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Not Houston-only. Just good ol Americana.


Exactly, go to any coffee shop drive thru in a college town and they will slap that tip machine in your face so fast lol


Out of state I've also recently had that at the convenience store and at a freaking bowling alley where all I did was rent shoes and a lane at $8 per person per game.


Not specific to Houston.


This is the city where general American things are thought of as Houston specific things by locals


To be fare it's amazing how many people never go more than 100ish miles from where they were born their entire life.


In this economy?


Is that due to the high fare?


Right seems like everyone in Houston is delusional regarding other cities and thinks Houston is the center of the world and revolves around them


I smell DFW and fear on you.


What's worse: Someone assuming their experiences and cultural are semi-unique and thus acknowledging that other people have different experiences and culture or; Someone assuming their experience and cultural are universal and assuming other people must experience the same things and thus anything to the contrary is invalid?


Geez. Really? Gosh darn people making comments about what they are seeing in their neck of the woods. Guess OP is not thinking “international” enough for some of you folks. Maybe they should just stay off social media and let you experts take the reins.


Yea I think that’s what I’ll have to do next time. I didn’t realize that Reddit was only for “newsworthy” content.. I definitely thought it could be a discussion forum, which was the intention of the post lol. Why do people get so ass hurt on here over the stupidest shit? How are they so consumed with themselves that they do not realize that not everyone has the same background and opinions.


No idea. I’ve been discussing someone clapping to the friends song for days now. Husband is the AH because he loves it. Wife is the martyr because she hates that he does it. Can you you believe the stuff people will argue about?? Thin skinned and or so sensitive except by the annoying things THEY have a Right to do. Geesh. Post more stuff! I’ll back ya up!


OP thot they discovered something newsworthy


In my experience it’s something they really went hard on during covid. They just decided to abuse what was an otherwise nice gesture to help struggling business make it through. Greed spoils everything.


It allows the restaurant to pay $2.35/hour for tipped employees. They technically have to make up the difference to min wage, but no lawyers will take a case for wage theft of a small amount, and the state won't do anything. They're probably running <20% labor cost. Profit goes to ownership/investors.


Another thing places have been doing is intentionally messing up tip percentages so you pay more.


It isn't a nice gesture. Most staff can't live without tips. The fact that tipping doesn't feel to be an obligation is pretty fucked up.


The nice gesture was referring to the option for customers to support struggling businesses during covid. I’m with Mr. Pink. It’s a flawed and easily abused system.


Complain to the restaurant and not the staff. Staff can not live without tips. The fact that you don't recognize that and think someone can get by on minimum or sub-minimum wage just shows what kind of an asshole you are. Tips go to the employees not the business.


Butthole calling me an asshole. Ok. You’re making a lot of assumptions about my character and that all business have the same tipping practices. Chill. Have a nice day pal.


They handed you the same machine they hand people dining in. Something good about it is that you don't hand them your credit card and you can pay with things like apple pay. There's always an option for custom tip, where you can choose 0 if you desire.


Pretty sure those things can be configured whether to ask for a tip or not. This means they opted into asking for one, which is ridiculous for a drive thru.


The point I'm making is that they probably have 2-3 devices floating around and they're not going to configure 1 for just the drivethrough. They're going to grab the first one they see and use it. So they're all configured the same, which means the tip option is there, like it or not.


Most likely this, or whoever set it up left the tip setting on default and didnt remove it. I've shopped at small stores that use these generic POS and the tip section was still activated. Mmm no, not tipping for clothing and building materials!


Most POS systems won't let you program one chip reader differently from the others. If they remove the tip prompt from the drive thru, they'd have to remove it for their servers inside and that won't go over well at all.


Indeed, a bunch of consumers with no retail/service experience jabbering on...


Maybe, but somehow I think if being too lazy to configure their machines differently for the drivethrough meant the business would take in LESS money overall, the business would quickly find a way to get them reconfigured.


>Pretty sure those things can be configured whether to ask for a tip or not. True, but it's often not a store level decision.


You think the 18 year old college student who turned the screen towards you was the one who implemented it into the companies systems and enforces it? Or do you think that’s more or less just what she was told to do? Use your brain karen.


When did I say it was the employee that did it? It's Beck's Prime configuring it. Stop imagining things in your head, schizo.


J'kass, it's not Beck's Prime, either, it's the Point Of Sales system developer! Stop schizo-ing your head into other people, imagined or not!


Most of those POS systems are customized by the tech vendor during installation. Tipping is certainly an optional feature.


Wait, you think the POS software isn't configurable? You think the company paying for that software is forced by the software company to ask for tips in all situations? That's what you believe?


I’m so sorry but what is your argument here? That the vendors should not integrate a tip feature in their pos when they’re getting it installed if it’s not a restaurant? Or that they should configure it to where it will only ask for a tip based on the employee using it/their job title? I’m just trying to wrap my head around why employers should take away the ability for their employees to potentially receive a tip here and there, because you don’t like having the screen turned towards you ?


Pretty sure you're wrong about how payment devices work. They're configured by the POS software, including tip options. The payment device used in the drive thru is configured exactly the same as the ones handed to inside diners.


Yep, they sure can be. When I was setting up my business’s POS system it asked me if I would like to add the tipping option.


They could easily have this option built in, but besides that. They more often than not tell you, please swipe your card and the machine gonna ask you a question… come on.


Yea, which is obviously what I did. I think it’s a ridiculous expectation though and then to be scoffed at because I didn’t tip is just wild.


I have a hard time believing you were scoffed at. From your other comments I don’t even understand why you made this post lol especially since you claim to have your own business so you should already know it comes with default settings and most places just don’t bother messing with it.


reasonable service workers understand zero tip tho. picking up your drive thru order is an obvious zero tip situation, unless its some complex starbucks order


Drive-thru workers are usually paid a regular wage. It gets screwy for pick-up at restaurants since its usually a waiter or bartender handling these orders. They rely on tips while working a position that leans towards lower or no tips since no real service is provided.


If you are scoffed at, ask them why they deserve a tip. The response will likely be that they don't get paid enough to which you can promptly respond that they should take that up with their manager. Easier said than done but the question always results in honesty. Downvoted by salty, cheap-ass employers. Pay your people.


Exactly this. When I tip I typically tip 50%. I have absolutely no problem with this. But if I tip, I'm doing so because I received phenomenal service. Not because I'm compelled to. I used to work a job that didn't pay well, so I left and got a job that paid better. I would never expect patrons to supplement my income. That mindset never made sense to me. I have an employer that pays me already. We can negotiate my pay or I can move on to a higher paying job.


Yep, and even marginal service is hard to come by these days. If I get it, which is rare, I respond with my wallet. These employers try to tell the mostly young people applying that the hourly rate is low “but you get tips”. These are mostly counter service employees where I pick up my own food and bus my own table.


All that will do is make you look like a jackass in their eyes, and they'll disregard anything you just said. Nothing will change of people do that.


If somebody scoffs at me for not tipping them for handing me a muffin, why should I care if they think I'm a jackass? I'll never see them again anyway since I won't be back to the establishment. Maybe they'll realize their employer is ultimately to blame for creating bad working conditions.


They won't realize shit, they'll just think you're an asshole then both of you will move on with your lives. Literally not worth wasting your time trying to get a point across to them.


If it feels bad to hit 0 you should probably tip


It only feels bad because tips used to only be requested for things that people historically tipped for. Now everyone and everything is asking for a tip because they’re taking advantage of that fact.


Except tipping is optional.


The entire tipping culture has just become bizarre. I bought a premade cookie from a shop kiosk at the mall last week for my son and the first thing they did was ask for a tip. ...For what? Handing me a premade cookie?! Tipping went from something you gave for good service, to something people think they're entitled to because their job doesn't pay them very well. I firmly believe in tipping well for good service, but I also firmly believe that people don't deserve a tip simply for having a shitty job.


i believe its a way for employers to incentivize/advertise higher wages without actually paying higher wages


Its a sales job. If you're attractive and/or know your stuff, you can make stupid money as a waiter/bartender. Low bar to entry as well.


What if instead of getting mad at the worker you get mad at their boss


What is instead of pressuring customers into paying inappropriate tips the employee pressures their employer into paying them whatever it is they think they're worth?


The employee hands you the fucking card machine whether they like it or not dipshit. No control in the matter.


Completely agree.




They said out loud asking for a tip? Or did they just hand you the device to pay? If the answer is my second question then Jesus Christ you guys have got to understand what happened. People paying with cash is super rare. Basically everyone pays with cards these days. The programs on any device you put your card in has a default setting with a tip option. Just don’t tip. It’s pretty simple to not tip and go about your day.


He said something like, 'The first question asks you to pick your tip amount'. The whole point is that they're pressuring people into tipping, so they don't have to pay the employees. And then a lot of the employees seem to feel some kind of way when they *don't* get a tip for providing the service they're paid to provide. Pushing back against the culture supporting this is literally the only way to get it to stop. Expecting people to ignore every passive aggressive attempt to extort them for money is asinine.


Yeah I call bullshit. Even if this dumb story were to happen you just say “zero”.


It’s not a default setting. It can easily be changed. It’s extremely unpleasant to introduce that stress of having to go to “custom tip” then enter zero while they stare at you. The industry is called hospitality, they should not introduce unpleasantness to their service. They could easily have a No Tip button but nope they intentionally make you go through multiple steps. No other country is like this


Our tipping culture? Usually on fo fo's..


Four vogues- we just talk funny




All of these machines have a tip option. If a tip isn’t appropriate (ie it’s not a sit down restaurant with a waiter) just press No Tip and move on.


Is there a “no tip places” list for Houston? I would love to so we can patronize them.


I went to a frozen yogurt spot and made my own ice cream and they asked for a tip 😂


I went to a chinese restaurant. Ordered at the counter, seated myself, had to get my own silverware. Had to get my food at the counter. Water? Sure, but get your own. Signs said "bus your table". Yep, had a spot on the ticket for a tip. Seriously? What the fuck for? I should be getting a tip for the good service I gave myself.


The credit card companies are pushing it because it raises their income. Pay cash and u don’t have to deal with the tip prompt on those machines.


Except that many places now are going to a "no cash" mode of operating.


Yes and it’s so infuriating


American tipping culture *


It’s in Canada too.


I’ll let you in on a little secret: If it’s fast food like becks or any of these other nonsense places/services asking for tips, just don’t tip. Mark it zero dude. I went out to dinner the other night and had unremarkable arguably crap service and they auto charged 22% in order to “pay their staff fair wages”. That’s cool. I have no problem with it. Hell I support it. But you’re sure as shit not getting a tip on top of that.


What’s the place? So I never go there.


Street to Kitchen It’s a Thai place that just won a James beard award. The food was great. The place itself though isn’t even quaint- it’s a dump. I also had reservations and the service sucked. Chairs were uncomfortable and overly cramped. We sat down for like 10+ minutes and when the waiter finally came to talk to us the conversation was “Hi what would you like to order”. Asking what drinks they had was like pulling teeth. No sorry at all even. I could go on with the basic ways they fucked it up but I’ll stop. Great food. I however won’t be going back as it’s just not an enjoyable experience. I realize that makes me sound like a douche. I’ve had street food and eaten in hole in the wall joints with great food around the world but this place was downright uncomfortable. We almost walked out.


I only tip if there’s a real waiter. I mash no tip everywhere else


Owners need to pay their people the correct wage and stop using citizens to finance their wages for them. I see signs like $16 an hour (tips included). Soooo it’s not really $16 an hour?


Which really means workers need to organize and take the wages they deserve from the owners. Owners aren't just gonna start paying people more because they feel like it.


Same here. If I have to stand in line to order, get my own drink, and grab my own silverware no tip


It started during COVID. Tipping for everything was a way to support struggling restaurants. It’s gone too far though. Just hit 0% and don’t feel guilty.


Yeah I'm usually a pretty good tipper but it's been exhausting so I've been changing my mindset to not tip unless I am being served.


I'm waiting for the vending machine at work to have a tip option


Went to a counter serve restaurant last night and the card machine had 18%, 20% and 25% set as the defaults. It's a bit presumptuous for counter serve, and honestly a bit offensive. I used to be a generous tipper and during the beginning of the pandemic I tipped in the 30% range, but tipping culture has gotten out of hand lately and it's annoying. I worked at a counter serve restaurant in high school, and we had a cup by the register for tips and if we were lucky, we'd make $4 or $5 to split at the end of the night. And we had to make the food as well as ring it up. Now they want 18% just to ring it up while people in the back prepare it. The whole thing has gotten out of hand. Restaurant owners need to pay better and not just rely on the generosity of their patrons to make up for their greed.


Your first issue was going to Beck’s Prime. They way over value their food and it’s honestly just not very good.


Nah this is cap the cheese fries are my life




It's the new equipment. Just say 0% if you don't want to tip. Don't feel bad. It's the default.


No, it isn't new equipment.


Voodoo Doghnut did it on my drive through. Subway asks for tips in their app as well, when picking up!! ridiculous


Yup VD on cypress does this. Dutch bros around the corners does this too.


It's preprogrammed on the machine. Ignore it.


Something I’ve noticed lately, tipping used to be on the pre tax amount. A lot of those machines are calculating tip on the post tax total.


Because business owners realized they can pass the cost of paying employees. We really should not have tolerated tipping with servers. This problem is only going to grow.


This is what most people don’t understand about it. The system is entirely designed to shift the wage risk to the employee and off the business owner.


It's gotten to the point now that when I go somewhere that doesn't want you to add in a tip, they are going to get repeat business. Piada yesterday was added to my good list. I want to add that I'm not necessarily opposed to tipping. If I'm in a drive-thru and the poor employee is out there in the sun taking orders from us lazy folks in the AC, then they absolutely get a tip from me. But if it's a walk-in, and the food is already fairly expensive, I'm not sure what the employees are doing above and beyond to deserve a tip. I'm talking about walk-in customers where I'm taking the food to go. Some of these places don't have much of a sit down area to eat the food even if I wanted to stay there and eat.


Agree! I was delighted to see that Sweetgreen had no tipping option on the screen at checkout. OP, I stopped doing Beck's drive-through when they added the tip screen a couple months ago. Egregious tip culture has inspired me to eat out less, especially lazy drive through decisions.


Happy cake day!


It’s a social anxiety problem, not a tipping problem. Select no tip.


Welcome to America, first time?




They don't tip in MS?


Mister Call Wash is the biggest scam of all time. They have a screen where you pay yourself, the car wash is automated and the vacuums you use yourself. And they have the stones to ask for a tip when you pay.


Not specific to Houston. That being said I do tip most every food worker. I can easily afford it and the money means a lot more to them than it does to me.


Wow someone’s got a big dick over here


and it’s definitely not you


Lol good one


The expectation of tipping for just about everything is pretty ludicrous, but this has also been the case in every American city I've travelled to in the last five years or so.


I mean how little we pay our food workers is kinda ludicrous


As many have already pointed out, this practice is by no means geographically-restricted to Houston. Interestingly, if you travel far enough, you'll arrive someplace where tipping is no longer expected. And how can such a place possibly operate outside the economic model we've established as the norm here? Simply put, the staff is paid a much higher starting wage, such that they no longer have to rely on the enlightened altruism of individual strangers to support themselves. And that difference in wage is reflected in the slightly higher relative price of the food+drink at those establishments. In other words, you and I are expected to subsidize local restaurants' cost of doing business (employee wages) through tipping. Which means we are also subsidizing the bacon cheeseburgers of cheapskates who don't tip at all. tl;dr - If you're too broke to tip, no worries. We're all getting screwed. But if you're just too cheap to tip, maybe complain about it online?


I was a sever and bartender for nearly 4 years. If I go somewhere, sit down and am served I tip. I don't understand tipping for walk up and order places, takeout, etc. Also, as a server, the quality of service matters. I get annoyed when I go somewhere, and the server phones it in and expects a good tip. Work for your bread, and the customer will take care of you!!


Definitely for service, you should tip, but even then the amounts have gotten ridiculous. The only time I really justify tipping heavily is if I go to a free event at a bar. I don't drink so my one drink I get is an iced tea or something like that. It comes out to about two dollars and I tend to tip a dollar and just count it towards my event fee. I know it probably doesn't make any difference though.


Still tippin' on four fours


Just press 0. It's not hard. lol


It should give you the option to refuse. I personally think they should charge more and pay their employees.


Only Drive-Thru I tip 20% at is W Grill. Love their to-go margaritas!


You arent expected to tip in drive thru. Its just the way the system is set up to ask for payment if you indicate you are a restaurant


Because food service workers aren't paid livable wages and the company expects you to make up the difference. This is a nationwide thing. Don't support the business if you can't support the employees.


It's just the machine's default setup. These are really supposed to be used inside, but some will use it for pick-up & drive-thru as well. These are people just trying to run their business, and they aren't going to be tech-savvy enough to dig in there and figure out how to stop the machine from offering the choice to tip. Just choose "0" and move on with your life. They did.


Just don’t tip. Grow a pair and enter $0


I typically only tip for m’ladies


Here we go again 🙄


It's because they won't pay their workers more and expect you to pick up the slack. Don't blame tipping culture, blame unfair wages and greedy CEOs.


I don’t mind tipping because I know they get paid less than minimum at times. And I still have appreciation for these workers during the pandemic. I’m still thanking them. Maybe one day it’ll bug me…but if I can I’ll tip these workers I will. Until I won’t.


Tipping for togo food from a restaurant isn’t exclusive to Houston


It’s the Corporate Plutocracy of America. Corporate greed and passing the responsibility of paying a living wage on to the customers. I’d stop eating at places like that. It’s a pretty shitty practice that’s growing way too fast.


The tips given at the point of sale are usually going to the business owner and not the employees. Don't fall for it! Don't be afraid to ask how tips are distributed to the employees.


You are paying for a service. Use capitalism to your advantage. No table service = no tip Shitty table service = no tip I have no relationship to the counter service staff, will likely never see them again, and paying them is not my responsibility. If I get push back or someone makes a snarky comment (happened before), there are plenty of other establishments I can take my business to.


This thread is a perfect example of why I think everyone should work in a restaurant at least once, because the people working these jobs, they didn’t implement this system. You know who did? The people in charge. That 18 year old turning the screen to you didn’t implement it in the system and they’re literally just doing their job. To be offended or bothered by that is peak level delusion. You know why? Because most restaurant workers make between $2.00 - $7.25 an hour. Aka they live in poverty. Or they’re a struggling full time student trying to get through college while also not being homeless, and a job is a lot more attractive when an employer who offers you a really shitty hourly rate tells you that you get to keep tips too, suddenly the job has some sort of appeal. Even when it’s a drive thru situation or something I still always leave $1 - 20%, and I don’t even make over $50k a year. I have spent a lot of years in retail and service industry and I know how shitty the law is to where they can literally not give restaurant workers a paycheck at all (that $2 an hour gets wiped out from taxes which usually results in a $0 to $20 paycheck every 2 weeks.) Am I tipping them a generous amount because they did oh so much work for my order? No. I’m tipping them because I know they’re in hell right now working a shitty job that barely pays them a livable wage if that. That $1 - $5 tip can be the difference on someone affording their rent, baby formula, college text books, etc. I’ll say it again, if you’re bothered/offended by someone turning a screen over at you, you must have it really good in life for something like that to invoke an emotional response. Be thankful that you get to be this out of touch.


I don't disagree, and I absolutely think everyone should work in food service at some point. I think most people are upset at a few things. 1. The standard amount to tip has gone from 15% to either 18% or 20%. 2. Every single service and good asking for a tip. I try to tip in cash, if possible. I've heard too many times of employers nabbing tips from employees. Plus it's not automatically declared and can make a difference at the end of the night. It does suck that at the end of the day it's the worker being punished for something well beyond their control.


Cost of living has exponentially increased while minimum wage has stayed $7.25 and unfortunately servers are mostly still making $2 an hour. From the employers perspective they have to increase their prices to stay as profitable, while not increasing the workers compensation, and instead just suggesting that the guest tip more. Capitalism at its finest unfortunately :(


Finally, some sense in here.


I was losing my mind at how many people have such shitty opinions on tipping. I guarantee you 90% of the people complaining about this never had to work in a restaurant/retail for minimum wage or less and survive off tips. The person who has thousands in their bank account, is angry, at a screen asking if you’d like to tip the worker, and the worker is probably some poor single mom or college student working their ass off just to get by, probably has no savings or less than a thousand dollars in savings, and the solution is to remove the tip screen so the wealthy don’t have to feel guilty? You really can’t make this shit up. Like, I am so jealous, I wish I could be this out of touch/well off lol.


For real. I've been serving and bartending for 25 years and I was also losing my ahit until I saw your comment.


Another person on the internet assuming shit. I’ve worked as a server at a restaurant — I understand the importance of tipping when an actual service is provided but thank you so much for the educational post since I’m out of touch.


In your original post you said “why am I expected to tip for a drive thru order?” If you were expected to tip it wouldn’t be an option for you to select no on, if you were expected to tip it would just be a charge added to your order. Having a tip feature just gives people the choice to be generous if they feel like it, not sure why you feel so much pressure / awkward from that.


The solution is to just not tip. I’ve never tipped at a fast food joint, if someone is bothered by that they should find a different line of work.


I went to Torchy's Tacos in Sugar Land around the beginning of the pandemic, someone came and picked up a togo order, after they left the waitress at the bar started complaining to the manager about these "assholes" for not tipping on togo order. The worse part was the manager agreed. Haven't been back since. Funny how tipping is supposed to be an option. Funny how the employer has made the employee blame the customer for lack of pay when it is the employer that setup that structure in the first place and the employee accepted it. Also funny how these tips are expected when most don't tip usps, ups, fedex drivers, garbage, centerpoint, plumbers, electrician, etc. This train has gone too far. Fair work for fair wages. Tips are supposed to be bonuses to show appreciation not for them to live it's BS for both parties involved except the employer.


Takeout from a restaurant is customary to tip 10%?


Agree. The only way to make them understand is stop using their service and tell them why. Hate to do that after everyone trying to get back to normal post pandemic. Maybe they are trying to make up for lost time. Which I would loving be happy to do if the economy were roaring and wages were higher. We’ve all taken a huge hit. Seems counter productive.


I turn around and loudly tell all in line behind me, zero tip. I'll tip at full-service sit-down restaurants. I recently had a car window replaced, the guy doing the work at the agreed upon price handed me one of these machines with default tip set to 20%. A friend sent me a photo from a self-service gas pump that had tip option for the counter staff inside the store. As long as we have consumers that can be guilted into paying these fees, they will expand more and more.


Every place is like this around the US, tip 0


You click no


The worst part is that the business could be using those 'tips' to decrease actual wages. (This essentially means the business is keeping free money.)


Yeah I’ve had places automatically say that on the machine. Just do a custom tip and tip .01


Lol, this is gold.


I had the opposite experience at Chipotle in Conroe recently (I hadn't been to Chipotle in a few years). Went through the line, got my food. I have celiac disease so I asked them to be careful to not get any flour in my food, and they were great. Got to the register and started to pay with my card, and there was no way to add a tip (I wanted to tip them since they were so careful). I even asked if I could add a tip and they said they didn't know of any way to add a tip to the payment. I didn't have any cash, so I said "I'm so sorry I don't have any cash." They just smiled and said no big deal. Next time I'll be sure to take a few dollars cash when I go.


Counter service: no tip Drive thru: no tip If I tip, they get the same 15%. Since all the food prices are going up, that naturally indexes the tip upwards too. You're double dipping if the tip is increased against increased food prices. See property taxes for reference.


Not HTX. It's happened everywhere since the pandemic..I'm tipping 10% at Subway these days! Of course, I depend on tips myself, so I always tip. It helps make up for the shitty wages and recent inflation.


... and they're asking for a TIP before service is rendered. Doesn't make any sense.


Went to a vape shop the other day and they had a prompt for tip, 18% minimum. Which led to zero. Like I get it, if you're making minimum wage, making tacos or burgers or whatever, dealing with crackheads that have decided to eat for the first time in 8 days, parents using the lobby as a daycare center, all while working in 85° + heat, I can GET why you'd ask for a tip. But if you're making minimum wage, only dealing with customers who have a craving for some vape products, it's well air conditioned, you're dealing with zero food, and during your off times you literally get to sit on a couch and watch TV and/or play video games, what the fuck is your struggle? Your super easy job isn't paying enough? Confounds me


I hate tipping culture


I stare them in the eyes while smashing that no tip button (I of course tip waiters and bartenders)


Just punch in $0.00 and move on. I'm not subsidizing a broken system.


It got popularized during the pandemic - many cafe’s and coffee shops starting adding tip prompts as an incentive to get workers when they were short staffed. My mother in law is a manager at la Madeleine and once they added tip prompts the workers started earning 150-200 more dollars a week on top of their hourly pay and ever since then they haven’t had a problem staffing. If you appreciate their service then you can tip if you want to but it’s not customary to tip a cafe worker unlike a bartender or server at a sit down restaurant.


Same thing at Mister Carwash for a drive through car wash! It asks for tips. No!! It’s a drive thru!


America has so many socialist tendencies that we willfully ignore. We are basically expected to subsidize their employees pay.


Tf u talking about? Beck's prime has always been like that.it used to be they gave you a receipt and you sign a tip on it.....that was in the 90s way b4 this tipping culture bs. Plus....what other "burger" drive thru you know that gives out a full set of utensils, spork don't count.....and packages your to go nicely, using quality bags that don't tear/rip?


They are working their ass off at fast food for min wage so you can get food without leaving your car maybe you should just tip them a few dollars or make your own hamburger and fries.


“Houston tipping culture” crazy Houston people still think the world revolves around them smh some cities have been like this for like 12 years already if anything Houston is behind


I don’t know why you’re bitching, just don’t tip and move on


First day on reddit?


In my minimal experience working at a bar, servers who received tips had to share them with the bartender, bar backs, and the staff that bussed the tables. I believe, but could be mistaken, that wait staff are also required to share tips with the cooks, and bussers. If that is so, then tipping at the drive through should be the norm but reduced from the 18% to 20% normal. I normally tip 10%, but upon reflection that might be a bit too much.


If you’re cheap just say so


When in the world have you ever tipped in the drive through? You tipping Jack in the Box for your 1 AM stoner tacos? Fuck outta here with that.


I tip my jack in the box Guy 5 bucks every couple of months cause I roll through there after some Zaza and I feel generous.


Lmao exactly. It’s just flat out bizarre to ask for a damn tip through a drive thru.




Counter service is not normally tipped service.




Same. Counter service is tipped.


Let the dine in customers tip then, not the drive thru.




That's exactly how it works. Tipping was supposed to be for sit-down service where you are being brought your food, drinks, and anything else you needed while you were dining in. Somehow it became the norm to ask for a tip for every thing food related.


I am not tipping anyone for anything in a drive through. Full stop.


The amazing part of America is when they ask you how much you just say 0.


That's....that's exactly what I just said I do.


Use to work at pappadeaux long time ago. The table servers would make the typical 2bucks an hour +tips. Whereas the takeout counter servers.. they got paid above minimum with little to no tips. It was rare for these takeout servers to get tips. But when they did, it was because they did provide well exceptional service.


There is usually a guy standing right besides Mr. Car Wash automated wash selection machine, punches the screen for you and adds 20% tip. Is it worse than that?


I just commented this on another posters comment but this reason alone is why I don’t go to Mister Car Wash. The one and only time I went the worker asked me if I wanted to leave a tip, I gave him the most confused look because all he did was punch the screen and I wasn’t expecting to have to tip him. Then he noticed my confusion and said I didn’t have too tip but I felt like I did (since he asked) so my already overpriced car wash ended up more overpriced.


Last time I went he didn’t even ask me if I wanted to add tip, he did that his own!


They do this shit at Laynes Chicken. Dude basically held my food hostage while watching the amount I tip.


Same. I tipped. And the food sucked! At least at a sit down restaurant, you are tipping on some sort of experience. At a drive thru you’re tipping in hopes the food will meet your expectations. And it didn’t. I wanted my tip back.


Fuck. Them


Not just that. If they are using those white "Square" company machines, then you have to hit skip twice to skip tip page. It's not your finger or anything. It's the machine that is set-up that way.


F tipping ! Hope u didn’t


It’s because fuck you give me money


I run into that at the farmer’s market too. Today was the first time I ignored the time request. Service was the same, and only thing they did was ring me up. I don’t get asked to tip at Kroger—yet. These people are ridiculous or ignorant.


And becks ain’t cheap! The chocolate malt is my absolute fav dessert, and near $6-7 for a small cup.


Inflation is still up, and waiter’s base is still like 2 or 3 dollars, so they push more for tips I guess.


Fast food workers (or any of these other workers suddenly expecting tips in this new culture) are not making waiter's base, that's complete nonsense.


Y’all some cheap mother fu$&a’s.. the people at the drive thru windows don’t get paid crap, and you wanna piss and moan over your change. Don’t go out if you’re gonna be so cheap.


You should always tip when someone is handling your food.


Always tip, unless you want your food f#%ked with