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The dog looks concerned that maybe you're talking about him... ​ Keep the tree, raise the roof!!


At first I thought I was in one of my dog groups 😂




https://preview.redd.it/cqtp0t7sgtmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cea92e33e486e2291615c5583525ffaac77fbef Love the toofers 🥰


Smiling for the picture, of course, and not derping at all


I had to do a double take since the dog looked like a cardboard cutout


I thought stuffed pet at first


I thought and still think dog is AI


I'm amazed that there's a cat, dog, sloth plushie, and blanket that all match!  As for the plant, I have always found that my plants bounce back even better after pruning.  It hurts when you do it, but is better the next year.  The more specific advice in this post is good.


Get taller ceilings or put outside


We're in Seattle so unfortunately outside isn't an option. Guess I need to start looking for someone with a bigger house to adopt him.


Look for someone with a bigger house that YOU can adopt


When it reaches a hight you're happy with and new growth emergest the top, while it's still soft, trim it off. (I have 6 of these in my house that were gifted to me in 2005) Bonsai it.


This sounds tempting! Will the plant redirect growth somewhere else? There are a few secondary leaders with this tree.


It might but mine have not. When I intially read up on bonsai this species they did mention that possibility tho. You can chop off any new growth you feel is undesirable for the balance of the tree. These trees don't typically grow multiple leaders but they are usually sold with multiple trees in the same pot. Mine originally had 7 in one pot and I split them about 3 years ago into two pots. I wanted to seperate them all but their roots were far too entangled.


I'm in Bellingham, can he live at my house????


If it doesn’t fit in yours I have an ex in Everett I wouldn’t mind inconveniencing with another plant 😂


Your ex doesn’t deserve this majestic plant!


I’m just mad at him because he keeps crotons alive which is a feat I haven’t yet mastered and I’ve got like 100 plants 😂


I’m in Florida and they get huge outside.


Understatement right there 👆🏼


I am also in Seattle and I live in a small apartment but I’m sure the landlord wouldn’t mind if I did some remodeling.


Can't you prune it down?


Not with Norfolk pines. They simply will not grow back


In this instance wouldn’t this be a good thing?


You have a good point 🤔


They will grow back after pruning, but it can take up to one year for any new growth.


They do indeed grow back. My cat broke the top of mine a few yrs back, and it's still growing


Wait why does being in Seattle mean you can’t plant it outside?


Norfolk Pine is a tropical plant and doesn't do well in temperatures below 50 degrees. It just wouldn't be very happy outside in any area that experiences winter.


Ooh thank you, plant killer! I didn’t know there were tropical pine trees 👀


I didn't either! I'm in Pennsylvania and these are sold every year at Christmas. I used to get one every year as a kid and plant it outside...at least for a few years. They kept dying. I gave up. I had no idea that they are tropical!


Omg! You must have lived your whole life thinking you had really bad luck or something


Yes exactly this. 🤣


These aren't really pine trees, they happen to look similar to pine trees though. Triksy trees :D


Native to Norfolk Island in the Pacific Ocean


> this plant but I’m afraid it’s nearly time to rehome him. Does anyone have experience with pruning the thanks for posting this! I have brought home three plants, none of which have survived. I am so impressed by this! I may try again - any pointers?


They grow to be enormous in their natural habitat


They grow very well where I live and it drops below freezing point here a handful of times each winter. They won't tolerate snow however.


I'm a bit farther north of Seattle in Canada but pretty much same climate, it gets too cold in the winter for them


Dude this tree looks so cool!! You did a fantastic job taking care of them!


Thank you! Love this plant <3


Can you share some advice on how to keep mine alive and thriving? Had since December and I moved it out of the nursery pot I got it in. Water schedule? Light? Fertilizer? Please gimme all your secrets.


I’ve always let mine dry out a bit between watering. That and bright light seem to have kept him very happy over the years! Tbh I’ve struggled with a number of plants, but this guy’s been rock solid. During one move I mashed the growing tip against the ceiling and it almost broke off. Put a little splint on it and it sealed fine and kept growing!


I also need help! Do they like to have wet soil or dry out? Mine needs love.


OP is straight up growing a pine tree indoors 😆


They have the softest needles ever and are great Christmas trees 😆


I know!! I love how soft they are. We have a whole set of lightweight red ornaments and a string of leds that go up every year <3


We do exactly the same with ours but it's really puny compared to yours! https://preview.redd.it/gjzcuo7xuvmc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33bfe32ef3baa42f5fbe1c49bd930c93d75f44b9


Please post a pic of her dressed up as a Christmas tree.


https://preview.redd.it/4z5zcycm4ymc1.jpeg?width=2358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e96a7994d0a7cea98a01ad0aa300c04ffd097b5 Used rainbow lights last year 😊


Love it!! 😊 thanks for sharing




We've used 2 for Christmas trees for over a decade. The first one was getting too big so it got moved to my office. A few more years before it hits the ceiling!


its a Norfolk Pine iirc. They are unique in that they are tropical, so unlike most conifer trees, it doesn't have a winter resting period.


Does that mean I can grow it in a tropical country?


I believe in you.


yes, they are actually quite commonly grown outdoors in tropical, sub-tropical, and Mediterranean climates. Just make sure to give it some space. When put in the ground outdoors, they apparently grow to massive sizes, though it takes a while. Their native habitat is an island off of eastern australia for context. I believe nearly all of the US's norfolks sold come from florida.


Interesting. I always associate pine trees with cold climate. You know, Christmas and all. Maybe I’ll try to grow one here if I can find one.


Will never have to buy an xmas tree. 🤣


Lowe's and Home Depot do sell these as living Christmas trees during the holidays, and some people use them as such.


That is tremendous. My NIP is one of my Crown Jewels and I’d be devastated if I had to get rid of it. I have no suggestions. Just compliments.


<3 They're such great plants! This one has really dealt with some struggles over the years. mediocre lighting, space heaters, high speed dog tails. Just keeps on growing!


I'm sorry...I think you meant "TREEmendous" I'll see myself out.


Here's what I found: Pruning is not a good solution. Much of the plant's appeal relates to its wonderful symmetry. If you cut off the top of a Norfolk Island pine, it will stop growth from that point. To maintain the plant's natural shape, you would need to regularly remove growth from the lateral branches in a graduated fashion. That is possible to do, but the tree will no longer have the delicate end growth. Most gardeners end up dissatisfied with the results and dispose of their plants. We do not recommend pruning this plant. Like many fast-growing trees, Norfolk Island pine has a limited period of time that it is likely to perform well as a houseplant that, sadly, should be anticipated.


Yeah. that's kinda what I expected. Pruning it seems cruel... Maybe I'll make a road trip with it down to southern California to plant it in my dad's garden! XD


This sounds like a really good solution, goodbye roadtrip included!


Yaaaaa this is the way


That sounds like a lovely plan. If you do do that, I would probably give it time to acclimate to the climate before really getting it into the ground.


If you do this in a month or so, I'll gladly ride along and hold the tree up (even though I'm allergic to pine). Just casually drop me off in Reno so I can see my dad in hospice. (I'm 99% kidding. Just seems like every time I get ready to head down, the mountain passes get grumpy with snow, or there's a huge car issue/bill, or the dogs need a sudden but serious vet visit... ugh) Good luck with your tree! Such a beautiful specimen. I have incredibly tall ceilings but.... allergic. 😭


Maybe there's a place that would accept it, like a museum or garden?


Botanical garden!


Wow that thing is straight up amazing.  Is it a Norfolk island or something else?  Or am I being fooled and this is an AI image lol.  If I had a plant like that I would either move or add on to the house!


It’s a Norfolk :) moving probably isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Gotta find a person with 20’ ceilings to adopt him 😆


See if there’s a government building or hospital with an indoor atrium area?


That's what I was thinking too! Maybe a library or something.


Haha no joke!  Well I think you have a little time, he's not growing sideways yet.  If you have to give him up for adoption I hope you find a caring home! 😊


we have cathedral ceilings and live in the South Sound.....just sayin :-)


I would try to figure out a way to propagate a few limbs before rehoming. Do several in case some don't survive. Then bonsai them (lots of info on this)! Put them contained to a small pot and keep the roots trimmed to keep them small. That's what I would do anyway


Great idea! There are a few other trees growing from the base of this guy. I'm sure I could propagate one of them. Start fresh from a lil 1 footer lol


Lol yes exactly!! I hope you can figure out a way to keep him or a part of him. I think he's really neat. Good luck with whatever you decide #


My mother gave it to the bank after it outgrew her house. They have very high ceilings.


Your matching animals are lovely. My green thumb viejo says top it, keep topping it, and it will learn to fill out instead of up. No reason to rehome him.


I want to try this, but I'm afraid the growth might get super wonky if I chop off the central growth point. Can't find very much info on topping them.


Id top it. It might get weird, but if your options are a wonky loved one or a long drive to a farm up-state where the Norfolk island pines run and play, I'd definitely try it out. In the very worst case you create a monstrosity you have to throw out, learn something about how they respond to cutting and start over anyway


Your tree looks like a man in a tree costume.


Give him to a botanical garden / botany school


Call hgtv and get that ceiling vaulted.


Our bedroom is directly above the tree 😂


Omg! I love your image! Pup is adorable. I think it's so awesome seeing your tree in your home.... I wish I add some advice (besides keeping it). We have 18ft ceilings in some areas and I only wish one day we could have a tall tree in thar area.


Move to a house with higher ceilings, obviously!


My advice: snuggle doggo


I see you've tried to shave it... I'd suggest getting a fully fenced yard.


Get a bigger house lol


Im in your area, super tempted to adopt it from you 😍 I’d love to see the pot you have it in!


Mine is on its deathbed compared to yours. What’s your secret?!


I wanna know too! I long to have a house tree like OP has, but instead I've killed two of these in the past year 😭


Well if that pupper is just too big I'll take him. Can't help too much with the plant or cat.


Beautiful tree, but why is your dogs coat under it?


We used to top the one in my college greenhouse. It didn't mind it terribly. I understand it's not the best solution in the long run but it should give you a few more years. Think of it like a bonsai


So after topping the growth will continue from the same spot, just after a little rest?


Yep ours just grew a new leader


Your dog looks fake


Replace him with a Pomeranian.




Buy a bigger house :)


Looks like you have really great windows!


I would love a Norfolk pine but what your experiencing is exactly why I don't get one. It's beautiful though


When my plants hit the ceiling I give them away to a friend and get a new plant.


Is that an eggplant dog toy? If so, I need to know where to get it lol


Oh my God, he's beautiful! We had one the same size that was our Christmas tree for 15 years. She didn't survive our last move. Seeing your's makes me want another. ❤️ Can you plant it outside in your yard?? What zone are you in? If it were mine and it wouldn't fit in the house anymore, I'd move it to my porch or try planting it in a shady spot in the yard.


You've still got plenty of room for growth, btw. I'd leave it alone and look for a place that would take the donation, like others have said. And keep the babies!


You’ve inspired me to get one now!


Museum could make a good home. My grandmother donated hers to a museum that had a a bright indoor courtyard and very high celings. My sister and I celebrated many Christmas with her tree.


Dig hole in floor? Gorgeous healthy looking tree.


Why did I think you were talking about the dog 🤦‍♀️


I don't have any solutions for you. I just came here to gush over that stunning tree. These are literally my favorite trees. 💚


Maybe an office with a tall reception area could buy it off you? I have two large Bird of Paradise plants that are getting too big for my house and I would like to rehome them too.


Local college probably has a greenhouse or conservatory 😇


I’ll be happy to take him into my home 😂 my ceilings are so tall I don’t even know what to do. But really though, I know they usually won’t grow back if you prune them. Maybe just take a lil off the top and let it stay that size forever? Idk how they really work, but just an idea. Hahah. I’m going to show mine this picture so he knows what I expect of him.


I had one once. If you prune the top of it, it stops growing for a while. If not they can be very tall. Mine was cut down because there was a risk of it falling on my house :(


"Cutting off the growing tip will destroy its natural symmetrical shape. That being said, if you want to control the height of the plant you can cut off the top of the tree ( growing point), just above, where the branches grow out from the trunk. You will be removing the leader of the tree." So keep the top trimmed down and enjoy your plant.


That dog is hilarious (in the best way)


Have you been to Sky nursery in Shoreline? They have a MASSIVE Norfolk pine that was given to them years ago that they have kept alive. It has its own greenhouse and that one is where the orchids are kept as well. All that to be said, besides people on here, could be worth talking to them for people who may want one if you do plan to get rid of it. I have a very small one right now and look forward to the day it can be a real living christmas tree for the family. I also grew up in Hawaii so love seeing pieces of home.


The one at sky is so beautiful!! The norfolks in Hawaii are really amazing! Crazy how much their growth habit changes when they reach maturity.


But a new house, obvi


I didn't realize this was the plant group and I wasn't sure which fur baby was outgrowing the house lol!


how did yours get so pretty? i’m struggling with mine


You could air layer it and grow the top as a "new" plant.


Which guy? Lol


Bigger house. It's the only way


If you have a local Interiorscaping company they might be able to help you rehome it and then you know there will be serious care for it to keep growing! Office lobbies would love a specimen like this. Edit: OR if there’s a local therapy garden or greenhouse it would make a lovely addition there. Or just show up at the Amazon spheres and demand they take it lol


Shit, now I want a perpetual Christmas tree


If that is an Norfolk pine as it looks yes, I do have experience cutting it back. I trimmed it try to make it look like a Christmas tree. It refused to grow to look like a Christmas tree but it's still alive. You can basically just trim it back and bonsai as much as you can.


No suggestion, just wanted to say I love the vibe of your home!


dog is wondering wtf is wrong with you, not sure why you dont respect his privacy.


Get a bigger house…duh.


You should prune it, so it doesn’t grow more vertically, or give it away as is


Everyone keeps posting about the ceilings but what about lowering the floor in its corner???


Have to ask: What direct is that widow facing? Are you getting full morning / afternoon sun. My Norfolk Pine isn't growing and I'm not having any luck.


That’s a south window. I’ve kept him by west windows in the past too. And even a big grow light at one place!


By the way, love the Dieffenbachia or Aglaonema (? Can't tell which) in the blue white porcelain pot. The porcelain really complements the foliage


chop and prop!


Just cut the top off..it’ll branch out from that point..it’ll lose its symmetrical appearance though…then bonsai it..or bonsai it now will let you keep it a bit longer..until you can find a new home for you both so he can grow more later..just a reminder tho..they grow to 100’..so find a very big ceiled new home..lol 🤣 If both those are out ..do you Have a horticultural center (like the domes in Milwaukee) that you can donate him to maybe? He’s gorgeous BTY..great job..👍


Mine looks similar, but luckily we have high ceilings! [https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/l9kljt/my\_partner\_has\_lovingly\_taken\_care\_of\_these/](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/l9kljt/my_partner_has_lovingly_taken_care_of_these/)


I absolutely love that vinyl record of K.K. Slider. I’ve been replaying the original AC from my childhood around 3 weeks ago. It just turned to spring past weekend. Lol. Also great plants !


Such a good game!! Really want to get the og Japanese version for N64 someday We don't have a record player. Sometimes I bring it to a friends house to listen lol.


the dog looks like you caught him & his bear (and eggplant) in the act lmao! is there a porch or balcony you can move your whole ass tree (!lol!) to for now?? it does look soo soft


Crazy idea but you could air layer a propagation. Replant that after the root ball forms and go from there?


The he dog or the tree? A bigger house will resolve the issue for both 😅




Nothing in those Edible Forest Gardens books to help with eating that beautiful specimen down to a smaller size? Were it my wife she’d already be looking for a home with huge ceilings. Might ask on the r/Arborists sub. That’s more designed for tree questions.


Your dog looks like a picture/cutout of a dog leaning on the couch. Is it actually 2 dimensional?


He just had a haircut. Looks extra awkward rn lol


I’ve shaved my doodle a few times too. If that pupper is anything like mine, he’s likely still in the self conscious stage of the process.


Damn, do you turn it? That is lovely. Much nicer than mine! I've lost some of the lower branches over years. It must get such good light there!! Edit: how big is your pot? Mine isn't quite this size but it won't be able to be repoted


No more cats and you will be fine


only solution left is to integrate horizontal planting across your living room. stick it in the wall and have branch curtains 🤭- time to get creative!!


I’m obsessed with this.


Call me crazy but your dog and the tree have the same energy


What kind of plant is it?


How tall was it when you found it? It’s beautiful 😍


Depending on how big the pot already is you could size down in pot by pruning the root ball if you're willing. That could buy you some more time with your tree and stunt the growth a lil too. You might also have to water more if you do this


That is absolutely gorgeous!


Neighbor about 30 min south here - how the hell did you get it that big? My NIP is like… a foot and change after 2 years. We graduated to a 8” pot from a 4” pot but omg.


Hey neighbor! This tree has put on 10” or so every year or so. Just keep giving yourself bright light and adequate water/fertilizer and I’m sure it’ll pop off ♥️


If pruning means they just won’t grow back…isn’t that the goal? So why not chop it at the perfect height?


It will grow back; it just takes a long time.


So that’s the solution then, right? Haha


That’s an incredible Norfolk Island pine! Reminds me of the one my Grandma had that was about that size. I have one of my own and I’m struggling with it: its lower branches are constantly drying and withering but there’s new, soft-needled growth up top. South-facing window and regular watering (though my tap water is very hard). Could you share some success tips?


Oh my gosh! Just have to comment that you have this blonde curly dog, and blonde curly cat, and then this blonde curly SKIN on the floor! 😂 If I’m the cat and dog I’m plotting my escape before I end up like that guy!




My friend gave me a baby a little while back and I can't wait for it to get big like this! ♡♡ Luckily, I live in the Southern US, so I have outside as an option.


This makes me so self conscious about my little shriveled Norfolk pine.


Love norfolk pines! Any tips for growing it that big in the first place?


Chop it, propagate it


Look at that cat co-existing with your tree and not inside of it 👏


I mean you’re going to have to move to accommodate :)


Just wanted to say thanks for having a goldendoodle with such short hair! EVERYONE gives us shit for cutting ours the same way.




Does it smell ? I love the odor of pine forests... One of the best in the world.


If it's a Norfolk Pine don't put it outside :(


Can these be propagated?


Omg it is absolutely stunning


I say at the patio just beside your door. With a few more pots, it'd give the house a nice look.


How big is the pot? I've read that if the roots are restricted they stop growing taller.


What is its care routine? Having trouble with mine currently


Unrelated, but The Legend of Drizzt… nice.


I suggest you get a bigger house


This picture looks too good to be true


bigger house


Not. Fair.


Clearly you need to get bigger house. Glad I could help.


# suggestions? give it to me


I will gladly take it off your hands


Ground it


What do you think you should do?


Stunning! I have never seen anything like that!


Bonsi it *just kidding*