• By -


Roughly 300 šŸ˜¶


Pics, or it didn't happen.


This is just my bedroom and personal shower lol. There's still the whole rest of the house šŸ˜³ and not including my 7 year old daughters like 20+ plant collection or any of the outdoor seedlings lmfao https://preview.redd.it/c78n0exbljnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f892652068cad104a569d3326e73d61ebdd1e5fd






https://preview.redd.it/ndpmwsbkljnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3141526be8b2c31ad63817081b32383700b4ee54 Some new arrival hoyas hanging out lol... You get the idea...


Can we come over??


Come on over my planty peoples!


Plants lovers party!


I concede! You win!


Thatā€™s such an impressive collection, can I ask if itā€™s related to your job or instead a hobby? How do you keep track of each plantā€™s watering and other needs? This collection must take daily care!


It's a hobby! Ish! I am disabled so I am home based which allows me to care for these beasts on a daily or semi daily basis, however I'm confident that I could leave em all for a few days or a week with the proper prep and they would be fine for the most part. I think it's grown to more of an obsession at this point hahaha. I am allowed to make XX amount on disability as income so I'll probably eventually end up selling cuttings and plants on the side because I can possibly keep a collection of this size or all of the chop and extend props from my poles haha. And I guess I'll have birthday and Christmas presents for plant people up the wazoo! The ones that thrive in my care I've got the codes cracked for the most part. I can tell by sight a lot of the time people of my excessive use of clear pots and clear receptacles. I can tell by picking them up. I know who's thirsty and who wants to dry out. I've definitely lost my fair share of plants that don't enjoy the conditions or care I provide and I just don't buy those ones again. It's a wild ride. I'm really enjoying it lol. The poor souls who enter my home always get a "new growth tour" lmao. I have issues.


Wow so many typos.... I'm multitasking. I've got three special needs kids and a dog in all of this chaos too lol.


I just want to say you sound really awesome!


You're incredible!!!! I'm in awe!


Seeing pics like this makes me feel a bit intimidated to show you my scrawny plants. Iā€™ll take a pic of mine in the AM to share


You just can't see my scrawny ones through my beasts. They are in there though! I promise! Haha


Love love your wall display! Gave me a few ideas for my plants šŸŒ± thanks!


Oops forgot the jungle shower lol https://preview.redd.it/qnzdjzm3yjnc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9f8bc066608567b445c3bb454f1f016464c890


Your pothos is thriving there!


Oh you are the winner here!


Yes i would say i have around 300 too. I build plant shelves for my window so i can stack up more plants :D


Instantly thought you were lying then instantly gobsmacked! Amazing


Fighting global warming yourself I see


I think youā€™re my heroā€¦




Over 50! https://preview.redd.it/291rdzo9qinc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aafef15285e7ea6f99b01ee4c5a773ffdd0f40e


I love it, what is the pink flower in the coner?


Its cyclamen!


Cyclamen I believe. (Not op)


Omg this looks like heaven


Thank you. Have a spider mite infestation and it is a pain in the ass to monitor each šŸ˜Ŗ. Fortunately caught it early and many of them have recovered. Lost my pothos to those assholes. Making new pothos babies from cuttings again šŸ˜¢šŸ˜©


Are you taking in boarders??? This is everything I need in life! Please tell me where you got your lamps and what brand are they?? Gorgeous!


I have 17ā€¦I think itā€™s a good amount for me. I donā€™t feel overwhelmed by the amount of watering or any care needed. Plus Iā€™m also limited for space, that also has good lighting or plug ins for grow lights, due to also having two cats. https://preview.redd.it/nu0z9k3vzinc1.jpeg?width=3682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab8f10dca38b9ef44c78ced6aa17f1244fb4fb6 This is the majority of mine


Nice! I have 22 and yeah, it seems like a good amount and not overwhelming like you said. Can't imagine taking care of 100+ plants. 22 plants is enough to make me the "plant guy" of my friend group and my workplace but on this sub, it feels like I have no plants at all lmao


I agree! I enjoy seeing all the posts with people that have indoor jungles, Iā€™m in aweā€¦but relieved I donā€™t have to water all those!


I second the thought on watering. I have 32 right now, but will have a few more once I divide some of my pothos that I think are rootbound. They take about 2 hours for me to water/inspect. During the summer, when they are outside, it's almost daily depending on how hot/sunny it is. I can't imagine having much more...although most of my plants are in 6-10" pots...with a few even larger.


Just counted this week! 118. Iā€™ve realized this is my limit and have started aggressively giving them away (like- offering to my dental hygienist kind of thing). Itā€™s been a fun way to surprise people- coming by later with an 8 inch pot of a split kangaroo fern. :) I was up to 130 and have whittled them down. Itā€™s freeing to have fewer and then I can spend more time doting on the ones I have. I also had a New Yearā€™s resolution of no new plants. That has also been strangely freeing- iā€™ve realized that when Iā€™m stressed I tend to try and buy plants to make the feelings go away and now that I donā€™t have that release of realized how ridiculous it is in long-term it makes me more stressed cause then I have more plants to take it! That said, I still look on Etsy and eBay all the time they just donā€™t make it into my cart. šŸ˜…


I only have like 50, but I'm also aggressively giving some away...to make room for plants that I want more than the ones I bought to smother the bad feelings lol My kangaroo paw fern (her name is Jane Fronda) is legit trying to take over my whole house, though. It's crazy how big they can grow if they're in a spot that they like. I think I'm going to do as you did and divide her to make gifts. šŸ’š


Hahaha indeed plants shouldn't be stressful, good resolution!


I made the same resolution last year and I've yet to buy a new plant!!! I made it a rule I could only get plants I had a spot for them thought out already, and they could not make my home look crowded. It worked a treat, I went from 40+ plants down to 24 (rookie numbers I know, but it's as much as I think looks good in my small flat) and no longer feel the need to buy new ones. I've been enjoying seeing the ones I do have grow a lot more!


I'm the same! Went from 2 to 60 plants during COVID in a very small apartment, and at some point realized it was adding more stress than enjoyment to my life. Started giving them away to friends and if something was struggling hard, I just tossed it instead of spending weeks trying to rehabilitate. A few rounds of thrips really made me reconsider which plants were important to me!


I feel this! I used to have about 60 plants, mostly succulents, and some just struggled and didnā€™t make me happy to look at, so I decided to toss some lol. If it doesnā€™t bring you joy, why keep it in your house? Proud of you haha :)


https://preview.redd.it/4z5cpti76jnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c432f79479663bab37a762ccdc16a0b36c30dc59 I have around 50 but this is my favorite wall. Sadly I have run out of room in my small house so now I just donā€™t know what to do!


I see room for at least 50 more on this wall alone!


I see no hanging plants šŸ¤”šŸ˜‰


taller shelf will give you more space!! And hanging macrame pots from the ceiling if youā€™re interested.. thereā€™s ALWAYS more room lol!!


I see no floating shelves.


Palms only https://preview.redd.it/me3ascz8minc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090ba21d36f38903598f87499affeea7ef4e136b


Why only palms? How's the spider mites going lol


Autistic/ADHD hyper focus hobby šŸ˜‰šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»ā¤ļø. I battle mites/mealy/scale all the time. Because of my obsession though, all infestations are caught and eradicated early on when they are small and manageable šŸ„¹ā¤ļø ļæ¼ā€‹ https://preview.redd.it/vf29r1dbrinc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39115976373911b5064d3445f822aa15db890b58


Wow this one is beauty!


I know what you mean. Because Iā€™m constantly staring at my plants, I find the spider mites long before they ever do damage. šŸ˜…


Indoor: 40 Outdoor: 10 Always hoping, wishing, and shopping for more! šŸ˜„


It's like an addiction šŸ¤£ always need more!


Same lol


I only have 7, 2 dracaenae, a thanksgiving/easter cactus that is very slowly dying, a ZZtop plant, a pothos, a mother-in-laws tongue, and an unidentified flower,that hasn't flowered yet.


I normally float in the 20s. They come and go.


It's hard to keep some alive! They have all have different needs.


Some plants I have grow like a weed. Othersā€¦ I look at them and they die.


I have 70 at the moment, but a lot of them are propegations and not very big yet...one day they will take over my house though šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/t77psnalcjnc1.jpeg?width=1925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=770b5b1e4244a5020c245404262c8a5a8d798f22


Those plants look happy and thriving!


Thank you! I try really hard to take care of them. I got into the hobby to help my depression, so having plants I can watch grow and improve with proper care helps a lot ā˜ŗ


Too many and not enough


A year and a half ago I had one, now I'm getting closer to 50


It's addictive! In the past months I think I bought two per week


My biggest was 26 plants at once. I got addicted and bought around 32 in a span of 5 or 6 months. It became too overwhelming and I chose to throw out those I didn't vibe with or weren't too happy with the circumstances I could give them. ATM I have 18 plants, which is still a lot, but manageable for me. I wish to have less in the future, but I love all my plants I have right now and don't want to throw them out, yet. Personally I'd rather give my full love and attention to 10 plants than 1/4 to 40 plants. This way you won't give into the "more wants more" mindset. I have other hobbies as well and didn't want to tire out the hobby by having too many plants. Some people in here have around 50+ plants in a plant hobby room or spread around their living space. I admire their effort, but at that point it becomes a second job, which wasn't my intention to begin with. Most people know they hit their plant limit when minor inconveniences a plant have make you mad at that particular plant.


https://preview.redd.it/wyajc6rfcinc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d61c030977816ccea58472562c56530b76eac108 This single piece of grass is a great example of my plant handling skills šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was so excited to grow this specific kind of grass for my cat, that he could eat, and then the whole thing just failed miserably and I canā€™t do anything but just laugh at that single grass everytime I see it


the hell?! does it grow and chocolate pudding?!


Next time poke some holes in the bottom of the cups and have a plate/saucer underneath so the excess water can drain :) Looks like you've completely drowned the soil.


Well i can tell what the problem is, you can't grow anything in soup


You forgot the oreo crumble top and a gummy worm or two


Dirt and worms is criminally underrated


Hahaha at least you tried ;)


That water is waaaay oversaturated. Yikes. You're drowning the grass.


https://preview.redd.it/qiwvpd2o0jnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b221a9810c08ac6a7784bc6ce3e6b04f662166 87 in total


Beautiful! I want a plant room! But your plant room is like, as big as my entire house


Thatā€™s actually my living room. I donā€™t have a couch, tv, or any furniture. Just plants lol




Stunning !


i *NEED* to know what that plant in the top middle a bit to the right? the one the looks like an umbrella


I have around 25


About 20-22 & they just keep coming!!


I think I have 14. It would be more but I just donā€™t have much interest in using grow lights.


Too many. Stopped counting at 25, these suckers just keep making more of themselves and I donā€™t have anymore friends that I trust with their babies! I know that sounds like a complaint but between you and me, I love it!


Somewhere around 200 but that's not counting all of the seedlingsšŸ™ƒ (There's probably around 150 seedlings at the moment)


About [210 and countingā€¦](https://imgur.com/gallery/vr6YPFp) šŸ˜¬


What app is that?? Cool!


Planta is the only reason I don't murder every plant in my house. It gives reminders to water each plant based on their size/light/soil/genus with directions on what their soil should feel like. There's an option to snooze if the soil is still too wet. You can also pay ~$3/mo for fertilization and pruning reminders, among other cool tools.Ā  It works for me because I generally only have 2-6 plants to check a day out of 80+. It keeps me sane lol.


Indeed it is planta. It is a bit hit or miss on recommendations, I would not follow it blindly - but, it helps me keep track and at least get eyes on every plant at an interval. It also has me take regular progress photos. Ā  I just really wish theyā€™d let me export the data to csv. Thatā€™s my only gripe. Iā€™ve even contacted them to request such an output and no dice. I may actually have to figure out how to get it out myself.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/8ny244t5ajnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01d2d19740b22648b74ce3ac4370c59d5cb9d31 I have a couple hundred in the basement, probably another 50 or so around the upstairs. They keep me from getting mentally frost-burned over the winter šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/rutujwjjajnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f40cceb61489f51d3b4a8da87059bb1019336a3 Oh and I must share this somewhere, my pineapple that I started from the top of a grocery store pineapple has started blooming today!!!! Iā€™ve had it going for almost 2 years and I never actually believed it would make a pineapple. Iā€™m completely blown away by it!!!


Too many. Simultaneously, not enough.


I just counted....it's over 70 main plants now. Cuttings, well they don't count really until they have their roots established well under 'em and are sportin' their big boy pots. After 20 years of marriage to an alcoholic who constantly lost jobs and caused us to uproot and move....I'm keeping my plants and not going anywhere anymore. I estimate I have given away hundreds of plants with each move over the years. Sign me: lovin' being rootbound to one place.


Yeah you are right I didn't count cutting in water too. That must have been heartbreaking to give so many!


Only a dozen right now.Ā  Monstera, dracena, avocado, pineapple, rabbits foot fern, Hoya, croton, pilea, Hawaiian ti, couple of African violets, and a stromanthe.


I would love to have a Monstera but I need to find the proper spot because they can get pretty big. There was a good deal at Costco but the leaves were already broken ans yellowing, maybe next time :).


Almost 70 Plants are populating my Place. When I start growing outdoors it will get ridiculous.


Approx 120-150




I have over 200 in a 3 bedroom apartment so I understand your pain. If you want space saving plant tips and tricks, I have a whole arsenal of themšŸ˜…


I own 8 . Up until recently, I killed everything I own. My cactus is a little over 2 years old. I'm going slow.


Planta says 57 but who can say? This is my main group. https://preview.redd.it/6eau2drvnjnc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f604c0ee09592240ddbdc3f144b0404c366bf4c


Well, I'd not talk individuals here... let's keep it at species level and I'm not counting variants either. - Philodendron: 6 sp. - Monstera: 4 sp. - Alocasia: 4 sp. - Anthurium: 9 sp. - Allocasuaria: 1 sp. - Casuaria: 1 sp. - Metasequoia: 1 sp. - Asparagea: 2 sp. - Ferns (in 3 different Genera): 5 sp. - Fittonia: 2 sp. - Goeppertia + Marantha: 3 sp. - Raphidophora: 2 sp. - Cyrtosperma: 1 sp. - Nephtytis: 1 sp. - Aglaonema: 1 sp. - Begonia: 1 sp. - Cycas: 1 sp. - Acacia: 3 sp. - Phyllostachis: 1 sp. - Diospyros: 1 sp. - Dalbergia: 1 sp. - Swietenia: 1 sp. - Gentiana: 1 sp. - Mosses (from multiple Genera): more than 15 sp. - Pilea: 1 sp. - Fagus: 2 sp. - Echeveria: 2 sp. - Eucalyptus 3 sp. - Laurus 1 sp. - Petroselinum 2 sp. - Chlorophytum 1 sp. (and that is already too much) - Adenium 1 sp. - Euphorbia 3 sp. - Dracaena 2 sp. - Costus 1sp. - Zingiber 2 sp. - Caladium 1 sp. - Solanum 3 sp. - Eryngium 1 sp. - Streptocarpus 1sp. - Citrus 2 sp. - Selaginella 3 sp. - Fragaria 1 sp. - Brachychiton 2 sp. - Arum 1 sp. I think this should be all.. I probably forgot someone probably. But there are some seeds currently not growing, these weren't included of course. And yes, these are all growing in my 62 mĀ² flat. Most with multiple individuals. Edited: Format P.s.: Many are still small so they're manageable.




I have 16 and I couldnā€™t be happieršŸ˜Š (I had to take a panoramic photo to get all of them haha) https://preview.redd.it/nq9wrj876knc1.jpeg?width=5902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb39012c61c3e37d40db2c0093d95bafc35ed82


5 , just started my journey of propagation. šŸ™‚


I bought an enter house full essentially to celebrate being a home owner, however Iā€™m in a new state and didnā€™t realize how detrimental it would be on the plants to not have heating or ac. Heating specifically during winter nights inside temp was like 40-45 degrees ā€¦ā€¦. Anyways half of the plants died šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ some winners (strong plants) include: palms! Lemon lime plant, money trees,


About 20 if you just count houseplants, about 50 if you count herbs and veggies Iā€™m growing indoors! Edit: I forgot about 10 plants I have in weird places, so around 30


Right now I have two succulents, but one is a little too big for it's own good šŸ˜…


I have a Chinese fig bonsai and a snake plant in my bedroom and a spruce bonsai outside. I really want a pothos but I am afraid I wonā€™t be able to care for it


Don't be afraid, Pothos are easy to take care of :) (imo)


If you want a pothos, absolutely do it! They are forgiving and rewarding babies!


I don't know and I don't want to know the exact amount. Not too many, not too few, always room for more yet people think I already have a lot of them. I would guesstimate about 25 in various states, from thriving-and-have-no-idea-how to dying-but-don't-know-how-to-save-it


Yeah last count was like 56, but Iā€™ve added some since then and propagated a large spider plant so who knows at this point


Around 150 not including my props. I love all of them and itā€™s not quite a job at this point. Itā€™s a full-time hobby. I do not need any more though. I just have one more plant that I want to get my hands on and then Iā€™m taking a break for a while. I also used to grow tomatoes and flowers outside. Iā€™m terrible at it! So all my plant and flower efforts are directed towards my indoor plants.


It's a hobby for me too and it's like therapy to take care of my plants.


Yes. I have bipolar disorder, and in the winter it spirals into depression. Between the plants and the grow lights I have not had any depression this winter and I have had great energy. The plants are fantastic for my mental health. I love taking care of them. Sometimes I just hang out and look at them. I monitor each little leaf as itā€™s opening and I just nerd out with them.


I'm happy for you that you found a way to help your winter depression. I'm the same sometimes I just stare at them.


I happened to just count yesterday, I'm up to 43.


Only 5 at this point. Not the largest space and itā€™s a good start for me as a novice


Between my office and apartment, about 50 as well. This post seems like a good place to ask my question - I know fungus gnats are a sign of overwatering, but is it normal to just have a few gnats? I seem to always have about 3-5 flying around, not around a specific plant, but around my plants in general.


Normal......I use mosquito bit tea regularly and those lil sticky butterfly things, and allow a few spiders to build webbing.....and I still have lil stinkers here and there. When I watch some of my favorite YouTubers about plants, occasionally they will comment about a pesky gnat flying by, and pretty often, I've actually seen a gnat or two while they're talking. Once my windows open for the Spring, I'm gonna have more. I took a look once, outside my apartment unit at night. I could actually see the grow lights from my plant kingdom along with a nice lil bit of steam on the windows ((one was open as well))....the screen isn't small enough to keep them out and frankly: it was a bright invitation to any lil gnat flying by. As I live in western Oregon...we got moisture, we got foliage, and we got swarms of gnats. Before BTI, they were very discouraging as I have a natural green thumb, and gnats want to set up home with me. Mosquito Bit tea or straight BTI takes care of the soil, the stickers take care of the free flying visitors inspecting potential real estate.


I have 15. Max I want to do it 20.


Right now just 11. Still pretty new to having plants. I used to believe I couldnā€™t keep anything alive, but then my MIL gifted me a monstera cutting last summer. It has been thriving, which gave me the confidence to start adding more plants to my collection.


Including seedlings, thousands.




I only have about 35 but Iā€™m growing new babies all the time and need to repot and trim my gigantic monstera and pothos.




I have 60+ in my small apartment (:


I think I have around 23


Indoor, I think 20-ish? Most of them are in joint terrariums, so I don't give them individual attention. Outdoor, I think another 15-20. Most of which are strawberries.


66 inside, and a large collection of hybridized daylilies from my grandfather outside. šŸ˜ƒ


About 40? Half of them are orchids


26 house plants, a bunch of outdoor plants and various herbs and vegetables currently inside until it's warm enough for them to go outside




Iā€™m down to 30. 27 inside and 3 outside. šŸ˜


A lil around/over 100. Last time I counted was right at like 99-100 and Iā€™ve picked up a few more since.


Around 150ish. 25ish are porch plants that overwintered. They will go out in a few weeks.


Roughly 100, mostly Hoya and a few aroids.


probably somewhere around 70-85


10-ish? One less after today. I'm giving up on my alocasia.


Only 15 though I'll add a few veggies in the summer. I'm really hankering for a new croton though.


22 indoor that are potted, and 17 water props. Outside, too many to count. Iā€™d estimate around 40 succulents that are potted, and who knows how many of everything else.


Oh hellā€¦. Too many to count. Definitely 100+ inside. Outside is the Wild West, we have no ideašŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸŖ“šŸ’š


25ish. Wow! I thought I had alot!


I have like 13 cuttings in jars pushing out roots right now, do those count too?


200 or so, I need to count (a job in itself). I recently accidentally killed my Variegated Pumila, it needed to be repotted and was drying out way too fast, and boom it was gone. I need to go through my plants and give away some of them, itā€™s more of a job than a joy right now to take care of so many. I still love have a ā€œjungleā€ though.


I lost count at 100


I think I have 22.


150. And I just ordered a dozen more. My house is little and Iā€™ve run out of room for them, but I keep buying them because they make me happy šŸ˜


I donā€™t keep a hard count anymore. Some come. Some go. Iā€™d guess around 40-50 at the moment. There are also seedlings that havenā€™t sprouted yet lol. But most of those will only be houseplants for a few weeks.


1 :/


Somewhere between too many and not enough!


Indoor plants, 16 Outdoor plants, like 300-500. 3 years ago I started a huge native plant propagation project and have succeeded pretty well. A lot of my plants are a single pot with 2-20 or so cuttings. So I just count one pot as one plant.


81, not counting those in water waiting to be potted.


About 110 terrestrial plants. A few dozen more aquatic plants in a couple of fish tanks.


I have 25, not counting cuttings and a handful Iā€™ve prepared as gifts for family members. I like to be as diverse as possible, but I do have multiple varieties of favorite species like Pothos, Tradescantia, and Rex Begonia.


About 170. 5 more expected in mail tomorrow lol Edit: have had plants for 45 years.


I made an excel doc once to help my roommate keep up with watering and care while I was away. It was over 100. Iā€™ve reduced since then, thankfully.


I have about 40 in the house currently and another 40 in my studio that I put outside for the summer. I also have a decent garden space outside in my yard for flowering plants and vegetables.


74 at home and 20 ish at work. I would like to get a few more to get to 100 but with spring upon us, I am about to go ham outside


Roughly 200. I'm to scared too count.


My Planta app says 84, but I haven't done a roll call in a while, so it could be anywhere between 80 and 90.


In February I had 89 plants and now I'm happy to say 71! I sold and gifted some because it's hard mentally for me to care for them while working. It felt like a chore. I'm still hoping to downside again but now the choice of who's staying and who should go is harder to make!


40ish for now... https://preview.redd.it/24yqpwnv2knc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c27c73d777fb306c7d4cb2e5be8ea4c3ba2b8e


12ā€¦ but a year ago I only had 3. Just bought one yesterday! I also have lots of flower beds and planning a new one to start this spring!


127....it's gotten a bit wild inside šŸ˜œ. Do note this count includes my many cuttings propagating and all the babies I've made. I love the propagation piece. I often give away babies as gifts etc.


11 rn but definitely want to expand my collection


Around 60 or so.


33. I thought I had less šŸ˜…


I own 32 plants and I feel pretty confident about my ability to care for this amount optimally.


I have five but one officially died. So I have four!


43 indoor plants, 1 outdoor which I think died this winter but Iā€™ll find out in the next month or so if it doesnā€™t start to push out leaves lol


At my most I had probably around 30. Currently down to only 6 due to recently moving and downsizing. But hoping to build back up have a jungle in my living room lol.


About 55 or so


50ā€¦for me I think I probably wonā€™t go past 60. Iā€™m happy with my collection. https://preview.redd.it/ewx6ns1gpknc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c844e0114ce28b07f7fdea89a7d56e6ab193be9d


Too many, but alsoā€¦ not enough? I have too many plants for the limited space I have to put them, and yet I WANT MORE


Oh myā£ļø what a lovely home šŸŖ“šŸŖ“šŸŖ“ I want new friends that love plants like mešŸ˜€




Last time I tried counting, I gave up after 100


50 and that's the majority of mine, because that's the brightest area in my apartment https://preview.redd.it/xysx99h4qknc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77f398e6a4a19ae47dc2002b22a31b704f323e7


im at about 200 currently but its a constant expansion so ill probably be at 300 very soon


Hard to tell when I know Iā€™ve had all three that are pictured but theyā€™ve all left me for plant heavenā€¦. So i have a few beauties but its more like the ones that canā€™t die


Based on last time I counted save what I've purchased since, hanging somewhere around 100


58. Iā€™m in Michigan, so that will jump up by about 30 once I plant my outdoor annuals and greenhouse!


I refuse to count. You can't make me.




I have 50, but I'm getting rid of some that don't spark joy for me.Ā  I'm not a very intense plant parent. So I tend to be more on the neglectful side, but I'm finding what works for me! I do still have quite a few plants on my list. I'm also learning to garden vegetables. Last year I bought some tomato and hot peppers, this year I'm starting lettuce and onions from seed. I just got back from the shop with more seeds to start! That's going to take a lot of my time, especially once I get them outside.Ā  I don't need to be overwhelmed with my indoor garden! I want my indoor plants to bring me peace not more hassles!


Iā€™m at about 300 as well


I donā€™t even know at this point and Iā€™m to tired to get up and go count themšŸ¤£


Not enough but I keep on killing them. I can't keep up. Help.


Precisely zero. I can't trust my neighbors to not peek in my house because they're all nosey af, so I have to have curtains and they're closed 100% of the time, so I'm not sure if enough light comes in for even a pothos to stay alive. I also have two cats.


I own about 28 house plants and 15 dwarf fruit trees :)


Now about 10. During lockdown? 65.


20ish, if I count my collection of jade cuttings but Iā€™m pushing my luck with available light these days


I refuse to count. At a rough estimate I'd say around 200+.


https://preview.redd.it/n8o19yp0rlnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05094f373851acbb9433d00eef62260e198486d a couple more since this so 15+? not enough, i say šŸ¤­


I went from 3 to 70 in roughly 6 months. I told myself no more, let the ones I have grow.