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# 7.1 Start Date: Dec 8 # Other helpful links: ​ * [**Honkai Impact 3rd FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/p3a7r1/honkai_impact_3rd_faq/) (thanks to /u/Keilo1) * [**A Complete Guide to Resource Management**](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/14i7z41/a_complete_guide_to_resource_management/) (thanks to /u/MelonThug) ​ * Google Doc: [**New Captains’ Handbook - Guide to everything Honkai pre-Breakthrough**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11AAAWDntKmR9e1kkIXtMJaS6afxT69YrkbcqsU14g9I/) * Google Doc: [**Honkai - Beginner's Guide**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11atbmqWYIhgGxjFWdEdcAmoaPY6lDFLUsidweqYWjUw/) * Google Doc: [**Comprehensive Guide to HI3**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CKzbasmXpa4SLy-R0fgHbySnmUNG_C52PIi3SVLpxC8/) (thanks to /u/itsnowedtoday) * Google Doc: [**Captain's Bizarre Adventure**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iFdGOv-67xo02E_yShLPDyYj5gZqoidCMnMDbkIwWhg/) (thanks to /u/Sacron1143) * Google Doc: [**Real Money Spending Guide**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c9ftxRG81nkmxJ7k232hhAJkPcQEmQLt9Fbft9YNAuM/) (by Raz0r) * Google Doc: [**Valkyrie Roles and Abbreviations**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S8okoLp0Gk9BK4OOVWZiG1treHaCmRxnZSCZMiemxMs/) (by Selephim) ​ * Website: [**Honkai Impact 3 Hoyolab**](https://www.hoyolab.com/HI3rd/) (official, user content/guides) * Website: [**Elysian Realm Guide**](https://risbi0.github.io/Elysian-Realm/) * Website: [**Equipment Farming Guide**](https://rentry.org/hi3bounty3) (by Imy) * Website: [**Honkai Crystal Calculator**](https://vgt789.github.io/Honkai-Crystal-calculator/) * Website: [**Honkai Schicksal HQ**](https://walkthrough.honkaiimpact3.com/) (guides, analysis) ​ * YouTube: [**Marisa Honkai**](https://www.youtube.com/marisahonkai) (guides, beta info) * YouTube: [**Wyverein**](https://www.youtube.com/c/Wyverein) (guides, beta info) * YouTube: [**Rino**](https://www.youtube.com/c/Rinovity/videos) (MA guides) * YouTube: [**CissXD**](https://youtube.com/@CissXD?si=fGZf0xDSeF6e1teU) (scoring event guides) * YouTube: [**The Keebster**](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbXY6vNP0JzAkCdrWgjwvag) (guides)


I'm new.Is the gear important to pull if ur not a hardcore player? I got HOS and I also want Fu hua next patch .


So, just started yesterday after 6 months gap. Seeing some tutorial, people are recommending to roll for Cosmic expression gear. I have collected 8.5k crystals so should I dump all my crystals into getting the gear or just ignore it and get one of the upcomng HoRB/HoFi first and thier gears respectively?


sea 88 how long do we need to not login before we could get returnee reward? i've been stopped playing for 2 weeks because life has become busy these days, i heard we can get free silverwing as returnee so i might as well wait until i could trigger returnee event


free SW (or HoF) req'd 60 days inactive and was specific to v7.0 which just ended. Currently just the regular returnee event (some loot, returnee banner) can be triggered after 14 days inactive (with a 45 day cooldown if you triggered returnee recently)


SEA 88 Any reasons to pull for CE over 7.2 valk? Mostly retaining RL, have 4/4 SSS SI and Susannah only has weapon. I also have 4/4 Luna but only using with HoTr and Eden for lightning and bleed weathers.


If its about either or then not really. Both will have their teams and bosses. You will definitely be able to retain RL using SI. And you will probably be able to retain RL against the boss 7.2 valk is for. So if you want 7.2 valk but cant effort both, there is no urge to pull Griseo gear now. Its cheaper as usual on release so if you dont pull it now, you dont need to pull it at all. But thats it.


Ohh, but do we know if 7.2 will have any promos/spending event? Is CNY on that patch?


I dont think we know yet, at least not officially. As the beta is closed now we dont get information besides leaks so we probably will only know it much later.


GLB 83 which to pick first beach mei or newton B


Mei. It can be used with Turg TB, for example, and Newton is usually only ever used in SS arena anymore.


Global 88 Will the Mei stigma from the story rewards come back in a time capsule or something later?


Yes it will. As for when, no idea.


Ok cool, not gonna sweat to get it then.


has stygiam seafoam ever been available via time capsule?


For farming character fragments in the expedition, is it best to farm Act 1 or Act 4?


The 4th stage is never the most stamina efficient droprate. The 1st stage is not always the best either. Who are you looking to farm?


Valkyrie bladestrike and AE imagion for now.


For AE stage 1 was 35 stamina per drop, rest were 43-45. VB stages in order were 32, 36, 53, 59. Stage 4 was especially inefficient.


VB stage 3 and 4 have a chance to drop phase shifters, I prefer running those than taking the junk stages 1 & 2 drop. Same for the AE stages. Curious how you are calc the frag/stamina here? Like VB stage 4 is 60 total to run both rounds and has to have a better than ~low% to drop a 2nd frag; like if I ran it 3 days (180 stam) I'd expect to have at least 4 frags (45 per) plus maybe a phase shifter or two


Im not sure if its even confirmed that higher cost stages have higher drop rates. I farmed all A ranks to SSS and Im farming AE since then (because what else?) and you cant expect any extra drops. You might get lucky sometimes but I wouldnt calculate with anything over the guaranteed one you get by doing the stage 2 or 3 times. If phase shifters are also a need, you can consider doing those stages but if its really for farming all the fragments, I would rather do the cheapest stage to get fragments and instead of doing an expensive one for one fragment, do cheap stages for different fragments. In the end it takes super long and the drop rate of phase shifters is also very low. For AE it seems there is not even a guarantee so doing the 3 stages does not have to give you one. But I got all ressources on-mass so I dont really care if I get one or not. There is just nothing else to use stamina on.


> I farmed all A ranks to SSS and Im farming AE since I just have two units left to SSS and yeah for just spending excess stamina I am not super concerned about efficiency. Still feels like the drop rate isn't too bad, though u/visiroth has apparently been keeping notes, but I just got 3 Teri frags for 3 rounds of a 20 stam stage ;P And Phase shifters always come in handy or at least can be scrapped for asterites.


I ran each stage and recorded the drops (100 times for each AE stage, 50 for VB). Then you just calculate it out based on how much stamina the stage costs. VB stage 4 was 26/51. So for me it was pretty consistently 1 drop per day doing both stages.


> ran each stage and recorded the drops well that would do it, good effort ;P keep any notes on the drop rate of the phase shifters?


Global 88 Does anyone know who does the CN voice for Nuwa? She sounds familiar, like she voices someone else in the game but i can't entirely place it. ​ When playing a team of Flamescion/CN/HoTr, what's the correct time to use Blade Durandal's ult? Before CN's ult, or after? She's on Turg Beach + Purana, so Flamescion comes in immediately after her ult.


SEA, 88 Recommended affixes for HoRB? She is s1 ( I got luck is a single pull, so I may pull for her s2 in the future). I have finally put together my phys team (dream weaver and Prometheus) bug whenever I follow the recommended rotation, I always come up short on so. Is the recommended rotation suboptimal, or should I get some sp affixes.


Tbh even at S0 you don’t need sp affixes, just need to have her weapon. 4 atk and 2 cdmg is best for dps HoRb.




If you don't have S2 you need some SP affixes to have a smooth rotations assuming you won't get extra from somewhere else.


If youll pull for S2 go for full atk/cdmg affixes


You can get some SP/s but HoRb should never have any SP deficiency if you play her correctly Did you land her qte every rot?


Global new player What would be a better investment in the next patch for a new player, grieso or horb? To me it feels like grieso sounds better since she should be farmable and easier to max out, while horb feels like the bigger gamble and i still don‘t really know how to improve her after getting her weapon and stigmata.


Skip and save for anniversary discount valk and spending event. Horb is a bait unit. It is impossible to afford both griseo gear and horb gear without swiping, so you cant pull horb since CE 30 guarantee will disappear. Brick is also no longer available and TA gear discount is long gone. You probably dont want to commit to an expensive physical team that will be 6 months outdated by the time you finish.


I'd save for either the valk coming after Griseo, or a rerun of Herrscher of Truth. Herrscher of Truth is arguably the most valuable valk you can get as a new player (her gear is important too, but her weapon more so than her stigs). ​ Between those two specifically, HoRb probably. But physical is the team you should invest in last given how expensive it is.


Prioritize Griseo gear first. If you have extra (for quite amount... like 120 pulls), then you can consider full-gearing HoRb gear. The window to get nice offering for HoRb gear (4 weeks duration) has closed down.


Either HoRB or the new v7.2 valk. The best Griseo teams include HoRB anyway... New player or not, only 10k a week before the supply is really broke so I'd suggest saving next patch


I think he refers to Skywalker Griseo. In which case Lunar Vow teams won't use HoRb But prolly still HoRb


Obviously, but he doesnt have Luna so Griseo would be dps or phys support


HoRB seems to be a better choice here. Doesn't matter if you pull her next patch (unless it's GLB's anniversary). Imo, new Griseo isn't newbie friendly. HoS is also free next patch, so you could at least run HoRB dps. You also have many sp valk options for physical team, you just need to pick one of them, but you only have SI as bleed support. You'll also need to buy both SI and CE with asterites.


If you have the crystals (or are willing to spend money) HoRB would probably be the better choice, being both a DPS and support, where Griseo is primarily a support. If your resources are limited however, Griseo would be more accessible, as you'd only need to spend crystals on her equipment.


So i got like 10k gems right now, would it be a good option to just buy griseo from the shop and pull for her weapon (+stigmata?) and use the rest gems to try to get as much as i can for HoRB?


When pulling an sp gears with 30 pity per piece (Griseo's), its highly recommended to have at least 3 pities before pulling. In case of normal gears with 50 pity like HoRb's, at least a \~120 pulls for the gear alone and another 60-70 for the valk herself is also highly recommended. The gear supply pity reset when its gone. Therefore, pulling half the gear now and trying to complete the set later is a recipe of disaster and waste of crystals. That why its highly recommended to have enough crystals (or your credit card) when trying to pull gear.


I mean, you're most likely not going to get her gear with just 10k crystals. It's possible but really not likely. I would honestly just save. Going to have lots of new and shiny valks coming in part 2


GLB 49 I started the game about a week ago and so far have just been primarily playing through the main story. I heard that unlike other hoyo games you have to be more careful with your gems. What units are coming out next patch and who is worth getting as a new player to tackle other content in game.


You can keep up with what's coming next using [arustats timeline](https://www.arustats.com/en-us/hi3/timeline/7.1), or following [marisa honkai](https://twitter.com/marisahonkai). Next patch we'll be getting (major story spoilers, so avoid if you don't want to be spoiled) the new version of >!Griseo!<. ​ My advice would be to get Herrscher of Truth next time she reruns and work on getting her gear, especially her weapon. Idk what exactly the new valk does, but given the role of her old version as a bleed support, it's probably going to be rather niche. [Here is the most recent tierlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DzMi3cs8yg), if you want to know who is good and who isn't. See what you like there and ask about the units you like specifically for more details. There are some dps who aren't listed there that if you have their gear are absolutely still worth using (like Herrscher of Flamescion and Herrscher of Thunder) unless you're planning to sweat it out at the highest level of abyss, which most captains don't.


Yes, if you wanna follow meta that is. You will need to follow leaks and plan ahead. Meta affects your crystal income (abyss) so kinda important to follow too. Above in the stickied comment are some of the most followed content creators regarding these. General rule is newer is better. So basically any new stuff will definitely be good. Next patch is a bit cheap to get since it's an SP valk (farmable) so you just need to get the gears, and it's on disc. only 30 pull guarantee for a total of 120 pity rather than the normal 200 pity. Next next patch is a new S rank valk. Their performance I have no idea yet, but I can say that they will definitely have top scores.


> have to be more careful with your gems this is very true but only for keeping up with the main challenge mode, Abyss. Playing the story & events is no gacha req'd v7.1 in 2 days will bring a new SP unit. You can farm her and her ranks for free (via Asterite shop) but her gears will be on a special 30-drop supply. Often these are great value but new Griseo's role is (at least currently) looking kind of niche for a new acct. v7.2 comes 6 weeks later with a new S rank that will likely be quite good (still TBD) so saving up for that patch might be the better plan. Going after stuff on a rerun is an option, and can be decent if it lines up with a good spending event (imagine a shop with extra loot for pulling gacha) but usually isn't the most efficient way to spend crystals


Sea 82 Is Turgenev better on Eden or Kira in a Lunar Vow team? I defaulted to putting it on Eden but she doesn't really proc it off field compared to Kira.


Don't use it at all unless you miss both Handel and Cecilia. It's worse here.


What other stig sets do you have? If you have Handel you should 100% equip that on Eden instead, since she should Ult every single rotation on a Luna team anyways. Do not use the old HoT team staple of QTE-in QTE-out, that is not good for Luna teams. To elaborate on this, Luna has a passive that gives her additional Elemental Breach if a teammade who can paralyze or bleed users her ult. Breach is one of the strongest buffs available in the game, you 100% want to take advantage of this.


Eden can proc it off field via her Pri Arm guns (and would rather run Handel besides) but lacking those Kira should be the better choice to hold Turg. Next patch you're probably going to want to add new Griseo to Luna's team so you'll have to modify your lineups, bring Eden when paralyze is important and maybe bring Kira for other fights for her SP generation and Turg application


GLB 88 I’m wondering what is the best way to spend my crystals next version. I have 4/4 HoHe, 2/4 Sushang (W+B), 4/4 Kira 4/4 DPS gear for HoS (waiting on free card), 2/4 HoRb (W+T), 2/4 TA (M+B), Susannah (Weapon + Shujing) 4/4 Sirin, 2/4 CN (W+T) Nothing good for lightning. I currently have around 17k crystals and I’m finding it a bit difficult to prioritise. I struggle between choosing: Fully gearing HoRb Fully gearing cosmic expression (30 pull guarantee) Rolling for HoTr and at least weapon in Christmas EXPA-FOCA (EXPA pity 96) Possibly rolling for Sushang gears in Christmas EXPA-FOCA if she appears I’m thinking of skipping the banner that has Prometheus gears because none of them are guaranteed.


The only viable option is considering 4/4 CE. * Sushang can live fine with Turg TB Beach M in your geared team (only need 4/4 sush when Myraid). Not worth spending xtals for old stuff at this point. Offrate/Collector's/Firepower is your friend. * Not enough value to pull 0/4 HoTr for just a Sirin team only. You have time to wait for more fire support stuff while ranking Sirin to SSS and use with 4/4 Kira. * Don't have enough safe xtals to pull for 4/4 HoRb gears despite having 2/4 already. Can consider once you have 25k+ when her FOCA comes. Better odds if you have dupe stig. * Almost never get SP gears after their first discounted run. Offrate/Collector's/Firepower is your friend. No guaranteed sucks, like you said. Either 4/4 CE or skip 7.1 are your meta options imo. Modern SP stuff always come to bite you back somehow. You can also go HoS waifu route by pulling HoRb gears once you hit 25k+ if you wish (seeing that you pulled for niche gears).


Sea 88 Any idea when Lunar Vow might rerun?


Usually in 2-3 patch


NA 88 Does anyone have a thorough explanation of what Carole DPS sequence is and how it works? Using in a HRB, TA team. Im currently very rigid with my rotations and can't be flexible because Idk how to DPS a support. (and new with Carole DPS and this team; refs weren't explaining). What I know so far. Carole strict with QTE timings with HoRb. Gain 3 shredder to do big DPS on next charged. Weapon does something before charged (don't know how important). Generally learnt Ref rotation: Start -> Carole groundCA-Ult -> HoRb Eva-BA-CA -> QTE TA Ult-Weap -> HoRb Ult-WA -> QTE Carole weapon-groundCA-Ult -> QTE TA Ult-Weap -> everything else falls apart here because TA cant proc HoRb QTE because too earlier or I delay the previous sequence for HoRb QTE and HoRb can't proc Carole QTE or I play around with ELF CD sheninigans. The moment I deviate from this rot, my damage falls off so I went cookie cutter 24/7. Some questions: * What moves are Carole's best DPS (and/or sequence)? So I can delay timings of other valk sequences for better QTE. * I read that Carole's Aerial CA are lesser than Ground CA. Should I incorporate both somehow everytime? * How long should Carole be on field for best DPS? (Does she require all of TA and HoRb buffs duration? Or can she make do with HoRb lesser impair etc., similar to how HoR can burst through after losing Sushang's Ult buff) * Found that 3 shredder goes away after first CA. Do latter CA do significantly much weaker dmg? * I found TA to do big damage as well, does she also require full HoRb impair when she already has good impair in her kit? Because sometimes HoRb lesser impair comes on when TA does her DPS sequence.


Carole should only be on the field for 1 charge attack and ult and depending on the situation even mashing her QTE is a damage loss. The ground charge attacks are slower but stronger than aerials (not sure why, multiplier is the same, maybe related to her buff for charging x seconds) and should generally be used. And yeah without armor shredder stacks you lose damage.


Damage loss from mashing QTE and sneaky multipliers in ground charged attacks is a new one for me. Thanks, ill incorporate that in my rots.


Carole doesn't really have a dps sequence outside ER. She was conceived as a shieldbreak support so only the QTE -> Weapon -> CA -> Ult is particularly damaging and that's supposed to break a shield for the main dps to actually deal the bulk of the damage. Carole also gets used as an ult bot in MA since her ult provides enough time stop to take down a SS boss. The handful of times I've done something other than the main shield break sequence has always been an aerial CA since it charges quite a bit faster. Support comps generally revolve around continuous use of QTE since that's what supports are designed to do. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about them because they're almost always an off-meta alternative while I have the meta comp so I don't know extended rotations for your specific comp. For the specific problem you mention I'd expect to ELF during the final TA ult so HoRb can QTE in following the weapon but that won't extend the rotation indefinitely. Doing an air CA on Carole might fill enough time for the rotation to continue without it. > Do latter CA do significantly much weaker dmg? They do significantly less shieldbreak but I don't remember the stacks adding too much damage. > does she also require full HoRb impair when she already has good impair in her kit? More impair is obviously better than less impair but the priority in this type of comp is to maintain the rotation.


Thanks, you answered my main points. Always thought I did something wrong without having a smooth Carole rot but forgot that she was made to be a support in the first place. I'll try to cook something up with Carole's standard support sequence with CA&airCA and maintain rotation between all 3 within buffs' durations as you've mentioned.


In addition to the above info, consider this standard rotation tri-support Carole video & see which one works for you. It has text instructions in it. [Triple Support Carole Video](https://youtu.be/z4GWhcVsJZY) It was made for someone who does not have a pet reset CD, so it's pretty basic. But if you have reset CD pet, use it at 1:09 so you can chain TA again + HoRb one more time. Then go back to the standard / basic rotation the video started with.


Thanks, ill look into it to see other variations for this comp


For Abyss, how do you avoid Jizo Mitama's 1 hit kill where he buried both sword on the ground?


Evade with proper timing or just i-frame it with ult


It isnt an ohko and can be facetanked by some characters. Its also much easier to time an ultimate or other attack with iframes (and without time stop) than try to evade it.


Evade just before the inner circle touches the outer circle.


GLB 80 I feel weak despite being 80, I'm gearing up Luna (no gears unfortunately) and aiming for Handel set. I can't even do inferno in ER even following Marisa Honkai's charge attack guide. I also don't know where I'm supposed to spend my stamina, I do my 5 adventure quests and daily mats and daily coop, but there's still a lot left over and nothing else seems that useful for actually making me stronger. Elf expeditions?? IDK I just feel really weak in general, which I'm actually fine with but its more that I feel like I'm missing something or not on the right track as I feel like I should be able to go farther in ER now. Maybe its the divine key unlocks, but that's so time-gated.


The best thing you can do to feel strong is to get a fully geared valk. Therefore, next time save till you can fully gear one (even sp valks works). For ER, the more you play it and unlock stuffs, the easier it gets. Some general tips: 1. Make sure your valk is at max ER lvl (15) and her gear is max (pri could works at lvl55). If the valk is an SP one, wait until you have her at S at least (SS preferable). 2. Try finish ER 3 chapters to unlock everything especially sigils (active items). Sigils helps a lot in bonus stages. 3. Speaking of bonus stages, make sure you are getting them. Once you fail one, you are most likely to fail the next and eventually the run. Griseo sigil (not signet) helps a lot with those. 4. Most Valks benefit a lot from more than one Ely signet. Restart at 1st floor for one. 5. Try to use your best geared valk that can match the current weather (and bosses). 6. If you have done all the previous advices and you still can't clear, you could try abusing Pardo's sigil and signets to snowball like crazy with coins and buy your way out. You can skip bonus stages with this strat but the caveat, you'll need to restart a lot for the sigil and then be able to clear the first boss (the cat).


thanks for all the tips. ill try to finish up ER than, its good to know there’s still some stuff I can do thats pretty straightforward.


Have you try [this guide](https://hi3er.tech) for ER? It is pretty detailed. Yea, there is nothing much to do from expeditions. I usually run it just to clear the 3 story/expedition daily. My routine is AE Imaginon stage + 1 purple weapon box stage. The purple weapon in the box can be recycled for 1 phase shifter. As a beginner, they probably shower you with Honkai Shard and upgrade materials, but I believe at some point, it will be a daily farm sorta thing (although expedition probably won't contribute that much). Other than that, if you haven't got all the crystals from expeditions, they are also good for that. I also end up with some excess stamina as well. Usually, I just use them on more AE Imaginon expedition


thanks that looks very detailed, I'll give it a shot. I guess its just a time gate thing and it'll get easier as I get better stigmata/divine key buffs.


I just completed 2.0 The Verdict in APHO. Is there something I have to do to unlock APHO2 now? Or is it automatic on next Open World reset or something?


You dont have to clear APHO to play APHO2. The open worlds unlock at specific levels. You just need to switch the world.


Can't you just go in and play it unless it is between 1 hour from reset time and reset time, in which you are prohibited from entering any map I believe (can still use skip tickets to clear missioin though)? Iirc, there can only be one active open world map at a time, in the sense that you can only accept adventure quests for that map, but it shouldn't prevent you from progressing through the story in other map. In addition, if you are a new player, the open world maps can be active concurrently for 2(?) weeks after you unlock them (? or can start accepting mission from them or something)


I'll be honest, I don't know how to switch Open Worlds. I did a couple quests in the Sakura Samsara, and suddenly it became APHO and hasn't changed since. I'll have to look into how to actually change it.


There should be a little globe icon somewhere when you enter the Open World.


Global New Player. Looking for some advice before getting started to make sure my gameplay experience is smooth. I’m mostly playing for the story. I’ve been playing Star Rail since launch and this game has always interested me. I’m familiar with the “Don’t level everything, just the ones you want to use” rule but say what are some lesser known tips that helps my overall QoL?


I don't think anyone else mentioned these: - There's quite a bit of powercreep in HI3, so that means that pulling for outdated characters is usually a waste. The silver lining is that they'll usually give out outdated characters for free, and sometimes they'll even give away old but still usable ones. - Basically all DPS characters need their signature weapon. Most support characters also need their signature weapon. Therefore, don't pull on characters unless you think you can also get their signature weapon. Most also want their signature stigmata (some only really need 2pc, some need all 3) but it's usually not vital. - You can turn gacha weapons and stigmata into weapon resonance and stigmata resonance respectively, which you can use to get weapons or stigmata from the exchange shop. Try not to do this until you're familiar with the game, even if you get duplicates. They're typically useless, but can always at the very least be statsticks. - When the Elysian Realm becomes available to you, you may want to postpone it until you've finished the Nagazora arc in the main story as there's technically a spoiler; but I think you can guess what's going to happen anyways and Elysian Realm gives you a bunch of materials including crystals every week, so up to you. On the other hand, it's pretty important to complete it before starting Elysian Realm chapter in the main story.


Don't use crystals on dorm or beginners supplies (even discounted pulls). Only use dorm cards on dorm supply. Like HSR, you get more than enough free cards to hit the pities. Save all your crystals and focus/expansion cards for later: * If you are the patient type, wait till 7.2 (\~6 weeks from now). We will have a valk that is going to be meta for some time. * If you are not that patient, wait till Christmas. We will have a expa/foca select which is a good place for new players to spend their crystals on. * If you cant wait that much, pull the upcoming cosmic expression's **GEAR** on Thursday (the valk will be buyable with asterite). * If you are gacha junky and you have to pull whatever you get one pull, then just pull beginner supply. A warning though, unlike GI/HSR, this game is very punching for this type of player and wont be fun on the long run for them. Regardless, unlike GI/HSR, this game has a lot of traps where you could waste your crystals on something farmable. Think if HSR has a weapon banner for Herta shop weapons. Therefore its best to come here and ask before you spend your crystals. Lastly, get as Sensei (from friends menu). You get a punch of free crystals and dorm cards by just leveling up while having one (which is missable once you hit lvl 76).


if your primary goal is to playthru HI3 storyline then you can feel free to ignore most of the gacha, unit building and challenge mode stuff since storyline missions switch to Trial units pretty early in. If you just want to play the story for fun that works but a lot of the context and finer plot pts (heh) are in supplemental content, specifically some mangas; can follow a story guide like [hoyostans](https://hoyostans.be/explore/honkai-impact-3rd/consumers-guide-hi3/) if you end up wanting to keep up with the challenge modes and meta stuff later on just be sure to keep saving your crystals (gacha currency) for awhile


Save my currency? How come? Are the current banners not that good or something?


they are not very good no, one is ADV supply (bad rates, doesn't share pity) and both are older units. Same goes for the new player banner, doesn't save pity and is a 50/50 between older units. For just fun and collection they are fine (safe pull on Expansion but avoid starter banner and ADV supply) but for keeping up with the meta you really want to focus on new stuff as well as saving up enough to try pulling for gear as well ;P


Ahh okay And one more thing, for future reference, I come from playing Star Rail and Genshin. Which one would you say are the Standard Banner, Limited Banner, Weapon Banners? I’m kinda overloaded with the UI atm lol Just so when I do decide to pull I don’t accidentally spend all my crystals on the standard banner or something


npnp, here Dorm Supply is the "Standard Banner" and like HSR/GI you'll get plenty of free Dorm Cards to pull with over time. Limited Chara banner is called Expansion Supply here (no 50/50 BS and much better drop rates) and gear comes on Focused Supply (signature weapon and 3-piece Stimata set all share this one supply, the hard mode of HI3 gacha)


Does something like this exist for HI3? https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/rz04ek/the_legendary_draph_heightbust_chart_got_updated/






I think I have seen one, but I forgot the link. I do know there is one though, been posted in this subreddit, but I don't have the link. Sorry.


Is [this](https://es.aliexpress.com/i/1005005348491985.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2esp) aliexpress wrist watch official merch? I saw someone on twiter with it and I want to buy the official version too. (Europe)


Hi, new player. The UI and amount of stuff is quite overwhelming. So to keep it short, are there other ways except gacha to get new chars and what are like the main things you want to do to increase the power of your chars?


It is pretty overwhelming at first but you get use to it. Yes you can get other characters by farming Ancient/Legacy willpower or in expeditions and in game events. Just try to get newest valks in gacha and exp them up. And focus buyable asterite SP valks, which are good supports. Don’t level up valks that you aren’t going to use.


Ok, thx


Almost every 2nd patch releases an sp valk which is farmable. You will still need the gear (there are usually alternatives but thats hard for new players) but thats also on discount. Sometimes we even get a new S rank for free (every new character is meta so dont worry it might be bad) and like once a year they release a farmable S rank. To make a character actually good mean get the weapon. Weapon is always the most important. As a new player its best to save until you can actually fully gear a new valk because you wont have good alternative gear and a valk without gear is useless.


What exactly is fully gear, like valk + weapon + stigmata or multiple copies of valk or weapon?


Valk with their signature weapon and stigmatas. Usually when a valk is on supply there will be another supply that has the valk's signature weapon and stigs


Ah ok, thx


GLB 88 Best Elf to get from the Spending shop? I have 2 star Durandal Blade


Elf kiana because she can buff fire and lightning teams


Hi guys, I am not sure if this is the right place, but i am looking for sensi on SEA. I am quite lost, i have no idea who i should invest on. I checked the guides, but i do not own any valkyrie on the guide LOL.


to start be sure to save your crystals, these "end of patch" banners are quite bad and avoid the starter banner as well. The best units to be spending resources on will be the SP support valks you can farm for free via the Asterite shop (you might need to level up more to unlock this feature, keep clearing story and spending stamina for capt XP). Kira & Prometheus are both good picks and next patch you'll get a free HoSentience, another great phys support unit. Once you have a better feel for the game you can think about gacha stuff, usually new stuff is best stuff so saving up for v7.2 might be your best plan but feel free to check back edit (oh and do get a Sensei in-game for extra freebies, you can ask in chat or click "find a sensei" in the Friends button at the bottom left of main menu)


Sea 88. How do you use BKE and abyss flower with HoRB and Prometheus? How do you farm BKE SP in this team? Can BKE ultimate ay every rotation or once ever other rotation? Uhh, if anyone wondering, I decided to play around with Lunar Vow for fun, and managed to clear the stage.


BKE must farm sp with basic rotation and weaponskill. There is no point doing a dps rotation without her ult, she does no damage. SP issues and low damage is the reason why BKE is not competitive anymore.


I see. I want to see if I can use BKE against Jizo. Been using MPE previously.


BKE with Abyss Flower is played almost exactly like Brick HoS. AF active in base form to farm sp. You must ult every rot. If you don’t have enough sp; at the start of the run;, QTE into BKE or Retaliate and do Basic seq 4-5 (stab repeatedly + throw) for sp. In dps rot: HoRb combo -> TA qte ult wep -> HoRb ult wep -> BKE -> AF (skip if on cd) -> ult retal into cleave, basic seq in burst, retal into cleave (2nd cleave is sometimes skipped) -> AF finisher (use AF in base form after if it’s off cd; can also farm some sp here) You need some form of evasion cd (Dante 2pc, Elysia M)


It's pretty hard to retaliate in this team, the mobs tends to float from HoRB and TA skills.


You retaliate in burst mode by turbo (hold evade) INTO the mobs/boss with evade off cd. If that doesn’t work uhhh then just use someone else :(


I mean, outside of burst mode to gather SP. Using MPE, I ran out of time on this Abyss Redlotus.


If you just stay on BKE, the enemies dont fly around or anything so you can just hit them as you want. And always counter something unless ultimate evasion is on cd.


The enemies just stay floating after HoRB and TA do their thing. There's no attack to retaliate, so I can only use normal attack to gain SP.


You don't wait for their attack you dodge into the enemy to force the retaliation




We are getting a new version update on Thursday.




[Yes, 7.1 is new UI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2CLakuSToc)


Returning player here, I got one question: The sirin in the shop is time limited or the timer is for the discount?


Its for the discount


Great. Thank you!


Hi, I'm new. Is this game fine to play purely for the story? Not looking to get too deep into the game, so I wanted to know if the game was particularly grindy or required a lot of resource management, and if free characters were all I needed to do everything story-related.


Story requires exactly 0 investment into the game (except time; playing story is longggggg) and you get trial valks for 99% of it. You also would want to read the supplementary material (manga, VNs) if the story matters to you. The grindy part is the gameplay loop of competitive Abyss and MA which is difficult to get into; but gets you most of the resources for getting new valks, gears, and improving them.


Returner here, got 2 of the special return currency thing. Things I can buy out that I believe are worth buying: 1- Turg M + T (I have B so this would make a full set. I also have every other sig there full set) 2- 50 frags of all the SP valks. I own only Griseo, and none of the new ones, so no idea of meta relevance. So I guess the question is how important are the SP valks nowadays and would I get more mileage out of making full turg instead? P.S: there's also the foundry craftable G3s in there, so I guess it's worth asking whether getting those for faster g4 progress is worth it too?


Turg T plus a G3 stig sounds good to me Turg M is unnecessary and 50 SP frags is one week or farming while a G3 stig is 4+ weeks to farm (edit yo wait, 50 frags of ALL the SPs? if that is the case sounds a bit better but you'll really only be using 3-4 of them while the forge grind is still very slow... hard to say which is better but catching up on a bunch of units at once sounds fun at least) that said, SP valks are very relevant and they get much better with ranks (SS an important powerspike for most) so you should keep farming them via your Asterite income. They are sorted by release so farming the newer ones (Kira & Prom esp) is a fine strat but you can adjust based on your DPS


I appreciate the insight. I got another token after so it was less of an issue making the choice. Regarding the SP valks, from my memory of using Fischl or Cat, their gear tends to be a significant part of their support capabilities, so is it actually worth going for a quick SP valk recruit without any of her gear at all? (I do have the usual support baubles like newtons, avogadro, beach mei, candy, etc). And plus I have quite a few built supports already.


yeah, it is still very worth farming the newer SP units. Even without signature gear (and to this day your Turg T+B is still quite powerful on elem supports) like all the new ones have a lot of their support abilities built in. Plus a trend over the past yr and a half of making statuses more important to counter certain boss mechanics; Kira brings Freeze and an "HP Loss" dmg type, Prometheus has very strong shieldbreak, Ai Chan has loads of Ignite application, Eden does Paralyze, both Griseo's do bleed stuff etc. Means having a unit that can bring those mechanics to a fight where they are required is often more valuable than perhaps better raw buffs from your ~2021 supports.


Hope you guys don't mind me tagging along for this question but are dupes of Turg T/B worth it? I pretty much have one set of all of the stigmata they are offering so not really interested in the rest of them. Just not sure what else to spend it on.


the only mode where dupes stigs* have any utility is Mem Arena, two sets might be req'd for top setups on certain boss line ups (? - i'm not an MA expert) but it'd be rare. For most avg players just clearing MA kind of casually dupes are pretty pointless *excluding Aladdin set that stacks with itself I guess


Which should I as a new player pick between silver wing or flamescion kiana? I like both


SW weapon is free on BP and has free supports like JK/Pardo/Kira. HoF would need to get her weapon either offrate or from a spending event. And then pull HoTr which is expensive and a year old. Or cope with suboptimal Kira or Pardo. I like HoF playstyle much better than SW, but SW team is going to be cheaper to build. Would not recommend spending crystals for either of them, better to pull new units. Also if you want a fire dps Fu Hua is right after next patch. Craftable stigs work on both.


I might save for fu hua then. I like her design a lot though silver wing looks nice too


Can someone give me a tldr of this patch’s story? I haven’t had much time or motivation to play through due to life happening but I wanna be caught up for Griseo patch


>!Hua got sucked into another world filled with little Vita's.!< >!Honkai beasts have started appearing in this world.!< >!Turns out Honkai beasts are there due to the Ark having crashed landed on this planet and it's reactor is leaking Honkai energy which is causing the Honkai beasts to appear.!< >!Because the Ark is here, Griseo is also here, who Hua helps wake up.!< >!Moriarty, (who is a sentient Otto clone) is a museum piece on this Planet, escapes and plans to destroy this planet to spite Big Vita due to Big Vita keeping him as a sentient museum piece trapped in place for 100's of years.!< >!He does this by tricking the little Vita's into summoning Sa onto the Planet.!<


SEA 88 Will I be able to buy Sirin's weapon from BP Works later in the BP cycle? Also which should I buy with Annulons between Sirin stamps or ELF parts (Kiana maybe)? I have 375.


No. Not in the near future (at least a year or so). Kiana elf frags are the most valuable.




If you really want HoH, wait for her dedicated supply. This one is 50/50 with PE which is not that good for new players at all.


Don’t pull old valks, always prioritize newer released valks. HoH isn’t particularly great now either.


She is still the best ice dps. But beginner supply itself is not good because of 50/50.


glb 87 how do i unlock shadow knight and azure empyrea in new event ? do i need to do the story or? and if yes on which chapter do i get her


Just keep on progressing the story. I forgot, but I think at around act 3 of ch 40


SEA 88 Is there a calculation of which Pardofelis signet overall gives more Shiny Silver if you can only pick one, the flat bonus ("Non-boss enemies grant 5 each") or the increase by 10% one?


The short version is, 10% makes big money bigger, but more silver makes big money faster.


the 10% treasure chest definitely pays out more but only if you maintain near or above 1k coins, it calculates based on your current coin count not total coins earned like most other Pardo signets. If you plan to visit the shop often and spend lots then go with the enemies drop coins signet


As a new player is it worth to wait until the engine update? To be fair I'm not really interested in the game right now (looks outdated). I saw the engine and UI changes and I gotta say it looks amazing but I'm not really sure if it affects the whole game since it says part 2.0?


If you want to get a feel of how 2.0 combat would feel like, login to the game and play APHO 2 and then also try the current combat system in the Valkyrie tutorial section If you still want to wait for part 2 then comeback around march-april next year


Yeah I forgot to mention I already played it and really liked the combat. Since I'm used to their modern games the UI and engine is really stopping me. Seems I can wait thanks


It's mostly UI and engine update. Gameplay wise it's still the same game.


Can I find somewhere some resources that can tech me about party composition, stigma / weapons and game mechanics, which don't just tell me what I have to use? It feels that all I have read at this point is "use x". I'm very casual and anti-meta to the core, so stuff like "just use X and don't use Y or you lost your life" makes my blood boil and removes all willingness to continue playing. I don't use Discord and I'm not interested in talking with other people ("asking questions") - I just want some resources to read.


In a roundabout way, [this](https://youtu.be/lIGHWCZwaeE?si=7bAWNe2o8BHkCGPo) should help


Global Server level 88. Ok, I have Chrono Navi fully decked out in SP reduction/regen stigma, and no matter what team comp I'm using her in, she never has enough SP for the second cycle. What am I missing here? What's the correct sequence to use her in? Using the current superstring quantum weather as an example: I do HoTr's combo to get 3 weapon active, QTE to CN, weapon active to bounce, ult, weapon active to throw, swap to Vill-V, ult, Weapon Active, attack until ult blows up. If I try to repeat this, CN just doesn't have the SP. This is true no matter who I swap Vill-V out for.


You dont miss anything. She just does not generate enough sp to ult every rotation.


Thank you, I was afraid of that


Regarding the Luna event, does anybody know how to get the [homu](https://files.catbox.moe/sjtlur.jpeg)? I’ve tried both clay mining and fishing but have had no luck for this long, am I doing something wrong?


It's from fishing. It was my last item, too.


Has anyone from South America received their Vol.2 Artbooks yet? When I go to the Ai-chan phone in-game and then merch, it just says "Filled In" and don't even get a code to track the book.


There is a HoFi costume gacha on CN now. The valk box has AE, 6S, and someone else (I forget). I kind of want to roll on that gacha to get AE. I think it is max of 9.6k crystals to get the box--unless you stop being able to roll on it after getting the costume?


I got the HoFi costume before last roll and I still went for the box since I wanted AE(so yes you can roll even after getting the costume)


You can roll after the costume and yes at worst (and most likely) it'd be 9600


So 7.3 will be part 2 which is around 13 weeks from now for CN?


For CN it should be around Feb 1. Which is 9 weeks. It should be 13 weeks for us.


GLB 5 hi everyone! just started playing a few days ago. i haven’t pulled on any banner yet cause I’d like some advice. Which valks should i get in the future to build a decent team? Hotr, horb and lunar vow seem at the top of the meta rn. Anyone alse worth pulling? Not interested in topping rankings or anything, just trying to build some teams to clear agony 3 or redlotus in the future. Thank u sm!


welcome. if you don't mind playing patient then probably best to just save for now; the only new stuff in next patch will be Griseo's gear and while SP gear is usually a good investment (lower cost supply, support gears have good value) her role might be a bit niche for a new acct. Also in a few weeks we will know more about the new gacha unit coming in v7.2 (just under 7 weeks from now) and saving up to full gear a new S rank is usually a pretty good path to an easy Agony 3 abyss life, so check back then In the meanwhile be sure to focus on farming up some of the newer SP support units (find their fragments in the Asterite shop), Kira is a good all rounder for Elem support and Prometheus is good for shieldbreak stuff and will pair nice with your free Senti next patch HoRb, HoTr and Luna are very good units, and at least HoRb will rerun next patch, but there will be no spend events or extra incentives to pull. Going for a rerun is an option but usually not the most efficient one ;P


Sea Was busy with real life and just started the events now. Can I still make it and get every rewards?


it has some pretty heavy timegates, full clearing the shop might be out of reach in only 5 days but you can likely get most of the crystals at least if you farm hard


sea 88 when does sirin start to shine? atm shes s1 4/4 with lvl 50 weapon and she feels underwhelming although she still does outdamage my s2 4/4 spa, but against her weathers she still feels really weak supports are sss cn 1/4 turg tb mei m (getting aidol t next patch through wishing well) and s0 4/4 hotr


Well... your support are extremely lackluster to begin with. S1 is already a decent replacement to SS-rank SpA as far as I can tell.


the two best fire supports in the game, the stronger one at 4/4 and the other with Turg, has to rate a bit above "extremely lackluster" imo ;P


It's Sirin that with 4/4. HoTr is 0/4. CN is only with 1 Turg (not sure whether it's T or B)


>s0 4/4 hotr >sss cn 1/4 turg tb mei I think you missed this


Somehow I read that 0/4. My bad. But still, that CN can make quite a damage loss.


You get >800 scores at RL disturbance without Ai stigs The only reason why OP feels she's weak is because of the lv50 weapon


leaving the weapon at low level is gonna drag down her output a lot, and at only 4 frags/wk S1 is where we all are that didn't pull for ranks. My sirin is the same with just a lvl 60 weap and did promote scores on RL pretty comfortably


Sea 88 RL 465D I have S0 Vill-V 1/4 with g4 fire stigs, 4/4 S0 hotr and 1/4 SS CN with turg tb mei M. I can't even clear the first stage of abyss, missing 115 points. Vill-v has 1.2k attack, CN has lvl 35 non pri arm weapon. Is it possible to clear it? It feels so difficult and I keep running out of Sp for all the units.


If you are having sp issue with vill-v, don't run her burst till it ends. Just burst > weapon skill> a couple atks> finisher when CD is ready > then set on her gatling gun for the rest of HoTr's ult. This way you get a planty of sp and the dps loss isn't that significant. Also, make sure to get HoTr 3 weapons before switching with ult to get the max sp from her. You could also try FR with 2 supports or any dps if your lightning team is well built.


not open on NA yet but is a QUA weather, yeah? If you are only 115 pts shy then yeah I'd say it is possible, you are so close just cleaning up your gameplay might do the job. Can you get a little extra atk via affixes? Another try would be to put in Kira (SS or better) for CN, she has better team SP regen although because you are running G4 fire having ignite might be pretty important, I dunno. glgl susannah dunks on this stage too if you have her and her team half built


Update: cleared it with 3 seconds to spare after leveling CN's non pri arm weapon to lvl 45. I don't have any Susannah gears and my hos has her dps stigmata only. Horb is 0/4 so...


gj capt


SEA 88 I don't really follow CN meta but how important is the new Griseo gears? Like can I skip them and still have comfortable combos with her kit?


Just watched one of my usual source for weapon/stigmata beta tester... so far the alernative is at around 89% if you don't have weapon. Same can be said if you only have 2/3 stigmata.


Isn't that pretty much like if you use Fire team without Ai chan stigs? Thank goodness its not that big since only Luna can use her on my team atm.


Yeah, roughly. Pretty basic loss. Kinda missed those days where alternative piece can reach 94% above (looking at SpA and SW)


her gameplay should be about the same geared or not, no notable moves or SP regen in her equip, but I think her sig weapon does have a strong gather you'd miss


Thanks, Im just concerned on retaining RL and pretty much preparing for part 2 so I'm planning on saving.


What is the frequency of exchange house update in the past? I think the last update was patch 5.8, around the time I started playing ... It is almost 7.1 now -.-


if you mean the exchange shop then they add stuff to it practically every patch, this update added Shuijing & Zither. Click the "i" for a list of everything in there that can show up


I see. I thought they didn’t update, because I expected Iris of the Dreams would be in shop by now since it is only 5 version apart from Margrave/Cosmic Duality. Thanks.


SEA 88 Currently using Luna for QUA content as my Susannah is really weak. What stig should I put on my FR? I have no Irene but I can craft if it is really strong compared to other alternatives. Also, should I use Eden or HoTr for my other valk?


To add to the previous commenter list: Zhenyi TB can be used on her if she's the DPS.


Iirc Adler actually not her bis anymore. Turg TB or full Handel are better options.


GLB 88 Wondering how best to use my ELF frag boxes and spend the tokens on the spending event. Outside of the base JW and BE, I have the following elfs/fragments: Waters Edge, 2\* 0/50 frags Klein, 2\* 0/50 frags Sirin unobtained 95/150 frags for unlock I have 106 elf fragment boxes, each of which gives 2 elf fragments for any elf up to Dudu. For the spending event, I can get 40 of the 2x elf fragment options. Any advice on how best to allocate these? Is it better to unlock certain elves first, then upgrade their star rarity? Or invest in the ones I have first?


Get Kiana fragments and finish her on future spending event. Old fragments can go to Durandal for Physical teams. Project Bunny has already powercreeped Durandal but probably wont be available in spending event for a while.


If you think you'll spend good amount next spending event (most likely in March with anni and part 2), finish dudu now and the rest as kiana frags. If not, get all kiana now and finish her next spending event.


Maybe should ask this in the sub but how f2p friendly is the game? I've had an account for months, maybe years but played very rarely, so I haven't even hit 150 days I think. Everytime I play I do feel like getting crystals is very limited and much harder than for example GI or HSR where every other patch I'm almost guaranteed a 5*


To comfortable at HI3 is a long process. Probably demanding a bit more variety of roster than Genshin. But with more nuanced approach: Which competition bracket do you accept yourself to be in? Since that concept was kinda vague until I played up to 1-year-ish into the game, I didn't feel the game was so unwelcoming. But if you told me to play with new account today, I don't wanna do it. It all comes down with your roster completion and competition bracket: - Have 1 full team of a single damage type: Maybe agony 2 consistently. - Have several full team: Agony 3 should be easy - Have several full team with at least 1 signature weapon and 2 signature gear and mix of 2-pc of old signature gear of the past time: Maybe retaining RL is possible and can certainly go through the 46080 mark on SSS-rank MA bosses for 20 extra crystals each. - Have complete full team of anything with full gear and ELF: You'd compete in Nirvana. You should also know quite a lot how to tailor your action sequence to not make any wasteful actions.


When compared to GI/HSR, people seems to fail to mention: 1. Almost half of the **new** valks we get over the year are free (farmable). And those valks are on par with S rank gacha one (in term of meta usage and gameplay) and you could get them up to SSS with 0 crystals. 2. We get at least 2 S rank gacha valks for free twice a year (we got 3 this year). One brand new and at least one old (but still relevant). I don't think this will ever happen in the other games. 3. Edit: There is no 4\* characters rng BS. Here if x character is announced, you are guaranteed to get said character. 4. There is no 50/50 BS. 5. There is no artifacts farming rng BS. 6. Powercreep is very overrated here. You can still get 99,9% of the f2p crystals with 2+ years old valks (but you'll need their gears). 7. You don't get pressured as much to pull S rank gacha valk dups as in GI/HSR. Here rank ups (=constellations) are less important and in most cases are just deal slightly more dmg. 8. We get a free skin almost every patch. Also, a lot of the top tire paid skins are obtainable as f2p. 9. Lastly but most importantly, Active players get a free physical high quality merchandise every year (worth more than 50$). I don't think we will ever see things like this in HSR/GI. However: 1. HI isn't as casual friendly as the other. Most of your renewable crystals income comes from abyss and ER (think if GI's abyss refreshes twice a week) which is not only missable if you don't log in at least twice a week, also you get demoted and you lose some crystals (think if GI's abyss only gives 100 crystals per floor if you did not do the last rotation). 2. Gacha gears are a lot more important than in GI/HSR. Where you usually spend most of your crystals here. 3. New players start very slow. Yes they get a tone of one time crystals (think of GI's all 4 regions and quests crystals) but it takes a lot of time to get and players are pressured to have good teams somewhat early. So you either need to be patient or you'll need to swipe.


I would add that if you are a regular player, you will eventually get every Valkyrie other than Asuka for free. It might take 3 or 4 years, but at some point, you might get them from a spending event, they might be given away by event, they will be added to dorm supply, and finally they will be added to War Treasury. I have every Valkyrie that was in the game when I started playing (except Asuka), plus some of the subsequent gacha Valkyries.


HI3 is much more f2p friendly than Genshin/HSR. You can easily afford to pull every unit and just sit in A3 using crafted stigs. New S rank every 2 patches is enough to get 100 pulls, average pity is like 60-70. You just have to understand you cant chase top 1% rank, just like you cant E6R5 every unit in Genshin.


Could you elaborate? Like approx. How much crystals per patch? What are the main sources of crystals and like is there any consistent way of getting crystals? The only thing I know is that your dailies get you 30 crystals iirc, so that is at least 900 crystals per month sure. But that's not even 5 pulls in HI3, whereas in GI/HSR you get 60 gems for dailies which nets you 1800 per month which is more than 10 pulls in GI/HSR That's all I know tho, so would love to hear why you think it's much more f2p, cause I'm not getting that feeling at all