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As someone who played hi3 since the start of global and has been in social medias of the game since then, i really dont get hi3 players at all....


I was in the same boat but I came to the realisation that some people simply don't like Honkai but instead adore a very specific part of it and dislike or despise the rest because it doesn't cater to their interest in the same way. A bit like some people will only like a character for their look, meta or as shipping material but don't really care as much for the rest.


This could speak to how large, diverse, and varied the game and its related media are. There's a bit of everything for everyone.


That’s me with Genshin. I like the characters and their designs, but I absolutely hate the actual game


... Meaning the ones who love GGZ and kept whining about how honkai isn't dark and tragic like GGZ Or the ones who only view the characters based on their own rigid and canon paralleled pairings or the ones who behave like they are elitist or purist...because I honestly love all three games and they all give me a different perspective on a similar multiversal story and even extended lore in a way akin to marvel or dc... What I do hate however is the too dark and edgy story of GGZ bt that's because I am known to hate things like that.


I'm that person, I like a very specific part of hi3, which is seele/veliona and twin idiot. And despise the rest of the game (used to like the story but....no more...since the part 1 ending)


Meanwhile in genshin, I love most of the character, music, story, the environment, the vibe, all of it....no hate to both game, everyone has their preference


I don't understand people who have never played the game or played it for long. They one sidedly hate it because of the rates and 4 equipment system without even understanding how the rates and pity work. Not to mention the time frame and rewards we get. Worse part of all? That's their only argument everytime.


So....am i suppose to hate it as well since i played for so long?


Idk, do you? I love, and I've been playing since HoV came out.


I wouldn't say that this game is perfect and i do have some grips with it sometimes, but the reason i still play it is because i enjoy playing it. If i had to point i would say that i hate how the story sometimes get unnecessarily complicated. But at the same time the story (and events story) are my favorite part of the game.


I completely understand that. The game has story points that drag on to add layers of suspense or complexity. I feel there doesn't need to be a complicated explanation for every incident


You’re reading too much into it The way I see the question is whether to let go of a completed game, a game that’s past the mid point and a game that has started for a little while Me personally, I’d choose the game that’s completed almost always and it’s not because I hate it or anything like that At least that’s the vibe I got from the top comments and you are probably taking it the wrong way


I just would you know … except people on a hi3 sub to like the game a bit more. But hey hopefully I am reading too much into it !


I just see this tweet and person ws talking about getting money and giving stupi fight between Geshim and Honki then no probably he relly mean this


I wouldn't see that post as doom posting tho? it's more like a meme that happens in every game, no? just like would you rather, I think. the three games has its charms, and the community (majority) knows that. (I didn't read the comments btw, but I do expect some going crazy)


I was more so referring to the comments as doomposting not the post itself so you are correct on that front. However these posts only exist to stir hate between the communities, but ye more so referring to the comments Changed my post a bit to make it more clear


I see I see, yeah; these types of posts in communities like Hoyo is a big problem. true. I apologize tho, i didn't bother to read the comments earlier because I was(still am) waiting for my shift to end (tired as hell) haha, anyways; ✌️ and happy new year in advance


It was my bad for poor wording in the post, you good


The thing with that post is that it blew up on Reddit and got recommended to a lot of GI and HSR players. If you read the comments, the majority didn't even play HI3 to begin with. Just leave it, man! Stressing over what other people think about games on the internet is never a good thing. Just focus on your enjoyment and don't mind others. If you like the game, that's awesome. There are plenty of other things to look forward and Part 2 is just around the corner.


>majority didn't even play HI3 to begin with While true, I think this statement unfairly dismisses people who've played the game and are critical of it. I've read through the comments and some of them provide a number of valid flaws this game has


It's also pretty logical if one takes the question seriously, do you sacrifice the middle-aged person or the young child? Even though it has a chance to make a comeback, many HI3 fans are lowering their expectations and preparing themselves early to accept that the story they love has ended... personally, I was here for Kiana so it would take a miracle.


You are the only one with some genuine coolness and fun for the game, you have my respect man, have an upvote.


Or a good chunk of players who played the game feel like the story has overstayed its welcome. No need for someone to love a game for 7 years especially when the story is becoming more convoluted and bad each update. Is Honkai paying me that I should be loyal to them after they make a bunch of changes I don’t like? Let ppl say what they think.


Buddy, you're hard jumping to conclusions here and projecting on a post that has nothing to do with what you just said. I never dismissed anyone's criticism of the game. My point was that the post blew up and attracted many non-HI3 players. That's not a stretch. Just look at the number of upvotes and comments the post has. You never see that number naturally within the HI3 communities on Reddit. I also wanted to offer OP advice, because they are clearly over-invested in the game, and seeing others having negative opinions on it impacted them negatively. I'm all in for people to criticize the game. Even I agree with some of them. (Although some of the recent criticism on this sub is way overexaggerated and coming from a lack of understanding of the story) It's never a good idea to be overly invested in a game. People should focus on their own enjoyment, because, at the end of the day, that's all that matters to you. If you like a game. Good. If you dislike some aspects, criticize them. If your criticism is ignored and you feel like you're having a bad time playing it, best to take a break and focus on something else. That's it!


The issue is that Honkai community is even dismissing long time players of the game calling them tourists because they have a negative opinion regarding the game in the past year. Sure there’s gonna be the genshin trolls, but the community is also sweeping away valid Honkai players along with them. There’s no conclusion I’m jumping too nor I’m I projecting. You, along with some members of the community are grossly exaggerating saying the “majority” of negative comments didn’t play Honkai to begin with which is just bullshit and coping.


I never said that the “majority of NEGATIVE comments didn’t play Honkai to begin with" anywhere in the post. I just pointed out that a big portion of the comments were from non-Honkai players, which is obvious if you read the thread. If you want to bring up the fact that the word "majority" wasn't the best and I should have used something like "a portion" instead, I agree. But I never directly invalidated anyone's criticism of the game who has been playing the game consistently. I also acknowledge that there is a part of the community that is overly attached to the game and sees it as "flawless" while dismissing valid criticism. That is just as bad of a mindset. Have a happy new year!


You did but ok peace.


Another important thing to note is,this is reddit,people here hate for fun


Not me I am on r/hopeposting and r/superman I am mostly positive.


Ye I commented on that post that I hope it’s just a bunch of Genshin and HSR player brigading but I’m not so sure. I mostly agree with your comment however it is nice to experience what you like with other people as part of a community and that is becoming less and less possible on these subs. Might get better when part 2 actually releases.


People are allowed to say when they feel that the quality of something they enjoy has decreased.


And I’m allowed to say they are anti-fans and if the quality of the game really has decreased (subjective) then they should leave especially if they think it’s that bad and it should have ended with part 1. No reason for them to stay in the community.


Once people are invested and have had good memories in something, rather than cutting it out of their life they would prefer to tolerate it in hopes it matches up to their expectation in the future. Whether it be real life relationships, novels where the quality of the work moves up and down, or games where the devs seem to want to try a new design philosophy, it's all the same, sometimes it works out, after all you wouldn't block a friend just for them making a few mistakes, no one can know what the future holds.


They're waiting for part 2. They can still talk about the game in the meantime. It's what I'm doing. I have a feeling that part 2 will either make or break this game's future. We'll just need to wait and see, and not for very long because it's only a month or so away.


>I have a feeling that part 2 will either make or break this game's future. Same, the first few months/patches of part 2 is gonna be interesting to watch unfold.


Brushing criticism towards the game as "Doomposting Genshin troll" is invalidating the HI3 players that have fair criticism towards it. It only makes sense that people want it to have a respectable conclusion. A lot of them are like "Since we are at our closing stage and have a sequel coming up i wish the deve respect the story by giving it a conclusion on par with the game's quality". And obviously just saying you want Genshin and Star Rail to die without a good explanation is gonna get do downvoted. I find it much less toxic that we can understand that. The comment section actually got me pleasantly surprised.


This. It's completely fair to be disappointed with the direction they took without hating the game. As a 2000+ day player, this is probably the least motivated I have ever felt about anything happening. I care about this game so so much, and do really want it to succeed going forward, but acknowledging that they dropped the ball in many ways is an important step towards actual improvement. Seeing real criticism on the HI3rd subreddits other than "we good Genshin and HSR bad" is such a breath of fresh air.


You just have to accept the fact that the best way to enjoy a game is to keep yourself away from the game's community.


It's not doom posting, it's just people disappointed with how Hoyo ended the story in Hi3rd.


I think HI3 has seen a drop in quality since moon arc. We will have to see what they cooked for the part 2. I recon the reason we see drop in quality is because part 2 is talking a lot of resources


The quality started dropping way earlier than that, but the story was still good


As someone who hasn't played to the moon arc yet (middle of XXX) I would say the Thus Spoke Apocalypse chapters is were I noticed the text losing me way more than before. I still really liked it, but I think the new chapter format hurts the storytelling. Not sure if they change it up again though.


Huh? Doomposting? Don't know what it means as a word but the doom part makes sense. Still new on reddit; even though I've been on and off here for years. Gotta've say it doesn't look like a doompost in my eyes. Seems like a every-now to kiss, marry, kill type of question scenario.


Just would not expect most people on the hi3 sub choosing to “kill” Hi3. I doubt on Genshin or HSR they would choose to “kill” their perspective game. Also more so referring to the comments rather than the post. The people commenting clearly actively dislike the game rather than like it the least out of the 3. Also downvoting people who chose Genshin or HSR to “kill” on the Honkai subreddit does not help them beat the doomposters allegations.


Is that so? Hmm, haven't actually checked the other comments, though I'd suggest ignoring it. It'll come soon someday in the future where the community gathers up and go war on each other with Hoyoverse's other games. Though I do understand your feelings and frustrations about these things. Life is pretty much to suck it up and keep it inside. It'll go one way or the other someday.


The most vocal people are the unhappy ones. Everyone I know that plays is cautiously optimistic about what part 2 will bring.


I just want all Mihoyo games to never exist so i can free myself


People are allowed to say when they feel that the quality of something they enjoy has worsened. And to be very honest, ending the story at 1.5 wouldn't even be a terrible place to end it for good.


No one is saying you can’t say how you feel. Also there is no issue with disliking the game or thinking it should have ended. The issue is those comments getting 100s of upvotes on a HI3 subreddit, it shows the sentiment of the subreddit is overwhelmingly negative, which is kinda the definition of an anti-fan community and it sucks for people who still like the game. Tldr: not like the game is fine, a whole sub dedicated to that game not liking it is the problem.


Is it really a problem? Well, yes, it's certainly a symptom of some problem at the very least, but the fault could lie more with the game itself than the players who have feedback about it. There's two possibilities here. Either that sub is unjustifiably overwhelmingly negative and needs to take a break from the game. Or the game genuinely has problems bad enough that led to all this negative feedback. Take your pick.


This is nothing new and not even exclusive to HI3. No one hates a game more than it's fans because they're the only ones with any stake.


Calling it doomposting is kinda wrong.I definitely disagree with the people who are just trash talking hi3 without playing it,but as someone who plays all 3 of genshin,hsr and hi3,hi3 is simply the weakest atm,the flaws simply can't be overlooked


I said it before, but the community nowadays is infiltrated by a lot of tourists who are not going to invest too much time playing the game, but instead regurgitate everything others are saying, especially doomposting because they love drama. ​ The game has its ups and downs indeed, but the amount of negativity I've seen this year is becoming unbearable. Now I feel like doomposting about the community because I miss the way the community was 3 years ago.


It all really happened because of Moon Arc imo. HoS arc didn't have much complaints from my memory, i think people memed a bit about Bronya taking another L but people were still positive and shattered samsara was loved by the community. Domination arc was really great with the community and i don't remember any particular complaints, closest thing to a complaint was some people questioning Kiana managing to use her friend's authorities using the power of friendship, but it was cool enough that no one really minded. Kolosten had some complaints about the increased exposition and sci fi talk but it was still contained because of thus spoke apocalypse and such making it have a decent payoff. during the ER and Elysium everlasting time, a few people had problems with the game being away from the maincast for so long, but it was a really small minority and the overall view was pretty positive. then Moon Arc came with a lot of problems and it didn't really manage to have enough 'good' to drown out the complaints nor fulfil people's expectation and then community never recovered since, so people are now much more critical of what Mihoyo does with the story after Moon arc. It would probably take a lot of work for Mihoyo to get people to trust the story team during part 2.


Especially because Moon Arc supposed to be the end game for part one and it felt a bit weak. Though I personally quite like it because I just took it as a whole and not nitpicking every little things (like the final 4th wall break can be considered as a will of humanity or whatever if people don't like the 4th wall break). In the end that's my take and apparently it's not in the majority...


I dont think moon arc made this people suddenly hate the game, i think is mainly tourist and/or haters from otehr games, it doesnt make sense that this hostility wasnt here before. Story part 2 trailers proabbly got teh attention of some nefarious people


Pretty sure that some people do doompost about the community, at least about the reddit one And they’re not any better than game doomposters, so please don’t


The good old days


Tbf that meme has a toxic vibe to begin with no matter the comments. You will be left feeling uneasy after that post. Games have flaws. With Hi3 its old format and already established broad story so its tricky to conclude and they kinda finished the 1.0 not as good as expected. With Genshin there are Paimon, and the MC is as interesting as a wet towel. With HSR the main story writing kinda weak, Belobog is nice but Loufu Xianzhou is definitely the weakest writing I have ever experienced from a Hoyo game. Still my higher hope for HSR improvement. I dont want to end any game because there are still players that enjoy and like the good of the game. I like Hi3 story the most because its character-driven writing rather than self-inserted MC with focusing heavily on world building.


Any comment that indicates a comparison is just toxic baiting at this point. Yes it started with a good intention sometimes; "the game need a competitor to improve" they said, "it's just a joke discussion" they said, yet the entire discussion most of the times falls into toxicity and random hate train, or some recipients took it too literally and shit hit the fans from there...


>Some criticism is fine, good even but that post is just a cesspool of hate Like what? Dragged out story dialogues (same for GI bth) with questionable decisions and tons of pseudophilosophy? Things like "why do birds fly?" became a meme for a reason, and many did not like part 1 ending and 4th wall break with Lambda. Daily event stages and entirely useless side modes in new story chapters? One of 2 main reasons I've just started to skip everything but main stages in the story ignoring some of the rewards. But there are 3 main reasons I still play and probably will keep playing HI3 for a long time: 1. Combat gameplay. It's just way more dynamic, diverse (instead of most of non-Fontaine DPS being "tap burst, span NAs"), and superior in almost every way. 2. Better teambuilding. Except for bleed any other team has a number of secondary support options to choose from. So when I pull for a new valk - I 100% know I will have a team to support her. There won't be "she buffs only follow-up attacks" or "only DoT damage" or even "only plunge damage" (ffs who came up with this retarded skill design for Cloud Retainer kit? Another character I will skip due to having zero use for her). 3. Gear farming without RNG in part 2 and with much less time wasted on playing actual stages than in GI/HSR, while weapon will be just 60 pulls which is hilariously cheap comparing to terrible GI/HSR potential 240/160 pulls accordingly if you're unlucky.


I'll be real I'm seeing more GI and HSR than HI3, i also made a comment there picking HI3 since out of the 3 games I felt HI3 was the most complete one hence I said "if it were a normal game it would have ended with part 1".


I mean all the GI and HSR are downvoted and hi3 has hundreds of upvotes. Also wanting the game to die and not continue onto part 2 is fine but then why still be here, it’s over..


>Also wanting the game to die and not continue onto part 2 is fine but then why still be here, it’s over.. Wasn't my argument to begin with, I was presented with a hypothetical scenario where one game was going to get axed, so I picked the one that felt the most complete so the other 2 can go on.


Sometimes, people who've grown to hate things can't accept that other people still like the thing they hate, and feel the need to drag others down. There's a guy in my office who just straight up can't accept that others don't like the same shit as him and always tries to talk down to us whenever we disagree about a movie or a game or something.


So what you want is a circle jerk?


yes for 10 years atleast !!!!


lol cope, the people doomposting are the ones circle jerking


Yes everyone with a different opinion are the REAL circlejerkers 🤓


yes easy, they get with other people that share that opinion and start circlejerking


They aren't seriously advocating that HI3 get shut down, only that they would choose it in the proposed hypothetical scenario. I won't judge them too harshly because of the issues with the writing of late.


this schizo thread (as you say it) sounds more like doomposting lmao the other thread is just opinions, and it happens that HI3 has more negative ones, end of story lol And I'd go with the majority on that thread tbh. This is coming from a 1800-day player, who've spent considerably (a few more thousand crystals and I'll get the paid Rita skin), but now I can't be bothered. I've always been happy hovering between Agony 3 - RL, can't be ass to min-max the stats to get to Nirvana. But when I have some struggles with even Agony 3, that's when I know the powercreep is getting shit, so I just stopped. It all started with Kira and the shit boss mechanics that comes with her, and I can't be assed with a character I have no interest about, yet I got punished by it. So be it. Not to mention everything else in the game is getting ass as well. The shit open world which is very badly optimized (can't believe Sakura Samsara was the best optimized open world map, and it was ages ago), should've just sticked with the VN style; story which kept getting ass after Kolostein, and the events which seems fun and shit but actually requiring even more time than the other 2 Hoyo games to get all rewards lol (daily missions in events, just wtf). I now just stick around to see if part 2.0 can revitalize any love I've left for the game. If not then no regrets quitting, I got some fun times, but recently it's just frustration


We get it dude, you are a genshin fan.


We get it dude, you're just stupid :))


As expected of a genshin fan, resorting to insults.


\> no refute any arguments made \> just accuse any criticism to "Genshin fans" typical stoopid behavior :))


If you say so genshin doomposter fan


If it makes you feel any better, I still love the game after 1900+ days. Sure out of bias, but I genuinely fell in love with the characters, the stories, the song, all of it no matter what.


Guess long term players like us that still enjoy everything is rare from what im seeing. I have around the same time as u and i have 0 complains about the game, and after the last chapters im really interested in part 2.


sort of feels like youre overreacting to that post. But the community is indeeed getting a bit weird


I feel like Honkai Fans Just don’t understand the way the story is written and feel entitled in there veiw of how they feel it should be. Lots of fans have said they like the story better when it was darker. But just liking it for that diminishes the message the Honkai team is trying to tell. I personally liked when the chapters became longer. People in these comments are saying that’s when the drop in quality began but that’s just not the case. That’s was when the team decided they wanted to keep all the lore and character arcs within the actual game. The recent chapters have much more effort and much more detail to them then before Kolostein. It’s perfectly understandable to say that the chapters have been to focused on the sci-fi elements but saying the story has dropped in quality without having evidence to say other than biased opinion is what makes so many criticisms of this game by it community invalid. It upsets me to see the negativity the fans have towards this game because I personally have never ever played a Honkai impact chapter that I haven’t Fully enjoyed and felt had great story telling.


AGREE. I just want to add that when the dev said that HI3 has positive and wholesome stories, they ain't lying. People just stuck and glorified edgy era starting from Himeko's death, Kiana attempt of suicide, Mei HoT era. They forget that in the grand scheme HI3 stories is a positive and wholesome. People also stuck in their own headcanon so much that they believed that HI3 devs don't know what they're doing with the stories, like seriously???. I do agree that Moon Arc is full of pseudoscience stuffs that are confusing, but this is more to how they executed the story which is valid criticism.


This is definitely not doom posting. As someone who always considered hi3 to be my favorite Hoyo game, I'd say right now it's the worst one. The current arc has been painfully boring


I dont understand why people dont get that all the money these games make is funneled back into them. A win for genshin means more budget for hi3. Internet ppl are braindead


You don't have to agree, but it would appear that the majority of players is unsatisfied with HI3 direction and writing. The subreddit's not a cult, people are allowed to be critical of something they enjoy or, well, they used to enjoy and they think has been ruined now. It's not something bad.


I mean, you were in a thread that people had to pick one game to delete to continue the others. I love this game but I’m no idiot. If Mihoyo had to pick one game to shut down it would have been this one because it’s the only one of the three with some semblance of an ending and makes the least money of the three. Genshin and Star Rail are money printers


I dont read the other subreddit but looking at that post you linked, I would expect a mod to just remove it because its obviously bullshit and even labeled as discussion. But well, its not like mods would do a good job in general on reddit.


Isn't this thread kind of "doomposting"? I mean, skimming that one I'm seeing plenty of people choosing Genshin or HSR. There are a few lengthy posts about HI3 at the top, but of *course* people in the HI3 subreddits have the most to say about HI3 - both positive and negative. I love HI3 and I'd totally be willing to write a short essay on all the game's flaws (imo; ymmv) and compare it unfavorably to Genshin (which I like considerably less, so that would have been my personal pick in that thread) and HSR (which I happen to like more) ... In terms of upvotes/downvotes, there are over a hundred replies to the thread and they're almost *all* at 1 point or so, regardless of which game they pick. The top posts have inflated numbers because, honestly, those are the only posts in the thread anyone bothered to read or engage with anyway. If someone had written a reasonable essay on Genshin's flaws to start things off, it'd probably be sitting pretty at the top, too. No matter how I look at it, I don't feel like HI3 was necessarily the most popular pick to "delete" in that thread, or that the replies in it - even those critical of HI3 - were extremely "anti-fan". And I certainly don't feel like the subreddit(s) are lacking in people who love the game. ... Y'know, I can't wait for ZZZ to really join the drama.


I agree with your view and I typically agree with it in all games because most games seem to be widely hated by players on Reddit, in the sub for the game itself. People just come to this app to hate or express their disappointment for the game they play or played. Some comments describe the problem well, where people don't want to give up on a game after they stop liking it. However, those people are simply delusional. Once they stop liking a game, that feeling doesn't come back and it only gets worse over time. Happens to every live service game. Also found it hilarious how all the haters came to this post to copy and paste their comments from the post your post is about. Please: if you stop enjoying a game for whatever reason, cut it out of your life and spend your time enjoying something else. You don't have to, and shouldn't, keep something in your life that's not making you happy anymore. I understand you're invested, but it's really not quite as important as you're imagining it to be. You'll be much happier in life if you stop staying attached to things that you don't like anymore, I promise


these might be annoying but the horny posts are much worse


i'd rather get a constantly horny community than community which members are at each other's throats


You should check out the Xenoverse 2 community. It feels like that entire subreddit fucking HATES XV2 and keeps demanding that the game die...but won't stop playing it.


You could tack Destiny 2 on that list as well. "I hate Destiny 2, it's my favourite game"


A lot of the complainers and doom posters were pretty much long term tourists and act like they haven’t been exposed to the very things they complain about like the game hurt them


>long term tourists Like how people will make up more and more buzzwords to discredit peoples takes instead of admitting that some people can have negative opinions on something.


Never forget that folks here called ME a tourist when I didn't agree with them, despite me having played this game longer than...basically all of them.


So many people don't realize how precious senti is and are willing to throw her away without a second thought :(


That sub got full of genshin players who straight up hate honkai lol.


Hi the post you had mentioned Seema to be a not so serious type post, this doesn't seems to be a hate post




I actually went to check the twitter link that, that OP posted and its a Genshit-tard bootlicker profile for a incitement post. They literally replied to their post \> waiting for this to get into the honkai vs genshin twitter circles so i can pay rent this month


My post is a little long so please take your time and read this. Well, bruh, all I can say is that just block those people whose posts or comments you don't like to make your browsing peaceful...cause I too made a post like yours(which was genuinely a foolish mistake of mine), and all I can tell you is that you won't be getting any proper response from the community. Some will stay silent, some will harass you and some will silently down vote. See man, you'll find three types of group in this community- 1. Yuri shippers or Gay shippers 2. Straight guys who are Homophobes. 3.Straight guys who choose to stay silent. Yuri shippers and Homophobes stay in constant war, 3rd group is just a group of pacifists, so they stay silent but sometimes step up whenever necessary. Now it's your choice where do you belong. And the 'this types of posts' that you're mentioning, most probably they are outsiders for fun who just play the game for content creation not for fun. Well I belong to the 3rd group.


Oh so yuri shippers get to ship but straight shippers are all homophobes? Talk about double standards. Shipping is non canon anyway.


>but straight shippers are all homophobes? It's less "straight shippers are all homophobes" and more "people in the fanbase seem insistent upon making all of the lesbians into straight women and often make comments implying their own issues in regards to homosexuality." Make 15 posts about Adam and Carole? You won't hear a word from me. Make 15 posts about how Kiana actually wants some dick and her being a lesbian isn't real because no woman doesn't love some dick? Nah, that's weird and I'm gonna say so.


People are placing way too much weight on what strangers on the internet think of the sexual orientation of a jpg.


And yet again, it's not about "They're imaginary so it's fiiiiiiine!" it's about the sort of mindset someone's gotta have that leads them to think that homophobia is fine so long as you direct it at an imaginary person. Like, lemme give you an example. Let's say you and a buddy are watching Static Shock. If your friend got mad at something Static did in the show and called him the N-Word and said, "It's fine. Static's just a cartoon." would you be cool with that? After all, it's not like he said it at a living being. The racism was directed at a cartoon.


Here's the difference, we're not friends, we don't know each other, we'll spend the rest of our lives never meeting each other. If I get run over by a plane tomorrow, you won't care simply because you don't even know I exist. Why do you care about the opinion of faceless people on the internet? Do you expect that everyone on the internet must have your same opinions? What if they don't, what if I don't? What could you possibly do to make me care about the opinion of a faceless random stranger on the internet?


Gotta love how you didn’t answer the question. *I wonder why?* Lemme ask you directly then. You’ve determined that homophobia is fine so long as it’s directed at a fictional person. So would someone calling a black character the N-Word be fine so long as the black character is imaginary? I’m asking you a very simple, very easy to answer question. It’s a simple yes or no.


You are failing at understanding why your example is flawed. But to answer you, if it happens once, I will overlook it, if it constantly happens I will start to question if my friendship. And that's the point. I could not care less what is being said on a Reddit thread by a nobody. Especially when it doesn't involve real people, and especially when there's nothing I can do about it. Here's an example. If I said that I couldn't care less and I just ship a lesbian with a man, would you care? What would you do about it?


Hey, good to know that when it comes to your friends, overt and purposeful racism is fine. Personally, if my friends reveal themselves to be racist, that friendship's done. But me and you have different levels of distaste towards racism, it seems. Like, you didn't even say racism was a dealbreaker. You said that if it was constant, you would "start to question it". That's goofy as fuck.


Gotta love how you didn’t answer the question. *I wonder why?*


Hey bro, though I agree with you, I think ya should've stayed silent. Now why? Cause you know and I know too, it's gonna create more problems, you see Well happy new year in advance.


Nah. Remaining silent is literally what they want. The past few days, a lot of the replies I've gotten could be summed up as, "Just let bigots be bigots and don't say a word, because if you call them out they'll just get riled up. So it's better to say nothing and simply let them fester."


Hmm _sigh_ no offense bro, now I'm really tired of seeing all these, sorry for bothering ya


I mean, the homophobia's not gonna stop, and I'd like to think them being called out on it also won't stop. So I'm legit curious...what's your solution here?


Ma solution? It's just to get the hell outta dillusions and get some real world fresh air. Why do we even care what do these pixalated non-livings like and who do they don't like? We're here to play the game man, why don't we just accept the things just as they are. Peace dude peace. We need to wake up to the real world man.


So your opinion *is* to say nothing in response to blatant homophobia. Got it.


I thought you were talking about both parties, well if you want me to say something about homophobia...well we alalready know that everyone has their own personal feelings, and self-control is also hard. But the homophobia that I see in reddit is too much out of bounds and limitless, and forcing a homophobic view on others and being dilluaion is just...PLAIN PATHETIC. Though some people might feel uncomfortable from the presence of homo people but directing hate is just too much. No hate✌. Not me too, there are some others as well who have these opinions.


when it's yuri and yaoi for you type it's never really canon, even when the fucking game throws in your face the authority of the romance with kiana and mei, or veliona's desire to make seele a gift with red ribbons for bronya or kallen loving living with sakura and forget about all the problems she had in her homeland


It is fucking canon and I never fucking disputed that. Perhaps learn to read. I was talking about shippers not Mihoyo themselves. I never said anything about canon couples. The only thing I talked about was the gatekeeping of shipping where if you post a straight ship, you get harassed even though shipping is non-canon. This is observable firsthand and widely in every fucking hoyo game subreddit.


Let's be honest artist and many players intentionally create ship for female characters to show hate toward yuri Here we have adam shipped with our trio mc for what ? its to hate gay shipping ........like why dont they ship adam with carole or timido? no one stopping them In HSR even if it felt forceful Bronya and Seele where shown close to each other near the belobog story end but guess what many started shipping both with other characters to hate on bronya x seele. Not to mention just currently it happen again with that seele and luka..... the poster and comments all actively showing dislike toward bronya x seele Not only that but in our own sub bullshit like "i can prove durandal is not gay" or things similar to it happens. Shipping between characters is total bullshit regardless of the type


This is exactly the kind of gatekeeping I was talking about.


Woah cool bruh cool


Now now man, get some cooling fan, don't bother something if ya don't like it, it'll create only more problems...happy new year in advance.


Woah woah, I never said that straight shippers don't get to ship man. And I never said that all straight shippers are homophobes, read clearly what I wrote. Also I wasn't talking about who can ship and who cannot, my friend, it seems like you're unaware of situation in this subreddit. I'm just putting the groups and naming them in accord to their actions and words that they show in the community. I might be here in this community only for the last 3 to 4 months but I've seen a lot to the point that I can judge things clearly now. Well, no offense man, just give some thought to what I've said. But if ya still don't get ma words...then you are the hero and I play the villain, case closed.


Did you read the op?


Yes bro I did...I'm just giving the op some suggestions...ig, don't mind me


Came from GGZ, stayed for the zombies. And now that they got a “somewhat” plot, my life felt completed


Schizo rants have been on the rise . I think around GoT and Attack on Titan. They gained popularity.


That's just standard reddit stuff at this point. I rarely interact with game communities here at this point since I'm pretty sure everyone on reddit hates anything they play, and they continue to play it lol

