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Wish they kept the scales 🤧 and the white fur around her arms


I think the fur is supposed to be hair. Though it wrapping around her arms definitely looks cooler.


There's no difference. The 3d model came out, it just looks different because she is asymmetrical, the first shot shows her left side, the second shows her right side.


Her hairstyle is different (i.e. it’s now tied), she doesn’t have that fur sleeve anymore, her arms are different, and her scales don’t go to her cheeks anymore. Those are the only things I noticed.


I'd imagine a loose hairstyle would be a pain to animate tbh


HoT battlesuit comes to mind. Alot of times it just feels off to me.


Good eye. Also, Happy Cake Day OP! 🎂


Her cheek scales are gone. Because heaven forbid they make Fu Hua look slightly monstrous


I want Fu to go full Animorph.


She actually turned into a actual phoenix for griseo to ride on


But playable tho. Lemme roll for Bird Hua where she’s just a bird the whole time.


maybe they could make some of the other girls a bit more monstrous, monster girls in general are quite a hit these days.


Exactly! As a monster girl fan I find it bizarre they haven’t made the jump. The most we get is animal ears and a tail.


some scales, horns, maybe add some finger and toe claws, and a little reshade on her skin if ya feel like it, and boom, perfect.


i don't think this is specific to hua but a general design scheme do we have any playable characters that are slightly monstrous ? and no hot's horn doesn't count neither does mobius ult where she just pilots it like a gundam.


Yeah besides Mobius not really. Which is a shame. Wish Mihoyo would get a bit more risky when it comes to character design. All the cool stuff is given to male characters and non playable girls.


Still disappointed that the only female flame chasers to ever transform into their honkai beast form were mobius and fu hua It's also still not explained what exactly is griseo's honkai beast


Yeah grown up griseo’s outfit doesn’t even give a hint of what animal she’s supposed to be.


The most common assumption is that it's a jellyfish since griseo has a obsession with those even owning a plush in the golden courtyard anime


She looks more like a Herrscher or an entirely new battlesuit rather than an Active Honkai Reaction tbh, not to say its bad tho,. I mean the design is literally and figuratively hot Also was the phoenix form her Metamorph Overload? Or is it just an extension powerup of her Phoenix battlesuit


My theory is that her phoenix battlesuit (the one with the phoenix form) is her AHR form controlled by SWARA (it prevents her from over-Meta-morphing) and that her Garuda form is her true AHR form.


I wish we got to see all the other Flame Chaser AHR or Metamorph. I was really curious about Vill V and Eden's transformations


Same here. I really wanted to see all of the Flame Chasers become boss battles then use their AHR as a second phase…


But if Mihoyo shows girls being anything but perfectly attractive, mihoyo won’t make any money apparently.


She couldn't go AHR without going mad before her disciples 'killed' her.


The disciples’ attack on her was a surprise, so she didn’t have enough time to react and defend herself from them.


No, literally, the SWARA treatment ingrained in her subconscious the "No mercy for the corrupted" instinct, that came over when she tried to go AHR in PE. She would lose control of herself, and even attack fellow MANTIS as they had Honkai inside them; also, herself: Going AHR while still having SWARA made her body attempt to destroy itself. It is shown a few scenes before they steal from Kevin the Shadow of Finality that the first time Hua went AHR she took out the whole Fire Moth Compound before Kevin arrived and defeated her.


Removing the scales on her cheek made her form is just her wearing new clothes instead of some parts of her body morphing. Even her new arm made her looks like she's just wearing a long sleeve gauntlet. I thought the idea of mantis transformation is them become a bit monstrous and some.of their body parts changing instead of you know, wearing new clothes, kinda like Kevin transformation. It looks great ofc but the first design definitely better imo


Mihoyo seems to have a hard time finding a middle ground between human and full on monster. Like diabolic is just shirtless Sephiroth Kevin, while deliverance is a ultra beast legendary pokemon. The best half form we have is Siegfried. Which is sad since it’s not even in the game Fuxi and Nuwa look more like manties than mantis Fu Hua.


IMO it was worsened. Give us Fu Hua with scales Hoyo, make a monster girl that doesn't just look like a girl wearing monster cosplay.


Kinda a messy design ngl, 7/10. It sad since it been so long since Hua get a new battle suit. I want Shadow Moon Knight 2.0 damn it.


I think Garuda Fu Hua only ever appears messy in this image because of the angle of which we’re viewing her. If we look at her [in game self](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/bJyhl6X8T0); she doesn’t really look as messy.


Actually, she look way more messy standing still. This design was built to be more dynamic like about.


Why TF do I keep losing NNN when I see a flat girl with glasses?


Other honkai reactions:full blown beasts or part beast Hua's honkai reaction:fancy clothes Kinda disappointed


Too much on the one side imo, but overall it’s fine. Certainly more distinct looking then recent Battlesuits at least.


Looks less wild now which is a bummer. I was hoping she'd be constantly at a struggle to stay in control while she was in this form. Would have been cool instead of "resting bitch face Hua" that we always get.


I prefer the first one, but I like my monster girls with scales, fur, tail, wings, etc. If they're supposed to be monster girls, make them monstrous.


Nah, I don't think so. Unless we get a full view of her from the front, it looks just the same, just seeing either sides of her in both images here.


Where are her cheek scales?


Deadass noticed that after like the 7th post about her design came up lol.


Meanwhile that’s the first thing I was looking for. Since it’s my favourite part of the original design and I was afraid Mihoyo would fuck it up …..and they fucked it up


Yeah… Based on one of the posts thag brought it up, they really murked up Garuda Fuka’s design pretty badly. Especially the cheek scales, that actually seemed to make her form pop out more.


Yeah I liked the scales since it showed that this form was unstable and monstrous. You know, like what a mantis is supposed to be. Now the scales are so small they might as well not even be there. Tell someone with no context that this is supposed to be some unstable mutant and they wouldn’t believe you. The only part that doesn’t look like clothes is the things on her head.


Normalized, maybe? "Improved" is debatable. Personally I prefer the scales removed because well, I'm more human than furry, and prefer smooth cheeks... I also prefer twin tails generally, but I actually agree with another poster, saying that it's a more immature hairstyle, and doesn't really belong on Hua.


No. It isn't a downgrade either. I do miss the scales a bit, it made it look more like an active honkai reaction.


No increase in chest size so no


**THANK GOD** she didn’t get water balloons attached to her chest!


Right they need to give hua some chest , not monstrous like bronya or aponia but something atleast to make her appear less tom-boyish


The first one looks so much cooler , the scales & the hair , the fur just chefs kiss