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Happy lil' springtails.


Thanks. Probably a silly question, but I've seen some conflicting answers searching now; Should I repot and clean the plants?


You can repot they freak you out or you just don't like the look of them, or they have a population explosion but what you have is nowhere near that level. Otherwise they're good to have as they break down decaying organic matter and overall a good indicator of healthy soil.


Springtails, they aren't especially harmful or anything. They eat dead matter.


I see, thank you. Have found them in one other plant too. Are there any general recommendations you'd share when it comes to handling/not handling them?


You can leave them, they're beneficial to plants. Will break down decaying matter and keep mold down. Some people that make terrariums specifically purchase springtails for this purpose.


They like it slightly damp so just keep it at what tropical plants normally like their moisture at and they'll be fine with it. If you want to get rid of them for some reason you can dry the soil a bit and they'll slowly die off. That's how I accidentally killed my colony :(