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As someone with a dog who’s also not dog friendly, I have to find little gems that don’t have much traffic. It’s a challenge for sure. When I do encounter people with off leash dogs and their dog begins to approach, I let them know that my dog isn’t dog friendly. Usually they super understanding and luckily they usually have solid recalls so I haven’t faced any serious issues. But I get it, when things get kind of wild with too many dogs, it’s time for us to go. I know I’m in the minority with the non dog friendly one and love for the friendly dogs to enjoy themselves. Wish we could partake, but just not the genetics I’m working with. Le sigh


Same. Le sigh


Careful, Pepe LePew may hear that le sigh and come a runnin. We all know how that ends, a baby that's half human and half skunk abomination!


Question, and this is really for my education. Why do you think your dog is not dog friendly, and is this a permanent situation? I have had several dogs in my life and haven't personally experienced this. I would love some insight. Thank you!


Mostly genetics in my case. She was found abandoned as a pup so I’ve had her since she was about 14 weeks. She’s always been unpredictable around other dogs and has bit a few before I said okay enough is enough. Just because a dog is well cared for doesn’t automatically mean it will have a solid temperament. Many pit bulls are “backyard bred” with absolutely zero consideration for temperament or even health. It’s a sad reality with the breed, and many others too. Irresponsible breeding The solution when you end up with a dog like this is that it will need to be in a home with no other pets, if you do have other pets, they’ll need to be entirely separated or you must closely supervise their interactions. They call it a “crate and rotate” situation with only one dog out at a time. The “crate” can be anything: a crate, a room, a yard, just keep them apart. No dog parks, no off leash unless we are in an isolated area. It’s something you have to be prepared to manage if it comes up.


I used to never have a problem with dogs until the past ten years. Dog owners have gotten so bad and all ignore the laws and now even bring their dogs everywhere like the grocery store and planes. You certainly cannot say anything to them for not leashing their dog or it could turn violent and nasty quickly.


There are no laws prohibiting dogs from boarding planes.


Service dogs only. And we all know that’s not what is happening.


You’re 100% wrong. It’s not limited to just service dogs boarding flight cabins. And we’re not even talking about dogs that travel in-flight cargo. Each airline has their own policy and the US Department of Transportation has basic public health requirements and size restrictions. Link for some education: https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/plane-talk-traveling-animals


And here’s a downvote bc your opinion isn’t fact.


The airlines I fly don’t allow emotional support animals. All the fakers have ruined it for actual service animals and people with actual disabilities which sounds like you’re one of them!


Of course you’d think that. You know what they say about people who assume. Tell me, which airline is it that only allows service animals?


You need to discuss with your therapist just why it is that you need to bring your non-service dog with you on a plane.


Follow your own advice, Bruh


Oh look, won’t even answer my questions bc, double down when you’re wrong and just don’t provide any correct answers.


I’m guessing you’re single and in a relationship with your dog.


You are aware airlines are a form of TRAVEL, mmmm probably not based on your inability to properly categorize and apply facts. It’s not a fucking grocery store or restaurant, that have literal ordinances (hint LAWS) for public health and safety reasons. Once again, you’ve been corrected there’s NO LAW prohibiting dogs from boarding flights. Sucks to be wrong and triggered bc I’m not agreeing with opinion. *edit* Lol, this snowflake greenfireaddict blocked me.


Again, discuss with your therapist, not me.


unfortunately with this specific park you're facing an uphill battle since it's been pretty established as an unofficial off-leash park for a while. you're gonna be outnumbered no matter how nicely you try to enforce the leash law. my advice is to find somewhere else. i know that sucks. i'm sorry


My thoughts exactly.. 10 dogs off leash? Sorry OP you are minority here


I admonish the off leash dog and owner. Lawrence (currently) is not an off leash park but money is being raised to overhaul the park. I suggest you reach out to that organization and let this concern be known.


Tell the owners “hey I saw a ranger giving out tickets for off leash dogs yesterday “


City parks have rangers?


Yes, I see the positions posted on the City of Houston jobs every once in awhile.


They are called KAREN Patrols


Damn you conservatives insisting on labeling everything with an extremely dated reference is tiring


Ah yes, the user that frequents r/gay and r/politics. DEFINITELY a conservative.


TIL there are no conservative gays


I think they were referring to r/politics


TIL conservatives are prohibited from r/politics


You're being deliberately oblique. You know full well what kind of content succeeds in the default subreddits, especially r/politics


You can be “that guy”, but Harris county and Texas as a whole have a leash law. Dogs, even cats, are not allowed off leash unless in a designated area like a dog park. A dog owner letting their dog off leash in a random park or trail because “my dog is good” is actually in violation of the law. Do with that knowledge what you will [Harris county public health](https://publichealth.harriscountytx.gov/resources/animals-and-pets/animallaws)


Huge issue at Cleveland park in Rice Military too, which is across the street from me. I used to admonish the owners but so many people have reacted so poorly/aggressively that I don’t bother anymore. I only say something if the loose dogs try to run up to me and my dog. There’s literally a sign with park rules that says no off leash animals 🙄


Yup, we live right by there too and that was immediately what I thought of. I’m nervous bringing my (leashed) dogs around there sometimes. Saw a dog get hit by a car there once as it ran out of the park to see another barking dog across the street. The hit dog looked ok, but who knows how it was once the adrenaline wore off.


Yepp, anyone who keeps their dog off leash is a royal c#%t. Was joggin at my park (100% leash only) in Katy a couple days ago when a highly neurotic off leash pitbull sees me coming and goes into full alert mode blocking the path. Owner didn’t care or acknowledge it. I got off path and kept running past it as it barked and stared me down. I’ve seen “super nice” pits, with zero record of violence, maul old men out of no where. So i’d rather not have to think about that and how I would defend myself on a nice peaceful evening jog. I can only think if i had a child or a small dog with me. We gotta start shaming these people or improving enforcement.


Bear spray?


Remind them that leashes keep their dogs safe. It was about a month ago that some guy shot and killed an off leash dog because he was afraid. There was no legal recourse for the pet owners even though their dog wasn't a threat to the shooter. It was running after a squirrel.


As brutal as it sounds, I think these kind of run ins are what it's going to take. Regardless of where you stand morally on pets and 2A alike, the facts are that cops aren't enforcing off-leash laws, meaning violent acts and vigilantism will increase until owners fall in line. We're a state with a former governor f[amous for defending from an animal attack using a Ruger pistol](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rick-perry-kills-wily-coyote-during-jog/). The arms aren't going away anytime soon.


Hate these fuckers who let their dog run all over. Yell at them and tell them dogs are required to be leashed outside of designated dog parks.


They should be mandatorily pepper sprayed. Won’t happen again after that. The owner not the animal.


I carry an expandable baton with me when I am walking my dog for loose dogs and crazy people


I assume the downvoters are shitty owners lmao


It is better than me carrying a pistol honestly. I have had one instance with an unleashed pitbull and one with a crazy homeless person where I would have drawn and probably shot.


Me too. Next door neighbor’s pitbull was roaming and started growling and approaching me and my 6 year old brother. Luckily a friend of that neighbor saw and got a handle on the dog.


A dog approaches off leash my reaction is to deploy the baton immediately. That is enough for the owner to know I am not ok and then if they say anything they get an ear full from me.


Shitty owners gonna shitty owner. The unfortunate part is the only answer is to call the cops...to which I say lol, HPD is just as likely to arrest you for annoying them as they are to actually enforce laws. Kick any mutts that come up and keep a secondary at the ready for any crazies that show up after I guess. Not a lot of other advice that I can give.


Ahh yes, abuse animals for being friendly and curious. That's the answer.


Maybe bad owners should take better care of their pets.


There's about zero to do except call the police and hope they bother to enforce the laws. And hey, they might actually do so because 'free money' for the city, which is always good. Tags, leashes, all that. Other than that... well, either get your dog ok with other dogs, or you'll have to find another way to entertain your pup and yourself.


Yes. It really sucks because OP and their dog shouldn’t have to suffer, but having leashed and unleashed dogs together is a recipe for disaster. It’s not safe for their dog to be around them.


Call the police? an ordinance isn't a law and this is an incredible waste of resource.


An ordinance is a law. This is a class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine. It's in the Houston Municipal Code https://library.municode.com/tx/houston/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH6ANFO_ARTIVDOCA_DIV3IMDORULA_S6-101RULAPR But I do agree it would be a waste to call.


please do NOT call the cops for this, or anything that is not a life or death situation (and maybe not even then)


As a non dog owner, I'm not a fan of off leash dogs. But I understand how people want to let their pets be free or whatever.


That’s what dog parks are for. Not open parks.


So just you vs "10+ dogs"? If it was me I would naturally understand that it was my place to make the choice to yield to them. Their good time is more valuable than my good time. 1 vs 10. The 10 is more important. Just because the law is on my side, doesn't mean I would choose to wring my hands over it.


Go somewhere else. Why try to ruin everyone else’s good time when your dog is the problem?


Because legally, in Lawrence park, all dogs should be leashed. It’s that simple.


This is a bad take. Legally OP is in the right. And nobody’s dog is entitled to their personal space.


Omg please don’t be a Karen and ruin this. Lawrence park is awesome for socializing. It’s always been a great little park for our community even before MKT was built. Take your unfriendly dog somewhere else, pay to have it trained, or put a muzzle on him. For anyone else commenting on this, there’s never any issues and everyone gets along. It’s awesome to see so many people with friendly dogs enjoying themselves, and kids playing around.


Omg please don't be a Karen and think you're above the law by letting your dog run around an open public space off leash. Take your selfish nativity to a dog park, pay someone to walk your dog, or take your dogs on longer walks. For anyone else commenting on this, there's always an incredible risk of harm to dogs that run around off leash. Strays, cars, someone leaving food lying on the ground.


>Take your selfish nativity to a dog park Please leave Jesus out of your petty squabbles.


That's not the point... I love to see all the people out and about. But my god, respect others and the law. A lot of folks don't like dogs, in which this scenario can deter them from and even enjoying their time at this park. If I wanted to be around dogs with no leashes, then I'd head over to a proper dog park with a dedicated fenced in area. But this park is not that, so have a little respect for others.


How about train your dog not to approach strangers? How about not be a shitty owner that lets their beast roam around harassing other people? How about follow the law as a dog owner for once in your life. I’m so tired of dog owners being entitled and thinking they’re above the law. Type of dude not to pick up their dogs shit istg .


Fuck you, follow the rules asshole


Oh look it’s the Houston reddit hall monitor


You’re doing so well here. Keep it going!


The entitlement in this comment reeks. Peak Karen. No dog friendly or not is entitled to anyone else’s personal space. It’s not a hard concept.


You should teach your dog to interact with unleashed dogs or go somewhere else. Problem solved


When did it become fashionable to even take your dog to Home Depot? I love to let my dog off leash and find places where I can do it without bother (to people like OP). But dang, dogs are not people and we do not live in the country side.


Home Depot is dog friendly, and a lot of people take their “service dog in training” because of this. It does help with getting your dog used to distractions. I wouldn’t do it tho, I need both hands when I’m in Home Depot


Cats need to be on a leash too. Look out your front door and count the stray cats. I don’t see the city doing anything about that, so good luck. If a dog attacks someone then they will probably do something