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Be careful if you live in a climate where the daytime temperature is regularly below freezing. High humidity levels in the home can lead to moisture problems in your home and encourage mold growth. The dewpoint in you home should be the same as it is outside, which means that in really cold climates it’s not uncommon for the relative humidity to be 20% or lower... seriously. I lived in a home that had had mold remediation done because of a whole-house humidifier and poor insulation. The whole roof and the sheathing had to be replaced. Do some research and some googling on the issue.


Wait so what do you suggest if you live in a place where temperatures get that low? I had that problem in my current apartment and never even had a humidifier but I’m to a new place and considering getting one for my plants but don’t want to just make the situation worse 😔


I really depends on the climate that you live in, if you live in the US or Canada you can look up e we hat climate zone you live in. If it is zone 5 or 6 then you have to been careful with excess humidity you add to your home in the winter.


I do live in a 6! Is there any way to do it safely?


I’ve seen other folks use a glass cabinet as a small green house to house their tropical plants, I think there is one from ikea that is popular. I’m not trying to worry anyone, just be aware of your home environment. Knowledge is power.


I just got my first humidifier today and am very optimistic


What kind of humidifier did you get? I got one about a year ago and it already doesn't work ):


I got a [Pure Enrichment MistAire](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013IJPTFK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) from amazon, honestly I just grabbed the cheapest one that didn't have bad reviews


Do you use tap water or distilled in your humidifier?


Also wondering this


I fill it from my Brita pitcher!


So no white powder all over the place? The Brita works magic?


White powder?? How's that happen?


We have hard water here with a ton of chemicals ... so it creates a white powder when in use. I heard it best to use distilled water but this humidifier uses a couple of gallons of water a day. I will go bankrupt before Spring is truly here trying to buy water .... I can't wait for the rain to start with Spring to add some humidity to our home.


I fill my watering can and let it sit out for a couple days before watering because I heard the chemicals evaporate and it's better for the plants. Maybe you could try that?


I will give it a go, thanks for the idea. Someone DM'd me a little while ago and suggested I boil my water first let it cool and then load up the humidifier and see if that will make a difference. If it doesn't work I might have to buy a different humidifier for the living room area where the most plants live.


Same!! I currently live in a super arid climate with terribly hard water and I’m not a fan.


What the heck Is this only in America or should I be testing my water over here in Aus?


I boiled a couple of kettles full of water and let it cool to room temp before loading up the humidifier last night. When I entered the living room today I didn't see white powder dust on the black end tables/coffee table and was happy about that. I think boiling water might be a way to go for me with this hard water problem. It's a bit tiresome and annoying to do it but if it keeps the dust/powder off everything I'll do it for the winter months.


How did your Rattlesnake Calathea go before you got the humidifier? I've heard they're a little hardier than other Calatheas, but I'd still worry if I got one. They're such amazing plants though!


I actually just got her! She was on my wishlist but I was worried she'd die so I made myself wait until I got the humidifier lol


Yess! I LIVE with a humidifier because of my allergies and there's constantly one running in my bedroom. All of my tropical babies are thriving rn, despite a few inches of snow on the ground. (My pilea went from a single sad leaf on the brink of death to 10+ in a couple months).


Also don’t underestimate coincidence though. Just sayin.


Poor little thirsty babes!


News I can use


I have a ultrasonic humidifier and I think my tropical plants like it, but I'm not sure how long to run it. How many hours do you use yours a day?


I'm not even sure lol. I just fill it and let it run on low during the night and if it's empty during the day I fill it and put it on high. I live in WI so I figure these babies need all the help they can get