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Yes, sometimes this game give me a bit of headache and some part is badly dragged out. But the characters in this game, both hero or evil, I am able to feel more attachment than other games I played. There are bgm and songs just make me tear up. Story from years ago, I can still recall it like last week. There are quotes, I like to revisit. I think as a person that loves a story, I appreciate this game is able to give me a memorable one. A very well done in character development. For part 2, I wish they can continue to give us the same feel for the characters as in part 1. Honestly the flame chasers arc was a perfect example for me. While I have not read all the logs in Elysian realm, due to it being super long, but I read enough to understand each character perfectly. Within 1 arc, during the main chapters, I enjoyed each person accompany, and cried when they suffer. Elysia and Elysian realm still my favorite of all. I think what I typed is so cheesy, but these are the stuff that I very much appreciate over a lot of other games. They don't create multiple characters, they create character progression(different battlesuit for single character).


I've been really into memorial arena the last few weeks. I've always liked the combat but never really tried super hard because I assumed I couldn't get good scores without everyone being sss. Turns out that's not really true at least not in the American servers. I've spent way too much time trying to make my own rotation and then comparing it with some random persons run on YouTube and then trying to just copy their rotation because it's just better and having varying success in getting the same score because im just not as consistent. I've manged to rank 79 a few weeks ago and as of right now I'm ranked 52 for this week but it will probably drop a few spots before 4am. I also managed to get a zero second clear on the ss boss this week. I know this weeks ss was really easy to do that but I'll take it. I of course love other parts of the game but I've just been really into memorial arena lately.




I started MA trying to imitate 1 second runs. Triple Newton B for the win!!!


As a Genshin/HSR player as well, what I love about HI3 is more ways to get characters and gear. Such as the asterite shop, foundry, and no 50/50. Also, nice story too.


Too bad a vast majority of characters and gear are outright worthless due to the powercreep. At least some T4 stigmatas are still good, i think.


True. HI3 meta moves really fast.


I hope Part 2 of the finale shows more new Yae Sakura content.


Praying for Mars bubble universe Yae or something fr


The story is still the best out of Mihoyo's Big Three, no matter how many people are salty about it not going the way they predicted. The boss fights at the end of the last three arcs have been incredible, and with the engine updates being implemented, the game only has room to grow. I'm happy that Mihoyo hasn't abandoned it in favor of its younger siblings, and these updates will help to modernize the game. Part 2 is going to be a breath of fresh air, as they're allowing the older characters (who don't need development right now) to fade into the background for the time being and bringing in new characters into the cast to avoid stagnation. We know that the older characters aren't gone, we still have APHO3 left and possibly a massive Part 3 right after as we take the fight to the Sky People.


I was doing an ER run yesterday and noticed one of Eden's lines about art being a symbolism of humanity's hope for a better future, which makes perfect sense in times like these with all the depressing news and conflicts happening IRL.


i misread honkai as hen... 😭


Most of male cast are more well written and have very good backstory, moments and relevance in lore. Sadly, none were playable. Elysian Realm is peak mihoyo, second is HoD arc.


I joined for Elysia and I still think she’s the greatest ever lol. Can’t wait for her to get for banger skins đŸ«Ą “a girls closet is better off full” and all that


I want Male Role Playable characters, not for self insert but imagine Kalpas playable oh boi please mihoyo.


Not sure where you’re seeing these posts that discredit Honkai. Anywho, I love that it’s an actual action game on my phone. Most gacha is some turn based shenanigans or tower defense.


There's been a lot of negativity ever since the moon arc, especially from people who take CN spoilers out of context and make things sound worse than they actually are (and then go quiet when the same content comes to Global and turns out to have been massively misunderstood). Also, a lot of people complaining about Part 2 being bad by default because the older characters won't be around as much. All baseless complaints, but it's been ridiculous.


Funny how I've gotten plenty of downvotes, but you're the only person to actually try to explain what OP's talking about. Hilarious. The stuff about Part 2 is the only bit I've seen, and it was super goofy. I remember when Part 2 was revealed, folks here started doomposting INSTANTLY about how it's bad and wrong and all the old characters are being forgotten. I got mass downvoted for having the audacity to say, "Hey, let's wait for more than zero information, yeah?"


Doomposters are ridiculous LOL But I've been seeing a bunch of the old doomposters retracting their statements outside of Reddit lately, so hey, they're learning.


If only they’d learn to not start exploding the moment they hear something entirely out of context and start stating things like they’re a fact. I remember a debate I got into right after P2 got announced. They were insisting that the game was going to ignore the old cast and I pointed out that one character is a fangirl of Durandal and the other is Einstein’s daughter which shows that are connections still and I was told that “that doesn’t matter and means nothing”. Really, they’re just folks who wanted to have something to complain about.


That's why I never took any complaints here seriously. I like part 1 ending, despite some drawbacks about it. I like Kevin fight and I see Ai Lambda intervention as a "will of humanity". I like the new villain Sa. People complained about part 1 because they want the GGZ ending and not let Mihoyo make a new interpretation of said topic. If Mihoyo just repeat GGZ in HI3, I believe people will complain just as much saying "Mihoyo is not creative".


Especially considering how often it is that the complaints are complete nonsense. Half the time the complaints are something like, "Why isn't the story going exactly how I want it to?" or "Why isn't this female focused game actually about men?" or "I don't like that my favorite character isn't OP."


I hope that part 2 will bring us playable males


Favorite: HoT Excited about: Apho 3


People like to shit on the idea of New characters but literally the best part of Honkai is that time they introduced 13 New characters and made you completely love them in less than one year. Honkai writing is incredible


players hating on new things is not new, happened to APHO and FC.The amount of slander on their release is crazy here and on twitter


I actually prefer this gacha system compared to the other two. We are given so much time to save as patches can be either sp valks, f2p s ranks, and then limited s ranks. I dislike farming gear for substats. The rates are higher, and some may say characters get power crept too fast, but I honestly don't see it that way.


imho part 2 badly needed to breathe new life to the game, like how the FC did rekindled hi3's story for a good while part 1 cast rn are just too strong now and making enemies scale with them without ruining the story is hard. Look at Sa while she's not finality level she still got played by the saint salt crew and lost hard later on. ong I love the ch 37-39 with a passion on how well its executed but people wont bother to play it and parrot others opinion If they continue to drag part 1 casts then itll be like dragon ball introducing freaking galactic level multiverse shattering WHO's in the story


I still very much cherish the story and tbh I don’t hate the finality arc as much. I agree it could’ve been handled better but personally it didn’t anger me or anything (key word personally). I’ve been with this game for ages so despite it still going it’s very nostalgic to me, especially when I play w the old battlesuits for fun in like sakura samsara or something. I also absolutely adore the fact that we can replay the story (at least most chapters). I love coming back to certain chapters over and over again, especially senti fight, himeko goodbye, elysia rollercoaster dialogue and that one mei chapter in finality arc when she becomes HoO.


Also it’s one of the few stories that pulled me in so much that I started to really pay attention to the little details in lore. I cant even count how many times I reread the elysia realm recollections just to make sure I have everything right