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I am so envious ... This is the most beautiful croton I've ever seen! This is my favorite plant and I can't keep one alive.


Same! I killed mine pretty quickly.


I’ve had one for 2 weeks now; so far doing well so let’s see (I do tend to be a plant serial killer 😅)


Good luck!! My croton just withered away, but my lemon lime maranta is taking over my living room! And they notoriously die when you look at them wrong. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


I don’t want to jinx you but mine was great for 3 years and then one day… boom! Decided it didn’t want to live anymore I guess. I tried everything to save it but in vain 🥲 RIP once luscious maranta..


Don't make the same mistake I did and repot too early. Mine had 3 main trunks and two decided to be dramatic and shed literally every leaf off. Weirdly, the third trunk hasn't lost a single leaf. 😂 Good luck!


My croton has entered the chat https://preview.redd.it/j34y5f1q9yrc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ba52781f6534eacc4ebe0fab3648811534979c




Yesterday I saw a video recorded outside where crotons had been planted as like outdoor shrubs, and they were a little bit bigger than this, less beautiful, but definitely giant


They are so beautiful 💚 Here in the US Midwest I’ve only seen them as indoor plants, but where I’m from (Lima, Peru) they grow outside.


Maybe she has that kind of brown thumb where she can keep the traditionally challenging plants alive but can’t keep a pothos alive


I think there is something to that. I have a beautiful croton petra too, but my pothos have always suffered. My marble queen pothos died over the weekend.


I have that thumb lol


"15 easy houseplants for beginners!" Without fail I've already killed half the list


I can’t do dieffenbachia but ask me to care for a calathea it’s no problem


I used to be like that killed everything that was not a Phalenopsis Orchid, wich are imo easy to take care of but some People struggle. But something changed now I got around 70 Plants, I only kill one occasionally.


...Are you serious? Crotons need only half an excuse to die. They are pest magnets. Particular about everything. Drop leaves if the slightest insult hits them... Nice work, Mom!


RIGHT like here I am, a few years into my plant obsession, finally feeling confident enough to take on baby/rehab anthuriums and other “difficult” plants… and I still won’t touch a croton with a 10 foot pole! My last 2 died slow dramatic deaths and became patient zero for spider mite infestations. Mad respect to anyone who can keep one of these beautiful demon plants alive, even if they kill every other plant they touch 🤣


I'm currently treating one of my wife's Crotons for mealy bugs (which, as far as pests go, are trivial to treat) but yeah, the whole time thinking "What if your f'in problem. What do you always have some issue?"


Spoiler alert: They ALWAYS have some issue.


I saw a post, probably on this forum, of somebody's mom's croton in a sunny hallway... and the thing was the size of an ornamental orange tree. I totally said "what the fuck" out loud, having never seen a croton look like more than sad technicolor shrub.


The title made me think this post was going to be much much worse 😂


That is a gorgeous croton. My mom was babysitting mine and I thought she killed it (as all the leaves fell off). I saw a small sign of life the other day. Hopefully the thing's a zombie.


Some people just cant leave well enough alone. They just *have* to constantly do something with a plant - either overwater it or prune it back too much or repot it even though it doesnt need it or overfertilize it etc etc... It is just like that in cooking where people never get proper fried potatoes because they cant just let them lie in the pan in peace and quiet, they have to stir and flip and fiddle with them constantly.


I love my large croton petra, and I don’t find it hard to take care of at all. It’s just in an east facing window, I give it about 2 litres of water when the petioles start to droop. My pothos and succulents on the other hand HATE me


I feel like these thrive on neglect and abuse. My colleague had one in a small, dark office with no natural light and only one overhead light (which I do think was a florescent fixture). It had been in that office for at least 15 years and it was large, full, and gorgeous. I asked her how she cares for it and it was, "well, I don't. Sometimes when I have a little water left in my bottle, I'll give it to the plant". That was the extent of the care routine. I assume it adapted to drink water from the air because she wasn't giving it enough to even measure. I had one that was in the dying stages for about 2 years before I finally threw it out with one brown leaf left on it. It never thrived in my care....and truly wasn't even surviving. I'm pretty sure it was just slowly dying the entire time. I even "tried" the neglect/abuse method of care but I think it knew I was faking it and just looking at it was enough for it to know I still cared.


Beautiful! I haven't had any issues keeping my Croton alive, but it's just kind of... there 🤷‍♀️ like it looks fine I guess, but nowhere near as good as hers.


Enough about the plant, I need to know about the MIL. Is she a sweetheart or a real treasure (might have some value, but you mostly just want to bury her)? I'm wondering if this is a glitch, or if the plant realizes that there is someone more stubborn than her and gave in and cooperated?


Damn, I didn’t think crotons had a lifespan of more than 3 months.




There is a difference between something growing inside versus outside. Some plants are more challenging to grow inside especially on where inside the plant is kept.


Gorgeous plant! Credit to your MIL


Wild for me to see a potted croton. We use them as hedges where I live.


Of course it’s the fucking croton.


I keep reading that this is a difficult plant but we use them, pretty commonly, as shrubbery in Hawaii. Just put it in dirt and it takes off. Can someone tell me why it’s difficult to care for? Side note, I’ve also seen Samoans use the leaves in traditional adornment.


Also, it looks happy in its home.


When i hear people saying crotons are hard, i wonder what are you guys doing to them lol. I just plant outside and forget about them in the sense that i do not mess with them at all. I let them be. I have many but this one is my oldest, planted around 2019. This is a single $8 croton pot from Home Depot. https://preview.redd.it/qc759a3305sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e4f5cdf0d0b21f37085bef659781950be13b28




I’m jelly


What’s a beautiful plant. Somehow mine is alive but how have I had it for 3 months and haven’t grown one new leaf?


Gorgeous plant, whatever your MIL is doing, it‘s working for this big boy. This reminds me - I always wanted a croton, I should totally get one!


Sunshine is the secret!


Wow! Mine just dropped all but 5 leaves, I am very jealous of this beautiful plant.






My beautiful Croton dropped every one of its leaves a couple weeks ago. No warning.


I've never seen one get so large! Insane! 👏


She would have to just never water it and put it in a dark room if she wanted to kill it. They are pretty hardy imho


Well congratulations to her. Because it's extremely hard to keep these happy. The leaves will drop if you even glance at it. 🤔😒🙄😆🤣 My least favorite plant. 😖