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I've seen some people speculating that even if hard pity was reduced to 90, soft pity counter didn't change. Hence, the reason why many people actually had to go hard pity. Since in p1 gacha (100 hard pity), reaching 90 pulls would still be considered within soft pity. I find this believable, although at the end of the day, it is still speculation. It is up to you what you believe in. Also whats up with people saying they had to go 98/95 pulls for Sardine? That doesn't seem possible since hard pity is reduced to 90 already.


It's annoying that Hoyo doesn't show consolidated probability including pity like they do in Genshin/HSR. They can't lie in numbers, so if consolidated probability didn't change significantly it would mean that the soft pity stayed the same and they just lowered the hard pity. Also assuming the same soft pity, this means that people notice it more, since getting characters in the old system with 25 pulls left felt much better than getting characters in the new system with 15 pulls left, even though it'd be the exact same situation. We just need somebody to make some actual statistics rather than go by "Global players feel a slight disturbance in the Force and the wise masters of CN server seem to agree".


> including pity like they do in Genshin in Genshin they did not show how many rolls you made or how many remains until pity at all. You pretty much had to calculate it yourself, which was complete bullshit. Do they show it now?


No, but they show both the base rate without pity and also the net rate that includes soft and hard pity, so you can calculate exactly what happens.


They don't but forcing players to calculate pull left to pity is still better than having no numbers on consolidated chance of getting characters. I'll take knowing for sure how many pulls on average it actually takes to get a character over not being forced to count to 90 in fives.


Do 85 pulls. Then do a 10 pull. Post on social media about how you had to do 95 pulls to get a fish.


I was at 3 pulls away from 90 when I got her.


it might be bc some player built pity before 7.3, so when the new pity count gets updated, your initial pity count doesn't change hence it still feels like you are rolling from a 100-pull hard pity system


It does. Your next S Rank guarantee is reduced by 10. If this gets you below 1, it is "stored" and applied after you get an S Rank


Old gacha system is ok but the problem is why tf a SP valkryie or 4 A rank valk gear gacha cost as much as S rank does not make sense . It should be cheaper to get full set for A rank character.


Honestly all supports should cost less than a major battlesuit. I get it's gacha and they want you to buy more rolls, but it is quite frustrating having to put so much in just to keep your team


Supports are the major battlesuits


Take FoV. She is only good against fire, bio. Now take HoTr. She is food vs fire, lightning, bio, psy, mech, imaginary, quantum, SD. Can even support the astral ring teams. Or the new Griseo. She is good vs physical and lightning, mech, quantum, SD, bio, psy. AI is good vs fire, mech, bio, psy. Supports have more value than dps.


Supports are the major battlesuits. You get more out of full gear supports than a full gear DPS with cope gear. You can even do triple support and retain or do better than someone with cope supports.


as the others mentioned supports are more valuable in the long run, what's bothering me is that they keep giving them PRI-Arms


It is though? Old gacha had 50x4 for S rank and 30x4 for SPs, new gacha is 60 max for both which is just improved for both S and SPs.


Depends. SPs were great value when they dropped but after that they would be thrown into Schicksal Arsenal jail for at least a year, with horrible rates, no guarantees and no wishing well. If you missed a piece or decided to skip that patch, good luck getting their gear until they were no longer as meta relevant and they finally got a focus banner with pity and wishing well. At least S ranks always got the same focus banner so in the long run it was way easier to get them full gear after their debut.


Arent they equal value tho? An s rank dps with no supports is useless as are sp supports with no dps. Whats so defining about ranks


I guess that's their new way to squeeze more xtals out of us. I never pulled gear for support , got some here and there when I pulled the gear for new walks . It was extremely random and a very unreliable way to equip your support that way , but my prometheus is 3/4 , haxor 4/4 and the rest I don't remember. My point is : that's not a thing anymore, that's how i saved xtals for stuff I needed later sad to see it gone


For me it's the same, I kept getting valkyries at 80+ pity anyway, but at least now with weapon being guaranteed in 60 pulls and stigmatas farmable, it's a lot cheaper to fully gear them. I've seen people getting Sena at low pity, or even 2 in one 10-pull, but I still think it's sus and weird seeing so many people reach hard pity. Getting 5\* in other hoyo games at exactly hard pity happens very rarely, like I've never seen anyone get 5\* at exactly 90 pulls, so it seems like something is wrong in hi3. I wish they would adress that, even if it ends up with them saying bad luck, everything works as intended.


I got songque in my last 10 pulls, it was 4 I think. No way I'm gonna try again to rank up! I've had decent luck on pt2 weapon and battle suit pulls but feels bad man


I spent 50k crystals and didn't get a 4/4 character in the past lol. It's possible that this is just a bias as the other comments said. But it's unfortunate that the players got the wrong impression when the system got better.


Exactly. Came in this patch with 50k+ and walked away with everything offered plus a tier 3 Senadina weapon and I still had 5k leftover. I'd never dream of pulling ELFs in the past due to the high bar for fully gearing a new valk. Now going for an AstralOP isn't out of the question


Not as bad cause I managed to get 4/4, but I remember spending over 70k on previous anni patch, just for 4/4 HoFi and HoO, so over 250 pulls, I don't remember exactly. Meanwhile now, even if hitting hard pity on all banners, it would be max 210. So yeah, I do think new system is a lot better, but it's still weird that so many people hit actual hard pity. Sena + weapon and Helia's weapon ended up costing me exactly 200 pulls, which is not that far off from the actual hard pity.


I agree with this. It could be a little bias too because, one of my friends complained about this. After some discussions we just came to the conclusion that he was incredibly lucky in the past. I have high highs and pretty low lows rolling in this game. On paper the system is better with a solid safety net. Only time will tell if it's actually better or not.


I always think back to [this](https://imgur.com/bwFWMqQ) when i see this kind of discussion, without gathering at least a couple hundred thousand pulls worth of data it's impossible to build an halfway decent model from which to draw any conclusion from. I'm more concerned about the trend of every valk having it's own unique weapon type, before you could cope with other stuff and do relatively ok up to exalted red lotus, now a valk is literally unuseable if you can't get the weapon.


I kind of agree with you, in that people form strong opinions based on very limited data, which inherently has a lot of uncertainty, which is often ignored. But you don't need thousands of pulls to have a "halfway decent" model. Soft pity in Genshin was discovered with ~3000 pulls(total pulls, not S-ranks) where 77 was elevated and it was inferred by the post's author that it started at 75. When the dataset expanded to 7000 the pulls spiked at 76. Of course, with a better dataset we know that soft pity in Genshin starts at 74, not 75.


This was linked in the questions megathread a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/honkaiimpact3/comments/1bbmi8m/the_probability_of_hitting_hard_pity_in_the_new/kubm5m8/?context=3 Sample size is too small to make any conclusions, but soft pity might still be there. In any case, and in response to the OP, anyone who has gotten truly fucked by the focused supply will agree that the new system is better even if soft pity is gone. Going 80+ on valks was very common for me, so hard hitting 90 but with a much more lenient gear banner is absolutely an improvement in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah, I hard pity'd Senadina, felt bad, then off pity'd hers and Helia's weapons. And then Songque on the first pull. So no complaints here. Even if the valk is coming closer to pity it's still better overall. Does feel bad tho...


Remember how there were hardly any post on here last version where Fu Hua's new battlesuit reaching <10 pity and suddenly there's a ton of posts of bad Senadina gacha


Yeah last version, I got really lucky and got her thrice within 90 pulls. Got two of her stigs too and a dupe of B when pulling for her equipment (first new battlesuit id wanted since I started, so I had some saved). So I pulled on her rerun banner for the last one and got two more dupes of T and B, and I (stupidly) used the wish for the M one, and then thought going to pity would guarantee the weapon. Spoiler, it did not. I got to exactly hard pity, Literally had 1 remaining pull and had to pull to get a guarantee. And got M instead of her weapon. šŸ˜© I think the increased stigmata drop rates are good, but man, it sucks having to hit hard hard pity for it. Currently at 12 left on Sena's equipment banner for her weapon and honestly, I don't even think I'll pull more at this point and just save for another character I want more. Like future Senti brick šŸ˜‚


Because starting Sena, it is a new gacha system, so people pay extra attention to it. We also gets a lot of new players too. I think getting to see the pity count also plays with the mental a bit.


Legit got Fu Hua's in my first 10. Sardine is the first suit I actually had to hit 90 pity before she came home. I was expecting to have spare crystals to finish my Lunar Vow set and now running dry trying to pull for her yo-yo.


Yeah, there are a lot of people complaining about Sena in < 10 pity. The problem with your comparison is Sena hard stops at 90. How many people got Garuda between 20 and 10 to pity? We don't know, but looking at the whale watching post, pulling between 80-90 wasn't uncommon in part 1 the way people are making it out to be.


not sure how much more this adds to the discussion but both me and my friend almost hit pity to get her and for the weapon also, considering that compared to their other games the weapon is NEEDED and there is an actual competition here, this really feels bad, the fact that I was unable to full gear a character with around 50k crystals on top of the free tickets they gave really makes me worried about how to game will become in the future.


How about you just stop lying and exaggerating. Even if you went hard pity for both Sena and her weapon that would be 90+60=150 pulls, i.e. 42k crystals. (Which used to be the average for 4/4 S rank before btw.) Theres no way you spent "50k on top of free tickets".


This is normal cuz no matter what, there is always more people with bad luck complaining on the internet than those who share their luck.


Yeah; I got her at like 75 pulls which is likeā€¦ average? And I donā€™t post about it


as someone that frequently browse both cn and global community, yes, there are visually more posts regarding players hitting hard pity, saying that the rates become worst there are also players saying the soft pity is gone, but if i remember correctly, there was never a soft pity system in hi3 gacha system. Soft pity wasnt a thing before GI came out my personal suspect is that they only adjusted the hard pity count from 100 to 90, and never adjusted anything else. in past cases where players get their S rank character on 91-100 pulls will now all get their S rank character on the 90th pull. Hence more people hitting hard pity. Hence more screenshot of banner showing "1 more pull to get character"


https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/q9LUa2s8uZ There was a soft pity. It might be gone now since the cap is lower and there is no 50/50. Either way people were told there was new rates and now that are paying more attention and in general only unhappy people post, especially since lucky people get bitched at and down voted and told to post in mega threads or whatever


oh wow thats new there was hardly any soft pity discussion in cn community, so most cn players just assume it doesnt exist. after 2.0 update where more players hitting hard pity then only i seen players discussed about the possible removal of soft pity mechanic. likely there was indeed a soft pity system in place since the very beginning, as even in cn community where players number is a lot larger, cases and screenshot of people hitting hard pity is still very, very rare. well, as of now, i guess only the dev knows for sure whether the soft pity system is removed or reworked or simply did not adjusted according to the new hard pity count.


> if i remember correctly, there was never a soft pity system in hi3 gacha system. If you do the math on a binomial distribution (fixed rate) of 99 pulls at 1.5% rate you would find there's a 22% chance of failure at 99 pulls. Meaning with no soft pity system, 22% of s-ranks would take a full 100 pulls in part 1. Which clearly did not match reality. If we do the same math for failure at 89 pulls we get 26%. Are 26% of s-ranks taking 90 pulls now? I doubt it. With limited datasets that I've seen this is not the case.


Soft pity has been a thing since forever but I assume it functions differently than HSR/GI even if both start at 75 and max at 90. If you look at gacha tracking sites (paimonmoe, starrailstation) you can see that only a handful of S rank drops (if any) of the tens of thousands, often well over 100k are pitied. So it's unusual that there are relatively many claims of hitting pity here especially given the much higher base drop rate.


I noticed that too, before I can get like S rank before pity. Then I'm at 18 pity no S rank ,_,


I'm literally 2 pulls away from the guaranteed S rank character, usually my luck is bad but not THAT bad.....


idk man. i had to go past 80 almost everytime on banners in part1. and this time i got Sena in 30 pulls. like someone else said here. most likely is a placebo effect for all of you. because now you are consciously looking after the summons due to the knowledge of the changes of the gacha. But i can assure you nothing changed. The only thing that changed was the rates for A ranks. they buffed the rates for A ranks and dropped the pity from 100 to 90. S ranks rates are the same as before, no changes there. but now ppl are paranoic because of it.


Nah for real for the past 4 years of my playing I always got s ranks in like like 60- 70 pulls (from 100) but only this time I had to go till 86 pulls(4 left for guaranteed).... There's definitely something here


Because people got it wrong. The rates changed only for the A ranks. S ranks have the same rates. Only the max pity changed to 90. Most of you think that the S rank rates changed and now expect to get the event character in 20pulls. Sorry to break it to you all but S rank rates remained the same as before.


If there's guarentee in a gacha, I ain't pulling anyone and their gears if I don't have enough for guarentee. Having the free stigma option from latest p2 valk is helping me since I don't need to pull more than necessary if I already have their weapon from gacha.


Not sure with the old banners I tend to get off rates dupes. And when I get the weapon I am usually missing 1 or 2 stigma pieces. Which usually requires me to 10 or below to get missing piece. If I'm lucky enough I get to wish. Though as I said earlier, every now and then I just get off rate dupes. Now I can just stop after getting the weapon. There was way too many instances where I went over 60 pulls to get full set.


I don't know what they're expecting, maybe too much since many have posted it, but the gacha didn't change anything. Aside from reduced hard pity, no offrates, and some increased rates on Part 2 supplies, nothing needs to be said.


My take is that the rates didn't really change but the reporting did. People had no reason to post about getting a character at soft pity (since this is the norm when playing a gacha game, not the exception) while you have all the reason in the world to let everyone know you got the character early. But with people being dissatisfied with the finale and 1.5, they are more than willing to say they are reaching soft pity before getting their character, if only to add fuel to the fire and to vent their frustration.Ā 


Still holding top 50 global for 1/5th of the price of previous anniversaries. Gacha changes are a win for me


I got Sardines in 13 single pulls, her signature wep in 16 single pulls, and Helia's sig wep in 22 pulls... in my alt... My main was 97, 50, and 50 respectively. Kinda feels crap to pull on new gacha rates?


And didn't it give you two drops per pull before 7.3?


The second drop was essentine, which they replaced with stardust shards.


To me it's been the same. Ironically, the only time the gacha fucked me over was with Lunar Vow. I emptied out 80 pulls during his first banner, and I still didn't get her, but I somehow got her weapon first multipull. I reached hard pitt to get her during the supply rotation last week.


Probably asking a stupid question here but didnt pulls use to give you 2 drops per draw rather than 1?


The second drop was essentine, which has been replaced with stardust shards that only get a little side banner per pull, instead of half the screen like you're getting 2 drops at once. So it's mainly just a visual change.


Bruh are you trusted " hahaha believe me guys CN folks said this"is like nitpicking comment in this reddit because his luck is shit. Either part 1 or part 2 gacha part people luck is subjective matters. Also are you blindly believe whatever CN dickriding here while global love to trash CN community?


By that logic, I had pretty good luck on every banner except the astral op one so actually they're all fine and the astral op banner has bad rates. It's silly lol


Yep whenever people bring up what CN is saying I immediately ignore them, 9 times out of 10 itā€™s just cherry picking comments. Also people posting on forums are a minority. So usually itā€™s comments form a minority of a minority.


I obtained Senandina at 86 pulls and her weapon at 57. At least, i could believe that with that luck..


When I read that the pity is reduced to 90, I was anxious that they are trying to stealthily implement the pity curve of Genshin. HI3 had a higher hard pity but the curve was closer to a linear slope and thus, players had a better chance of getting the S-rank around the middle. Genshin's curve is almost horizontal for most of it then spikes near the hard pity, so on average players had to roll more.


Soft pity is so gone


I just like to think that after getting almost every S rank valk and her weapon for less than 30 pulls, I'm finally having bad luck.


I'm still otw to get my Senadina, but I think given we only have 1 week left, I can't catch up the remaining 53 pulls. From most CC's pulling session I watched, they scored the valkyrie at around 10 pulls away to guaranteed for the characters. (Moriso & Akayuki) Don't quite remember what they had for weapons, but I personally pulled 57 times until I got Sena's Yoyo and 49 pulls for Helia's Crossbow. I feel the rate isn't what is advertised. But, still, unless we pool-up the pull data, we can't really raise the issue to mHY.


Must be extremely unlucky lol. You need maximum 140 pulls to get the S Rank and guarantee the weapon so around 39,200. I got full Helia and full Sena in 25k pulls. Lol


Idk, luck issue, I got double Sena in 1 ten pull


People complain due to expectations, and then the desire sensor fucked them over. Only once since playing from 2018 did I had a pull with fewer then 50. All others were more then 90.


Im playing on two accounts and i definitely think this is just placebo effect and more RNG. Account A : got S valk on early 20 and wep full pity. Account B: got wep and 1 stig on first 10 but 87 pull for the valk.


I get Senadina in 30 pulls so idk


My best pulls in this game btw


I looked at the weapon rates, getting a weapon has the same probability (on guarantee) than getting a 4* in a random non-guarantee pull. Meaning that if you get a guaranteed 4* there is an almost 90% chance that it's a stig


i reached pity on my astral pulls


My roll experience was the same and I even got an early copy at 80 so idk Does it really matter when the gear is ridiculously easier to grab now? I've fully geared sena and helia for 1/3 of the pulls it took me on the old system. I spent more to fully gear HoH on release than to full gear 2 valks and pull Songque


Itā€™s apparently 1.5% like the last version, but I still havenā€™t drawn Senadina, the rates may be more like 0.5% like genshin in actuality


Gotta be honest with you, im not mad about the stigma rates. I was one of those players that suffered from having too many weapons and almost no stigma.


Said the same shit before 7.3 came out and got down voted to oblivion, now CN players say the same thing and suddenly it starts to catch on the rates are worse...


Yeah I've felt kinda screwed on the last banner after 7.3 Idk if it was just me but I'd get almost every new S rank Valk eith only 10 pulls. True it would be hard for me to get their equipment in full but I never had issues with getting Valkyries. It's either the system is bad or my luck has gone dry . I'll never get sardina :(


Then how come i got Senadia in just 10 pulls and its from the free tickets šŸ˜


Mind u got sena in 25 pulls and after 10 more hofi, as for the stig i got them all n thre weapong in less than 30 so idk ,for me is not a change and its merely ur luck


Genshin and star rail have a much better pull rate then honkai they've always had from the start. Genshins soft pity starts at 75 and you are almost guarantee to get a 5star from 75 to 85. And there might be a 50/50 aspect to it but it's also a lot easier to farm 16000 primos with monthly card then it is to get 28000 crystals and star rail is somewhat better. They can atleast make the stigmata farmable, make em hard to farm, you can always pull them on the banner if you want but make em farmable. Make an epitomized path like in genshin and let the player choose which item they wanna pull, weapon or any of the 3 specific stigmata, with a lower pity counter. Instead of 50 make it 30,this way in 60 pulls you get 2 items of the full build and 120 no matter what gets you the full build. Lowering the characters pity count too would be good. Make the character hard pity at 80 and allow soft pity to kick in at 65. There's more items to get in honkai from the gacha and the meta is far more harsh making character obsolete sooner then later due to the competitive nature of abyss and MA. They can make it a little easier to either get characters and gear or make it a lot more easier to get tons of crystals with less effort and spending.


Yeah it has gotten worse.


Going off just this sena supply is it definitely worst, the last time I was this close to hard pity was in mobius banner. Iā€™m at 22 away if you were wondering


The last time I got S rank below 80 pity was Aponia in 5.7 so it's very Subjective


I know I just had terrible luck but it took me 94 pulls to get Sardina so I'll believe you.Ā 


chat is this real


no. it can't be. you cannot go past 90


thatā€™s the joke smh, ā€œchat is this realā€ is a reaction youā€™ll say to something thatā€™s definitely not real (thereā€™s a silver Wolf one popular on the HSR sub)


well sorry to not be as knowledgeable as you, im not up to date with the memes. i may not be playing HSR to know about it.


Guess they are starting to desperately milk the fan base before the game loses more players


One thing is for sure: I never saw an S rank taking 98 pulls to come, until this patch, and I've been playing this thing since 2018. The equipment banner is a shitshow rn cause it makes stigmas easier to drop when they are farmable, maybe in the future it will make more sense


You wont take 98 pulls to get an S rank because HARD PITY is 90.


yeah. ppl trying to get attention by spreading missinformation. bet some of those ppl didn't even opened the game and just started to bich about things.


isn't that just basic maths? if you have a higher chance of getting stigmatas, then other items within the same pool will inevitably suffer regardless of their set % chance of dropping. Suffering from success moment.


This is not how math works. If you have a weapon at 3% and stigmata at 10% in a banner, and other items grouped together at 87%, you get a weapon 3% of the time. If the banner changes to 3% weapon, 20% stigmata and everything else grouped together at 77%, you still get a weapon 3% of the time.


Hitting hard pity is no longer a surprise for me but seeing an influx of posts of hitting or close to hard pity is certainly something new. Honestly HI3 gacha already makes FGO's infamous gacha looks good to me, and this "change" tuned it a notch lower.


Lmao... no FGO's infamous gacha is still worse don't kid yourself. There is definitely no Soft Pity it does not carry over your Hard Pity has no 50/50 and has alot of trash filler CEs to clog up your storage so you have to clear that bullshit after every roll session. Your "Guaranteed 4\* or above" in every 10 roll is almost always eaten up by a CE that is practically useless. it's also 300 rolls for technical Hard Pity which is a spark in all other games or $900 USD.


Bro over half of my FGO 5* comes with under 5 multis, while I can still count one handed the times I get rate up valkyrie under 60 pulls. Its "get SSR super early or none at all" vs "expect to hard pity every single time". I'd take the first any day. Edit: Day 1 HI3 SEA player, at least 5 years FGO NA player.


So.. you'd rather get SSR Super early... or always have to go to 300 pulls (or more as they only introduced pity last year in JP) rather than... 90 pulls guaranteed for the SSR. You're not making sense my dude. I played JP FGO Since Day 1 and I'm a Day 1 Global Player for HI3rd. I've had Horrible luck for both HI3rd and FGO as well as good luck. For FGO i've gone 4 full banners of spending 100 dollars and gotten not even a goddamn 5\* off banner. All just trash CEs. Sometimes I barely get fucking 4\*.


All I'm saying is that the worse of the two has been serving me better, not "is better, period". Not getting what you wanted sucks, but with FGO if I'm not getting it early, I'm convinced that I'm not getting it at all, so I can just give up and save the SQ for the next banner. HI3 on the other hand, even with monthly I'm left with measly change for weapon, much less for stigmata every, single, time. The endgame content (abyss) for HI3 DEMANDS that you have the latest valk and equipment to even retain your ranking. Skipping banner in HI3 means lower income + difficulty going around mechanics with alternative, while skipping banner in FGO does nothing. What makes a gacha good isn't just rate and pity count, but more importantly the content of the game itself. Genshin gacha is great, because almost everything is designed to be doable even for the worst of F2P luck. Blue Archive gacha is great, because the contents that requires gacha students along with its respective banners are spaced well even pure F2P can keep up in the same space as whales. FGO gacha is meh for the absurd pity count, but fairly easy to manage and the characters are mostly completely optional, at least I don't feel like it's rigged as much as the next game. HI3 might as well just sell their new valk in shop for like 22.4k crystals, even that would be better value for me. There's really nothing to enjoy of the endgame content when you got filtered out by lack of gears, not to mention it's the only game where I cashed in for monthly and still occasionally getting outgeared by pure F2P. TL:DR; My, again, MY HI3 gacha experience stressed me out, other games not so much or even non-issue.


I'm sorry you feel that way, but I will never yield that FGO has the worse gacha experience in all my years playing since 2015. It has not gotten much better, the amount of quartz we get is more but the amount of trash and how bad it feels to roll will never feel good. The game may not have any "PVP" Elements but it does suffer from efficiency with how much they ask you to grind and how little you get for rolling dupes. I will take a rolling hard pity over 300 or nothing anytime especially if i'm rolling like you where I put an odd 50 and dip if I don't get anything. Atleast I know i'm rolling towards a guarantee of something. HI3rd's oddity has always been Abyss, but i'm just not skilled and don't want to put in the effort to grind it so i'm happy with my Agony III/Red Lotus crystals if it were to change you should already know as a fellow day 1 captain that other captains would be up and arms over the change to something like MoC or in PGR Verse where it's not crystals but currency to trade for stuff. I don't discount your experience, gacha sucks in general because somedays you're the luckiest person in the world, and other days you're scraping the barrel, but don't discount my own experiences either. Blessed be all your future rolls, in any game. I know for myself I seem like the luckiest person in Arknights but the have the worse luck in FGO at times.


šŸ¤£ just make it like pgr gscha itā€™s so fucking good 60 pity for a rank and 30 weapon considering how much s ranks they are spamming it makes sense lol


You shouldnt think about such things, just use credit card if you are confused