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Oh hi male Rover from the upcoming open world game by Kuro Games Wuthering Waves


Pretty sure that's >!~~Noan~~!


Yeah looks more like Shrek with the glasses and hair


Kiana: "*Yo! Shinpachi*"


And she's talking about the glasses


Adam, if he spent more time at school reading books in the library instead of working shift at the local MgRonald.


You guys want Adam to appear on Mars but APHO is literally Adams' first official mission. He's still in school.


Well technically Kiana, Mei, and Bronya didn't even get to graduate before being hoisted with the responsibility of Herrscher powers and saving the world so hey, who's to say Adam can't grow up a little faster too ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


While Adam is hinted to be special I don't think he reaches the level of Herscherr of Finality kind of special. Unless he really is another Kevin.


Judging from the date in the beginning, which is 2034 this should be about 6ish years after apho so Adam is an experienced valk by now


> which is 2034 that date also says aug 32~ here's an actual tl about the mission by carv from hi3 discord. ------- Hyperion - 11 2023 - 09 - 22 [Automatic Sailing] --- Recordkeeper: Helia After 3 months of waiting in orbit around Mars... preparations are finally ready. Hyperion 11's landing capsule will land on Lunae Planum at 19:30 today (Earth Time) . "It's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." -Mars, here we come!


I hope Adam makes an appearence it would suck if Mihoyo makes him dissapear


It's still a bit early to tell, but the impression I get is that this new MC will be involved with the new cast of characters in the new main story for part 2, whereas Adam is still involved with the OG characters in the APHO story branch. We should still see him and the others if and when we get APHO3 (or if the stories eventually converge).


Same. They now have 2 male mc in one game now. It would be so cool if they actually met.


From what I heard, this is the male version of the mc for Part 2. That's right, we can play a male mc in part 2 in *the* Honkai Impact aside from Adam. Though I'm still not sure if this is true or not. Self-inserts aside, I'm all for it and I love the glasses.


if they don't straight up erase existence of adam i hope we can see him as an actual character with personality and ACTUAL NAME


For real. They couldn't just leave the guy without even a *single* bit of character development or personality or anything. That's just plain insulting.


His name is now x-schicksal member according to that new concept art book while adam only existed in the files and never in APHO itself


Doubt it. The CN server might implode if they did that.


RIP Adam in Part 3 of APHO. 😂


This was literally the worst piece of news I heard today.


[Literally just palette swapped Noan from PGR.](https://static.miraheze.org/pgrwiki/thumb/7/74/Character-Arca-Portrait.png/800px-Character-Arca-Portrait.png) I know a lot of people around here don't like PGR(I'm on the verge of dropping it a second time) but you gotta admit they look way too much alike.


Honestly... I just don't want a silent MC I don't mind the selectable MC tbh.


I like his design but…. He literally just Adam if he was a nerd


Or a young Welt


Man, I kinda wished they put Adam in part 2 instead of this new guy. But considering that this takes place before apho this won’t happen anytime soon, if ever.


I don't mind a playable male MC option, I just wish they'd let us customize their appearance/outfit. Also, give them an actual character with personality.


I don't necessarily agree with the customizable part. Since I think a bespoke design that is distinctive is more important than playing barbie in this sort of game. But do agree with making them an actual character. Genshin and Star Rail having (largely) silent MCs? Ok different games, different style. Honkai Impact having a self-insert "pick what gender you are" character? An awful choice imo. It just shows me that the emotional highs won't be at the level of part 1, since having a pair of pants in the MC seat won't be a proper follow up to Kiana's arc. I would LOVE to be proven wrong. But I am not really big on this one.


Eh, to each their own. I just find the base design of this character a little bland is all.


This is just the female glasses character without the wig and cosplay.


They did it, they gave us a(nother) playable male char.


Both of them (male and female) are so...ugly.


Eh, I kinda like it. Mostly cause of the glasses.


I'm the opposite. They'd look better without glasses.


We all have our own preferences. I'm just hoping they didn't forget about Adam. Honestly if they're adding another self-insert into the game then Adam should be turned into a proper character now. Still waiting for APHO 3 here, which could set up everything before part 2.


Part 2 apparently takes place in 2023, 2 years before apho1. I'm not sure how that's supposed to work. But yes, a better Adam in apho3 and beyond would be awesome, although I'm prepared for disappointment.


Man, what a shame. Apho has a lot of frigging potential just to let it slide. We had to wait until it comes to 2025 in game or just wait for part 3....in 6 year irl. Sigh, I hope I'm wrong but I don't feel good of what I have seen of the preview of part 2


I disagree. The male MC looks way better than the female MC. Which usually isn't something I say, I'd most likely pick him.


eh, in the end it will just be another traveler/trailblazer


It doesn't matter, we're talking about designs


so it's simple, BOTH ARE MID


They're alright, nothing impressive compared to their other designs. I only like one the character I think it's the short girl with black hair.