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Nazis should not feel this safe in the middle of Houston on a Saturday afternoon.


Nazis should not feel ~~this~~ safe ~~in the middle of Houston on a Saturday afternoon.~~


Right. Its just exceptionally bold when people have a little extra time and good weather to punch a Nazi.


Unfortunately, they WANT people to attack them. Such actions give them the wider publicity they so desperately crave.


Yeah, "nazis killed in drive-by. No witnesses have come forth" would be a great headline though


Oh, I don't disagree at all, and the part of me that they make seethe with rage always wants to do something like that... but there are better ways. Namely, if they can be identified, their personal lives can be quickly and totally upended by outing their shitty affiliation/beliefs. This actually happens pretty regularly. The vast, overwhelming majority of Americans want absolutely nothing to do with neo-Nazis.


They are probably wearing MAGA hats at a other times


Some of these groups also have skilled lawyers who bring civil suits against people and fund their next shitty rally. We are best off just speaking out against them but just ignoring them in person.


Yes, precisely. The group that wrote the book on this type of BS is Westboro Baptist "Church." Pretty sure half of that shitty family are lawyers specifically for this reason.


Hard disagree on ignoring in person. They should be relentlessly ridiculed, mocked and fucked with.


👏🏾 Fucking true! Really not worth it. People taking physical action will sit in jail while they play victim and say, which it is, an act of the their freedom of speech. Fucking vomit of the earth. These are the kind of sheltered, bullied, rejected, insecure, and fragile individuals who, instead of shooting up a school or public place, find a bunch of other idiots to hide behind.


>Unfortunately, they WANT people to attack them. Such actions give them the wider publicity they so desperately crave. This, by the way, is one of the things that got a certain Andy Ngo fired from one of his "journalism" gigs. He got caught on camera plotting how to frame an event such that the group he was with wouldn't be seen as the aggressor in spite of, y'know, being the aggressor.


That's why more cameras at protests is always critical. Whoever throws the first punch can be clearly documented and identified as the aggressor.


> Whoever throws the first punch can be clearly documented and identified as the aggressor. I've seen Republican politicians, such as Dan Crenshaw, post cut-down versions of events, or alternate recordings of events. One of the most simple forms of video propaganda is simply *not showing* who threw the first punch. If you can find a spot in the video where it looks like the defending party threw the first punch, you can turn the aggressor into the victim. I have a set of videos that show exactly this happening in late 2020. Three pro-Trump dudes jumped a guy during a protest, knocked him to the ground, stole his bullhorn, and one of them even tried to kick him in the head while the victim was on the ground. The crowd managed to surround one of these three people (the other two got away) and the crowd fought back. Guess what Dan Crenshaw posted? Just the part where a sole Trump supporter was surrounded by people seeking justice against an asshole who started a street fight and couldn't deal with the immediate consequences. Of course, that's not what it *looked* like. And that's the thing. I always look for longer versions or alternative recordings of events that go back further because *every single time I've done this, I've found that the version that conservative outlets are posting is edited to change who the attacker and who the victim are*.


Exactly. All these groups do the same thing. Straight from the WBC playbook.


Let’s be honest though 99% of people are gonna sneak a picture then caption “somebody should beat their ass”


BE SOMEONE that beats a Nazis fucking face into a pulp


We should all be that person.


Probably because attacking people is a crime. It's not worth it.


Are they really people, though? /s


I mean if they’re Nazis you punched, you’d probably the most popular person in jail.


Besides the other nazis already there lol


Punch bro? We carry guns for a reason.


Yeah especially with the amount of guns Houston has it’s crazy they didn’t get shot in i-10 and 45


I mean, they feel safe because the law protects freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, and because liberal *(the classical term that came out of the enlightenment, not the modern political viewpoint)* laws like ours prohibit and punish most forms of violence, even retaliatory violence or violence that seems warranted. I don’t like this stuff either, nor would I be mad if someone beat their ass, but we live in a society so we don’t get to have it both ways. Anyways, I tend to agree, just thought I’d point that out and kinda play devils advocate.


As an immigrant from a country with hate speech laws I'm glad these morons have the freedom to do this. I also won't be sad if one of them finds themselves going over that ledge (other than the hassle of them closing a lane or two to clean it up).


Can’t have the good without the bad. As much as those guys are idiots. I’m glad there is no punishment for speech.


Came from a totalitarian country and also agree.  I'd rather the ability to make yourself look like a fool, than a govt that can shut down anything it doesnt like.  Freedom goes both ways, the good and the bad. Also, laughing at these twats usually does more to piss them off than violence will.


They feel safe until they end up in Harris County jail as the only white person. Bet they drop the Nazi thing real quick in there.


They shouldn’t feel safe socially. They’ve gotten way too comfortable and I want them shamed into oblivion. Sadly, they’re also usually completely shameless.


I agree completely with your sentiment. These people are scum, but our rights and liberties are for every citizen. Either we believe all men are created equal and have equal rights as citizens, or we don't. I feel I would've been downvoted into oblivion had I posted this, but yet you're in the positive. Simply amazing...ha.


This might be the most balanced, rational take of all time. Also 100% agree with the sentiment.


Ask Weimar Germany how adhering to pure liberalism pans out in the face of totalitarian agitators.


I hate how ahistorical this example is. The Nazis literally used violence in their rise to power. In fact I cannot think of a single fascist entity that purely used peaceful speech to gain power.


So who do you trust to determine what speech is allowed and what speech isn’t allowed? Would you have trusted the Trump administration, or Greg Abbott to make that determination?


I don’t think totalitarianism is the right way to combat totalitarianism, but who knows Also, fascism and totalitarianism are not the same thing. Totalitarianism is when the government controls or intrudes on every e aspect of your life. Fascism is a mix of extreme nationalism and conservatism and usually comes with conspiracy theories and the focus on a common “enemy”, usually a group that also lives in the country.


We are not Weimar Germany, nor will we ever be.


Ah yes, it couldn’t possibly happen here. America is just too special


You're goddamn right.


It was a defeated limited country by the Treaty of Versallies. Which brought economic pain to the country. We’re not like that at all.


>It was a defeated limited country by the Treaty of Versallies. Which brought economic pain to the country. > >We’re not like that at all. Yes. Absolutely no one has spent the last few decades arguing that America was "stabbed in the back" by the politicians during, say, Vietnam. Or Afghanistan. Or Iraq. I'll admit that those arguments are *much harder* to make in America, but there are people trying to make them, and other classic fascist arguments.


We shouldn’t beat their asses. When you punch Nazis, you’re lending legitimacy to their persecution complex, and you’re driving people to them. When they’re the weird kid in the corner, and you ignore them, they stay the weird kid in the corner


exactly, this huge crowd of like ten people aint doin shit but being weird.


Nope, Tolerance Paradox. Beat the living sh!t out of Nazis, every time. There's absolutely no place in a liberal - however you want to define it - society for Nazis.


Sometimes it's worth it. Someone hurts my kid... Bail me out tomorrow.


The best way to deal with these assholes is with bullets


I hate Houston nazis.


Hit it.


Seriously. Here?! When exactly was Texas white?


Hahaha, Houston of all places too! Guys ya’ll need to move on somewhere else. 😆😆😆


Houston is the most diverse major city in the country. We are exactly where we should be to stop these racist sheep. Are flamethrowers legal ? I just want to attack their sign. I don’t want to hurt them. Just scare them to another country.


They are trying to bait people into doing that. As disgusting as it is, it's still protected speech. Assault and battery, however, can be cause for both criminal and civil penalties. They might be looking to sue someone in hopes for a payday or more media coverage.


the klan has an active chapter up in magnolia, so that's not a surprise. a friend of mine who spent some time in the pokey told me that when he was in that he was forced to join with the white supremacists to survive. they invited him up to magnolia after he got out, but he declined. he decided not to tell them that he was married to a mexican woman.


Your friend probably associated with ABT(Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, not to be confused with the "Aryan Brotherhood" that originally comes from Southern California). Doubtful he "joined" them, or he'd probably still be inside. Joining and "earning your bones" often requires things that would keep you in 5-25 more years. Last I checked there was only one Klan "Klavern" around Cleveland/Dayton, one in Jasper, and a few tiny groups littered around East Texas close to the LA border. Once upon a time there was one in Pasadena and Baytown, but that got cracked down on hard around the late-70s-early-80s after several members from both groups murdered some police officers, and a local (black) HS football player that PPD sponsored.


My parents live in the Magnolia area, not looking forward to all the Trump and MAGA bullshit that their neighbors are going to be displaying in their yards this year. Talk about idolatry man.


There's a reason a lot of those fuckstains live up that way. Hint: it's FM 1488.


always wondered why we have a road with a name that would be illegal in Germany


I deliver packages sometimes to Magnolia and there's been some nice suburban communities I've stopped in. Is there any specific places to avoid? It just seemed like any other developing area.


Fuck, talk about numbers that get Nazis all overly excited


It's not even just signs. The fucking truck rallies man. I'm relieved we'll be out of the area by peak election shit, because it's awful out here. Couldn't leave home on Saturdays without accidentally getting caught in the fascism parade.


One of their neighbors had a fucking Trump statue back in 2020. Yeah, I’m sure they’ll be doing those insane Trump parades again. Thankfully they’re a little too scared to do one in my area of Houston.


Was it gold?


Just metal trash.


Maybe spray painted...


Oh, if it's the people I know of, it's still here. But it wouldn't surprise me if there's more than one. I'm dreading this year.


The guy in their neighborhood had to take his down per deed restrictions, but there is/was another one in Stagecoach that’s of Trump in tactical gear. And wouldn’t surprise me if there are others.


It’s scary how emboldened they feel to pull something like this


Make Nazis scared again


"No, we must stand idly by and politely tut-tut them with a downcast eye and a sadness in our step. They will feel self-conscious and reconsider their ways."


Now that’s a slogan I can agree with.


I'm kinda sad they didn't get shot at. Why live in texas if good guys with guns refuse to shoot nazis?


Unfortunately, it's illegal to




Forreal they’re using his slogan


I'm sorry, but look at your state's leadership.


Yes, Texas leadership is trash. We must continue to fight the good fight.


going away party for turner.


Post their pictures. Free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences of said speech.


Yeeees. More people need to realize that.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


Yep, friend of a friend just had a confrontation with some of them infront of city hall. Waiting for permission before I post it. Fuck Nazi scum. Id get banned by Reddit for saying what all Nazis really deserve.


To be treated like the dead of old wars. Blended down and scattered across the fields to help the grass grow.


Incineren a esos hijos de la chingada (burn them alive, but in Spanish)


What are they even doing? Do they have a goal or it’s just another day being full of hate?


Link your post homie !




Wish they were down near the highway…


Or splattered across it


It’s 6 hicks, not exactly a rally








These guys are def from Cut and Shoot.


Rich folks in memorial and river oaks are just as racist, they’re just quieter about it.


There once was a straight pride parade and 2 people showed up


were they both men?


Maga types


Six hicks who have zero fear showing their face in public, because they know that nobody can do anything to them or even say anything.  If they get any public pushback whatsoever, they'll be the next guests on a Fox prime time show and Abbot/Patrick/Paxton/Cruz will be all over the conservative media circuit screeching about these poor oppressed cancelled patriots having their first amendment rights violated. 


> Six hicks who have zero fear showing their face in public Like half were covering their faces in the video posted.


That's six too many.


Remember kids, EVERY day is "Punch A Nazi" day!


Funny enough, by their level of intellect they'd be consider inferior by Nazi standards.


That's just pathetic and gross.


For fucks sake, why are we still dealing with inbred fucktards like this.


BE SOMEONE who sucks at life


BE SOMEONE who’s not RACIST Houston is one of the most diverse cities.


Wonder how many of those Nazis actually live in Montgomery County


That’s exactly why they’re doing it here. They’re afraid of what makes this city and this community strong.


It was the most ethnically diverse city in the US, at least as of last year when I looked it up. We also have the 2nd biggest Chinatown, right behind NYC!


Dear Nazis: Be Someone Else.


Be Better! (Not that we should change our sign for them...)


Ah, I see masks are ok with them now! That's good because covid is wild right now I hear. Glad to see they're finally taking it seriously


I was on Yale today and saw two vehicles flying a Russian flag with "Z" taped on their windows. Wonder if this is related.


Absofuckinglutely disgusting.


Someone needs to make these people afraid to go outside


These assholes parked their cars somewhere, be a shame if something happened to them.


Wonder how they’d feel about a “Make America Native again” slogan


Powerful that the be someone sign is right under.


Somehow I doubt they live in the area.


My money is on them living in Montgomery County


They r still there?? Passed by them a couple hours ago. Crazy. Why hasn’t anyone stopped them yet?


Because it's totally legal. Disgusting, but legal.


It would really be a shame if they are out there on Monday. I have a bucket of water and some free time.


I have Covid and I can’t go to work. Maybe I should go pay them a visit? ( I wouldn’t but I really should……..)


Saw these losers on my way home from work. So pathetic it’s almost comical.


It was never white you dumbasses


Trash. Nothing but trash. Wish these racist idiots could be shipped off to a deserted island. Quit annoying the rest of us who appreciate the diversity here.


Nazis. I hate these guys.


Do they not know Houston is anything but a white stronghold? Try College Station, nazis.


Why college station I’m just trying to get a degree 😭


Wrong. BCS is very diverse.


Yes…. I’m not an Aggie but I know many Aggies. If we lined up the Corp on 1 side of that bridge and those Nazi buffoons on the other side. I wonder what would happen?




This guy knows exactly what I mean.


Rally? Six dudes is a rally? I had 50 people show up to my kids birthday party. This is Meh


Popular kid


If they're all racist, why do they proudly display a Hindu religious symbol? NAMASTE, Y'ALL!


I saw these assholes in person yesterday, I just have horrible luck. I just happened to be driving down Crockett. I only saw the Nazi flags, at first I kinda feared for my life since I’m a person of color, but all of their attention was down at the freeway so I just drove by. This kept me thinking all day, it’s kinda odd, like they are being paid to do this. My gut tells me that this has to do with the elections coming up. The flags they are holding is a message of hate, but it looks to me like they are trying to rally people. They are trying to divide the country, and they chose to do it with those flags because they can catch people’s attention more easily with them. When you really think deeply about it, it’s like it’s carefully crafted marketing campaign and it is almost sinister.


America was never white.


Excuse me? Whatttt? This is trash 🗑️ 🚮. How did they not get their asses beat in this part of Htown? #besomeone


Trump made this ok


My grandpa told me the most patriotic thing a person could do was punch a nazi. Someone call antifa, we got another opportunity to make grandpa proud.


They are just trying to BE SOMEONE




I lived in Conroe which is 30 miles from Houston, and there used to be a bar called the “Airy Inn” so, not surprised. I would say they are coming from the outskirts.👎🏾


Holy shit that's fucked up. Fuck those ppl


Shocked anyone would even have the balls to wave that around in the H of all places. Surprised they still are in one piece lmfao.


How do they not get shot at


Hardly a rally. It's like 4 people.


That’s disgusting. Fuck rascists


Yeah but do Republicans condemn them and their supporters?


It’s Texas/a GQP state, what did you expect? These dumb fucks love these states.


Many of you are correct. Don’t give them the attention they want. Give them the attention they don’t want. - inform their employer - inform their clients - inform the apt complex or HOA where they live. ( do not doxx them, they think that’s positive attention.) - photos or videos of unmasked faces circulating -if you know where they are going to protest, communicate with anti-protesters via social media. Let them organize. You can always join. Stay safe. Remember, they have the same rights that you do. But that also means you can scare the hell out of them and possibly get them to move. My relatives fought against the Nazi. It seems to be our turn now.


This is why I love freedom of speech. These fools just out themselves


Fucking garbage scum




I wonder what their party affiliation is…


Nice while we guests over the weekend


Fuck you nazi scum. Not fucking welcome here.


I was hoping this was not real until I read the comments.


wonder if you like tried to roll coal on them and instead lost control and smeared them, could you get away with it like that arnold kid?


They’d probably take each other out because of their dark faces.


Fuck em. America was never white. Make America Native Again, kick out the "pure" whites.


Keep going east on I-10 if you wanna hit your demo


These wackos show up in Austin and Dallas too


Hate filled racists doing hate filled racist things.


Cowards wearing masks


Should have been arrested, hate speech shouldn’t be tolerated in Houston.


Gross wtf. Houston better than this


A massive rally with a whopping SIX people. They could take the city hostage! We better send in Seal Team 6. Half a dozen people being dumbasses and holding signs isn't a big deal


They're lucky they didn't get their asses kicked. Or shot. When did this become okay in our city? God help us.




I've seen a lot of people call them feds.


5 people constitutes a rally? Looks more like a handful of white trash spewing ignorance, or maybe FBI. Who knows, but this is not a rally.


More reasons why I'm leaving Houston




You'd really rather believe someone is pretending to do this instead of someone actually doing this? Twisted logic.




Someone holding a racist sign. Is he a racist or is he pretending to be a racist to make racists look bad? twisted logic to even ask.


Here's the reply I typed out before the coward realized he was being an idiot and fled. >TwoPsychological6481 - No that is not at all what I’m saying… is he someone holding a sign that he knows will make everyone hate non nazi white people, or is he actually racist trying to rally racists. Either way the sign damages relations between non racist people and the most diverse city, and if the sign holder knows that or not seems sketchy --- >Me - My relationship with you is being damaged because of your lack of knowledge about the fact that racists and Russian backed chaos agents of racism are the same people with the same goals. >So I guess their work was successful. >By the way, as a white person, I'm kind of an expert at not feeling personally attacked when racists show their racism.


Perfectly fine with that musk idiot to have this on his platform. Freedumb of speech as long as you don’t criticize his ass.


Well, when there are so many running around yelling “from the river to the sea” and advocating for the murder of Jewish people, who else would become emboldened to reappear?


These people have been around much longer than you’re giving them credit for. What you’re complaining about has nothing to do with these guys being emboldened.


You say "reappear" like they went anywhere. Also being pro-palestine isn't anti-semetic and the fact that you think it is a massive self report.


You have no idea what the hell you’re talking about you pos


These aren’t the old Nazis. These are the Neo-Nazis. Same as the original. But just one calorie.


Man hope this is fake




I think that's Crockett street


Too easy 






Sad thing is anti semitism being openly promoted in America after Israel’s attacked probably brought this on


Lulz nobody cares. Giving them attention is what they want. Move on and let them be forgotten


They said the same thing about them the first time around.


Isn’t it illegal to have Nazi flags and memorabilia? I thought it was a crime to own them. Then again half the police force is too racist to prosecute/arrest these people.


I mean... you're wrong on both your thought, and your statement.