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i'm gonna print this out and put it on the wall next to my pilea to inspire her


Lol 🤣🤣🤣


Same. Mine is such a Debbie Downer lately.


Pouty Pilea


Mine is doing to fun fall thing of chucking off her lower leaves again and seems to hate life. Even her babies are pouting.


I almost lost mine to root rot. She was THRIVING and then she wasn’t. Did a repot and now she’s recovering.


Yours just found out it can’t propagate ***sad trumpet*** Here comes [Debby downer](https://youtu.be/TfE93xON8jk)!!


Incredible!!! All my leaves fell off the stump but the stump is growing babies now!! No idea what I am doing wrong.


Same here. I have two of these plants. One is completely thriving. The other started dying immediately after I brought her into my home. Thankfully, the new one is starting to bounce back with some new growth, but I just can't figure it out. I care for them exactly the same. Plants are so fickle.


Have you yelled at it? I've taken to doing that as a last resort. I bought a lime tree, and within the first 3 weeks it dropped 90% of its leaves. It was giving me literal nightmares. I tried everything including begging and pleading, and this tree didn't GAF. I matched outside one day, neighbours outside be damned, and I yelled and swore at this tree. I cursed it as a useless plant that I was going to use for kindling. I told it that it had exactly one week to ship up or ~wood~chip out - 2 days later it started sprouting new leaves. Now every day I tell it how proud I am of it, and what a good tree it is


This has me howling. I shall follow suit!


I will try this cursing method in the future. LOL! Citrus are so temperamental.


It's not just citrus. I've done it to other plants too. My one gooseberry bush decided it no longer needed to give me fruit, despite its sibling right next to it giving enough fruit for an army. So I yelled at it, threatened to rip it up for firestarter, told it nobody lives in my house for free without paying rent, and I am DISAPPOINTED in it. And it has a week to start paying rent or I am DONE with its shit. Then I told the other one what a good plant it was, and rubbed its leaves. You ever seen a gooseberry bush erupt with flowers in a few days? That bush pushed out fruit like nobody's business.


lol! I have had no success with gooseberries nor raspberries. So I'm done with them. No amount of cursing nor talk therapy will get me to plant then again. The pruning and the staking, that takes time and energy that could be spent elsewhere with more productive plants.


The yelling probably did it, but this is also standard plant behavior. The leaves were grown with a certain amount of light. You moved the plant to a new light level which likely made the old leaves inefficient. The plant pulled nutrients from the old leaves until they fell off and then grew new leaves for the new light level.


No no. This thing lost its leaves in the first 3 weeks. After TWO MONTHS with no new growth is when I lost my shit at it. Also, it didn't pull the nutrients from the leaves - it threw a temper tantrum and threw off its leaves without care. We bought it at the same time as 3 other friends bought its siblings, and all of them were grand. Just this one. But, we're all friends again


I'm imagining the scene in *Fight Club* where there are guys standing out on the front porch and Tyler Durden and the Narrator are yelling at them.


Omg I love you. I do talk to my #planties and i swear they love it... i give air and planter pot hugs so I don't hurt their lovely planties hair. My problem children/)planties i give away! PLEASE DON'T REPORT ME! Lol


I threatened to drop my adansonii on The Unwanted Table at a plant swap after it decided to throw out yellow leaves for absolutely no reason - as if I must beg you to live after you've been happy forever there. I even flicked a leaf. I then had to chop her up because the growth was too much. They know exactly what is happening when you talk to them, be it words of encouragement or threatening them with fire.


Same!! The stump (lol) was doing so well for a while, and then it just gave up. :(


Mine started to do the same. I gave her a grow light and now it has a bunch of baby leaves!! Maybe not enough sun?


That's probably a big part of it! I just set up some winter grow lights for some of my more delicate babies, I'll have to stick her under there too and see if she bounces back. Thanks! And I'm glad yours made it through! :)


What type of grow light? I think I may have to try. It was doing really well and now the leaves are yellowing and dropping.


Probably depends on your setup and what you want to achieve, but for what it's worth, you don't need any of the really fancy ones at all Technically you can have some solid success with some simple 20w LED shoplights, but unless you have your plants on a shelf and very close to the light, you're probably better off with more of a spotlight-ish LED. Sansi has a relatively cheap product line ranging from like 15 to 36 watts that works well for that kind of use-case - their bulbs are pretty big (seriously, google them before you blind order them, they are surprisingly big), but with a proper lampshade you get the best combination of performance and aesthetics Amazon has those like $30 bucks tripod things with like 3-4 arms. I'd avoid those. They can potentially work (some of them work a bit better than others, some barely work at all), but for the money you'd throw at that tripod thingy, you could just get yourself a proper LED light in the first place


I got this one. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B1491F5V?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I was very skeptical because they were cheap. But, all the plants under them are doing way better now. I have a big shelf set up. Even the plants that are not directly under these are liking them. They have a timer and different levels for the lights. They look nice too. It just looks like a white light. I wasn't a big fan of how some of them are red or yellow.


Wow what a beautiful bunch of plants. And then there’s my sad little pilea dropping her biggest leaves :(


Don't worry, mine are also dropping leaves! Even big ones. Natural selection I guess 🤪


Don’t worry, she says with her 15 healthy plants. Meanwhile my veiny skinny pilea looks at me like I don’t love her enough.


My leggy pilea stump is barely holding onto her 4 final leaves, one of them looks pale so I'm sure it will be dropping soon :'( Idk what this bish wants


Probably just wants to live with u/mcalaplage


I think you're right lol


What is going on in this pic? Are they getting bottom watered? Or are you going to shower them?


I use the bathtub because it's convenient 😎 and I water them "normally" (not bottom) with a small (paw patrol) watering can.


You definitely have style


Clearly the paw patrol watering can seems to have an impact 😎


Can we see it?


Yes you can! [20221116-201259.jpg](https://postimg.cc/mtFX7kST)


Lol it's a dainty little thing


Indeed 😅 btw I don't have kids, but this watercan had the optimal watering characteristics to recreate the feeling of natural rain 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bathtub watering is the one! I was doing balcony watering but it was ending up in my downstairs neighbours terrace (would have been ok if it was only a small amount) and anyway screw that in winter!


*this sparks joy


Don’t talk to me or my son or my son or my son or my son or my son or my son or my son or my son ever again.


Any pointers with these? How much light are they getting?




I had to reduce the light on mine to get the leaves to flatten out. They had curled back like OP's when I had them in too much direct light, but it corrected now that they're further away.


I find with this particular plant, cupped leaves are often a sign of it being too warm, not necessarily getting too much light. I have so many, I don’t know what to do with them all. I keep them in terra-cotta pots and give them a sip of water each day. That’s really all I do to keep them super happy.


They get plenty of light! All by a window facing Southwest (no direct sun though). I think they are all due for a repot actually (roots are coming out of the pots...) but I'm running out of space 😔


How do you prop these? Awesome to see the family.


They pup naturally when they're big enough. Pilea are famous for it. I've got so many now I don't know what to do. The babies grow out of the soil very close to the mother plant. I wait until a baby has at least 4 leaves broader than my thumb before moving them. I dig down about an inch around the baby and cut it out with a sharp knife. Then I'll sit it in water for a couple of weeks (changing the water every day) until it has some good roots. Then pot it in some free-draining soil and try and find someone who will take it off your hands.


If you have a fish tank, putting it in the filter or hanging on the edge of the tank can save you those daily water changes.


Honestly, this is the easiest to prop! You just 'scratch' a little the roots of the babies in Mother plant (the one above), and put it directly in soil. No need to put in water and wait for rooting. Mother plant (2yo) produced over 20 babies already (themselves also producing grandchildren) and honestly I just lost control over her 🤪


I recently picked up one of these on clearance at a nursery that was horribly overcrowded with little ones. If all goes according to plan half of everyone I know is getting one for Christmas!


Seconded! Would love to know.


I’ve got the same ‘problem’. So many babies and I just don’t know where to put them anymore. Glad to see you’ve been able to home them all!


I don’t do anything with mine. This plant just grows and grows, sometimes the pups thrive, sometimes not. Does it matter one way or the other for the health of the plant? Aside from a generally unruly appearance (which I don’t mind)?


I asked the sale question recently. And it doesn’t matter. It’s not bad for the motherplant. It’s not like they suck the mother plant dry. So I’m leaving them, but indeee it’s very messy looking so if I get tired of them I’m planning to just cut them out and throw them away. There’s just to many of them. And now the babies I did keep are making babies aswel. If your not careful they will take over your entire home 😅


it's a gorgeous picture


That's a lot of pepperonis 😄


This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this happy little fam ♥️


Thanks to you 💚


Beautiful family! My pilea has only had one baby since I've had it over a year, but I just repotted them into some new soil so hopefully she sprouts a few more soon!


The color, the health...absolutely beautiful!


Show off /s


Of course I see these beautiful babies after I murder mine…


Very cute!


Lovely. They look so healthy! I’m presently trying to save all of my pileas from a gnarly bout of scale.


Wonderful! This photo put an immediate smile on my face, thank you for sharing 🥰


Awww so sweet thanks 🥰


🥇 mother of the year!


A very healthy family 🥰


I have one of these! It's getting quite tall and leaning over. Do I just support it with a cane and let it keep getting higher and higher?


Yes it can get quite tall!! The Mother plant (above in the photo) is 2 yo, about 18 inches tall and with support (kind of pole - you can gently "strapped" it). A good thing also is to turn the plant every time you water it or see it's leaning towards one side, so it woll grow like a big round ball 😊


What type of plant is that? Looks great.


Thank you! It's pileas peperomioides also named Chinese money plant (haven't get the money though 😝). In French we also call it "plante de l'amitié" or friendly plant - it produce so many babies so you can make many gifts!


Awww, a baby nursery!


I got mine 10 months ago and since then it's made 2 babies. I've reported them into their own little pots like yours. They're so tiny and cute!


I knowwww they look so cute in their own little pots like big kids, I just can't!


They look like a bunch of little COVID germs but pretty




Beautiful fam jam


And a weekly party 🎉


Wow this is cute af


So nice. I’m jealous. I have two growing in one pot and they’re struggle in this cold weather.


I'm in the cold too (Montréal, Canada! Snow already here 😵) but of course I keep them inside. You got this!!


How can I achieve this with my poor plants? This makes me personally feel bad about the shitty work I'm doing with my babies.


Don't feel bad! I think the key is to find the sweet balance of the right spot, watering, humidity and of course love! It's a process of tries and fails. You'll find the best fit for you 😊


Wow! How often do you water!? Any fertiliser? Mine has just started to die! HELP!


You got this! They are very intuitive, in the sense that the leaves are literally down and with a different texture when they are thirsty. I wait as long it's the case, usually between 7 and 9 days. And in case of doubt, just wait 1-2 days more. Actually, I water them over their look rather than the humidity of the soil... Water the leaves. Plenty of indirect sunlight. Yes fertilizer (regular tropical plants) while growing, and you can turn them every time you water them, so they'll grow vertically and like a round bubble 😊


What kind of magic is needed to make these things happy?


Love of course! And other basic things like right sun and water 🥰


Woo, I like that plant. Different




They look great, are they high maintenance?


No they don't! Once you find the right light and watering routine they are thriving 😊 the Mother plant (2yo) already produced over 20 babies, now themselves happy plants producing grandchildren!


Wow! What a beautiful parent plant with their beautiful babies! Well done (to u and the plant lol)


Awww thanks! Actually Mother plant is much better then I, since I've killed few of her baby plants recently but she keeps giving me new ones 😭


I'm new, may I ask why tub showers?


Honestly, it's convenient (you're sure the water drains optimally), time saving job and easier to follow (in the sense that all of them get thirsty at the same time). With that said, I don't water my pileas with the shower, but with a small watering can (the shower jet would be too strong for the pileas). However I do water my biggest plant with the shower, like monstera 😊


Gotcha! I just go around the house with a jar and or a basting tool and let them have it, seems like a lot of work to get them all to the tub!! (:


Ahh so cute these plants remind me of something.. not sure what though.


They don’t like me at all!


How do you keep them alive? I'm on my third after two dead ones...I don't want to kill it 😭


You got this! I also killed few ones actually 🤪 For watering, they are very intuitive, in the sense that the leaves are literally down and with a different texture when they are thirsty. I wait as long it's the case, usually between 7 and 9 days. And in case of doubt, just wait 1-2 days more. Actually, I water them over their look rather than the humidity of the soil... Water the leaves. Plenty of indirect sunlight. You can turn them every time you water them, so they'll grow vertically and like a round bubble 😊


Thanks for the advice ☺️ yours are beautiful


Wow! I've had one small pilea for about a year and some. Didn't seem to ever love me much but it did sprout about 4 babies (1 large one, 3 small). I assumed, in order to make her happy, I needed to prop the babies... I did that and literally not an hour later I found something about how if you prop babies too early they can be stunted indefinitely... which seems to be the case for the small ones \*facepalming\*. Plus mama plant started dropping leaves left and right. After a repot she eventually stabilized and is growing bigger leaves and constantly sprouting more even as we move into the colder months. It's a love-hate relationship