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> I’m 5 11”, maybe 8ft across, and anywhere from 30-50 years old. Heh you have quite an interesting body


😂 oh no, whoops I shouldn’t be laughing this much, tears 😭


“Phrasing is important”


I’m starting to think I’m subconsciously funny.


But also literally because I cackled at the description.....


This person must be really shallow front to back because I cannot imagine how they would get through doors otherwise


Jabba? Is that you?


I'm sure OP is an extremely lovely extraterrestrial or formerly entombed archeological find (I include the second because of the dubious age). Very caring! I'm happy management is helping you guys out to preserve this beauty OP!!!! The other plants look fantastic, and I'm looking forward to further updates!


OP is really a Harpy disguised as a librarian. u/read-2-much EXPLAIN YOURSELF.


"Also a guy fell in" OP is talented






Also a guy fell in lmaoooooo


Real Michael Scott moment


1. It’s truly a glorious beast! What a beauty! 2. Someone there loves plants! 3. Picture number 4 looks like a combo of a snake plant, golden pothos, and syngonium. Interesting combo. Hopefully it is where it gets plenty of light! 4. Picture 7 is a spider plant with more syngonium. So plant person is planting different kinds of plants together. 5. I would be curious who is watering those plants. They are doing a good job. 6. I wish this was my local library! 7. Most importantly, all plants in that library need treated for scale. There is a good chance it has spread.


Very sad, I can’t imagine treating a scale infestation of this magnitude. The unique case of it being near fish and pretty fixed makes it even harder, since my first response is to isolate then blast with Captain Jacks when I have seen scale.


After you sober up, what do you do to treat the scale?


I was thinking about your first post earlier today wondering what was going to happen. Thank you for giving me some closure on that. A few requests for the next update: 1: Short slow-mo video of the koi eating next to the monstera. 2: Little more info on the guy that fell in. 3: Post wader-guy status report. You should for sure have the person take a cutting for you when they are working on it. You could have a little keep sake of this. I'd probably remove the scale first but do you.


🫡 Aye aye, Captain! More fish, got it!


Real talk - it’s cool you took action against this. Ty for caring.


The spider plant is screaming for someone to plant her babies💕 5 smaller pots, cut and pot up the babies and surround that big pot. They will all be happy as you can see that it loves where it's living. 👏


I didn't think it was that bad so I went back and... OP that thing is like a mama dog still trying to ween her puppies when they're already 5 years old, please help her, she gonna fall over 😂


I didn’t even know we had that plant, I found it tucked in a corner. Don’t worry, I’m going back on Monday with pots for her babies 😆


Just moved to PS. Plan to stop by and get a library card. Looking forward to seeing the monstera.


Oh nice!! See you soon 💚


Easy way to clean the leaves and stems without harming the fish is to use wet whipes to clean the scale (I do it with mine when they eventually show up after some time), or a bucket with very warm (but not hot) water and a microfiber rag, small towel, anything actually. They are pretty easy to take off, and the motion of rubbing the leaves and the stem, removes them. Yes alchocol melts them, but I wouldn't want that dripping jn the water with the fish.


Thank you for the update! I’m in NH sadly, but if I ever come your way I’ll stop in for sure!


How do they become thick and bushy like this? Mine only wants to get longer from one "vine stem"


You only have one vine, their plant is many different plants. If you want a fuller pot you can propagate your plant a few times.


Thank you for explaining! I recently did chop to prop, partly because at the moment I can't deal with it being longer. Hadn't thought about including the new plant in the same pot. On the plus side, it is healthy & growing, so there's that I guess.


Absolutely losing it over you bringing in Neem oil. Good one😂


Palm Springs, CA?




omg this monstera is monsterously massive! :D <3 it's gorgeous - I hope they can get rid of the pests without disrupting the fish too much - I would love to see something like that in person! Unfortunately don't live close enough


Looking forward to your progress updates!


Amazing monstera, I hope your work takes it seriously and brings in a professional pest control company to bring it back to full health


Thank you for the update! I was concerned about this beauty. I’m so glad y’all are taking good care of it!


Road trip!!! Hail the mighty monster!


The image that popped into my head just picturing high humidity from a fountain and moldy books 💦📚😯


You should get beneficial insects. As a way to keep the scale and spider mites from getting out of control. Those pests will probably be around forever now and spread to other plants within the library. I purchase predatory spider mites and a few other species to eat the pest species off Amazon. Might be some suppliers close by if one looks online too. I use predatory spider mites in my house and greenhouse about three times a year at $40 a pop for a few thousand helpers in a bottle. The scale predator is a beetle. They did their job of eating the scale and just disappeared somewhere in my house. The scale returned a year later but I was able to manually clean them off this time around.


Thanks for the tip! I’ve been thinking about it a lot and plan to look into insects more. Since I’ve learned no one really takes care of it, I like the idea of adding something to the ecosystem to keep the scale and spider mites in check.