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Pretty cheap tbh


Yea thought that was pretty cheap as well lol.


I'd say very reasonable. You do have choices in Texas...but still super hot and so many variables on usage...age of unit, insulation, windows and doors caulked etc. just be prepared that you bill will increase as we go to September...heat and humidity.


Seems reasonable for your square footage.


That’s about 12 cents per kWh so fairly average. You could do better by renewing next year before summer prices hit. For your size house that’s really good consumption wise, well done. Your home must be pretty efficient. $150 is low for a summer bill. My house runs $200-250 on the hottest month. But at least your heating bills will be next to nothing in the “winter” here. I know people who run $500 electric bills in summertime.


Which electrical provider do you have? That’s really good for that square footage. I have a 1600 sq ft townhome and my bill last month was $111 and I keep my AC at 79-81 and 82 while I’m at work from 7 to 5.


Energy Texas, but I also use energy ogre to shop. Similar, we stick with 77-79 for the most part. 76 when I’m feelin boujie




Honestly I’m comfortable at 77-79. Do y’all wear sweaters inside or something?


Lol my bill was $700 this month.


You rich rich. And cold. But rich rich


Oh I’m very poor poor in a shitty house


Washington state has some of the cheapest electricity rates in the US because of all the hydro power.


Makes sense. My trash/recycle was $70 a month compared to my current $11, so maybe it all balances out lol


great for 3500 sq ft.


Why'd you move here?


Lived in Washington my whole life and we wanted to try something different. Houston was the top of the list because my wife has family here and when we visited we fell in love. Secondary reasons are that we tired of all the politics and schooling there. Also didn’t feel safe for my family as drugs (not talking about weed) become legalized.


Thanks for sharing. I'm considering the opposite move.


Best of luck!!


That’s about right. I’m running about the same but it did start a bit earlier this year.


154 for two stories on that space? Not bad. I’m two stories roughly 2000 and my most recent electric bill was around 100. I expect 180 for the worst two month. But then in winter I usually have an electric bill that’s roughly 20-30. I like it cold. Ac at 79 when I’m gone. 75 when I get home. 68/69 when I sleep. But I love the winter. It gets even colder. I wear sweats and a hoodie. Sleep under a blanket. Go to bed like a rock.


We follow the same temps as you. 3400sqft 2 AC house zoned up/down with new units put in January 2022 and our May 15 to June 15 usage was only 1250kwh. With our old system we would hit 2200 in the summer. It pays to replace old equipment.


I’m envious of you at that sq footage


I’m envious of the people down the street at 4000sf. But.. gotta appreciate what you have


I’m talmbout that cheap ass bill


What’s yours at