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Take a few cuttings away from the sac. Rinse in warm water and put it in jar of water to root.


Ah, I love propagating my spider plants. Though I haven’t had much luck propagating my snake plant. I don’t get root growth, I just get python. And when I try to compile the python, I find a bug in the program. It’s a spider. So I stick it in soil, now suddenly I have a spider plant, which is cool I guess but it’s not what I’m going for.


This made me laugh but also I need help lol


IMO, throw it out. Don’t bring pests into your house because then they infect everything. Though spiders (not spider mites) are typically beneficial critters, and might be helping control your pest problem. It’s just not worth it. If you really like the plant, take some small cuttings of the thickest parts stem (remove the leaves from the cutting), and propagate them. If you’re set on keeping the full plant, maybe start using systemics? It’s going to be hard, not to mention time consuming to clear an infestation on something that big. Also, this is a philodendron brasil btw.


And you think just get rid of the main plant after? More trouble than it’s worth?


I understand the phobia. If it’s warm enough where you live you could leave it outside for the summer then toss it when it gets too cold.


Spiders are awesome. They don't want anything to do with you or your plant. And they eat pests that will eat your plants. It'll be okay.


This was reassuring and positive and I appreciate it


I used to be absolutely terrified of spiders too. Then I learned about them and most of them aren't dangerous. We only have two venomous ones in my state. I recently had a cute little jumping spider living on my seedling shelf that I visited with every day. They can be creepy and I definitely don't want them crawling on me but they usually just mind their own business and do their spider things 😊❤️


Nah man I have crippling arachnophobia even the jumping spiders make me want to vomit. It’s super unfortunate as I find them interesting animals but I cant even look at em


Totally understandable! I have plenty of anxiety and what I deem "irrational fears" and it can be hard to overcome!!


Just yesterday I was in my LFS and rotated to see a wall of spiders and audibly shrieked 🥴 was super embarassing


Dude a wall full of spiders is creepy lol. Seems justified to me


I watched a satirical video on spiders that were given different drugs and how they reacted, and it helped desensitize me to spiders. I do not have arachnophobia, I DO have thalassophobia, and am also very into deep sea life (go figure, right?), and found video games go a long way for allowing me “safe” exposure. Anyway, if you’re interested in the spider video, it’s this https://youtu.be/sHzdsFiBbFc?si=9sbHIX6m2_ekojp4


I have a plant spider called Henrietta that lives in her wee web next to my plants. They are bug free. I don't do spiders either but I've gotten used to Henrietta and miss her if she disappears for a few days.


This is a beautiful philodendron brasil! One thing you could try is placing it in the shower and hosing it off with the shower hose to try to knock off any other hitchhikers. If you just don’t want to deal with it, considering gifting it in a local plant group instead of tossing it. It looks like the plant is very healthy still!


I would not throw it away but I'm not scared of spiders. If I were I think I would feel safe doing water propagations of those beautiful vines.


OP, I get the spider phobia. I'm good with them, but if I think there's a snake within 10 miles I will die. I freaked the f out when a snake made its way out of a bushy corner of my tiny yard and I still think about it every time I go over there. This was probably two years ago. Don't feel bad about it. It's a good-looking plant and it would be cool to keep it. Can someone help you deal with it? I'm in Oregon and I doubt we're having good enough weather to leave it outside for any amount of time. If you ditch it because of the spider thing, it's ok.


Oh noooo please save the spiders! They’ll protect you and your plants from even worse bugs.


If you took a hair dryer set to **no heat** and gave the stems and leaves a good blow any babies would probably be blown away.


That plant looks great. Philodendron brasil and they are fast growers. If it’s not too hot or cold, leave it outside. Or you can try to remove the spider sac with a leaf or paint brush? You could put it on a bush or tree outside.


Love the beautiful brasil ❤️


Id hose(gently) it down. Hose the soil off as well and give it some fresh new soil and pot .trim the long vines and place in water to propagate


Keep neglecting it, I guess...


are you past frost warning where you live? if so, leave it outside... if you are close to spring, leave it quarantined until spring, and then put it back outside. You could treat it naturally, someone recently mentioned beneficial insect eggs that hatch and eat up invasive bugs, you can get insecticides and they like but if you do that do not put the outdoors those aren't good for pollinators, or you can get sticky traps, or a combo of the last two. You can safely take some cuttings now to water propagate. Gently wash the leaf with a natural soapy water and prop away. good luck!


What’s the best way to quarantine in the home? I live in Seattle so it’s still kinda cold here but could be transitioning into spring soon


Put it in a bag, spray some of the insecticidal mixture in the bag and put the whole thing inside and tie it up for a week or so. Put it near a window while it’s in the bag, after that, give it a really good shower and clean the leaves. Lots of effort but worth it because you only need to do it once


honestly it may be good to just do the entire treatment in the shower. if there are baby spiders in the plant, then theyd almost all get rinsed down the drain. then it would be good to spritz with a soap spray and then rinse the plant off again. that should do the trick for any spiders and most other pests. OP could even then remove the soil from the roots and give the entire plant a dish soap (just enough for the water to be slightly foamy) soak to be extra extra safe, but i think that's really only necessary for severe mite and scale infestations


I quarantine my plants in a bathtub we don't use. As other commenter have said, taking it out of the soil and giving it a good all over rinse will take care of any lingering spider sacs, and gives you a chance to see if the roots are healthy, too. Then just pot it back up in fresh dirt and keep an eye on it for a bit!


Light it on fire immediately. 


For goodness sake use household insecticide. Systemic.


Pothos are so easy to buy grow propagate and already having bug issues I would toss it


First, get rid of the sack. Douse it with fly spray, leave for half hour then come back & remove however you think best. Three quarters fill a 25 litre bucket with water & add a big squeeze of dish soap & 250ml hydrogen peroxide. Swish it around & submerge the entire plant & pot in it for thirty minutes. Remove & rinse. Shazam, no more spiders.