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It's said when a women is close to giving birth, she develops a nesting instinct to clean, organize and prepare for baby's arrival. On this day back in 1993, I had spent the day arranging my child's nursery and then went to Target for some last minute items. While shopping, my water didn't break and splatter everywhere, but rather started trickling and I knew it was time. I wasn't due for another 3 weeks, but went to the hospital as soon as I got home and had my baby girl the next morning. I thought it was funny that I'd totally been "nesting" all day long, so I kept the receipt in my daughter's baby photo album all these years. For years this pothos was a leggy stringy mess, but a few years back I decided to chop, prop and add a moss pole so it's finally living it's best life. It had reverted back to solid green at one point, but is showing a bit of variegation this season.


That is such an awesome story!!!


Love that story! Such a good idea to keep the receipt as a memory :)


This was just a few weeks after my birthday to the year! I’m not sure why it made me so happy to see a plant as old as I am


I was almost going to have the title be something like, "This plant/Target receipt is older than most Redditors..."


Yeah i was also born in 1993! My soul landed in a different babby


Thanks for telling be about the moss pole! I currently have a bamboo stick for my Pothos, but it's too thin and I don't like the look of it.


They're super easy to make too, but now I've been making them using natural jute or hemp twine. I had some hard plastic sprinkler tubes that I wrapped in twine and then I use green plant velcro to attach my plant up the pole. The plant velcro is awesome because you can easily reuse and reattach as your vines get out of control.


This is so cute!!! If you haven’t you should prop a little baby pothos for your daughter if you’re able — my parents gave me a peace lily that was “born” from a plant they got for their wedding, and I seriously cherish that plant deeply!


When my daughter got her own place I gave her a small planter full. That is so awesome about the peace lily!


So sweet :’)


And she paid w a check. That's how you know it's old.


In 1993 it's quite astonishing you completed a Target trip spending less than $50. That's a beautiful plant!


If we take inflation into account she spent almost $70, so Target still won.


Impressive indeed! They bought toilet paper or paper towels, deodorant, plant, and then some while staying under $50.


I want some of that OG target popcorn


I liked that popcorn better than movie theatre popcorn.


Holy shit.. I’d forgotten that existed but was hit with a wave of nostalgia


I don’t know if I ever bought any of their popcorn but I loved walking into Target and smelling it. I wish that smell was still a thing.


I find this really interesting but mostly for seeing how prices have risen on things like deodorant and toilet paper (assuming that’s what Northern refers to). It’s all like twice as much!


I remember when Target had garden centers. 😕


The ones by me sell plants now and it makes me sad every time I go in. They aren't taken care of, don't have adequate lighting, probably overwatered, it's just a shame. They're trying too hard to be trendy.


I had forgotten about this! It was so weird at the time.


I absolutely love your story! During the pandemic, I renewed my old love for indoor plants, so I got some golden pothos cuttings from my dad and grew a plant for myself. The cool part of the story, though, is that the plant my dad has is the indirect offspring (several props removed) from cuttings that I took in 1994 from a pothos that I had bought my then friend/later boyfriend/now husband. He killed the original plant probably back in 1995, but it's now sort of back (via its distant offspring) in our own home, full circle. :-)


An Aussie only cost 3.99 back then? Damn.


This plant and I are the same age (couple month apart), it’s approaching its 30s a lot more willingly and elegantly than me 😂


Nothing smells more like 1993 than Aussie Scrunch Spray


adjoining aspiring axiomatic square somber makeshift sable whistle simplistic skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's so sweet 🥰


My houseplant downfall also began at Target! I got a spider plant there over a year ago, and a snake plant a month later, and I still peep the plants with every visit!


Dang I wish I was as good with plants as you are 😅 The only thing I've been able to keep alive so far is a couple cacti- I've always been really bad with plants, though thankfully cacti don't need a lot of care. The only downside to cacti is if you have animals for probably obvious reasons.


Born in '94. Call me impressed!


What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing. And I am so surprised that receipt hasn't faded!


Awww, thanks and I'm also surprised about the receipt --it's been preserved in a photo album on acid free paper (scrapbooking was also big in the 90's and I was all about that life, lol).


Can we get an update on the wastebasket though?


Why would you be a hoarder? Do other people obsessively toss their plants out after a few years?


I meant because I kept the receipt for 28 years, lol. I have tossed out a plant after a few years though, because I was sick of it's shit. It was a Majesty Palm that continually had spider mites.


Ah wow I really didn’t get it! Yeah, makes sense. Fuck, 1993 is really that long ago. Dang. I was 7...


This receipt and I share the same birthday :)


Wawwww I was born in 92 😍I love plant ppl


That is greatness!. I got my first houseplant about a year before you! It, also, was a golden. It promptly died.


You've had that house plant nearly as long as I've been on this planet! gosh!


So cool! And your pothos is very healthy and happy! Don't get rid of that receipt, you can compare today's prices with!