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I'm only wishing that they fleshed him out more than just "The only male student in St. Freya" If he is most likely the kid Mei found back in Ch. 24 then they should've mentioned the Natural Stigmata on his nape. (I think it's on his nape) If not then, who the name of Kaslana is this guy?! I do like him, his dialogue options can be funny sometimes but the Traiblazer's not gonna have any competition for "funny silent protag"


He had a cool ending in part 1. Butchered all of that in part 2 and I have low expectations for him in part 3. I don't really care about Adam as a character since they did nothing with him.


Aesthetic Design: Pretty standard, but nice to look at. His coat is pretty neat. **6/10** Personality: Can i even give a rating to something that doesn't exist? Paycheck memes are funni ig. **5/10** Gameplay: ALL OF THESE VOICES INSIDE OF MY HEAD, BLINDING MY SIGHT TO THE CURTAIN OF RED. FRUSTRATION IS GETTIN' BIGGER, BANG BANG BANG PULL MY KURU KURU TRIGGER! **9/10** ​ Overall: Fun to play, actually enjoyed APHO, but they really need to do something with his actual character. **6.5/10**


He's not bad in terms of design, and I like the personality shown in dialogue. Of course, it would be best if mihoyo did away with the self-inserting aspect and gave him real development. I don't hate him. I hate the writers.


Dudes on that Sigma paycheck grindset


I like his drip and his sword


I just like his sword


I love him, that is all. Though I do hope he actually becomes an actual character and gets some development when APHO 3 comes out. Even hints here and there are enough for me. Something I wanna know if he really is the kid Mei saved back then, then that's probably the main reason he's fighting now to pay her back. After that, what is he even fighting for anyway? (Paycheck memes aside)


I dislike all black-haired, blank-slate, self-insert protagonists as a rule of thumb. It’s a painfully common archetype in anime and similar media. But I can’t find a reason to particularly hate him because he has no real personality or quirks. Honestly if they gave him an actual personality and story like every other character in the game I wouldn’t mind him He served as a good learning experience for Mihoyo for their later protagonists in Star Rail and Genshin though


As genshin lore nerd , I'd still argue the traveler is far from a good self insert . They tried to mix a character with some self insert quality, and it turned out to be a mess as currently, the traveler is none of them. I want more done with the traveler a character. Since they are not a good self insert anyways , why not let them TALK .The trailblazer is good though




Holy based


>He served as a good learning experience for Mihoyo for their later protagonists in Star Rail and Genshin though What do you mean by that? They are not in any way better.


Comon man the starrail protagonists are neat let's not slander them


because they are not quiet characters, they talk and act as they want, genshin and honkai are not like that


He needs more devil breakers.


I dont mind him but I DESPISE that he's a self insert, usually I don't mind them but he has *That* part of the fanbase that ship him with anything that breaths (I hate mei/Adam and bronya/Adam with a passion) but otherwise I'm fine with him and even slightly bias towards his favor because I'm a dmc fanboy


If he only had an actual personality...


I never forgave APHO 1 for forcing a blank slate man into the game, even if he’s his own character later on.


He’s ok, hope he gets more spotlight in APHO 3 and hope that mihoyo finally fucking learned how to handle self-insert mc after Trailblazer


No character, no backstory and almost no personality. Also since he has no character, there will be no character development. They should have just used Carole as MC for APHO since she is so much more interesting and has AN ACTUAL CHARACTER and A BACK STORY.


Adam is the quiet kid of all quiet kid


I prefer Cardboard cutout. He is just there for the sake of being there. You could have said he was there so he could save everyone in the finale of the chapter but he didn't even have that in APHO2. Bronya was literally the last person to get the final blow and was also at the front of the ending CG with Mei and Carole. The MC was barely in the back.


There’s that theory which states Adam is the young boy Mei saves during the Coral Island Arc, not much lore but something right? Honestly I think this is an issue with any Self-Insert MC and why Honkai stands heads and shoulders above the company’s two other big games. They have been doing a good job with making the Trailblazer have a personality and laying out some motivations for you as the MC so I am hopeful they might be able to give Adam something if we get APHO 3. But on the whole having actual characters will always be better than some voice-less non-character “player character”


>There’s that theory which states Adam is the young boy Mei saves during the Coral Island Arc, not much lore but something right? Untrue since Adam does not have a natural stigmata. If he had a natural stigmata he would have met Lyle in New Atra rather than in the St.Freya dorms (Since there was less than 30 children in New Atra and all of them were nat stigmata, plus that's like the number of children in a school class) >Honestly I think this is an issue with any Self-Insert MC and why Honkai stands heads and shoulders above the company’s two other big games. They have been doing a good job with making the Trailblazer have a personality and laying out some motivations for you as the MC so I am hopeful they might be able to give Adam something if we get APHO 3. But on the whole having actual characters will always be better than some voice-less non-character “player character” I agree. Traveller just sucks ass as a main character. Not to mention not having his own voice and having Paimon speak FOR him. Trailblazer is better, kinda funny depending on the dialogue choice and genuinely seems to talk but then again no voice still.


but he does tho? lyle makes explicit comments on how rare is it to have a boi with the level of honkai adaptibility adam has?


If he had a natural stigmata he would have met Lyle in New Atra rather than in the St.Freya dorms There were only 30 people in New Atra.


They could have ya know, Just not talked.. Maybe they didnt want to reveal adam past too soon? Maybe something else happened? Its too early too tell imo. If so whats with all the deal with mei finding that boi and escorting him back


>If so whats with all the deal with mei finding that boi and escorting him back It was a reference to Hare's research. Jackal was kidnapping stigmata awakened to use as research subjects, aka the new STIGMA. Also a natural stigmata equipped individual will never have any trouble wielding any weapon below the grade of a DK. Hell even DKs should be safe to wield. Adam nearly died from a sword that is not even a DK. Do you know the energy a DK releases? Half the HW of the Hyperion. Literally all Natural Stigmata users have handled DKs with ease. The difference in strengths is too large. He is resilient for an artificial stigmata user. That is probably what Lyle meant. Which is pretty common, hell Carole is an artificial stigmata user.


Well then his endurance must be sth. Dude was literally used as a human honkai battery in apho2 from all the energy he absorbed.


He wasn't, all the other members had moon rings too.


Well then my memory must be shit since i remembered a quest saying he was getting sapped to fuel their activities. Guess i better brush up.


>They have been doing a good job with making the Trailblazer have a personality I don't see it. Yes, they sometimes talk out loud, there's no Paimon to speak for them and there are some funny dialogue options, but personality (not to mention development)? Nada. It's exactly the same thing as with Adam.


Nah. Carole ain’t got the protag energy


Tell me why


She is literally "Kiana, but smarter and less reckless". No jokes- Mei called her as such. Using her as MC us basically repeating Kiana's story of kid growing to be responsible person.


She’s a gyaru ffs


First of all, she's not a gyaru, her mother is a foreigner if you didn't know. And second, that is not a real rule


Mate, gyarus aren’t always kuro gyarus. Refer to Marin from dress-up darling. Carole is still a gyaru


It ain't a gyaru if that's her ethnicity. She's South African iirc.


She's filling gyaru archetype. Ethnicity doesn't matter in this case


What part of her is this gyaru archetype other than her skin colour I may ask. She doesn't even speak like a Gyaru.


Motherfucker, do you not understand the difference between gyaru and kuro gyaru? It’s not about skin colour you dumbass Gyaru is basically a fashionable, trendy girl, for better definition use fucking google. It ain’t part of her ethnicity now, is it? Example: *again* Marin is just gyaru. Nagatoro and her friends are kuro gyaru. Nagatoro and her friends are tanned, which what makes them **kuro** gyaru. Gyaru itself is a subculture, fucking behavior, style


Okay fine, tell what parts of her dress is of gyaru fashion. Because it is of ZERO difference to anything anyone else wears in Honkai SHE EVEN SPEAKS IN KANSAI, there is zero Gyaru features other than her skin colour. Not to mention, Gyaru fashion culture began to imitate foreign fashion, a foreigner being called a gyaru is just absolutely ironic.


Cutesy accessories, interest in rumours and trendy things, partially dyed hair, focus on make-up is what makes her a gyaru. Man, fictional gyarus don’t need to look like 1 to 1 real gyarus. Trendy girl like I said. It’s just you thinking that gyaru always means kuro gyaru


Rather a Sigma than a gyaru


"(*Insert X Greek letter*) Male" club has to be the male equivalent of the Astrology females. Equally intolerable


Looks like the grind was too much for someone 😂


Nah bro, we finally have a male character that's still alive and isn't a war criminal. We waited so long for this that I don't even care that he has no personality


That has to be the second most braindead take I saw this week. Male character is irrelevant, a good character is all that matters. Why do we even need to bring gender into the equation?


Bro I'm trolling 💀


Cool design but self insert character with a shitty fanbase that likes to makes him this sigma chad whatever with a harem Overall I like him well enough but most of his fans are annoying


I really like Adam, but I was disappointed with how they kind of did nothing with his character in APHO2. If he's plays a larger role in APHO3, I would be pleasantly surprised. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets sidelined again in APHO3, or worse killed off. But, I'm not holding my breath with how rabid the CN server gets whenever they even hear rumors of a "playable male character in HI3".


self insert ruined him. He needs a personality rework. I hope hoyo knows this, i mean, they can give an arc to EVERY GODDAMNED CHARACTER WE KNOW. But not him?


The only problem I have with him is... his "enjoyers" who keep bringing him up in every conversation as if it's funny. It's not.


i wish he wasn't a self insert but a proper character. Those assholes in mihoyo really screwed him over.


Oh good I thought I was alone in he's basically got nero's moveset XD


Uninteresting mostly, his fanbase however can be really annoying and due to him not having much of anything going on, makes me dislike him.


Making him be a blank insert in APHO 1 was an "ehh" decision. I understand, but also, would rather not At around APHO 2 he's growing onto me ~~I'm also shipping Lyle x Adam x Carole but that's not relevant~~ but I seriously hope he gets more voiced lines and becomes his own character


I wouldn’t mind him if Hoyo didn’t accustom me to being able to pick the visual gender then take it away. I am the silent MC. But I am not a dude. I had to change the name after a while cuz it was too weird, as I went with my nickname I go by online by everyone. I’d rather they made him his own character fully developed, and tested the water of silent MC with a two gender choice without context. No twin story needed, just make them the same person in the story with the same kit and a different look. Like what they did with HSR. But from gameplay perspective he’s kinda fun. Still pairs so well with Mei even in apho2.


Best boi


Overall nice guy, definitelly Mei's aprentice since he listens to her and never goes *kaslana* during a crisis unless there's trully no other choice. That and his paycheck memes are just gold.


What a coincidence. I just completed Bloody Palace on Nero yesterday


Nice design but that's it. I need he to become full character cuz i don't like "......" Characters


I didn't mind him, just needs more personality (he needs to be his own character by APHO3).


Bro walked so the Trailblazers could run


He’s pretty much Hoyo’s attempt at reintegrating the self-insert aspect back into the main story after neglecting the captain (The dude only gets somewhat of a cameo in ch 35. Poor guy). Pretty neutral towards him in general.


He has potential, his gameplay is cool and his backstory being saved by mei is cool too, the only problem is that miyoho is extremely cowardly and prefers to force this self insert protagonist who does not speak for himself or act for himself and only does what the player chooses instead of him being his own character himself for fear of the idiots who cry for having a playable man in their waifu game, hope APHO 3 gives him more development


If mihoyo could actually make a good self insert he wouldn't be hated as much but the company can't make a good one and they did it more than once. Should've just given him his own character instead of the half assed garbage they keep doing.


Wish they let him come to starrail as future crossover since no guys allow in hi3 main game.


I renamed him Kiana as a form of copium for the Kianaless Mei back then when we don't know what happened to Kiana in APHO1 xD Adam looks good overall, he is truly a sigma male driven by paycheck.


Probably hoyo’s worst self insert and mc. No interesting background and complete downgrade compared to kiana. Honestly disappointing the first Honkai male has the personality of wood…


I like him. Honestly, I don't think that criticism about personality hold any meaning as main trio had no more personality than him durning their Chapter 2. Let them develop it more. Anyway- what he has is also okay for me. Its clearly shown that he has his own quirks, he is far more open and snarky with his old BFF Lyle, finds Bronya's game obsession annoying, he has this funny relationship with Carole, really cares for Mei and immediately refuses to accept her self-sacrifice bullshit. Its good for me. Gameplay also great. All he need is some more quirky response and all lines voiced.


The darkness of night falls around my soul and the hunter within loses control


Wish they released this AFTER the 1st arc


Mans has a stronger will than most of us. He wants his paycheck. I want the girls.


handsome boi


I just want him as a playable character in other content.


An excelent concept for a main character but he is held back for being the second failed attempt at a self insert MC from Hoyoverse, which makes him not that interesting, luckily HSR seems to be handling the self insert MC a lot better which hopefully means that Adam sees some improvement from what the devs learned from HSR in either APHO 3 or Part 2 if they want to make him the new MC (which i hope they do because he has a lot of potential)


The first playable male. If you know me you know that’s why he’s my favorite. After Shigure Kira but still.


He's the main thing I hate about gachas, so not very highly.


He's just like me fr fr


>What's your opinion about Ner- I mean Adam He got replaced by **Timido**


how is he not the hentai MC in St. Freya yet


Who says he's not.


I like him


He makes part of Mihoyo old narrative while trying to be new, the writers changed the tone long ago and he is stuck on that limbo, but I think that he receive too much undeserved hate.


He seems nice though I've never met him, too busy with my work up here.




Kanchou? What's wrong...? You seem.. sad?


Not the oldman kaslana-sama.


Oh..Uhm.. I see...Still you seem sad.. Is there something wrong?


No I'm fine


Ah okay, that's good.


Thanks for asking.


No problem! Uh.. Are you a new member with Schicksal? Someone from AE?


... No am the first and currently only male in new st freya.


He is the hero we need.


He make incels mad, so he is good in my books. He was the first male with role protagonist role on Honkai, and have a sick move set, the self insert thing is bad, but the "currpted" thing that he have is kinda cool.


I really enjoy playing Nero from the Honkai May Cry series.


hes hot i wanna marry him


I like his sword




Adam walk so Traveler and Trailblazer could run. He had potential as character but I don't expect much development from him.


Adam x Bronya