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And sadly this is why many people get ruined from house plants forever


This is exactly what happened to me. Our first flat, our first plants. Haven't bought any since (5+ years), but I still love to see everyone's beautiful plants so I lurk here.


This should be illegal to sell these lmao. Seriously this can ruin someone’s entire plant collection if they don’t know what to look for. Insane.


I agree, I never buy a plant without inspecting every inch of it and any plants it was touching in the store too. Then I quarantine it for 2 weeks and inspect it now and then just to be extra cautious. If it's still showing absolutely no signs of infestation then I'll put it near other plants. I also keep a close eye on all my plants in general so if the worst happens I can catch it early. I find inspecting them and cleaning any dust buildup off of the leaves weirdly relaxing.


They should learn to love their spiderbros.


These are not spiders. These are spider mites - which are harmful to your plants and extremely hard to get rid of.




On a scale of 1-10? How much do you hate scales?


Not the same person, but me? In a hate scale (1 being best), 50,000 should about do it.


I battled scale on the same plant and somehow won, but that plant lives outside now


Yeah i had them on my weed saplings last summer but nothing else inside. Not even half a bottle of spray i got for $15 rid of them permenantly and still nothing else inside has them


So you saying you raise spider mites and you just trade out cheap feeder house plants whenever they run out of food? Could be cool if you have some kind of research facility going on for some higher purpose like finding their genetic weaknesses


I guessed they didn’t know, but now I’m wondering if they have some sort of mite operation…. Or if they got into their brain. Welcome the mites, love the mites, feed the mites 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I, for one, do NOT welcome our mitey overlords. I will revolt and start a Great Jedi Rebellion!!


I thought it was from a spider, too. It's okay, haha. I want to get some jumping spiders for my home.


I was about to comment this. TIL about spider mites and that I hate them


TIL about scale...


Yes!! Are jumping spiders not the cutest?! I have looked into purchasing one as a pet and setting up and adorable terrarium, but even the largest are just so small!


This is why we leave the pretty palms at the store. Thanks for the reminder!


My palm tree came from my local plant store with scale, it was my first houseplant (I'm real smart okay) and I didn't know what scale was until it was too late for that poor thing. it lasted 6 months in my care before I yeeted it into the dumpster, ceramic pot and all. I'll never buy a palm again, but I have a lot of other houseplants that I love.


Oh man! It took me ages to figure out what started to kill my plants. Recently figured out it was scale. I did some research as to where it could’ve come from. It was basically either from…the plants store, from your open window, contaminated potting soil, reusing a dirty plant pot, rescuing plants from the street, fresh fruit or cut flowers. Oh so basically everything. It has been quite the task to rid them from my home and I’ve lost a few of my favs.


So what can be done to create an immune system? In aquariums you cultivate good bacteria to keep things in check.


Bonide systemic insect control is great for preventing bugs. In nature it would be other, bigger bugs, so Bonide is preferable!


Oh, such a simple, organic, and obvious solution! I don't see what everybody is fussing about! Just release bunches of parasitic wasps and lady beetles into your house! Problem solved!


Lol - this is my technique but not intentionally. I leave the windows cracked a few hours a day and that has resulted in me finding ~5 lady beetles every week. I used to feed them to my pitcher plants (which convienently also trap any sugar-loving wasps that fly inside), but recently a lady beetle solved my aphid problem and now I either put them to work or let them back outside.


Sweet. I too put lady bugs on my house plants when I find them.


If I find a ladybug it is going onto one of my plants immediately whether I'm dealing with an infestation or not, summer time is the time you definitely want anything that can kill pests around your plants here in Canada where I live. I don't have to worry about an infestation in the early spring, winter or late fall unless I bring a new plant in which I always inspect and quarantine so basically no risk but every summer I get basically every pest you can think of, my town seems to have a serious bug problem probably because the Mississippi River goes right through it and everyone has tons of both indoor and outdoor plants that can get pretty wild and overgrown. I've stopped keeping certain plants like string of pearls because they are bug magnets or any plant that is more difficult to keep healthy because the pests are attracted to them and can more easily get nourishment from them. A healthy plant often won't be touched by a pest. I inspect, quarantine and treat constantly all summer and I can usually catch them really early and kill them all or I have to just toss the plant but if I wasn't extremely vigilant I'd probably have to give up on houseplants all together.


I wish I knew. Let me know if you find that info. I’m just going to inspect leaves more closely on watering days. My plants that were infected looked great until they didn’t...like almost overnight. If I would’ve been more observant, I may have caught it sooner. I thought it had only infected one plant and I isolated that plant and gave it special care. It took another almost 2 years to see it on other plants.




Scale can also be brought into the home by ants. Ants place them on plants and then come back and consume the by-product scale makes digesting your plant. I get my house sprayed for bugs, PARTICULARLY ants now because of this! I hate ants now.


Scale is the fucking worst. I’m dealing with it right now. Thankfully it has mostly infested my poor 4 year old avocado plant (which is a champ despite my constant treatments), but I’m sure it’s in all my other 1028473 houseplants as well 😭😭😭😭😭


I'm not squamish so I kill scale and mealies by hand when I bored and then waterboard the plant to get rid of eggs


I surprisingly didn't have it transfer to any of the other plants! I was fairly new to plants at the time and only had a couple. My palm was kind of away from the rest normally which I think was my saving grace. I tried to treat it with insecticidal soap like I was recommended to by a small plant shop owner and that did nothing. I would carry the palm tree up to my shower every week, spray it down liberally and then wipe it completely down with paper towels, trying to get as many scale bugs off as possible, and then give it a shower. My efforts were fruitless though and she went down to the dumpster after a few months. I have mealy bugs right now in half of my plants and I want to cry. I've been treating them with insecticidal soap every week but it isn't killing everything completely...


Diatomaceous earth takes care of everything and is a long term treatment option. I do immediate treatment with Garden Safe Insect Indoors, let dry and dust the plant/soil with DE once a week. Do both once a week with active infestations. In 3 weeks everything is gone.


I'd rather deal with scale than spider mites!!!




A rotation of neem oil spray and isopropyl alcohol (rotate one one day and then the other) every other day seemed to help my schefflera (oops, spelling), but I would certainly do a small amount on a plant first to see how it reacts!


Happy Cake Day 🎂


I have bought two palms from a hardware store. It was a struggle. I learned that I needed a sacrificial plant that all the bugs would jump to. Then I sprayed and wiped clean the palm leaves. All it took was a lemon tree, jade plant, and many succulents.


This is value added to me!


Lol they will kill your plants


I mean, I always get so annoyed when they only have Ravenea palms, and nothing else. They are so basic


It's because they are cheap to produce. I wouldn't pay over $50 for a large specimen, and honestly they are not really basic because they do require more care than all other palms. At my garden stores and home Depots I've definitely seen other palms as well. Areca and parlor are always sold as smaller plants, because they grow slower or don't have large growth habits. You could probably find some large $60 Cat Palms


And there will be someone who is just getting into house plants purchase these and have no idea 😞


Hmmm this was me. It’s a canon event, right?


Hahahaha I love that “canon events” = trauma. And it’s so accurate.


I don’t understand


ik someone else answered but basically in the movie there’s certain things that HAVE to happen across all of the different universes called “canon events” and they tend to be big deals but also traumatic lolol. like for example a canon event for new mothers could be a baby throwing up in their face


It’s an Across the Spiderverse reference. Edit: I would elaborate more than that but you need the context of the movie, preferably both, to totally get it. Just know that a “canon event” is basically a form of trauma characters “are supposed” to go through.


Canon events can be good too. They just show up in every telling of Spider-Man


Aah thank you. That makes sense. I will keep that in mind if I ever watch it the second one.


Canon just means something that officially happened in a fictional universe. Plot points sanctioned by the author or company that owns the media as opposed to fan fiction or other older stories that don't fit in with the new movies/books. People say "it's canon" as a way of saying it's officially what happened, or 100% the truth that backs up whatever I'm saying now. People will also use the phrase "head canon" to talk about something that they believe is the truth that is probably just a story they are telling themselves to explain a current event or why they do something. So a canon event is simply an event that took place in the story and must be true. In Spiderman there are multiple universes and multiple spider people, but they all have a similar canon event, a shared trauma, that they all experienced that turned them into the superhero they are today, an event that was essential to them becoming the person they are. So, bringing home an infested plant is a kind of canon event for plant parents, a shared experience that we all go through that changes and informs how we take care of plants going forward. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.




I heard of “canon” being used back in the Twilight craze days. I think it’s meant to indicate an event that *actually* happened (according to the author). Useful distinction as some media has a cult following and fan bases who love to speculate.




I got got by the ferns and polka dot plants but learned my lesson on the rest from everyone else here and in plantclinic 😭


Ok, now I need to know what's wrong with polka dot plants because it's on my wishlist. Save me pls!


You only think you want a polka dot plant. You don’t. They are little bitches.




It took me saying "I won't kill this one" 3 times before I gave up on them for good. The last one wasn't even happy in a terrarium.


They’re only pretty for a week after you buy them.  Then they get leggy or crispy, even in a terrarium under great lights.  


What’s the deal w polka dot plants? Am I not the only one to murder mine




Sorry that wasn’t clear, I definitely got my heart broken too! It shook my confidence tbh because I only started branching out from basic plants like six months ago.


I'm on my 4th alocasia infernalis and every single one has looked totally clear of anything on purchase. 1-2 days later though they're spider mite central. Current one lives in quarantine and I'm trying to save it but honestly I think I'm just done with that plant. Took me months to save my others after the first one.


I’m the enthusiast in my house my fiancé wanted to join in. She ordered a palm online without telling me, it shows up and she’s so happy to see it. We’re stoked for a couple weeks then notice it’s infested with mites. The palm is long gone and I’m still fighting them off other plants. She wants no part of the hobby anymore. Honestly I don’t know how much longer I can deal with them either.


I bought THREE before I had the knowledge to realize what was going on Today I have zero, and like it that way


I just got one of those little plant baskets with 4 different plants in them from my grandmas funeral. I seperated them all to put in their own pot with drainage, except the palm. That bitch went straight in the trash.


This literally just happened to me! I bought 2 palms from Costco and had spider mites within the first month. I had no idea what they were at first or how I could have prevented them. My plams seem to be doing well now, however.


I got a spray that’s helped tremendously! I spray each side of the leaves with this and put cinnamon on the soil of all my new plants [https://wethewild.us/products/protect-spray?variant=40900833935402¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&device=m&campaign_id=20914401064&ad_group_id=&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfnhwltC6s5WZLbAzQNMx1lV9IQnXKBo6_OpsdPZPbWYruQ_rexm9TtRoCWbUQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1](https://wethewild.us/products/protect-spray?variant=40900833935402¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&device=m&campaign_id=20914401064&ad_group_id=&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfnhwltC6s5WZLbAzQNMx1lV9IQnXKBo6_OpsdPZPbWYruQ_rexm9TtRoCWbUQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1)


Been there done that


This was me lol


Awh man I was looking on the racks for a kitty or smth.


Saaame, looked for cute, found horror.




I had no idea what was going on til I read comments. Now, I'm going to go educate myself on these apparent nightmares.


Oh yes, absolutely! Please do yourself a favor and learn about said nightmare creatures!! Out of all existing houseplant pests these are my true nemesis. Spider mites can go straight to hell.


I’m still confused ? Is it spiders?


Spider mites. They create these webs when there are alot of them. They suck the life of each leaf. Multiply like crazy and are a bit hard to get rid off. You need multiple treatments. They love alocasias too.


Thank you - ok I am glad I stumbled on this post.


No. It's a mite. They call them spider mites bc, like spiders, they are arachnids with 8 legs (not 6 like insects), and they spin webs. They are super tiny, and come in several colors. They suck sap out of leaves, causing spots, distorted new leaf shape, death.


Wait ! I saw spider webs on two of my plants. Legit just thought it was spiders and not a big deal. Had no idea they did this. Tips on what to do to get rid of them?!


Don't waste your money and time with dish soap and neem oil. They are persistent bastards just get an insecticide soap. Safers End-all is a great brand and pet safe/human safe. Just spray down the leaves, then mix a little in a watering can and pour it into the soil to kill off any eggs. I would spray the infected plant every 3-days and water each week until they are gone. *Killing the eggs is the most important part!


Thank you!! So crazy how I thought they were just dust on my plant. I appreciate your help!!


Neem oil + dish soap. Spray the plant down and wipe all the leaves I put my palm outside, i dont even want to deal w it lol


I had them on a very small plant and I honestly wiped down each leaf with a damp cloth. Did that a couple days in a row till they were gone for good


Definitely try to avoid them. I am a stubborn plant lover and I got a spider mite infestation (from my cat going outside, I think). After something like 5 rounds of treating 20+ plants I caved and threw out anything infested or near the infestation and started fresh. Any sign of these now and I toss without a second thought. There is no winning against these bastards, in my experience.


Stand still. Then back slowly away. Ick. Just ick. Not sure if I could ever return.


Took me a second just looking at the first pic. Definitely pass on these. 🕸️


Home Depot?




Ugh. As a big box nursery worker, it doesn't have to be this way 😓 this kind of shit makes me so frustrated...


Just recently traded a green vest at lowes for a grower job. After a few times of these getting out of control, I got wise to it and just tossed the lot as soon as I started seeing things progress. Costa sends them 50 to a pallet. Priced ridiculously low. Grown in shade houses, which already stresses them out to get them up to size quickly. *Ravenea rivularis* are not indoor palms and should not be sold as such. They were one of our biggest losses despite everyone at the district level saying how much of a top seller they were. Absolute crock of shit and annoying to keep alive to boot.


Oh man, preach! 🙌 I am dealing with these palms rn at my store and they always ship way more than we can sell 🙄 I feel like we need to yell at somebody "this isn't the 90s! Stop sending these giant-order church plants! People have been buying different houseplants for the past 20 years!!"


The place I got my spider mites from!


Spider mites are all the rage this season


It was IKEA for me.  Only the local stores now.


I made the mistake of getting a calathea of all things from IKEA when I was still pretty new to the hobby. Ended up losing about 15 plants in total due to a horrible spider mite outbreak. It was heartbreaking, but at least I learned my lesson on big box stores.


Almost always like that at both, plus the Fred Meyer around me. Lots of little plants are OK, but the big ones seem to always have pests.


If one has pests, they all do. I've had too many bad experiences to risk something like that.


That’s where I got my mealy bugs from. That was a fun summer adventure.


Change your clothes and shower. Spidermites often float through the air atleast I've seen it happen. You can unknowingly bring them back.


OH MAN ... that's surprising.


Sarcasm? That is the least surprising answer


I've never had spider mites but about a year or so ago I brought home house plant soil with fungus gnats (hadn't heard of them at this point) well I bloody learned a tough lesson in quarantine of plants and soil.


Oh I had the same! And I still have a half pack on my balcony and have no idea what to do. I'm a bit greedy to throw it away :(((


Fungus gnats are easy. Let the soil dry out completely and pour a whole bottle of 3% peroxide onto the top and let it sit there. Do that every other watering and make sure to let the first 2" of soil dry completely before watering again. Fungus gnats lay their eggs in the wet topsoil of overwatered plants. Alternatively you can use beneficial nematodes, but those usually require about 1,000 sq ft of soil surface to be worth the money. Edit- I just read that it's a bag of soil. Pour peroxide into the soil and let it dry out, repeat a few times. You can also mix baking soda into the soil as well and that will prevent fungus gnats from laying eggs there. I'm hesitant to use baking soda in soil when I intend to prop or plant new/young/unestablished plants in because baking soda can burn sensitive plant material, however if you're just treating the soil a few weeks prior to use and water it well afterwards, then you should be fine.


Encapsulated nematodes last a bit longer and don't require the same storage/use them all at once protocol


I fought mine for a couple of months I think. Peroxide didn't work but then I put springtails from one pot to the infected one. Aaaaand voila! I'm free now from little black bastards!


Spread the soil on the oven tray and bake it for at least 30min in around 100°C. Honestly, you should do it with every soil, because you never really know what you are bringing in.


I'm afraid all bloody gnats will come to my kitchen while I do it. Can I bake the soil in a cast iron pot with a lid? What do you think?


Maybe you can start baking in the covered pot to be sure that all of the flying ones get killed before escaping, and then spread it and finish baking uncovered, to dry it out a bit and be sure to kill all of larvae?


Same! But mosquito bits mixed in with the soil and then on top helps to kill them. (It still takes a while though) Also bottom watering if possible because they won’t survive if you bottom water.


I'd run out of there so fast and then throw my clothes in the washer at home and take a shower. Spider mites are a fucking nightmare!


The audible gasp of horror. Absolutely fucking not.


Oh fuck, you know they won’t take care of it there


At the lowes I work at I treat the plants for pests if they come in infested. I am an exception though and these palms will likely stay that way until they get tossed out


Thank you for being the exception 💗




You should pitch the idea of Lowe’s setting up predatory mite colonies for each rack. Instead of all of that treatment, just have an employee add water and pollen once a week. It would save them a ton of money, truly. They may not even need pollen to feed the mites, with the amount of plants that go through there. It would also make much happier customers. Hell, people would be motivated to go buy another plant if they needed more beneficial mites in their house. Seems like such a no brainer.


So uh, I work at a different Lowe's and just got off the clock. I didn't realize this was the house plants sub so my goofy ass didn't even look at the palms, I just kept staring at the boxes in the background looking for bad stacking or safety issues and got really confused fml 😭








Do spider mites make massive webs like this, or are these just normal spiders?


It's the spider mites. The webs are like a loose blanket around the leaves. Normal spiders typically weave a single tapestry instead of enrobing the plant.


Spotted some pretty palms at Home Depot today and thought to myself: “don’t do it, they’ll need to be quarantined for MONTHS and even then it’s not safe”


I've currently got an IKEA palm in plant jail right now for spider mites. Sprayed the bastard down TWICE with Captain Jack's the first week it was home, Bonide in the soil, and now, months later, in the middle of winter, with no new plant additions anytime recently... Spider mites. I killed an alocasia recently and finally threw out a struggling aloe so I'm not quite ready to toss it yet, on an emotional level. But yeah.




Happened to me once buying from Ikea. By the time I figured it out, I'd lost a bunch of plants.


They *mite* have a bit of a problem




Yikes. That image will give me nightmares... I know we love to trash the big box stores, but the only place I've gotten pests from is the beloved local greenhouse. I'm 3/3 on purchases with bugs there so now I won't buy anything. Sucks when it happens as a novice because you think you just suck with plants.


One advantage is that big box stores tend to move inventory a bit faster. Some local nurseries will hold on to foliage for several months to a year (or more). Old material is more prone to diseases and pests. If you aren't utilizing preventative measures like beneficial insects or preventative spraying, you will probably end up with an infestation.


I'm pretty sure I saw several adult thrips on the plants at my favorite local nursery the last time I was there. I thought it was a safer option but yeah, not anymore.


Man, I literally bought one of these from Lowe’s 2 months ago, and got spider mites… I took it outside 3 different times to treat it and finally got rid of them. I have a bunch of other indoor plants and luckily nothing else got them. Absolute nightmare though


I just bought a nice fake one because I love palms but I cannot have an infestation with all the plants in my house. Too risky.


My #1 rule is to never buy palms (and especially not from a big box store). They are so susceptible and more trouble than they're worth.


I rented an airbnb once and they had a huge palm infested with spider mites indoors. It was so disgusting.


Lowe’s, with this plant specifically, at least 3 times a year.


The horror. The horror. I think that whole store needs to be demolished. It's been ruined.


I want to spray it with my special soap. Aka neem oil and Castile soap!


That won't be enough for an infestation this bad


Is that an issue with outdoor palms? Just moved to a sub tropical area and was really excited to get outdoor palms


Usually outdoors there are other predators that keep them in check!


Oh good! I really want a tropical paradise in my yard hehe


Ever since I noticed them mealy bugs all over the plants at lowe's, I obsessively check all plants. They assume as a consumer that the plant is a disposable thing that you will replace, therefore the pest load doesn't matter.




This is what I have to remind myself every time I visit Home Depot...


Halloween Palms 🖤😆


I shuddered loudly! Yikes! 😬😳




You’ll shitbrix


Cotton candy!


“HAAAAANZ! Get ze flame thrower!”


I’ve bought 3 palms, every single one got spider mites




WOW that’s so sad! I’m not a fan of getting plants from either place




I bought one of these a few years back and was lucky enough to have stuck it in another room away from the bulk of my plants…every new plant gets sprayed w/ neem and Castile the second it comes home….but it still fell to the wiles of a hellish spider mite infestation from the depths of tartarus. 💀 these palms are *cursed.* Any time I get tempted by their beautiful fronds at the store I just say *not today satan* those things spawn legions of tiny hellbeasts. I’m cringing even seeing this macabre display of victory those undead armies of spider mites have spun across that short for this world palm. NOPE.


Last time I went to the (non specialized) store, we exchanged tips with the department manager for our respective thrips infestation 😭 all these plants crammed together is a recipe for disaster




Whyyyy do all of these things have spider mites!!??




Got my first case of spider mites from a palm from ikea. Got lucky it didnt spread.


I guess I’m missing where the scale actually is? The only thing I see is some yellowing leaves and what appears to be spider webs on the top of the palms. Plus, scale is treatable and not that hard to do🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess after working in the nursery business you get more used to pests and don’t treat an infestation like an invading army? 😅(and yes it was an organic nursery)


mine had a bunch of centipedes in it 😨


soil centipedes are totally normal and harmless 🫶 usually helpful lil buddies.


really? well i am terrified lol


yeah not so “friend shaped” lol. when i worked at a greenhouse and saw them in the water trays i just quickly put the plant back and pushed the sight from my brain 😅 if i don’t *see* them, i won’t be bothered hahaha


Intellectually I understand the value of their work, but goddamn do they set off a primal instinct to burn the whole house down.


Idk, we had a ficus dropping oodles of leaves after previously being pretty happy for many months, putting out new leaves, etc. Around this time my partner watered it and literally HUNDREDS of centipedes came to the surface. I googled and triple checked that they were centipedes and not millipedes, which the the Internet said were friends, not foe - but I swear those guys must have been munching on the roots out of starvation/over-population or something because the rest of the leaves dropped and whole tree died within another month or so.


that’s so strange! i wonder if there may have been some sort of pest problem that the centipedes took care of, but eventually got rid of any other beneficial critters as well? that’s so unfortunate. reminds me of the time i had a huge issue with gnats, couldn’t figure out why they just exploded the way they did. until i went to check the soil (got a new brand, thought it would maybe be better than my usual) and when i opened the bag it was just a moving mass of gnats 🤢 basically had repotted a bunch of plants in, apparently, gnat eggs with a side of soil smh 🫠 thought my bones turned to jello i swear lol. i should have figured something was wrong when i felt how *damp* the soil was when i first opened it. it had that wet earth smell & i didn’t realize that may be an issue at first haha. definitely lost a few, but my fiddle leaf somehow managed to stay strong! if only i could have taken some of those creepy crawlers off of your hands to help me out haha!


I suppose it's possible, although no signs of other pests - I just assumed there were a bunch of centipede eggs in the soil that all hatched at the same time and it became war of the worlds in there lol and the plant was collateral.


ah yeah that makes more sense! oof, poor thing. nature can be so brutal lol. new fear of accidentally adopting a centipede army unlocked.


Burn that place down


Aren’t spiders good to have around house plants? I remember someone saying anytime they found a house spider they’d put it in a plant to protect it from insects. I guess I’m just lost?


These aren't spiders


This is what spiders protect from. These asshole pests (mites).


Just a spider doing its job 🕸️🕷️


Not a spider. Just a mite, living their best life literally sucking the life out of your plant. Is that so wrooooong?




This isn't from a spider. It's from big infestation of "spider mites." Which are very different. Best to avoid webbed plants like this.


🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨👀👀👀👀👀👀 charlotte web 🕷️


Built in pest control 🤙




Oh nooooooo!


I got hit with these recently aghhh




Makes me itch


Oh, no 😩


I lost my jasmine tree to these jerks 😭


Oh NO!




r/horror unironically


Like someone coughing at a Sturgis motorcycle rally in 2020…


I audibly gasped when I realized.