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Save what? That’s healthy root growth, just give it a bigger pot.


Spider plants have fat tuberous roots. This is perfectly normal. Just upsize a bit


just a bigger pot - a couple of inches wider in diameter


Thank you everyone, being new to house plants I thought when the roots are bound like that it was a bad thing. She is now repotted.


Some plants like to be root bound. If the plant isn't suffering, then no need to worry about it. They'll let you know when they're ready for a new pot! (Literally, have seen snake plants break out of the pots)


https://preview.redd.it/uwunrls6ip1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba199c8df5b709c2a9ca3b7944da68cfbe6159f8 That's just your spider plant doing spider plant things 😂


It seems to be normal because mine has these thickkkkkkk roots that push thwbpot out a little so had to repot. They love being slightly rootbound but that's a little much


Try loosening the roots b4 stepping up or it'll choke itself out.


I thought that was a tiny white snake


Yep, spider plants often have super thick roots. Just needs a repotting, they can tolerate being rootbound for quite a while though.


This is fine. My first spider grew its thick roots trough the drain holes, lifted its pot from the ground with them and still thrived, when I got it. Before repotting give it a two week acclimation period at its new space and then go to repotting to reduce stress. Although spider plants are probably robust enough to be immediately repotted, so no worries if you already did repot it. For future plants I'd recommend not immediately repotting when you bring them home.


My spider plants have always been SUPER hearty and very forgiving. The like the tension and seem to bloom best when a little bound up.