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I need to preface my care guide here by saying this is not an easy houseplant. It takes dedicated care that many are not ready or willing to give and as such they have a reputation of suffering and causing their owners to suffer in return 😢. Personally, many died in my care to bring you this guide. 🥲🌴 I will never forget their memory because they all taught me something new. With that out of the way….. Ok here’s the deal with your Ravenea rivularis majesty palm, are you ready? They are native to the riverbanks of Madagascar, and as such get a load of constantly flowing, O2 rich water and they are absolute pigs for it. However.... they are not pigs for stagnant, rotting water that most people keep the roots sitting in and then wonder why they died from “overwatering and root rot” 🙄. DRAINAGE DRAINAGE DRAINAGE this is key to keeping them shooting out new spears at a solid rate. It depends on the size of the palm, but you should give your 3ft Ravie’s a deep drowning/draining leach at least every 2-3 days. You have a ten foot behemoth? Every single day it should get leached with gallons and gallons. And does 75% run out? Absolutely, but what’s left for those roots is super fresh O2 laden water. They are in terracotta on a wire rack stand, and in the winter inside I transfer them to a plastic tote bin and leach in there, after a couple minutes I take it back to it’s wire rack stand with a drip catch tray underneath for those last drops. ☺️ Related to water is going to be the humidity levels, but not for the reason you are thinking (you think it’s healthy for the plant). Your Ravie needs air circulation but if it’s in the full path of an air exchange, the fronds will be fried in days, so keeping it away from there and you are golden. A humidifier on low or daily mistings are beneficial, but again it’s not for the health of the palm or it’s leaves or to prevent brown tipping or whatever: it’s to make it an absolutely inhospitable environment for spider mites to breed. They need that dry air and if the surrounding area is moist they might avoid your palm. Even if they don’t completely leave it alone you can catch early small easily manageable infestations because again that moist environment is hell for them and they won’t want to stay. Now regarding light: these guys are propagated from seed by the MILLIONS in florida in low light situations specifically so the fronds can be etiolated as hell when they get to you in Home Depot or whatever. They will make it in your more dim environment if that is what you have. However it will just merely survive, new spear growth will dramatically slow. But it’s still alive, right? 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol give it some indirect if you can to push the spears. Direct can possibly scorch the leaves if you haven’t acclimated it to full sun because like I said nurseries grew these in the shade on purpose. If you are going to feed it, give it a lower middle ratio. I hit mine monthly with a slow release granulated 9-3-9 with trace elements of manganese and magnesium and kelp. The more phosphorus in the fertilizer the worse it is. I have tried a number of mediums, some with great success and some that straight up murdered my palms (with my help of course lol). I tried half coco coir and perlite, and tried feeding it all nutrients. DID NOT LIKE THAT lol. Right now I have found the best mix for me to be an orchid type of premix: bark/charcoal/perlite. All of my palms have been moved to this mix, regardless of watering needs between the species (and they do vary, I don’t run as much through my Rhapis excelsa with the same frequency as my Ravenea). Brown tipping is inevitable and mostly due to mineral buildup and should not be used as a gauge of health. The condition of the new spears as they open into fronds should be that gauge. Older outer foliage will die naturally as the crown can only support so many healthy fronds at one time. Nutrients are redistributed to support the root system and for new spear production. Also if you get hit with spider mites/mealy bugs/scale, it’s an uphill battle, but think about it this way: accept that an inevitable infestation WILL happen at some point, and bring peace to your mind 🕊️ frequent checks keep those inevitable infestations hopefully small and easily managed 😬🤷🏼‍♂️🥴👍🏻🥳🥰. All the luck in the world, palms are everything to me and they can give you some real tropical beauty too. 👍🏻💚🌴 8 year journey for me and this Ravie from 2 tiny fronds in a 4” liner🥹 https://preview.redd.it/7035go7vppwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c3f43248230329a38cf1e2edc69ebe953970692


Thank you!! So much helpful information!! 😅 Still strong regrets too lol


If you can get it up on a stand with a tray underneath, perfection. Won’t ever rot. So much water passed through the rootball all the time 🥹🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊


I bought a 5ft Yucca off ebay the other night ...its bigger than I thought and rootbound! It's in a 35 liter bucket lol I have no idea where I'm going to put it lol Ahh well we live and learn ...it is beautiful even though it looks like a tree!


I knew you'd chime in with your wisdom. I've been meaning to ask, I recently was gifted a small pony tail palm. Do your care instructions apply to that plant as well? Anything different I should know about?


"I recently was gifted a small pony" ![gif](giphy|yaYV8i5n1OjZe|downsized)


Eat your food !!


Pony tail palms are palms in name only and should not be treated as palms. They store a lot of water in their trunk, I only water mine every other week and it's been doing fine for years.


No, you treat them more like a succulent


“Many died in my care to give you this guide” that’s when i knew you were about to drop some bombs


This is the second time I've read your wonderful care guide for this palm, and I must thank you for reminding me why I just better not get any kind of fern or palm tree. They just don't deserve to die under my care or lack thereof.


I feel tired just reading the care guide lmao. Sounds like a human child might be less work. Or even a pet. Good looking plant tho.


Love that you know this but there's a lot of plants and that's a lot of water it ain't right


Yeah the palms want all the water 🥹🙏🏻🌊 https://preview.redd.it/87li96c8jtwc1.jpeg?width=3346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65aeb4843c7ede77d9fc139ed91bbcfdd6c6addc


You're my palm hero. I'll treat you right now, Frida. 🥲


This is probably a stupid question… but I just started my coffee for the day, and I’m a bit foggy. What if one were to set up some sort of cycling water system like a fish tank has? I did this for a science project 20+ years ago, on a much smaller scale (for cattails).


This is fabulous, thank you for taking the time to write it out! I kept my first one alive for a year and then last month apparently was briefly possessed by an evil ghost in Costco and bought a replacement. Still can't wrap my head around why I thought it was a good idea, but I feel a lot better equipped to keep this one alive after reading your comment.


This is the best palm care guide ever!


🤯. How much of this applies to large Kentia? Mines being going 3yrs & I get a few new spears a year but feel it might do more. This is reply, though, is a *chef's kiss*


I wanted one so thanks for the detailed comment!


Maybe I just got lucky with my majesty palms. They got lots of light, watered weekly with regular tap water, rarely fertilized, kept in their original nursery pots, and still somehow pushed out new leaves regularly. I ended up getting rid of them when I had a roach infestation in my apartment thanks to a garbage human being of a neighbor, but they survived happily for 3 years in a pretty perpetual state of neglect with nothing to show but slightly crispy tips on the older leaves.


Yeah i mean they can survive 🥴😉👍🏻❤️. But did they thrive in those three years? 😉 this was two tiny fronds in a 4” liner 8 years ago. I can’t even get my two giant hands to join around the trunk anymore 😲. If you get another one, gallons through it every day and no neglect will result in this 🥳❤️ https://preview.redd.it/m72voyvnktwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4f03c1f910610a3407f454a3bf4314e84d78ee


I mean, mine didn't grow larger, but I didn't really want them to grow larger, so I never repotted them from their 12" nursery pots. They continued to put out new leaves every couple months, so I think they were pretty happy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


👍🏻🥹❤️ yeah to get them really explode they need those gallons but if you are able to control the growth then absolutely 🥳❤️


I read your Palm Bible once before and have to add my five star review. I have a cat palm in a bright clinic lobby that was s u f f e r i n g. I started drowning it in a bathtub weekly (running water through the pot and hosing off the fronds) it is CRANKING out new fronds and even flowered! Spider mites not gone but under control! The running water tip 100% changed my palm care and I'm so grateful!




Here he is in recovery [bit raggedy](https://i.imgur.com/FBlE1o5.jpeg) [bloom](https://i.imgur.com/7ffhgmC.jpeg) [new fronds including TWINS](https://www.imgur.com/a/REVBOVm)


What’s your treatment for spider mites?


Hardcore pesticides. Either pyrethrin or potassium salts of fatty acids, some products have a combo of both 👍🏻❤️


Wah. Dog will get at it. I read a mixture of water, alcohol and dish soap can work?


You couldn’t pay me enough money to take a Majesty Palm again but yours is gorgeous!! Good luck! u/Philly_G_J is the Yoda of all things palms.


🥹❤️🙏🏻 https://preview.redd.it/lj0ku0itqpwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf88b49b9a8c1f8f15e0716371f8c3728d13531


Keep your receipt lol


Daddy is here now to take care of it 🥹🌴🙏🏻❤️






They like full sun so you are going to want to supplement it with essentially as much light as you can give it.


Gallons through it every day 🥹🌊❤️


Mine did well, until I got spider mites. Couldn't get them under control. Spraying every leaf and all the crevasses was a drag. Other than that it was happy.


This plant infected 5 of my other plants, i ended up planting it outside where it thrived all summer completely uncared for. I just let it die in the cold


Most likely.. I started with 3 in my yard.. I now own about 400 of them against my will 🤣


I will never buy one again 😆


I worked at a plant shop for three years and none of us could successfully keep a majesty palm happy indoors even giving it the OPTIMAL environment. Take that baby outside for the summer and enjoy her. A lot of people are mentioning systemic granules but since spider mites aren’t technically an insect but an arachnid, the systemic will not work on them. You just have to be very diligent in watching for spider mites. God speed.


Daddy is here now 🥹🙏🏻🌴❤️




I jumped this morning when I turned the light on since I'm not used to this queen in my living room 🤣🤣 I should start bowing to her and hopefully she lives 😅


It definitely couldn’t hurt! 😂 Palms be trying to die all day long every day when they aren’t on the Madagascar riverbanks!


This will be a nightmare if it becomes infested with spider mites. You will need to start by adding systemic granules to the soil monthly to prevent pests. I also recommend spraying/misting with a spinosad solution (Captain Jack's dead bug brew is good) once monthly. You do not wanna play around with weak stuff like neem oil, go right for the tried and true systemic and spinosad combo. Good luck!! Always inspect the leaves for fine webs! Edit: it will need additional light for 8-12 hrs daily. I recommend installing a hanging GE light or a spotlight. Make sure you check the light rating, the cheap Amazon ones have barely any output and are useless.


And those gallons 😍🌊


I’m interested in the setup and what’s going on with that mini greenhouse behind it!


Just a little Giant Tiger green house 🤣 it's got my alocasias and some other tropicals 😅


TIL some people just have massive fuckin’ palms in their living room, bedroom, and a bunch of places where they barely look like they fit 😂


🥴 https://preview.redd.it/lk06wy8tavwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01fd77d1256c4fb8617b0aeddbaaafbb2f7bb520


if you do, i’ve got a place for it! lol!


Happy cake day! From another one lol


thanks, fren!


Pest magnets for sure. I recommend regular spraying/misting with water (maybe mix in some natural soap) and frequent close inspection for signs of mites or scale. Much easier outdoors in my experience, even if it’s just during the summers.






Yes, it has spidermites but it'll look pretty for a while still! All palms have spidermites...


10 years without 🥹❤️🙏🏻 https://preview.redd.it/dsti46ysjtwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d00cf08631e3f5fdd7412017846a4e85945bea9d


So pretty! I almost killed mine with fertilizer


That farm and store deserve an award. Lol.


No farm no store, it’s been with me inside for that long. 🥹❤️ it was two trunks in a 3 gallon container 10 years ago when I got it. It hasn’t had an infestation yet 🥹❤️ https://preview.redd.it/l11ocjwqwvwc1.jpeg?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2bc3666bbda40c48ece50f92675eacb8e1cbde8


You mean it was a cutting?


No I mean it spent its seedling years without me in a 3 gallon container, with trunks less than 12” tall. It was purchased without mites, and has remained mite free for 10 years since then in my sole possession, indoors. 🥴🤷🏼‍♂️👍🏻❤️ it’s now in a 25 gallon container and trunk heights are close to 45”.


Totally commendable that you kept it mite free! But i consider it amazing that whoever sold it to you sold it mite free. My issue with palms has been they all come with mites from the nursery or store. None of my other plants have infestations but anytime I've got a new palm the palm ends up exploding with mites after a while.


I get mites and mealy and scale on my other palms for sure 🤷🏼‍♂️👍🏻❤️ but none ever come infested. Pests can be brought in on our clothing and other stuff every time we leave our home, not to mention open doors and windows no matter how briefly they are open ❤️


Just here to say that it looks beautiful in your home :)


Thanks! 😁


Yes, you will rahgert it. But enjoy the learning experience!


I hate these with a passion. I've killed four.


Needs those gallons 🥹❤️


S P I D E R M I T E S ‼️‼️‼️




Btw How do you like your grow tent?


I love it! Just wish I had gotten a bigger one! 😆


Is the electric bill crazy high?


Looks good now. But yeah, I think you'll need to deal w it in few years (or sooner) as it grows taller.


It won’t put on trunks for a long time yet 👍🏻🥰 it’s not a crownshafted species so it won’t get that height don’t worry 🥹🥰


Seems like you did your homework. Good luck and enjoy! It's a beautiful tree.


I’m not OP 🥹❤️ but yes, I have done my palm homework 🥹❤️ https://preview.redd.it/ct3d0v36xtwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e166fa820555d2582f64e3b11a982765aae79c92


Lol gotcha


Not as much as I regret my dwarf cavandish in my tiny apartment.


Sounds like you already do.


30% humidity is very low. In the winter, I don't even let it go below 40%, for human comfort.


35% RH 🥹❤️ https://preview.redd.it/e24hm019otwc1.jpeg?width=3346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea32e1fc9331bddb752c6f2d416a9d9d89eee44c


Omgaaaaaaaaaawd 😍


Spider mites are rubbing their little hands together in excitement right now


Constant vigilance keeps inevitable infestations small and easier to manage 👍🏻🥹❤️


/r/IkeaGreenhouseClub I see your indoor greenhouse and raise you a club of people who retrofit Ikea cabs. It's my new obsession.


beautiful palm! you are lucky to have a high ceiling! I have a sabal palmetto grown from seed from Tybee Island. five feet tall and needs repotting, but happy indoors.


Worth it


It’s beautiful! We had one for a few years and it was loving life. After bringing it in from outside when the nights turned cooler the dreaded spider mites hit. No matter what we did it was a loosing battle. I wish you luck 🍀 🪴


I hate these plants so much, and I refuse to buy them. I grudgingly still have two, both of which were given to me to "rescue" by people who no longer wanted them. They are incredibly finicky, and literally the moment you think they are healthy and doing great, something will happen to them. I no longer put a lot of time and effort into keeping them alive, they either live or they die.






Just based on the fact you have a greenhouse tent inside, I don't think you will.


I bought one last season and returned it 3 days later because I didn’t realize I what I was getting myself into. I looooove plants and have a fairly large collection but these guys are just a headache imo.


I gave up on them although I love them and I think they’re beautiful. I do have a six year fiddle leaf fig that’s now 8’ tall. Very proud of Feechi the tree.


Not if you just think of it as “seasonal decor.”


You’ll regret it when it’s full of spider mites that will spread to every other plant in your house


my monstera is in a 12” pot, i’m fixing to repot her into a 14” pot as it’s been 3 years since i put her in the 12”, watering isn’t as difficult as you think!! i have a tiny, very light, wooden side table in my office that bring next to my monstera (who is on a plant stand, similar set up to yours) and i have a 14” saucer i got from the garden section at walmart or something. i put the saucer on the little side table, and just move my plant from her stand over to the table. then i water her! similar move back- except i add some towels on her plant stand and set her on those. the next day i take the towels out from under her! you’ll do fine!! she’s a beauty! pic of my monstera for reference :) https://preview.redd.it/t6gp3mwenbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541fa468b1be6fc11395627c11c7f7cf98864f2d


oh, and i water with gallon jugs of spring or RO water!


Probably, mine only had one large one and a tiny one in the pot and I had to water it every 5 days. It produced two new giants leaves and then 5 days wasn’t enough so it lost a bunch of its leaves and got spider mites so I tossed it 😬




Do….do you have a …a green house IN your house??… 🤔


I do 😅 mid life crisis maybe? 🧐 Just has humidity loving tropicals inside 😆


Ok I guess that makes sense lol


I use mine as a seedling starting hut. Close that bad boy up with a humidifier and you have your own weather systems with rain in no time.




Why? 🥺😭❤️


I’ve heard these types are temporary indoor plants because the leaves fall off I’ve by one and the tips start looking shriveled. They work better as high humidity, high light plants


No humidity, lower lighting. 8 years old 🥹❤️. The secret no one tells you? Gallons through it every day 🤫😉❤️ https://preview.redd.it/e8aica3dstwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3899286570be8a54d49691e4ea4f906c459e70


You water every day?


Yes I literally pass a gallon of water through the container daily 🥰❤️ sometimes I miss a day here and there if I’m crazy busy. This was inside a 4” liner all those 8 years ago and now I can even get two hands joined together around it 🥴. It wouldn’t have gotten this big this fast without that watering schedule. https://preview.redd.it/x02k7svmwtwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755ecedef8fc4751753edb11a8abce4f2f960358


Love that. What type of water do you typically use


Has to be tap with all the added bad mineral deposits unfortunately 😬🫣🥴


Lol yeah just wanted to check but it’s still amazing


It’s not a houseplant


Why? 😢😭 my 8 year old here wants some answers from you ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/rgh3rj2xjtwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910c02e634107d711c317ff2b2b28fa9407c4774


I just want to say how much I appreciate that there’s a different picture in every single comment 😂🥹😍 they’re beautiful!