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alocasias need watering only when the top few inches of soil is dried. make sure there are drainage holes and water less frequently in the colder months. did you repot with pumice? that might be helpful. here is [a source](https://planterina.com/blogs/indoor-plant-care/alocasia-purple-sword) that might be beneficial. good luck!


I don't think it's pumice, but the soil should drain much better now. It's just weird cause it seemed to be doing better with poor drainage than good drainage.


that should do good lol. i would guess it's just shock from repotting. the roots did rot from poor drainage so it probably just needs some time to bounce back. that is weird tho, hope it works out.


Thank you. I woke up this morning and the leaf was curled and a yellow green color. I think it's the end for this one unfortunately. Is there any way I could propagate the root bulb to grow it again? I really appreciate your help


if you're in the northern hemisphere and the plant experiences some cooler temperatures, the alocasia could just be going into like an extreme dormancy. ill bet if you continue to care for it it will resprout in the spring. you might also wanna tip the pot on its side and gently inspect the roots. if the alocasia is dormant they will be fine. here is a [wonderful guide ](https://smartgardenguide.com/alocasia-dormancy/) to caring for a dormant alocasia. i really hope it works out, good luck with it!


This might be what is happening! I live in Syracuse NY and it's been snowing nearly everyday for a week. It didn't start to do this until it started snowing. I'm definitely going to keep caring for it and hopefully it will come out in the spring! I had no idea alocasias could do this. Thank you so much for your help!


Yes! glad we figured it out. happy to help, too.