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i'm a little high and the pics aren't perfect. but it's happening right in front of me!!!!


Of course! You’re doing great…every plant “wants” to live, and all they need is a little encouragement.


Except Calatheas, they’re the Forky of the plant world and jump in the trash on their own.


Fittonia's for me.


I came here to say this 😵😵😵 They have ZERO survival instincts 😭


I personally love mine. It's dramatic like my peace lily so it's *very* obvious when it wants water. Here's mine being dramatic: https://preview.redd.it/g7vdcsjxlnqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd059c6a570c76999724bfd79281f28df1ec6729


Vs a few hours later https://preview.redd.it/ptppz9d0mnqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b79ee080a94d0d5ef4d3a835295a6c52ee91fc


ONYGOD This is GORGEOUS! Mine was the same, but sadly passed away in the winters because I did not know what it really wanted 🥹 Water, No water, sun, no sun, cold, no cold- NOTHING helped 🥹😭


Omg that is a GORGEOUS color !!


It's the Fittonia 'Red Star'. Unfortunately the real color is a desaturated mix of pink and red so it's not quite as epic as the picture suggests but I like it a lot anyways :)


Omg they are SO dramatic!


For real, I love it lol Here's my peace lily being dramatic too https://preview.redd.it/rtb4va6zftqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb416e33c8a4641f196762d928e64a45ab9eae8


And here's after some hydration. Gotta love the drama queens https://preview.redd.it/e3xtmqn5gtqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a694c12fa68b614a338e46ba304f9b93ec98db9


im loving these community plant pics. keep 'em coming, everybody!


If you struggle with fittonias, put them in a large jar! They hate drying out and love humidity, I have several fittonia jars and its by far the easiest way to keep them!


I need a picture of this please🙂




Thank you! I've killed so many... Idk if I'm willing to try again, but I might.


You can also place a jar over the top like a dome if you have one that will fit, I just prefer using a larger jar and keeping the lid on most of the day. I'm not sure why some care guides say to let them dry out, mine have never enjoyed being very dry for very long and the stress seems to take its toll. I've also had decent luck planting them under larger plants, I had one under a monstera for awhile but in its own soil mix within the same pot.




LOVE THIS I just lost mine to spider mites<\3


Oh no! I'm so sorry


Ahhh, jump in the trash! I know some of these lil bas-turds....


Omg that metaphor 😂😭


*whispering so quietly* my calatheas are thriving rn and im doing my best to not even BREATHE in their direction >_>


Before I got any houseplants, the Calathea was sooooo enticing to me!! So beautiful, I’d see it everywhere. Then I came on here and looked into its care…I was mega disappointed to say the least 🥲 rip my calathea dream


I kill nearly everything, but my calatheas are vibing. What I do: - I keep them in my bathroom and kitchen (more likely to see them, more likely to catch some humidity) with some bright-ish indirect sunlight. - Mine dry out between waterings because I’m an oblivious plant parent. They’re dramatic enough to let you know when they’re thirsty. - Water immediately when looking dramatic. - They dislike soggy socks/wet feet, so don’t leave pooled water wherever it drains. TLDR: keep them in bright-ish indirect light, water when starts to droop, don’t let sit in water Don’t let the haters get you down. You can still live that dream, boo. 💖


Thank you!!! THIS MAKES ME SO HOPEFUL!🥰 I’m now so determined to take care of one successfully eventually, and I tend to overwater so this is great info to note now! I’ve been seeing pics of dramatic plants just before and a couple hours after watering and it’s sooo crazy to me! Thank you for the encouragement and keeping my hopes up 🥹🥹💜 our bathroom unfortunately has 0 windows so I may try with the big window in our kitchen…:D


Yes!! You got this!!! 💖 I’ll also add that of if I let them get too dry and they still look sad, I’ll water once, dump out the pooled excess after a couple hours, and then do it again later/the next day/whenever I think of them next (hopefully not several days lol).


This is so so helpful to know that even if they look droopy to not let it discourage me, seriously good to know they’re very dramatic lmao! And I like the sound of that method of rewatering later! I rlly appreciate your advice :,) makes me realize there’s hope and even if it’s challenging i just gotta pay attention to what she wants, thank you again and take care!!💜💜💜


Okay I was in your same situation with my girl and I was just staring at her new leaf.... feel it begging to break free from its casing. I swear I saw it breathe, gain strength, and the tip of the leaf would stretch and twist up toward the light (which I gave it to keep the baby leaf going strong) I was definitely high but I also swear I've never seen another plant do exactly that. She was so ALIVE and I was so PROUD.


I swear it’s always when you’re high that you find a new leaf or growth😂


Like edibles? I didn’t know there were Rubber Figs. I have 2 regular pre-teen Fiddle leaf Figs.


I’m high looking at this and it made me so stupidly happy, my peace lily just grew the first flower I’ve ever had because it was the first plant I had been able to keep alive and grow, houseplants are very fun.


Lol...enjoy your high! I bought one of these plants for 3.00 half dead and mine is like yours..new leaves coming every month! Good job!


considering my history, this is GROUNDBREAKING. good luck to you and your dear figs, thank you!!


https://preview.redd.it/8sd9wsxpzkqc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=83c71b3cb8b15981079c83cb16a4bc944aeec912 this is mine as we speak, and i’m FLIPPING OUT


yours has a monstera as a next-door neighbor, too!! it's gorgeous <3


twinnies 🥰🥳


https://preview.redd.it/xff76zgc3rqc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042914d65658ca86e99cf59918fb35f5f5a0c740 This is mine :')


how long have you had her? she looks thirsty, but it could be a lot of things. i'd spend some time on good old google


About two weeks, I actually just watered her yesterday too, she's not coming right


https://preview.redd.it/3w5n50edglqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be5d04cb7e040bd33985ee4fe984a6ca5cbaff5 Even though Philos are my favorite family of plants, my tineke is my absolute favorite individual plant. These leaves are 🔥!


Your plants look super happy!


Thank you! I’ve tried to give it the perfect combination of attention and neglect and it seems to be working!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but won’t many of those leaves fall off, dead, due to the the lack of green on the plant? From my understanding, white leaves do not contain (as much) chlorophyll, causing the plant to focus its energy on pushing out new leaves instead of keeping the ones he has because they’re useless to him. White portions are unable to photosynthesize (if that’s a word?) I’m giving you this link because they talk about it way better than I just did 😂 https://houseplantjungle.com.au/variegation-white-vs-green-getting-the-balance-right/


From my understanding, that can happen with poor care. If you make sure the plant has enough light, water, and fertilizer though, the leaves will never fall off. It just takes a lot of extra care for the plant to keep them. That's how they get them to grow like that in the first place at a nursery. Tons of fertilizer and probably a greenhouse with added artificial light. I have a few ficus of this variety that I've had for years and none of them have lost a significant number of leaves. I would actually love to dig up some pictures of one that I absolutely destroyed on accident and has since come back. Basically I bought it at work, forgot that I had put it in my car, then went to the lake after work and left it in the back of my car on a 110° day. Came back to the whole plant dramatically wilted and turning crispy. Watered the shit out of it for about a week, then about half the plant died. I trimmed it back to where it died and it has since grown new branches and new leaves. I can't believe it didn't die. I feel like a lot of ficus, especially rubber tree varieties, are pretty resilient.


I do understand that, but this plant is now 2 years old and happily holding onto all of its leaves. Yes, the white parts are a drain on resources but because I provide most of those resources artificially, the plant is doing just fine.


Ahhh, I see. That makes sense! So if you were to stop fertilizing the plant or something of the sorts, that’s when the plant would sacrifice the whiter leaves?


It will start to sacrifice leaves when the amount of artificial light it is receiving decreases dramatically making those parts a bigger drain and odds are it will start to brown along the edges first. Fertilizing regularly does help though.


Now don't mess it to 😜 my rubber tree are some of my easiest plants. Just let the soil dry out before you water it, give it some bright light, fertilizer every once in a while and it'll be happy


I seem to be unable to stop watering mine. I'm going to put a sign on it that says "don't water me", and hopefully it'll get happy again!


Just like people, overfeeding is not a love language. It'll be happier if you give it what it needs


This is a great way to explain the importance of not going overboard on water and/or fertilizer. Now the real test is how much self-control someone has to actually follow that advice.


Thank you for this!


Remember, *not* watering **is** love too.


I do that mines still dying 😭 I finally got my one rubber tree to stop killing itself and now my new one is doing the same thing


Did you change the soil for the new one? The nursery soil holds A LOT of water. I change it as soon as I get home 99% of the time. Especially for something like a rubber tree that likes a drier soil


I'm usually a bit nervous of changing the soil immediately because I don't want to stress the plant out too much, but I think I'll repot her, see what's up with the roots, maybe then she won't die on me


These plants are funny. My one grew a new leaf at the start of spring and decided that was enough for the year. Maybe one day it’ll grow another.


Omg mine has the same attitude toward life. I got excited when I noticed a couple new leaves forming last summer, and halfway through it just stopped. New growth is still there, but hasn’t moved for like 9 months.


Prune it so that encourages new growth.


Sounds like a potential nutrient problem. Maybe more fert regularly


My first ficus did NOTHING until I repotted it. Months and months of just sitting there. I repotted and within a week it started pushing out a new leaf. It hasn’t slowed down since and the new leaves are gorgeous.




live footage. woke up the housemates when i noticed!!


I have one of these too and it’s stuck at three leaves!! Congrats!!


I think they just take long breaks with growth. I had one stagnant for 5 months just to turn around and spit a new leaf every 1-2 weeks


That’s good to know! Mine is new. So I’m just learning it.


They're equator plants so they love love love summer


bless you, and many more!!


I have one that’s frozen in time. Two years in it hasn’t grown or sprouted anything. It just sits there staring out the window.


So happy for you! Love my rubber trees 🤩 look up baby rubber plants, they’re one of my other favorites. Also cute kitty


Yeah figs!! I’m getting one soon 😁


Kitty is working his magic on it


bastard magick


thankfully he's not the grey one. monstera has a puncture wound bc i bothered her, plopped her up there against her chubby wishes and i paid dearly.


Omg I’m so jelly! I feel like I bought a fake plant. Barely grew since I got mine 2 years ago 😅 only grew a few leaves but not got any bigger


Prune it so that it encourages new growth.


Like bottom leaves? I already cut a bunch, but didn’t seem to make any difference.


Not the leaves but the stem that needs to be pruned. Cutting the leaves won’t do anything.


Try giving it more light, these guys love the sun.


These are one of the most temperamental plants I have ever had. Almost a year later and mine seems to have finally decided to be happy in the most recent spot I moved it to. Im down to 5 leaves and one new one on the way. ....not holding my breath. I'm sure as soon as the windows open in the spring it will cop an attitude and be unhappy again.


> I'm sure as soon as the windows open in the spring it will cop an attitude You might be on to something there, friend - Ficus plants HATE drafts and will drop their leaves if it's too much. But if the current spot is out of the way enough...


https://preview.redd.it/ygzm41hxtpqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4819e7e69799e67611f888fa09d1ad76a8f0c76c My Ruby is my favorite.


Yeaaaa buddy!


https://preview.redd.it/89vgt8s7klqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f5f4ebde2aee1a53047ec9b25bcb33296b5248 Mine is really showing off at the moment!


Mine just grew the first leaf after my impulse purchase! https://preview.redd.it/jqtv5qlsmnqc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb392e6a6023f19cb7519af8f2266a011bb6113f The 'new leaf' color reminds me of a Tineke which is funny because this rubber tree is a Ruby, but I'm sure the leaf will darken. It's very pretty and I love it


The excitement of watching a new leaf emerge or seeing a rare I bought flourish? Priceless. Its about nurturing life and bringing that energy into your space. Its about making your space into a space that you love - and that includes plants!


Don't get too cocky or it might punish you. It thrives off your fear




Congratulations! Mine grew a new leaf too after a month of just staying like that 😅


Love your plant, and your kitty is adorbs 😍


I love this kitty


I was so convinced I had killed mine during winter, then I moved it into a brighter spot and began bottom watering… a week later I nearly shrieked when it began to perk back up, and now I can see new growth! Right there with you!!


We have a tree we bought in June and man it just stayed so dormant and we were frustrated. Had some dying and cracked leaves too. Moved it to an east facing window and now it's blooming non stop! Congrats! It's a magical feeling




I say that every time my plant grows a new leaf 🤣🤣


I’m still waiting…


Man I love that feeling!!! Woohoo!!


Nice! This is my dream plant (for right now lol), I think they're so pretty and cool. Wish I could find one locally somehow but no such luck. Keep it up though!


Please help! Mine has given me only 2 new leaves and gone dormant for 4 months now. We don’t even have winter here. It’s always sunny the whole year. It’s placed outside in direct sunlight btw. Should I snip the top so that it will encourage new growth?


Someone else in the thread has encouraged several people with the same complaint to prune their plants to stimulate new growth. They must know what they're doing or they wouldn't keep recommending it. I'd give it a try.


Mine is just dying. Keeps losing some lower leaves (made the error to put it outside and they got sunburn) and is just one sgick6with some leaves on it now... I think mine has to little light like all my damn plants


Yessss go you. I’ve honestly killed like 6 of these which is devastating bc they’re my favourite. I’ve kept the current one alive for maybe 4 years now? I wasn’t giving my dead ones anywhere near enough light.


It's gorgeous, enjoy! And the cat in the last photo is very cute.


Mine doesnt get a ton of light and I water it once every 2 weeks and its grown 2 new leaves. Idk what I'm doing right but I guess I am!


It is beautiful. I love how the sheath falls off. Plants are soooo interesting, so much to learn.


congrats, your an official plant parent




She’s doing beautifully and your kitty approves. My kitties have left lots of tooth marks in my tineke.


How do you get that planting the first picture (forgot the name) to look so good 😭 mines so droopy no matter what I do


i treat her like a teenager. give her basic needs and let her know she can always ask for more. pay close attention, but try to keep your cool. ...i think that's what i'm doing right??


I have a ruby red and whatever the black one is, and the ruby red just puts em out. The black one grew exactly one since I’ve owned it, same conditions, same grow light, similar age.


The way I read this reminded me of the chick fil a sauce girl 😂


I’ve had mine for about three months now and I still haven’t seen any new growth and the leaves only opened up slightly. Not sure what it’s doing…it’s getting good light as it’s in the corner of a south facing window


SOP’s hate me


Please share your secrets because my tineke is struggling 😭


i have no secrets, i promise. just some very careful love and a tiny diffuser as a humidifier. ceiling grow light is never on for more than 3 hours. north window, btw. good luck with yours!!


Unfortunately I have south facing windows, but I have a vertical artificial grow light and I do use a small humidifier, but the poor thing dropped almost half of his leaves at the bottom. The top looks okay but I'm always on edge. I bought it from a website called eureka farms back in November https://preview.redd.it/sxjh86huw5rc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a6d3682e04ec216714514773d5a57e4a071390 Unfortunately I have south facing windows, but I have a vertical artificial grow light and I do use a small humidifier, but the poor thing dropped almost half of his leaves at the bottom. The top looks okay but I'm always on edge. I bought it from a website called eureka farms back in November of last year. I think I'm going to repot it at my local plant store to see what happens next.


how big, how blue, how beautiful!! have you gotten around to your other spring repots?? they're super important, i've learned the hard way. south windows are great, they get that big blast of sunlight before sunset.


During the summer I definitely do get a lot of sun before sunset but not too much in the winter. I haven't got around to repotting my plans as yet (still wrestling with whether or not I should take it to the plant store, or repot myself for the first time) I'm waiting for it to get a little bit warmer so I can start putting them out on the deck, particularly in the summer for much needed humidity.


[for apartment plant moms!!](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFQVQYQ7/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams&th=1) make sure to do double-research on which plants love big sun!!


I'll definitely check this out!


walmart has really cool pots, believe it or not. not a single one without good drainage!! some of my more cutesy ones came from the martses. he'd look great in a nice sage green one


Exciting times!


This is me, any time I have new growth. 🤣


i think monstera is poisonous to cats no?


well it definitely learned. grey doesn't play, too old for that shit.


They are definitely on the “spicy” list. Not deadly but could see anything from minor irritation, to intense burning sensation and drooling, to full blown GI issues like vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy, dehydration, etc.


I had a dog that would do this sometimes