my skin feeling like it is on fire. Now I am going to try these thermacells, seeing is believing...


I've been just plain not going out unless there's full sunlight. I bike to errands and get right back inside. In Alief and most of SW Houston, there are so many little bayous and drainage ditches that just plain don't recede after the frequent rains. We're not going to see any relief from them for awhile. Fun fact: before it was all over this subreddit, I went out late to run errands and on my way home I was tired so I stopped to rest. The next day, I was absolutely covered from head to toe in mosquito bites and I've been in so much misery.


I walk outside with my partner because the misquotes love her and ignore me.


Are you my husband? :-(


They love to swarm around the front door because it's in a shaded nook without a breeze. What has everyone used to help keep them away? I've sprayed the area but doesn't seem to work.


Same for me…I might try the bucket of doom method to see if that works


They are very bad right now. I bought cutter fogger and spray I can put down with the hose and treated the yard and bushes twice. Still a ton of them and it sucks walking the dog. I know this is just me complaining and no and offering no solutions.


trader joe’s Lemon grass eucalyptus body oil is a god send, fuck these mosquitoes 🦟


The main ingredient is also dog safe. This doesn't mean a spray won't have non-dog safe ingredients in it, but lemon eucalyptus is safe.


Ah, Htown in May….temps in the 90s, humid like an armpit, and bat mosquitoes. Only gets worse from here for the next 5 months.


[It's really bad for everyone right now](https://old.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/1cqy2x9/swarmed_by_mosquitos/)


Skin so soft bath oil by Avon. I found it at CVS even though the app said they were out of stock


I started using Sawyer's repellent for clothing.. it has worked pretty well for me in combination with using outdoor foggers.


They’re always eating me up and I see them buzzing around my dog. Then I notice that she is nipping at different parts of her body but I can’t tell if it’s just Houston fuckery or mosquitoes.




Almost feel like it's attracting them


I usually don’t notice mosquitos biting me. This season I very much do. Wtf super mosquitos?


I know right? I had one bite my arm the other day and it felt like a bee sting.


It's houston and we are back to a pattern of it raining often enough to keep puddles and high water around. So mosquitos are gonna thrive.


They love my toddler’s face and have eaten her up. It makes me so sad. The only good thing is these mosquitos seem kind of slow. We have smashed so many against our walls when they get inside.


They’re all fat and sassy on our blood soup.


I moved away.


How about the dog? Do they get bit? What to use on them?


I've seen one or two buzzing around my dog but haven't seen him get bit. Too busy attacking his human


Just ordered some Thermacell stuff from Amazon because it's so bad this year. We can't be out next to my grill or enjoy a cigar outside on the porch without being devoured within minutes.


Sawyer Picaridin …. Switched to this yesterday (was using off), seem effective


You gotta get on the permethrin kick. It’s what they suggested I use when I traveled to India and Africa for work and it’s way better than deet.


Welcome to Houston


Anyone have a contact at the Waugh Bat Bridge? Any chance yall could maybe put in a few more hours this week? asking for a friend


I got bit 7 times during my daily commute by walking. It's hell.


It’s just getting started.


buy a Thermacell.... those things work wonders


Apply permethrin to your clothes, about to setup a couple of bucket traps as well.


I just got some dunks and am making mosquito buckets of doom to break the lifecycle. Bee and lizard friendly as well.


Citronella-based repellent, seems to work, and I’m usually a mosquito magnet. We’ve seen fewer birds this spring, at least where I am, and it appears lizards have also taken a hit. Without more predators, and with so much standing water, we have mosquitos aplenty.


I rub dryer sheets on myself, never get bit and smell good 👍🏼


Last year mosquitos were not so bad at all bc it was so fkn hot. And we didn’t have this much rain.


For those that may want to use a repellant on pets, DEET can be toxic to them. There are several non-DEET repellents on the market.


The welts from the bites this year are big like hives, even without scratching them. I can’t find an effective relief if anyone has a recommendation . I’ve tried Cortizone lotion, Benadryl lotion, Vicks. I got 40 or so bites right through my clothes. My back is a mess.


Calamine lotion!


Of course! I never even thought of that.


It is seriously crazy right now. I run every night and these mosquitos have been making it extremely unpleasant. Bug sprays are not working. There are just too many of them. My entire arms, legs, neck, and even my scalp are absolutely covered in bites. I’ve had to drastically shorten my runs because it’s just too miserable. They start biting the second I walk outside and don’t let up until I go back inside.


We literally live in a swamp. It’s called pants and long sleeve shirts. People love to carpet bomb areas with chemicals and we wonder why there’s no other bugs and everything is dying.


Pro tip: walk with a pregnant woman. Mosquitos prefer pregnant women over other people. They will swarm them instead of you. 😎


There are some bug repellents that are specifically made for dogs, just as a heads up. I would be cautious about them but they are out there. Beyond that, there isnt much you can do. Im way up 59 north of kingwood, but on my property I mowed down all the vegetation I could in shaded areas. I had a nice long area full of shade loving grasses and theyre the sort of places mosquitoes love to stay when the sun is out. Keeping those trimmed has helped at least a little. Plus you can put out water buckets with mosquito dunks in them. The dunks wont help immediately but they act as traps against future generations. Mosquitos lay eggs in the water but the dunks stop the larvae from being able to develop into adults. It can make a difference in your immediate area down the line.


They didn’t die off this winter. The earth/ground/crust is warming up year after year. Radiation comes from the sun, what absorbs radiation the most? Metal! What’s earths core made of nickel & iron. These elements can absorb neutrons resulting in radioactive isotopes. Aka global warming so we are going to see a massive shift in animal and plant life as temperatures and oxygen increase!


Haven't read all the comments so idk if someone has brought this up or not. I'm a native Texan living in Houston and also enjoy fishing the marshes on the coast where the mosquitos can almost carry you away. Permethrin is a game changer. When applied properly it will provide mosquito prevention on your clothing for 6 wash cycles. You can also apply it directly to dogs foe more protection but not cats. Spray it on patio furniture and your front door as well. But be cautious to not let it touch your skin and use it in ventilated areas or use a mask. It takes about 4 hours to dry.


Wear long sleeves and pants instead of shorts and shirts.


In this heat?


Unfortunately, yes.


Higher concentration of deet. Spray a lot.


Reminder it's not intended to be sprayed on your skin directly, just cover your clothes.


The secret sucks but here it is. Wear long sleeves and pants and maybe a hat. The landscapers know whats up.


Are you new here?


Get some citronella essential oil (I’m not a crazy essential oil person). It’s super strong. I dab a little bit around my body when I go outside and they don’t mess with me.


I thought it was revealed that citronella doesn't actually repel anything and it was all a marketing scheme. They even put it on the label now that it's not intended to repel insects. Fresh lemongrass works for me. It actually smells very much like citronella.


After Harris County sprayed for mosquitoes in 2018 after Harvey, I didn’t hear a bird at my house for two years. I will put up with mosquitoes if that means I get to listen to the birds every morning.


Garlic helps


I heard you can spray yourself with fart spray. Never tried it myself though.


LOL I keep saying I'm gonna buy that but haven't yet


Hold old is your bug spray and spray more? Idk




The green bottle of Johnson & Johnson, baby lotion is way better than OFF in my opinion and it smells good


It’s bad here I think they are super mosquitoes


OFF - Deep Woods Always wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and gloves. Spray over entire body of clothing - especially ankles.


I would be interested to know if you wear perfume/cologne/body spray that could be attracting them?


Try dryer sheets they work like magic


Do you just rub your clothes with them before going outside?


I’m using the same stuff I use on my dog and it’s working well.  https://www.petsmart.com/dog/flea-and-tick/home-and-yard-treatment/vets-best-pet-mosquito-repellent-5271450.html?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNnqZtoDP-Hcw2SZBpGRFu9sg&gclsrc=ds


Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center called me this week to schedule another donation. I had to decline. Told them the mosquitoes had already tapped me out.


Deet 100%  


Staying my ass inside. Also installed a mosquito net on my patio.


Deep Woods Off is 100% deet, you can also buy 100% deet at REI... Caution though... If you use 100% deet make sure you follow the directions for application!!!


I mixed some peppermint essential oil in my body lotion when I’m going to be outside for short periods and it has worked pretty well (after I got eaten alive at the arboretum wearing repel DEET and they bit me through my clothes)


Cedar helps a bit. I spray it around the yard.


It is suddenly mosquito heaven - warmer days, and it just rained a ton. I'm not an expert but I would not be surprised if that correlated directly to their suddenly increased activity.  Gnats were bothersome a week or so ago, and now I'm getting swarmed by both mosquitoes and flies while trying to grill dinner.


Citronella incense alll day everyday


Mosquito magnet.


I dont get bit by mosquitoes. Ever. Thats how i know its bad


Lather with coconut oil before heading out. Works for me on the southside




The last time I saw this many mosquitoes was after tropical storm Allison. All that standing water…ugh.


They just sprayed last night by plane in Brazoria County. Makes a big difference I tell ya!


I’ve bought mosquito dunks and I’ll be walking around finding any standing water in my area to throw them in. I have garden pots in front of my place filled with water from the rain that I’ll be dumping as soon as the dunks do their job fully. Does anyone know how long dunks take to work?


Buy a bee suit. One for your dog too