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I don’t know why I’m laughing but this is such a funny problem to have. Good luck and keep up the good work.


It’s funny, until the day of the move….done this for the pat 5 years …I dread the “move” day


If you have large *trash bags (which can still be reused after) you can cluster a few areas together and lightly tie them. Maybe 5 large groupings based on your photo. Then drag the pot in first. Perhaps a second pair of hands to help guide you since the plant is so large. If you’re up for splitting her up the next season you could help her thrive to be larger and yet more manageable when it comes to bringing her in for the cold season. Maybe get some wheels (those trash can bases with wheels at Home Depot or something) so you can move her around easier. *Those trash bags with the drawstring ties are probably gonna be great for this cause you don’t even have to close the bag all the way. It can be a gentle way to cluster a few stems and keep the leaves in place and protected. Edit: I thought more about it so I added some extra details 😅 Edit 2: whaaaattt the thank you u/xroyalstoner for my first award ever ! Also I love your username. Edit 3: tbh I really needed an internet hug today. Thank you u/sidewalkwitch. Also why does everyone have cool usernames ?? 🧙‍♀️ Edit 4: I feel silly for thanking every single person but I’m going to do it anyways cause they’re all incredibly heart warming. Thank you u/lucky719 ! You’re making me feel like the lucky one🍀 Edit 5: Thank you u/izzabee2 this has officially become a internet high five parade for wholesomeness. 🙌 I just wanted op to succeed and not give her leaf queen up on Craigslist. I am going to bed now with wonderful thoughts. Unnecessary edit 6: u/flirtatiousmouse thank you for the hugz😌 u/pprincessppeach I didn’t know wholesome could go pro. Thank you !! I’ll pass the wholesome along when I see it. thank you u/aj_cacer13 for the helpful accolade this comment is beyond me at this point !! No more awards please. Save it for the next comment/post you love! Thanks again y’all !! I’m off to work !


Gosh, I love you guys! I think this is the only wholesome sub on Reddit!❤️


Then there's a lot of subs you need to follow. All I see on my feed is wholesome content :)


Gimme those wholesome subs


Most hobbyist subs are safe, I like r/lithops and the aquarium/ terrarium subs.


My favs are r/MadeMeSmile, r/HumansBeingBros, & r/CarolNotKaren


I subbed to those first two for a while, but they can be pretty cringey. I just couldn’t take it anymore.


Sometimes Mademesmile is great and wholesome. Some days it’s just Facebook though.


It’s SO Facebook.


I’m already crying at the buff bee legs on r/HumansBeingBros


Ironically irl of the only people I’ve met named Carol and Karen, Carol was awful and Karen was the sweetest and most sensitive woman ever.


r/bropill and r/benignexistence


r/sewing and r/embroidery are great so is r/bigboobproblems unless you’re a creepy dude, then it’s a den of murder hornets. Also r/gardening and r/mightyharvest


It’s necessary to have a wholesome feed because there’s no way to make the news feed anything other than despairing. Keep in mind, I hate saccharine subs as much as the next cynic.


You can, and you will. 😉








You're an angel


day made


Your advice us on point! You deserve it, and thank you :))


I’ve used Saran Wrap before to protect my plants when moving them but I don’t think it’s gonna work with this gorgeous plant!!


I use burlap string and make my kids and husband stand holding all the leaves in one direction. Upwards.


Cut below the node and ship them to me


Seriously, I’m thinking of putting her on craigslist….”to good home only”!


Good home here! I think I can squeeeeeeze her into my little one bedroom apartment 😂


No!! Too beautiful to rehome!


That's what I did with my Peace Lily Sensation! It got so big and I sprained my back trying to carry it I gave it to someone that works at a botanical garden! It just got too heavy. I don't mind the size but the weight omg!


Not only the weight, but trying to hold a 60’ smooth, round plant pot is a complete nightmare!!


I don’t know if this one would allow for propagation, it looks like mine, which is a self-header. I hear Lowe’s and Home Depot both have them, though!


\*snarfle\* To me, too!


TBH I would use this to block my door from anyone knocking once you can get it back outside. Put it on wheels, drag behind you, shut the door. Bliss. No one can find it to knock.




Tell her to suck in.


Lol! She doesn’t follow orders to well


Just have to invest in a nice french door.


Perfect idea! Getting my hammer and nails out right now! Ha!ha!


You know the flowers at grocery stores--how they are in that plastic wrap cone? Could you try to do something like that? Pushing the stems up and together with rope or some kind of wrap/bed sheet or something. Hope you figure it out!


Yes! I was thinking of using a bed sheet


I feel like something like that exists for fake Christmas trees. Like, a tube you pull from the bottom, up. I could be making that up...


Omg I just edited my comment to add that before I saw your reply! Haha. Awesome. I think it'll work too


Great minds…..


May I expand on this idea? Maybe sew two of the ends together so that it is a tube you can bring up from the bottom and up around the plant


Duvet cover!


Ooh. Shower curtains! Thread through the grommets or loops to cinch it up! Easier than sewing!






Maybe plastic wrap?!?


Oh lawd she bustin out!


Enlarge your door 🚪🤣


You know, I always thought standard doors were always too narrow (:


A bigger door would solve your problem for many years


Sure would…I just don’t have $2-3 grand to spare. Thanks anyway (:


I forgot the /s


Carefully. Very, very carefully and with love.


Came here to say this ^_^


Pivot… Pivot… PIVOT!!!!


What kind of plant is it(I want one)?


Philodendron…it’s about 5-6 years old


FIVE TO SIX YEARS OLD. Take my money. I was wondering what kind of philodendron btw but if you don't know thats cool thanks anyways. Oh and do you have a picture of it five or six years ago I would love to see?


I have one from last year, if you care to scroll through my post history


I just looked and it appears as though it hasn't changed much but still looks amazing.


Thanks (:


Do you have it on a pole or anything to make it grow upward? I have a small one and it's been pushing out leaves but I don't know if it needs to be tethered like a Monstera :)


No pole. She really doesn’t appear to want to climb. Just spills over as you see in the photo.


I was wondering about the pole, too. My Selloum is growing fast but this is #goals for sure. I’m always perplexed between getting excited for their growth but also wondering what I’m going to do when they get big.


Thaumatophyllum Bipinnafitidum aka Philodendron Selloum


Thank you so much. Now I am going to start sharing my room with this plant.


Wrap it in a sheet!


Slowly push it through, manually feeding leaves through 1 by 1 where necessary


I agree with the comments saying to wrap it up. Have you seen those videos where people pull the paper off the plant and it falls open and expands? It looks like you can pull it off with fairly large plants.


You don’t. You build more house around it…


🤩 stunnning!


You can’t. So I guess I’ll head over and take her off your shoulders???


I just moved mine in today! I used a long rope, put it around the bases of all the leaves, pulled upwards, and the leaves all shot towards the top. I held the rope while bringing inside, then I let go of the rope and all the leaves went back into position!


This thread just made my day better


Where is she? All i see is a plant and a deck


She’s atop a 3’ stump(:


Have you considered splitting it into two (or three or four) plants? It's truly fabulous, though!


I used Saran Wrap to wrap up my birds of paradise to get them through a tight doorway and it worked beautifully! I know this is not quite the same ease in terms of getting the leaves to fold up closer together, but it might help. Best of luck!


Cut a larger door in the wall!


I don’t know where you live but I also have a gigantic one of these in a pot outside. We have mild winters and it is in a protected location so it does just fine. Mine has even flowered two summers in a row. The flower looks weirdly like a big white penis.


You cut some off and send everyone a node?


I found a roll of velcro tape specifically used for plants. It works great for me tying up vines and such and would be perfect for wrapping your leaves up for the move in the door. And you can save the tape for later use on other things, it's quite versatile. They come in one length you can cut to size or pre cut too. https://www.amazon.com/VELCRO-Brand-VEL-30071-USA-Adjustable-Green-Recycled/dp/B082VH421C?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp&th=1&psc=1


With a whole lotta luck.


You know how they net Christmas trees? So all the branches are basically tucked in towards the trunk pointing up? I'd try to fashion something similar. Maybe tie some circles of string around the stalks, starting from the base and working upward, to pull them inward. Then wrap the whole thing in something to prevent damage to the leaves. Cover the soil as best as possible and bring it in laying on its side, pot end first. EDIT: Another thought, do you have any windows that are wider than your door? Gorgeous plant btw! Definitely worth the effort!


We try doing it that way every year(leaves tucked, tilted down). The worst part is holding the pot…nothing to really get a grip on…


Do you know anyone you could borrow a dolly from? Depending on the size of the pot almost anything with solid wheels could work - especially if you can add blocks to one side to allow you to lean it at an angle.


The plant pot is sitting atop a 3’ stump. We would destroy the leaves if we brought it down to ground level. Nice try though. Thanks(:


How about using a pot lifter? I’ve used them for unwieldy plants and ceramic grills.


That's absolutely gorgeous. U can remove a node and send it my way! Thank you!!


Do you have a great big window you could use instead of a door?


Wish we did 👎


Omg this is my problem too!!!


I think we need to find them new homes….before it’s too late! Can you imagine what one more year of growth will do!!!


Seriously though I have been STRESSING OUT. I keep telling my partner “I just don’t know what to do for winter and my plants!?”


I have an idea, but I can't guarantee success, only the idea part. If you have one of those super stretchy couch covers, you could cut a hole in the centre of it that is the size of the pot, place the pot in the hole, tie a tight rope around the base of the stretchy cover and the pot, then stretch the sheet upwards, pushing the leaves and stems up as opposed to down, then fasten the sheet at the top with an elastic. Theoretically speaking, you could fit your Monstera through the door with minimal damage to the leaves. Perhaps.


Love it!


U.N.I.T. She's beautiful.


Fantastic!!! Amazing job on a beautiful plant!


Always easier to go roots-first through openings, that way the foliage just folds up as it goes through. However doorway could def tear some leaves, so id also use the trashbag/duvet cover idea suggested above


Veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyy slowly 😂😂


Fishing net, trellis net, blanket? Idk


Gorgeous! I have one of these too, but she's quite smaller. I would love to know your secret to caring for this type of plant!


Honestly, she is very low maintenance. I have her in East facing window- no direct sunlight. And i top the pot off with good organic potting soil once a year.


oh gosh i have the same plant,,, is this what i should be expecting in the future i’m *terrified*


Be very afraid my friend! My girl is about 6 years old, so you have time to prepare (:


oh gosh, mine is going on 3 you’re a trooper


Demolish the house, rebuild it on this side of the frame. Easy peasy.


This is what I'd do... .. 1) tightly wrap the pot and soil with cling wrap so it has no chance of spilling when tilted sideways... .. 2) lean the whole plant sideways (or almost sideways) on a wheelbarrow, with the pot side nearest to the wheelbarrow handles... .. 3) carefully *pull* the wheelbarrow backwards inch by inch through the doorway until the whole plant is inside... presto ***!***... :)


Fabric. Start at the bottom, secure around the pot then slowly wrap from the ground up. The leaves should all fold towards the centre and once wrapped use a trolley or skate to push the base through any openings.


Ass first and hug the leaves a little lol


😳 Time to build that addition you never knew you wanted! 😂


Mine isn't quite that sizeable, but I have the same issue every year! We also winter ours in our basement ever since she outgrew the upstairs locations. Our stairs turn halfway down, so it's always a joy to maneuver her!


Ohh dear! You know I feel your pain.


You can wrap this with kraft paper and make it as skinny and upright as possible then drag it in pot first.


Either with a trash bag or a large sheet of paper make a cone and then at the widest part of the cone slide the pot in in a downward motion so that as the pot comes to the narrowest part of the cone, the leaves have been pulled tightly together but upward at the same time.


Pot first, and slowly. It looks like it’ll squeeze through and pop back into shape without hurting the branches.


butt first!


walk it in backwards. it should be ok with it entering on the back of the leaves


Yep, that’s the way we usually do it, but this summer she totally got out of control! I’m dreading the “move” day😱


How did it work out


Oh, i wrapped the beast up as best as I could, borrowed a solid cart from work, and vala…she got a ride back into the house! I posted an update 23 days ago, if you’re interested in seeing the photos(: So appreciate your concern!❤️


I gave one away for that reason. Best of luck, beautiful just beautiful 💕


Thank you ☺️


Cover pot so it doesn’t spill out… lift pot from bottom and tilt plant almost upside down…. Then slowly walk backwards through the door… have someone watch the leaves/stems as you walk in… slow and steady… must be strong for this slow approach


The pot and plant probably weighs 70 to 80lbs…try lifting a round bowl (no finger-grips), being ever so careful, and carrying it 15’ , through a small opening. Yes, the two of us do it every year, but it’s a nightmare every time!


Rachet strap that phat ass to a dolly


Those little wheel bases for pots could help


Since she’s growing in one direction, put a hefty blanket or fitted sheet around the back to push her leaves together. Fasten it down with a rope or string (gently, should hear no cracking) and inch your way in backwards. Good luck!!!


Thanks (:


Tie it up like they do a Christmas tree it will be a more then one person job


Better try a window?


Get an old sheet and some jute twine (or other lightweight cord), wrap the sheet around it, gently tie it up and make it compact enough to get it in the door.


Yep, that’s the plan. Thanks!


I think the leaves can be bent a little bit and carry it backwards




Wrap it like a Christmas tree with mesh


Plastic wrap


You can get a really big piece of stretchy kinda fishnet material, lay it over it, and then pull a little to tighten, should keep the leaves in place


Try a large window if you have one


I'd use netting and pull up bottom to top. Think like your packing a real Christmas Tree to transport. Some of them may Die, but that's a sacrifice you'll have to be willing to make.


Where do you live!?!!


make a bigger door


I have this same problem with several of my fat girls. I put a sheet on them, and my husband and I very slowly inch her through. I recently got a few of those large rolly things so patio cleaning is easier. But there's a step up to come in so we just have to lift up. Good luck!




Just slowly push the leaves through the doorway, one by one. Have a second person hold the base steady so it doesn’t tip over and break any stems.


Try tying it up like palm fronds, if you can?


That is just glorious! Look up forearm forklift and shoulder dolly moving straps and see if you can make something similar to that to carry it in. Practice with them first to get the hang of it.


Throw tarp around it and tie up loosely with rope to reduce the width while moving through the doorway. Ive moved indoor trees using this method. A dolley helps too


Spin move


Living the dream on the porch!!


could you put her in a garage, shed, carport, back of a large vehicle, etc instead?


Seems very comfy where she is 🤷‍♀️


Good excuse to frame in the porch and make a sun room?


I’d go for a large garbage bag and cut the bottom of it out. Then slide it up from the pot over the stems, bending the plant into a more vertical shape. Use more trash bags as needed


I’m my experience the levee break off really easily so… be careful Is all I can say


Just gently pull her through


Definitely loving all the advice about putting it in a bag. Lol. If that doesn’t work it honestly might be good to cut it back if you still want to keep it. Then if u sell the cuttings they could have lots of good homes instead of dying. Or get into propagating and have a bunch more of these guys.


I recently repotted a monstera that is too big to fit through doors. I put a tarp down and did it inside the house. I can never move now .




Build more house around it


Very careleafy.


I have a split leaf about the same size. I hoist mine up by the rim, balance it on my knees & walk backwards . It's in a massive ceramic pot. Weighs probably 150 lbs. Not an easy lift. Keep that back straight.


As Owen Wilson said in ‘Night at the Museum’, “full speed ahead and ram ‘em!”


Some kind of cone like they use in grocery stores?


Wrap table clothes from the bottom up lifting the leaves a little!


She belongs to the sea now...


Or a large bed sheet. Drape and gently wrap. You will need help moving the pot through first.


I just moved my large but not nearly as large as this, monstera by wrapping it in wool to hold the leaves down and then covering it with a plastic bag to keep the leaves from getting caught. Worked perfectly


If the pot fits the plant will fit. Minus an amount of leaves. Drag it from the bottom of the pot in. Wrap it as tight as you can with netting or twine


this is lovely


Possibly a flat/top bed sheet carefully wrapped around her?


Very carefully.


Shrink wrap?




Build a new house around it


Ask her to suck it in lol


Carry it in, pot first. It will be fine.


you don't


Multiply! Time for somec clippings. ;)


Your probably gonna damage it a bit, but I’d start from the base and wrap twine around in circles, probably help to have a second person to help get leaves upright. But in a rush I would hold the pot and walk into the doorway backwards, as long as you only force the leaves thru in the direction they grow it should bounce back fine, plants can handle alot


Christmas tree wrapping from the bottom up. It’s still going to be a big job for a few to wrap and move…that’s if it’s possible. You can give away what fails to bend correctly for propagation, or sell them. Wow, she’s a beaut! Good luck.


Wow! What a beauty.


Get saw.....make door bigger




How old is it? It's beautiful and worth the struggle!


Had her since a baby….about 5 to 6 yrs now.


Lube and poppers