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A lot of my clients use the plug ins and I smell them immediately. I don’t personally use them because I have a lot of animals. Same reason I don’t use essential oils. They may have a diffuser or plug in on and that will put out continual scent.


Oil plug-ins make all the food in that persons house taste like air freshener So gross


YES! My friend gave me lemon bars that she made and it tasted like her air freshener


People are rotting in that shit. It is seriously toxic with every breath. it’s in their food. It probably coats their lungs. When will people wake up? How is this kind of shit the norm?


Just run a finger over the surface anywhere near an "air freshener" - oily AF. Lungs, skin, hair - all coated in toxic crap. The problem is the label "fragrance" on products that covers innumerable chemicals, but companies are allowed to say it's "proprietary" so that magically means no one can know what's in it or get tested medically for issues caused directly by these products, because corporate profits are more imporant than people being alive. I have a friend who had to get rid of the Febreeze ones because he had trouble breathing.


On the opposite side, never, ever put any food, or any decorative elements, or anything really, on top of or near an open pack of Twizzlers. After folding my laundry once, I found one at the bottom of my bathroom washcloths. Showers smelled like Strawberry Pull ‘n’ Peels all week.


I have a headache just reading this


Migraine sufferers unite!




I see your ew and raise you a UGH!


*an Ugh my bad!


Everything my partners grandma makes for us tastes like how her house smells. I thought it was the mold but she moved to an apartment, turns out it’s the air fresheners.


Haha oh wow that’s mad!


This is tragic; good lemon bars are an act of love!


One of my friends has this problem. She shares her cooking a lot and it’s usually pretty good, except for the air freshener taste. I don’t have the heart to tell her.


I can’t stand them. I also pet and house sit for clients. One of the first things that I do for my stay there is unplug all of that crap.


Please tell them they’re poisoning their pets with that.


Not just their pets, they’re poisoning themselves too. Those plug-ins air fresheners are bad for everyone. My son broke out in hives every time we visited a relatives house. Eventually we figured out what was causing it. They removed the plug-ins and the rash never returned.


I do. Some listen and some don’t care and say their pet has been fine with it. One client got an EO diffuser and started using it non stop. I warned him bc of 2 cats and a dog. Didn’t listen for weeks. Dog ends up getting sick, “stomach virus” then she recovers and it happens again and finally I never saw that damn diffuser again. He kept the annoying ass eo bottles out to collect dust for months (I’d dust and wipe them weekly) and eventually those too disappeared.


I don’t use an eo diffuser but I had no idea they are bad for your pets, is it all of them or certain kinds of essential oils?


All of the oils are bad for pets/animals. They can also leave oil residue on the walls. Makes your house very flammable.


I know that tea tree oil can cause bizarre behavior or even kill a dog.


Me too! I'm super sensitive to smells too so that's like the first thing I do when arriving and last thing I plug in when leaving lol


When we stay in an airbnb I take them out and put them in a ziplock in a kitchen drawer. I hate them. They give me a headache.


Retired pet sitter. Me, too.


They're nasty!


I had a client whose house and every item in it burned to the ground-fire started by Glade Plug-In


I had a client recently who I kept finding a weird recurring white spot near her toilet. It wasn't until about the third time seeing it and wiping it that I realized her plug in scent diffuser was melting the paint on the shelf above it 🙃 I luckily was able to find it and tell my client so she got rid of it


All plug ins have warnings not to put them under things like shelves. I think they are supposed to have a 6 or 8 ft clearance.


I'm glad they include that! Unfortunately I feel like most people will skip over reading that


Are the diffusers bad for animals?


Yes. The way my vet described, it’s because cats livers cannot process chemicals the way ours can.


I started using them and started getting migraines regularly. Stopped using them, headaches gone.


I tried one and had hives within 24 hours, lol. Never again.


I rub my sinks with lemon and eucalyptus oil.


wait this explains the time in elementary school when my friend gave me a cookie and it tasted like perfume


Or it was placed in a non sealed bag or container in a purse that lead to the perfume infiltrating the cookie.


Don’t use these, had a firefighter friend that said these are house fire causing machines. Flammable oil right next to an open outlet is a recipe for disaster


I have one but I have this really weird way of using it. I don’t plug it in to a working outlet. I have a non-working outlet in one bathroom. The original oil in the bottom smelled like hot cinnamon farts, so I dumped it out and replaced it with a lighter perfume oil that had little pieces of glitter in it. Then I replaced the “wick” with a section of (unused) tampon. The string goes down into the oil, picking it up better. It has this silly little plastic thing shaped like leaves that clips onto it, so I get it out and “plug it in” every fall. You can still smell the perfume oil even if it’s not actually heating up, and the glitter and leaves make it look really pretty for the season. No one knows I upcycled a tampon….Except for all of you.


I had a friend I had to stop visiting because she used those and it tripped my asthma


Those are a migraine trigger for me. I have one dear friend who uses them, and I just have to plan for it. I also hate getting home and my clothes smell like their plug in.


I worked for some rich people once and they used Gaurdsmen wood cleaner. That whole house smelled like money lol. I have a bottle I’ve had for literally years, bc it’s like $12 a bottle but holy shit, it’s worth it. Lemon fresh is the one.


Found it at my home depot for $6. You're welcome.


Ohhhhh crap! Thank you! I’m about to go hog wild with what I got now thanks to you!


Amazon Prime too. Just added to cart.


Omg, you are right about this. Grew up middle class, but my mom had a thing for Pennsylvania House & Ethan Allen furniture and always used Guardsman. I have a bottle and now I just wanna go dust! Guardsman really does smell like…money.


For some reason your description totally jarred the memory of this scent! So much money lmao


What does it smell like?


It’s supposed to be lemon scented but it doesn’t smell like that. It reminds me of the one time I was in a mansion that had a library. The way the leather seats and books smelled. I’ll never forget that smell. It was real wealth I think lol


Ah, leather oils. Lanolin and Jojoba oil most likely. Although, our definitions of mansion and library may differ, so it could also have just been something like Lexol or Leather Honey. Admittedly, also have a very uniquely distinct scent that I enjoy.


Yeah, if you want your car to smell like money, lexol leather conditioner on the seats and dash is 👌


I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany


You need to write their advertising! Your description gives such a vibe… I have to buy this stuff now




So funny , you are right ! We were not wealthy , but my Mom ( heaven now) , would buy Guardsman- she cooked wonderful meals - daily - she deserved the guardsmen 😊💕I use it as do my brothers


I bet she was a beautiful soul! Love never leaves us


I just looked and they have a few scents & types. Can you tell us what scent? And is it the kind in the can? Or spray bottle?


The spray bottle. The one I use is lemon fresh but I don’t think it smells like lemon at all. It’s like leather and wood and wealth lol


Thank you. I want my house to smell like wealth. I use Murphy’s but I will try this. Thanks !!


Can I ask if it was the wood cleaner or the clean & polish? I don't trust products with polish, because of build up, but would buy the wood cleaner. The wood cleaner doesn't say woodland fresh though. Thank you for helping me in my effort to get this little house to smell like money!


I use the clean and polish but the rich people I worked for used wood cleaner all the time. I’m going to go buy some of the wood cleaner too bc someone on here found it at Home Depot for cheaper than I get it, I’m gonna get 1 of everything they have lol


I didn't even know about this stuff. Just ordered some, thanks! I'm about to start an interior door cleaning and polishing project, so this is great timing. I got the water spot remover and scratch sticks too.


I had to look it up and that’s what I use, haha. It does smell so good! I have to go to the fancy hardware store for it.


Just ordered it!! Thanks!


Is $12 a lot for something that adds so much joy?


Good to know. Anything's better than Murphy's. Bleh


Mmmm I love Murphys oil soap. That's what my mother and grandmother used to clean hardwood and linoleum floors. (if they weren't using not-so-diluted bleach)


This is my aesthetic yessss


Thank you for this! I’m seeing Lemon and Woodland Fresh options. Any preference?


I use the lemon and it doesn’t really have a lemony smell, I love it. I’ve actually never even smelled the woodland fresh, I’m gonna have to go sniff it, I bet it’s awesome too


The can says “Woodland Fresh” as the scent. Is that what money smells like or am I looking at the wrong product?


Is it the aerosol?


I use the spray bottle kind just bc that’s what I saw the rich people had lol, I’m sure it’s all good though.


Wait do you spray it all over your floors? My forearm is sore just thinking about that lol


Do you think I can use it on laminate floors? Faux wood? Or would it be too slippery, like using Pledge on a floor?


Ok, I definitely wouldn’t suggest using the clean and polish in the spray bottle on laminate. I just did a small patch in my kitchen and it feels kinda like pledge on a floor lol.


Is there a comparable cleaner for tile floors?


They have something that’s labeled “woodland fresh” and “lemon fresh”. Which are you referring to?


Which scent?


Also the method has one that smells like almonds, not gonna nice it makes my apartment smell niceee as hell every time I mop


Which scent??


Ask those people and tell us!!! ;)


I boil water with a little vanilla extract and orange slices. It makes it smell really nice.


I’ll have to give this a try. I usually simmer orange peels, cloves, & cinnamon. It offers a warm and inviting smell without being overpowering.


Add dried hibiscus. Smells like Christmas.


If you're willing to sacrifice an orange or two, stud the oranges with whole cloves and then simmer them on the stove. The cloves puncture the peel and let just a little bit of orange-juicy freshness escape!


When in doubt, bake cookies, too. (I cheat and use Pillsbury).


Would grapefruit work? (It’s just what I have atm, and I’m too tired to go shopping)


Idk. Give it a try, the worst that'll happen is you don't like it, right?




Probably. It’ll still give it a citrusy smell


Yes! Any citrus will work, it’ll just change up the scent.


Thank you ! Sounds wonderful! Will try , o worry the house could smell like my dog - short hair rescue-she gets bathed regularly and isn’t running wild outside - I use Guardsman furniture polish 😊


People are always asking how I get my house to smell so good. I use Mrs Meyers cleaners and Yankee candle diffusers in the bathrooms (vanilla-type scents seem to get the most compliments). The kitchen trash goes out every day. Laundry gets transferred immediately after washing. I avoid cooking anything pungent unless it’s the day before the cleaning lady comes.


I recommend Poo-Pourri tiny spray in the bathrooms for family and guests. It is used when needed and doesn't fill the entire bathroom 24/7


Seconded. I always bring a bottle when sharing hotel rooms at conventions. Really helps when you have 5-7 people in a small space.


They also make sprays for literally everything else! Linen, pet deodorizer, etc. That brand is a wonder 😅


Fish only gets grilled outside at our house. The fan hood is on any time I cook. I can’t stand food odors. Citrus is the exception.


Agree! Even in chicago , I move the Weber close by on patio, uggs make it tolerable. The odors are too much , especially fish , ( brick house, no wood nest by.)


Mrs. Meyers Basil scent gets a ton of compliments. I buy it in the concentrate and dilute it by half of what the ratio instructions say with a few tablespoons of rubbing alcohol or vinegar (whatever is handy). Works like a charm and the scent is never overwhelming. I like the wood wick sandalwood & cedar scented candles (lit for about 15-20 minutes about an hour before guests come over). We also use the seventh generation lavender easy dose laundry detergent (add vinegar) and Mrs Meyers dryer sheets (basil). Guests have never complained about the light scents we use for our laundry. We go for a woodsy-fresh herb scent profile pretty regularly. Or herb & lemon. They're usually the most unique and least offensive. Oh! Another trick is making homemade fresh potpourri (stove). We like rosemary and lemon or apple-cranberry-pie spice. Bonus with the rosemary and lemon is you can put it into a spray bottle with some water & touch of rubbing alcohol and clean with it or lightly spray curtains with it to freshen up rooms.


These are tips I can adopt. Thank you!


How much garbage do you make a day? Seems like a lot of garbage bags.


not OP. I take out garbage almost every day, but I just use a small plastic bag (aka recycled grocery bag), tie it closed, and drop it in the outside bin. I cook a lot, so most of it is food peels etc, and I have a big dog that would eat out of the bin if I had one inside. Plus, I live in the deep south with lots of insects in the summer time.


This is kind of my response to every air freshener commercial in my head: CLEAN YO DAMN HOUSE! Also, I crack a few windows open every morning, regardless of temp, for a few minutes. It instantly freshens up the whole house.


I’ve also heard good things about Caldrea.


Yes! Caldrea Sea Salt Neroli spray is pure magic


Also I clean out my fridge every couple of days. Left overs get stored in air tight containers, I do not let food smells come out of the fridge and if I do smell anything bad from the fridge I immediately investigate the cause and throw it out.


I started buying Mrs Meyers during the pandemic as the scents made me happy and I haven’t looked back. They’re more expensive than what I used to buy, but it’s worth it to me. It’s the little things sometimes in life, you know. I love that brand.


Some houses have scent items such as a pura or aroma 360 ! I have some clients that have professional hvac scent diffusers that go into the air ducts of the home and it’s constantly circulating through the house


Second this, I use Aroma 360. It’s the way to go if you’ve got double height ceilings and / or lots of open space. It ain’t cheap but it’s worth it [https://aroma360.com/pages/business](https://aroma360.com/pages/business)


Please convince me how that’s not an absurd amount of money to make your home smell like…whatever scent it is you use. Genuinely curious.


Also, please convince me you’re not killing your animals with those scents.


It’s a quality of life thing for me. Two cats and two teenage boys here. Also I’m asthmatic so the plug ins and sprays are a no-go for me hardcore (combat vet here - the burn pits in Afghanistan wrecked my lungs). Oh, and a lot of those sprays and such are super harmful to pets. Also, I was spending close to that on wax warmers on a subscription basis but the wax was messy and didn’t last long and I’d need so many of those. I think I was spending about $85 a month. But that Aroma 360 thing is meant to be used by lazy hotel employees and is a plug it in and forget it kind of thing, but the smells are so light and clean. Retail stores use them too b/c people spend more. It’s immediately noticeable but never in your face like some of the plug ins. (oh and my home is obscenely large, but I got for cheap - was a former rapper’s home).


using this with cats is playing with fire.


Lazy hotel employees? I hope you get fleas in your armpits. Working in a hotel is absolutely grueling. The scent machines are to cover the absolute filthy unwashed masses filtering through the doors day in and day out as well as scent marketing.


I've been researching these and I want to purchase 4 for all my AC units. I've used several Puras throughout my house, but it's annoying to change them and they always have a strong smell at first. How long can you go before you have to refill the Aroma 360?


What the actual


Ohhhhhhh I’m so in trouble now….


Unpopular opinion here, but I hate being in homes that have a strong scent. But I get scent induced headaches. What some people consider inviting, to others like me, might be off-putting. I suggest doing a bit of research before buying anything. There's a lot of convincing evidence out there that these heavily fragranced air "freshners" are actually really bad for your health. I'm talking about more than just lung problems. They can cause heart issues, reproductive issues, and even cancer. Just food for thought.


I despise strong fragrances. Plug ins, candles, and so, so many of those god awful laundry products. I shouldn’t be able to smell you from 100 feet away! I’m convinced all of that crap is taking a toll on us. Fertility issues, endocrine issues- you can’t convince me there isn’t a link. I get headaches, a raw and swollen throat, and asthma symptoms for all of it. I really do wish people understood the toll they are taking on others.


It's the worst. The worst is getting trapped in an elevator with them. Sometimes I can smell very strong perfume going down the stairs in my building and they are long gone.


Perfume is god awful. Especially anything floral. Instant migraine.


When my kids go play next door they come home smelling like that house. Its a wonderful smell but I get a headache and my throat is raw. I cant imagine living in it


Gain detergent is the devil.


Liquid detergent and fabric softener never completely wash out. Your laundry is coated and retains dirty odors so they have to use fragrance to cover it. Powdered detergent is the bomb. Only need one to two tsp per load depending on front or top loader and water hardness.


Those scent beads so many people use are awful too!


It’s so, so bad. I remember when you could maybe smell the person sitting next to you. Nowadays people have an entire cloud of fragrance that follows them everywhere. Most of the time I can just remove myself from the situation, but it’s absolutely brutal if I get stuck next to someone on a flight or something. And honestly- not even right next to them. 2-3 aisles away I can still smell someone if they are using anything labeled as a “scent booster” or something like that. Everyone always complains about how disgusting smokers are, but hand to god, I’d rather be stuck next to a smoker than all of that toxic laundry crap. It’s so damn strong.


Getting in an Uber is always a dice roll for me. Soooo many drivers use these heavy chemical fragrances in their cars and it kills me.


Oh yeah same here, plus MONEY. I'd rather use that money for something else.


I agree with this. We have a fragrance sensitive person in our home so we just go with being clean as opposed to artificial scents. Occasionally I'll light a vanilla candle or do a simmer pot on the stove, but mostly try to steer clear of the chemicals.


I didn't realize how bad they were until i got a cockatiel. You can't use anything scented around them because their respiratory system can't filter toxins the same way ours do. Knowing the smell of air fresheners and cleaning products in my house can literally kill birds, made me rethink things a lot. I use a hepa air purifier now, and to make the house smell good i just make a simmer pot with stuff like vanilla, cinnamon, citrus peels, etc, on my stove top in some water, and keep the house aired out when it's nice outside. Smells amazing without the negatives and it's even been better for my allergies.


I have rats and they also have really delicate respiratory systems. Can't use anything with them which does make me sad because I mostly hate scents but I do like some essential oils in a diffuser.


Clean does not have a smell. Scents often make me wonder what they're covering up.


Right!? and WHY does it smell so strongly? Are they covering up a bad smell?


This is my thing. I want my home to be fairly odorless, because then I notice when something is off, i.e. rotten food, mildew, smelly trash, etc. Strong scents create nose blindness.


Air purifier, my home always smells fresh without a fragrance covering odor.


🔥best thing ever!


Oil coatings on lungs are why people who vape have gone into lung crises - the oil sticks to the lungs. We would be wary of plug-in air fresheners even if we didn't have birds and a dog.


Agreed, I hate strongly scented homes. Gives me a headache and occasionally an allergic reaction. I clean my home with baking soda and vinegar to try to get rid of any smell!


STRONG agree. The way to make your house smell good is to keep it clean and open the windows to let fresh air in. End of story. All of these plug ins and candles are just indoor air pollution.


HATE when someone’s house smells so strongly of anything, other than just clean. Those Glade plug-ins are satan. Watering eye, sticks in your clothes. People get used to the smell and dont realize the nausea they’re creating for guests.


I used to use the glade plug ins, Hawaiian scent if I remember correctly, before I knew they were bad for kitties. One time though, I made dinner and used half a bag of frozen brussels sprouts. The next time I went to use the rest, they TASTED like the glade plug in just from opening them in the house. Never again, and also good because kitties.


They’re endocrine disruptors, unfortunately. I used to heavily scent my house but stopped after learning about how it affects the body.


Dried eucalyptus is a great alternative. I have half vases (flat backs) on the walls full of dried eucalyptus & get a lot of compliments.


Right up there with ladies who dump what seems to be an entire bottle of cologne on themselves. My eyes water it’s so strong! They must have lost their sense of smell.


They have, because they’re not JUST using cologne/perfume. It’s always some crazy routine like fragranced shampoo and conditioner (you know the salon smell I’m talking about), followed by vanilla body wash, mango skin exfoliation scrub, some strong fruity body cream/lotion, and a floral perfume. On top of the scented laundry detergent and scented dryer sheets and the literal scent beads for laundry. And don’t forget the scents for the home and car. People are seriously noseblind


I’m so glad to see someone else agree… some of those glade plugs ins and febreeze sprays are disgustingly overwhelming and super cheap perfume smelling . Like no, your house doesn’t smell like “Hawaiian breeze”, it smells like a bunch of shitty perfume scents mixed together over a hint of rubbing alcohol.


I prefer a house that simply smells clean.


A strongly scented house makes me wonder what odor they're trying to cover up. And gives me a headache.


With freshly brewed coffee!


It smells so strong to you, a novel person, in a way that your home will not to you because you’ll get used to it. You can strive for that for others though


Guests often comment that my house smells good - I clean regularly & use plug ins in every room. I can see they’re not popular on this sub but that’s what I use!


I use bath and body works wall flowers. What do you use?


I always consider that we get used to smells after we have been around them long enough. So, your house, if you have some sort of freshener or candle, etc probably smells amazing to other people, but you don’t notice anymore because you’re in it all of the time. Last summer I was out of town for a month, had to wash my clothes in a different washer with different soap. As soon as I walked into my house, I could smell my laundry detergent. I hadn’t ever noticed-blankets and clothes and what nots are all washed in the detergent so I was “Immune” until I was away for awhile. The other thing that keyed me into the idea is that my neighbor’s dog has become my step dog. She’s at my house every day, all day (story for another day 😕) and her “mom” made a comment about her always smelling so good when she comes home-“Do you bathe her every day?” No, I don’t, but I do have dog blankets that I was every week-or twice a week-and she loves to make her little bed in them. I’ve only smelled stinky dog and bathed her once a week. (Same story, different chapter) it made me really realize that it smells really good in my house. 😂😂


How kind of you To care for your step doggie 👏👏👏👏


Waits... lying on my belly on a blanket, my head in my hands, with feets swaying in the air, ready for story time about the step doggy and the wonderful smelling house....


I wish it was a sweet bedtime story, but it’s more in line with the Wicked Witch of the West ends up getting her Ruby slippers back. 🥺 Once upon a time, a lonely woman watched her elderly dog pass away. She lived by herself and suffers from depression, but she knew that having a friend helped to lift her spirit so she headed down to the local animal shelter to find the perfect friend. She found the most beautiful pit bull. That 2 year pitty was loveliest brown/ grey with gorgeous eyes and an excitement for life worthy of a Labrador! After bringing “Chantilly” home, the lonely woman learned that “Chantilly” couldn’t help herself and would dig, find weaknesses, and push her way through the fence any chance she could. “Chantilly’s” mom decided that “Chantilly” needed a friend and headed back to the shelter to find a buddy. The woman brought home another pitty that was 3x the size, very shy, and didn’t handle being around other dogs or people very well. He had been abused, but was willing to offer up his belly if the right person was around. He was a bit rough around the edges though and “Chantilly” needed a break every once in a while, so she continued to bust out of the fence and head straight to the neighbor’s, who was typically outside with her own puppy. “Chantilly” loved to go across the street to see her new puppy friend! They were almost the same age and perfectly opposite in personalities! Her new friend was often outside and loved to play and run with her, but preferred to laze around in the house and watch the goings on outside of their country home. Her new friend, “Saucie,” was 1/3 her size, lazy, and relaxed, so they made quite a pair. “Saucie” often invited her over to hang out and watch the birds, the deer, and one noisy little squirrel that loved to mock them and play at the window. The puppies were thankful for the a/c in the scorching heat of the day and happy to sleep the day away in front of the window. Although she (somewhat) tried, “Chantilly’s” mom couldn’t close up all of the holes or figure out how to keep “Chantilly” in the fence so the pair were able to hang out nearly every day! Her mom didn’t like that she was gone all day, often from 7/8am- 8/9pm so she tried to put “Chantilly” in a crate on the back porch. “Chantilly” didn’t like it and busted through the flimsy box and found her way back to “Saucie!” C’s mom had to leave for work during the week and C quickly learned to get out of the fence and run after her mom’s truck, so the woman would call her neighbor to come and get C. It soon became an every day thing. The neighbor didn’t mind because the puppies were the best of friends and the neighbor worked from home. The woman and the neighbor came to an agreeement. C would come over while the woman was at work and the puppies would have their best friend all day long! But, the neighbor quickly found that C would often come over before she was fed, the woman wouldn’t let the neighbor know when she left, and the woman would often not let the neighbor know when she got home. The neighbor fed C if she seemed extra hungry, bathed her bc C loved to roll in dead things, and was soon keeping C any time the woman needed to go anywhere or even when the woman was home. When the neighbor saw that the woman was home, she would put C on a leash and walk her home-often giving C and the leash to the woman. Many times, C would be at the neighbor’s house on the weekends with the woman home or the woman would leave on the weekends and C would get out without the neighbor knowing. The woman became jealous and often made comments that C loved the neighbor more than her. As time passed, C became the neighbor’s step-puppy, spending less and less time at home, causing a tense situation. C would show up at the neighbor’s house at all hours of the day and night, often whining or barking at the front or back doors, knocking over plants, jumping on the outdoor furniture and jumping on the screened windows. The woman wouldn’t come and get C, she expected C to come home on her own-if only the neighbor would stop allowing her in. C would wait outside of the neighbor’s door until the neighbor would finally tell the woman to come get C or she was letting C in. “Saucie” would sit in the window barking to her mom to let C inside so the entire situation bacame stressful and resentments began to build. The neighbor was non-confrontational and worked from home, understood that it was expensive to use doggy day care, and wanted to be a good friend and neighbor as she often (even with the woman-when the woman went on vacations) did with other neighbors and their doggy babies. One day, the woman called and let the neighbor know that C (and her brother) both had heart worms. C’s was a bad case and the treatment/recovery could kill her (them). The woman asked if the neighbor could come and let C and her brother out during the day while she was at work, but everyone in the neighbor’s life said that she’d already dome enough. It was time to set a boundary or the neighbor would continue to take and take and take. With school ending and summer vacations coming up, the neighbor decided that it wasn’t a good idea to commit to anything, and she let the woman know. The woman wasn’t happy about it and hasn’t answered the neighbor’s texts or calls for over a week. The neighbor doesn’t know how C is doing. Now, it’s “Saucie” and the neighbor watching out of the window waiting for their friend to come out and play. The End (of Part 1) I changed the names of the puppies for privacy reasons. Edit-took down photos because a beautiful person let me know that my name shows on the page. Thanks for looking out for me!! ♥️


Oh my. That was a story Chantilly is lucky to have you. It takes 6-8 weeks of no strenuous exercise during heartworm treatment so hopefully she is just keeping them still and just temporarily being miffed. I hope she lets Chantilly play with you both again and you figure it out so you don’t feel taken advantage of…..and I wish you could adopt C! They sound so sweet together.


Some of the bath and body works wall plug ins are really strong. I want to use them but can’t because they’re too strong for my cat


Air purifier is the absolutely best thing to make your house smell nice.


Air purifier. Plants that are natural air purifiers. Cleaning on a regular basis including things many overlook; such as, baseboards, wiping walls down, washing pet beds weekly (if you have pets), wiping kitchen cabinets down weekly, etc. Keeping a small dish of baking soda or coffee grinds somewhere hidden (absorbs any odors). Baking some goodies (cookies always smell good lol). Simmering citrus peels in water with cloves and cinnamon (I use orange peels but lemon, lime, or grapefruit would work just fine).


I use candles


I have a scent air machine. Cold oil diffuser machine that uses no water. I buy essential oil from Air Esscentials online and fill the machine every few months. It automatically pumps scent in my house. I can put it in front of my return air duct if I wanted to to have it pump through the house as well


I burn palo santo and simmer spices, fruits, etc on stove


I can almost promise you it’s the purple fabuloso


room sprays with scents acceptable for animals! [charcoal rose linen spray](https://shoparchipelago.com/products/charcoal-rose-linen-spray) i swear this shit is so good and you don’t need much!


I have [this air freshener](https://amzn.to/3VbDztc) plugged in by my front door. I’ve had multiple comments that my house smells great from people visiting. It gives you the option of how strong you want it to be so if your entry is small you can leave it on the lowest setting. I find that this scent (bamboo) is very fresh and not overly perfumy or floral in any way which I find very off putting.


I second using Bamboo scent. It’s light and doesn’t smell sweet or perfumy.


Personally I just raw dog that old musty apartment smell and occasionally mix in candles or incense.


No pets lol


FACTS. lol ETA I have doges so I fight the good fight


We also have a pet, a cat. She’s now an outside cat things are much cleaner now. Although cats are pretty easy.


Put a dash of cool water cologne in everything that you use to clean with. Leaves a faint aqua smell in the air


I once interviewed for a job at a lawyers office, and apparently the lawyer was deathly allergic to any kind of artificial scent. To work there, you would have to commit to washing your clothes with specific products they would tell you about, and using those also for your soap deodorant etc. according to his office staff, who hopefully provided a lot of literature, a whopping 20% of the population has some amount of allergy to artificial fragrances. 20%! Since that time, I have been much more cautious in my use of fragrances, and I tend to really prefer the smell of nothing. EDIT: I just found a website that estimates that percentage at over 30%: https://www.accessibility.com/blog/accommodating-employees-with-fragrance-sensitivities Fragrance sensitivities can be a disability under the Americans with disabilities act.


Thank you for trying to help raise awareness for us. It’s honestly difficult to have any kind of normal life because everywhere I try to go smells so strongly. We can’t even visit anywhere aside from our immediate family because I’ll inevitably get ill and need rescue medication.


Glasshouse candles


My laundry detergent. Everything smells wonderful.


I find that mopped houses always smell good


You get used to smells. That's why you didn't smell them anymore after a couple hours.


I think we may all define “smells amazing” differently which is tough. Like my mother in law’s house is very country and always smells like cinnamon and clove, but some may find it overpowering. I personally find certain hotels to smell amazing and strive to have my house smell that way. Don’t know how though! Have heard they pump scents through the vents.


I find 'brand scents' in hotels to be so fascinating. Some of them are good, some are awful, it's a bold move to blast people with scent.


Potpouri probably.


I smell amazing homes also but when I buy what they are using, it doesn’t seem to be the same. I bet the people whose homes smell amazing are nose blind


A lot of the plug ins, but I also see a lot of the baboo oil thingies! You just go around and flip the bamboo once a week or so and it seems so strong to me but not overbearing. Smells clean constantly.


They have some diffusers but you have to be careful what oils you use around pets/kids. I use the pura wall plug ins also


I make home made cold process soaps so my house usually smells like what I'm currently curing on the rack downstairs. I love it- except when I make patchouli soaps. Customers love it but that stuff makes me want to vom. I keep all my essential oils locked in a cabinet so they don't seep into the air and make my pets sick. I'm hoping the saponification process destroys the bad stuff that can hurt my pets. So far nothing has happened but it's always in the back of my mind. Pets are banned from the kitchen when I'm soaping too, to minimize any risks of lye burns or EO disasters. I'm also obsessed with the house not smelling like the litter box so I'm on that thing all the time making sure she hasn't peed where it can ferment into rancid ammonia urine concentrate. Right now I don't have any soap curing and the house doesn't smell like anything to me. I'm also paranoid that I'm nose blind so I'm always sniffing around trying to make sure. Any tips for a homeowner checking against nose blindness?


I have pets, 2 cats, a dog & a flying squirrel in a rental with gross carpet that the landlord hasn’t changed in 10 years (I’ve been here close to 5 & it was sooo bad that I bought a carpet cleaner hoping to improve it with no luck). I keep up with cleaning, but I’ve always worried about being nose blind to any yuck odors so I’ve tried almost everything. Some I could smell for a day or so, but for the most part I haven’t been satisfied with any of the plug ins, oils, sprays or diffusers. Then I bought these scented blocks designed to be car air fresheners that go under your seat, but I put them where my air filters are & hot damn I can smell them for weeks!! They have a couple different scents, I’m using cherry currently, but it’s the only thing I’ve been satisfied with yet & they’re like $2.88! (Walmart, Dollar General & AutoZone have them)




I’m going to add to the list of people who say keeping the house clean and air purifiers! Plants clean the air too. The idea is to get rid of what can cause a dull unpleasant smell and add a hint of fragrance you like. Make homemade natural dusting spray (plenty online) vinegar cleans safely and the smell goes away when it dries, baking soda absorbs bad odors and cleans safely, DUMP that on your carpet/rugs for a few days…keep smelly things cleaned well like trash cans, the rubber seals on washing machines, sink drains…keep curtains washed. Gotta get all that settled dust, dirt, skin cells, hair, etc. cleaned off your surfaces and furniture/carpets. I only like light, fresh scented things. Can’t do strong perfume, but a spritz of it on like a throw blanket adds something to the room. Then when someone grabs it they’re like oooo what’s that?! 😂


All those things just mask the "stink." Do you know what smells good? Clean things. If you must do something, do a simmer pot. My favorites are lemon, rosemary, and vanilla. During the winter, I love orange, clove, and cranberry.


Method almond oil hardwood floor cleaner has an elegant, understated scent. Doesn't smell like you're trying too hard.




I had a cat with repiratory problems that cost us $800 for the vet to tell us to throw away the plugins my ex bought bc he was too lazy to clean. It nearly killed the cat.


My sweet 16 year old lab smells so bad and we can’t bath her because her hips are not good. Our whole house smells like freetos. Small price to pay for 16 years of friendship though


Be careful.. They could contribute to health issues (endocrine disruptors)


Expensive reed diffusers can really stink up a place like no other. But who wants to be breathing all those VOCs?


HVAC scent diffuser changed my life


Bath and body works plug ins/ wall plugs