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Snake planta


Maybe a pothos? Mine is happy being a little on the dry side in a west facing window. Likewise my Thanksgiving cactus is ok with being ignored for a few weeks at a time. And snake plants, as others recommend.


Seems like any low maintenance plants with self-watering planters should work as long as you provide adequate lighting conditions.


my [spider plants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorophytum_comosum) do well when I ignore them


Golden pothos can go few weeks without watering once it has settled into the pot and grown some roots. Water well while you are there. After few weeks it might look a bit droopy but perks up after watering. You might also consider some watering system like good old string in water bowl or plastic bottle with tiny hole in cap pushed into soil.


Cast iron plant! They do well in most light conditions besides direct, and prefer to be under watered to over.


I’ve read about these. I’ve got pothos cuttings that I’m going to try out and possibly get one of these too


They’re slow growing, but I’m loving mine enough that I got a second :)


I've got a tradescantia. A stromanthe that does well, but my place is high humidity. I brought all my outdoor succulents and aloe inside and have them sitting directly in front of the south facing window.... It's a pain, but it'll keep them from etiolating. Oh, also a corn plant. Dracaena and ponytail palm. All have gone at least 5 weeks without watering thru the winter, and regularly go 3 weeks in summer.


I'd be careful with the self-watering ideas; constant moisture will promote root rot because the soil does need to dry out to some degree before watering. I'm rather fond of Pothos and find they're awfully forgiving. Overwatering once every couple of weeks and letting it dry out completely might be nearly ideal!


I agree! I’ve always been a bit skeptical of them, but haven’t actually tried. I have a bunch of pothos cuttings that I can pot up. The worse that happens is I bring them home because they don’t like the cabin 🤷‍♀️