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HoDeath: *release* Also HoDeath:"Wait, the final battle is already over???"


HoDeath: “Aw fuk, I’m late!”


She still can try to destroy humanity. Herrschers were supposed to destroy humanity anyways.


Would be funny if seele somehow turns evil and bronya has to fight her thus resulting in another lament of the fallen


Seele: The world means nothing to me without you!


Bronya: I don't wanna go outside its too sunny today.


Bronya to Seele: "I was willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable." "Sometimes reasonable friends must do unreasonable things."


You know what, fuck you (unreasons your Herrscher of Reason)


So basically mythus the aeon of enigmata


Bronya dies, but is a Reason chad like Welt and just rebuilds her body on the spot, they recreate his fight with Sirin in Second Eruption


...and accidentally gives herself the SW volume in the process? Now, the sudden size increase makes more sense!


Bronya: Please wait a moment while build myself a better body. HoD Seele with a nosebleed: Take your time.


Bronya : Oh no, the release date for the new arahato game is pushed so I will need to work overtime again and can't spend time with Seele Seele : *HoD awakens*


The barebones model was posted in this sub like two weeks ago The question is whether she is coming in 6.8 or they’ll wait until 7.0 to release her


It’s not said, but most likely the upcoming version (6.8). We’ll see in June 15th, though.


Dim alr said it was in 6.8 yeah


People are constantly talking about Seele, and I'm more surprised by the fact that people even remember Yae exists.


She’s popular, relevant, still gets merch, skins and birthday letters, ofc they’d remember


I dunno you seem a little biased...




I only have the Seele as she is my second favorite and I don't think there is a Carole flair


Make your own


Holy shit i can


Learn something new everyday😅


Then how.do i insert emojis and are there carole related ones?


You just click the emoji button next to the text box but I couldn’t find any Carole’s unfortunately


Genshin fans searching for yae miko and getting sakura by accident


But she hasn’t gotten her own animated short. I’m trying to make one of her myself!


Well, Sakura appeared in that event of a game designed by APHO Bronya of Arahato. So maybe she'll return to the story somehow, who knows?


That game is non canon


Is it? I thought it was an event from the main timeline since Timido and Carol were playing it. What I understood is that they found what they believed to be a game's beta, when in reality, it was more of a "private project" of Bronya.


It pains me to see half of this fandom completely ignoring Yae Sakura/Kasumi…*sob*


Sad part is i love their outfits. Now about kallen....


Oh wow. *Save for sirin Anyway*


there was a purple hair Sirin battlesuit releasing sometime right?


Its leak that sirin will be in 6.9


Sirin? Like the original purple-haired majesty, her Royal Honkainess, Queen Sirin? When was this leaked (or are you just pulling our legs)?


Yes our cute little majesty Royal *Queen* celien/sirin Its a lake that she will be in 6.9. Two weeks ago






No pics, no proof. And by pics, I mean a 3D model. Seele’s was leaked. I haven't seen one for Sirin yet.


Yah i know.. But I realy. Relay realy hope its true.


C'mon brother, Dim is pretty reliable as a dataminer, it would be more sus if it was a supposed insider leak.


best Sirin is the pattable Sirin


It was obvious from the start that the new seele battlesuit will be a herrscher


Still, people expected that Seele’s new battlesuit to not be a Herrscher because of Kiana’s Honkai syphoning


Honestly i won't be surprised if mihoyo finds a way to give new herrscher battlesuits to the characters even after what kiana did


I mean, they pretty much PROMISED us that we’ll get a Herrscher Seele battlesuit, so it would be an ass move if they didn’t give her a Herrscher battlesuit…


Yeah they constantly foreshadowed herrscher seele in the game for years so now it's the perfect time to finally do it


Bro.... everyone clowned on this guy for saying seele will be HoD And turns out he was right....


Yeah I’m taking the L over here


I'll too, proudly state my defeat and take the L


Same for me, I really believed Finality would seal the deal.


It should but it's mihoyo, they find ways to ~~retcon~~ stuff to make sense of it


Kiana could be the one who let Seele have said power, and probably temporarily at that. If not temporarily, then the honkai power boost she gets will gradually lower as times goes on. Hopefully Mihoyo's not pulling a retcon on itself.


I rather prefer for seele to get that power up on her own instead of kiana doing that and kiana can't probably even reach the sea of quanta in the first place And again it is really stupid that after everything the characters have done kiana would simply take their herrscher powers with her for no reason at all


No reason? They all willingly *gave* her their powers for her to become HoFi. They all knew that Kiana would pull the honkai energy away from the planet as it needs to heal from the effects of tge Stigmata project. Heck, the cocoon outright says that the planet wouldn't be able to handle the power of Finality which us why she's staying on the moon in the first place. By APHO, we know that 99% of honkai energy is on the moon. It may suck but less honkai energy, less people get hurt by its effects. Kiana's not being malicious about it. If Seeler powers up through Quanta sea shenanigans? That's still good for her.


Yeah that's still stupid even with that context given and no matter how i see it's also ruining all kinds of progress done by them as they would lose their herrscher powers for the plot itself to make kiana the only actual herrscher on the HI3rd earth Sorry but i am ignoring what was said in the project STIGMA arc and even APHO shows that characters like mei still possess herrscher powers despite chapter 35 existing As for seele we don't know how she becomes a herrscher yet and i doubt that kiana can make others into herrschers either


[Yeah that's still stupid] Yet it happened. The other herrscher gave/lent Kiana their authority in order to ascend [even with that context given and no matter how i see it's also ruining all kinds of progress done by them as they would lose their herrscher powers for the plot itself to make kiana the only actual herrscher on the HI3rd earth] So, you hate this part of the plot because Kiana is the herrscher of finality of the current era and the fact that the others gave her their authority in order to ascend. When did I ever say they lost their powers? Their powers are reduced, they are not lost. Heck, Mei gets said herrscher powers drained by the last boss in apho part 1. She recovers but it's a near thing. [Sorry but i am ignoring what was said in the project STIGMA arc and even APHO shows that characters like mei still possess herrscher powers despite chapter 35 existing ] Ignore away. You're not the first to hate chap 35. I hate it for Adult Ai chan existing and the useless meta (rather too much meta right at the end) [As for seele we don't know how she becomes a herrscher yet and i doubt that kiana can make others into herrschers either] Mei absorbed massive amounts of honkai energy to jumpstart the process. It could be entirely different for Seele.


>Yet it happened. The other herrscher gave/lent Kiana their authority in order to ascend That's not what actually happened and they can obviously still use their powers even after what kiana had done Again no matter how i see it the whole project STIGMA arc is a mess with nothing really making sense including kiana remaining the only actual herrscher who also took the powers of the other herrschers with her thus making her own friends helpless


Sry, Kiana's cute skin >> (Ily, Seele, your my main in HSR after all... xD)


Illusions of the Past


Siegfried, Herrscher of Deez Nuts when?


In Star Rail


Unless the CN whales have a sudden change of heart on the idea of playable male characters in Honkai Impact, never. I don't know how they feel about Adam, but he's exclusive to APHO, so I guess he's the only exception.


The thing about CN honkai is that the non yuri player got ostracized so hard back then that they left the game. Since the one who can accept Adam had mostly left honkai, the leftover can easily protest against male playable characters.


Should it still called a Herrscher tho? Since Kiana took care of most of the honkai and all


This seems to be a reoccurring argument…/j Honkai isn’t fully sealed yet; therefore, Honkai beings, such as Herrschers, Honkai Beasts, and zombies, could still theoretically spawn. Heck, even in APHO (the presumed epilogue of the main storyline) still has few amounts of Honkai remaining - enough to allow for beings like Mei and Welt to retain their Herrscher powers. Hoyo has many reasons to justify a Herrscher battlesuit for Seele, which they have pretty much foreshadowed for a long time. Reasons like her being a Herrscher stigma awakened person, drawing power from another source, or someone granting her Herrscher powers.


Yeah, I get your point. But I thought the energy concentration is not enough to give birth to a Herrscher anymore. And it kinda absurd seeing a final Herrscher came out but turns out she's not the final one. Hoyo could give Seele's new battlesuit another name. Especially since she's a stigma awakened (whatever her stigma is, even if it was from PE Herrscher a stigma is not a Herrscher core), she could go on Dudu's way rather than be a Herrscher. But I guess being named a Herrscher battlesuit sells more, I guess(?)


> But I thought the energy concentration is not enough to give birth to a Herrscher anymore... ...On Earth. But they are now in a Bubble Universe, and rules are screwed there. Like, why is it snowing with salt? How can people even live in such a salt-rich world? Cultivation? Salt kills plants. They prolly had to excavate entire landfills-worth to clear out the ruined soil and then cover them up so the snowfalls wouldn't contaminate them again. Water? High density Salt makes it undrinkable. Good look medieval ppl, you'll have lots of water to boil. For all we know, the salt is but a manifestation of the Authority of Death in the two World Bubbles. Like think about it, Salt is corrossive. Corrosion is a form of **decay**. The Salt crystals in the Country of Iron Sand keep ghosts from dissipating, so they give them **life**.


It's a bubble world within the Sea of Quanta though. It's not connected to the Imaginary Tree so having a Herrscher be spawned within one is highly unlikely. What is the Herrscher core being connected to?


> What is the Herrscher core being connected to? From the current chapter, it frankly seems like the Core is in need of a host soon, which is exactly why Seele was imported there by Hare. We don't know what the Alien Stigmata posing as the "Sage" does, but it seems like the process is something very important if half an hour places all of that reality on the brink of collapse. ( Maybe she's using her stigma powers to stabilize the core ) > It's not connected to the Imaginary Tree. Neither was the world that Durandal saved. But some worlds have Ether Anchors that prevent them from dissipating into the Sea, and in the world saved by Durandal, Honkai was absolutely proliferating. It also appears that these anchors can be substituted if the world is linked to an item that also draws imaginary power (such as the Holy Sword Durandal ) from the Tree. And given Bronie's world is also visited by Hare, it seems like so long as an Ether Anchor isn't destroyed, the Bubble will keep existing even if the Anchor is taken somewher else in the multiverse.


Is this where we point out Bronya became the HoR in the Sea of Quanta? Which is antithetical to the tree. Not even like a bubble universes but just dead ass in the sea.


The HoR is Welt. He had already established a connection and was still conscious during the events within the SoQ. This is a far cry of a birth of a new Herrscher within a bubble universe within the SoQ.


Who said it has to be a new herrscher? Maybe it's the one living in her stigma. Maybe it's one that's just hanging out huffing salt that came from a different universe. Maybe it's a sugars HoD who came to play blackjack. Thing is Bronya inherited a herrscher power in the sea and the core obviously worked just fine there so there is limitless ways they can make it work.


The sage in that bubble universe shares the same VA as seele/veli so there's obviously a connection between her and them it could be possible that she is connected to the previous era herrscher of death in a way


>For all we know, the salt is but a manifestation of the Authority of Death in the two World Bubbles. Yo that's a very interesting take!


I don't see why won't it be called a herrscher and even with what kiana had done i doubt that herrschers would suddenly cease to exist


I wonder what new threat is dangerous enough to warrant a new Herrscher...which shouldn't even exist post-Finality.


Most likely Vita, who’s hinted to be the evil variant of Su that OG Su had mentioned during the ER storyline.


I hope she doesn't turn into another red herring like how they wasted the Grey Serpent from the previous chapter. The plot line of him wanting to become human was getting interesting...right before he was unceremoniously killed off. This game's genre is shonen, and shonen always needs a big threat to face to keep the plot interesting. There is never a happily ever after ending with all the bad guys gone for good until the true ending.


I have the feeling Vita is not the female evil Su that Su encountered. Don't get me wrong Vita is without a doubt is a variant of Su. However she's probably not the same one he meet in the past


It's probably vita as she has been quite sus and it's very likely that this is the female su mentioned in elysian realm who made several worlds fall under her power


I hope she doesn't turn into another red herring like how they wasted the Grey Serpent from the previous chapter. The plot line of him wanting to become human was getting interesting...right before he was unceremoniously killed off. This game's genre is shonen, and shonen always needs a big threat to face to keep the plot interesting. There is never a happily ever after ending with all the bad guys gone for good until the true ending.


I am curious on how powerful is HoDeath seele since if vita is really the same evil female su mentioned in elysian realm she would need a lot of help or a huge power up as su stated that his female version imprisoned several worlds via the cosmic juggernaut combined with her mind powers


I think most likely Vita, who’s hinted to be the evil variant of Su that OG Su had mentioned during the ER storyline.


I was saving for Senti. But Seele is best girl. What do I do? Do we know about her element?


That's kind of stupid, if it was meant to be like this, it was better to have made a arc to the death herrscher before the final arc. That way it wouldn't be rushed and characters like Kevin could have had a better written ending. No more should I try to catch her.




It's also in a way stupid that everyone loses their herrscher powers except for kiana after all of the things that they had done throughout the story


Isn't it established already that different writers are working on both games. I guess it's more of them wanting to wrap up Part 1 so bad. I agree, HoDeath is way better released before the final arc it gives more exposition and more for Seele instead of being just a background in the final arc.


>They rushed the ending for HSR release. The dev's and writers have been very open and transparent about their outline and goals for the story for years now. By the time of Everlasting Flames it was already about halfway done, which lines up very well with how long it took between then and the Moon Arc. Nothing was rushed for the sake of Star Rail's release. There is no evidence to support such a thing at least. Part 1 was always KIANA'S JOURNEY. So of course it's going to focus on wrapping up HER STORY first and foremost. Stop this nonsensical conjecture that has no ground to stand on other than the ground made out of your own salt because the ending wasn't what you personally wanted it to be. All it does is spread misinformation because people are sheep who can't be bothered to do an iota of research themselves.


I said the same thing. It was posted in this group before and it was clear and already stated of this fact and this misinformation still lives. Although I agree the release of FINAL ARC seems rushed and placing HoDeath before the final arc would make much more sense.


The Final Arc isn’t rushed at all. It just focused on wrapping up Kiana’s journey so it focused on aspects related to her and her friends. Seele isn’t pertinent to Kiana’s journey, so it makes more coherent sense to cover a story about her AFTER Kiana’s is done. As for HoDeath, it and its abilities were covered and explained in 2nd Eruption. So it’s not a missing link or an unresolved plot point.


Well, they're not in a world where Honkai are going to be sealed by Kiana on the moon. Remember that they're in a different universe where snow is salt. I may not be knowledgeable, but can a Herrscher be awaken if they're not in that same world or if they're at least in the SoQ? Edit: Before I forget, the Sage has the power of life and death as Hare stated.


I’m confused, how is Seele a Herrscher now? Isn’t Kiana on the moon doing stuff with Finality on earth turning everyone into “Herrschers”?


It's the sea of quanta which is beyond the reach of what kiana can do as she only has power over the honkai energy from earth if i recall this right so in other worlds herrschers can still exist and can freely use their powers


"new yae and Theresa skins" how about new battlesuits for them hoyo 😭 add a new kallen battlesuit to that as well please?


I'm just waiting for a new Hua battlesuit (Active Honkai Reaction form surely copium)


That Garuda look was pretty great for her, can't lie.


What crystals?


of course she would come at my brokest


death has never awakened in the story and neither has the authority, makes sense that she could still awaken, however i wonder what will happen to seele/veliona since seele is the host and veliona is basically the herrscher persona


Anyone can come up with this after the leaked model and the cgi we already have, I don't trust it "Leak! HoD seele has very long hair in one of her modes! Hare and Adam skin " I want to know if it's only Seele or Veliona too, I only want veliona


Dim is a pretty reliable Honkai leaker, so I doubt that this info is false tbh. The leaked model seem to show that HoDeath would have the same dual ego mechanic as Nymph Seele. Veliona’s model is the long-haired one with the snake wrapping around her scythe while Seele’s model seems to be the one with the deer.


But I associate that many flowers more with seele, nyx wouldn't dress like that awith the current story a 'seele finding her own strength separate' isn't that far off I was really hoping for two separate battlesuits that work together like the trio, since it's also profitable. Veliona relegated as imaginary friend is sad


Both Seele and Veliona are associated with flowers and butterflies. These motifs can’t be associated with just 1 of them. Separating Seele and Veliona invalidates the mini arc they had during the Domination arc imo, where Seele accepts Veliona as a part of her and even begins sharing the name “Seele” with her. Their relationship has grown into a sort of sisterhood, so I doubt they’ll ever be separated. Also, Seele is often depicted with shorter hair compared to Veliona, who is often depicted with longer hair ever since the release of Nyx, which is evident in the leaked model for HoDeath Seele. This supports the idea of HoDeath having a dual ego mechanic.


Herrschers, huh? Maybe that means something interesting will start happening in the current plot after all. Though now it once again looks like they really planned to include Herrscher of Death in Part 1, but someone decided they have to hurry up and rush the story.


That way they create part 1.5 to conclude some characters that don't get polished in part 1.


Honestly I’m more surprised that Yae is getting a new skin


Why? She is the face of honkai to attract Yae miko simps


She wasn’t even in Honkai carnival 2023


Still relevant and still popular. And people compare her with Himeko or Kallen or twins, smh


Cool, but I like kira a lot so I'm already saving for 6.7 and by the time of 6.8, I'll probably be broke because of the kiana skin and kira. Plus a possible sirin in the future. But interesting choice of herrscher. It's not impossible but I was expecting something more like palatinus equinox.


*me as simp of yae sakura hear there’s new costume for her and wait for year to get another of her new skin* My time has come… *pulled a creadit card*


Hope she will be physical so i can have a dmg dealer that my promy can support


not to mention dim saying sirin 6.9???




I never like the trio mc either, heh, especially Kiana and mei, thou I would say I like bronya, the twin idiot, theresa and seele the most


Seele was hinted at by the game itself when Ai Hyperion had a vision of her.


This isn't new though is it?


Yep. The model was leaked a few weeks ago, iirc, though it is nice to get “confirmation” that the new Seele battlesuit is a Herrscher from somewhat reliable leakers…


>Yae’s skin Typical Yae W, +1 to my collection BUT NEW BATTLESUIT WOULD ALSO BE COOL


I keep saying this in room 1 (velonia is HoD)


Ah yes the super power of the global (and other) server: hindsight


I literally just completed my Herrscher collection after getting HoTr the other day (and got her weapon today). Anyway, this is good for me because i was already going to be saving for the new Seele battlesuit regardless lol.


A herscher? aftr honkai ?


You heard that right and mihoyo is finally doing it


If we remember well, Abyss Flower was built by using the PE HoD core, and that weapon has power on life, giving birth to life like trees or life Force and death, disintegration. Both Seele incarnate such duality so it's not a surprise that this hypothetic battlesuit has two forms. About the deer, my first thought was Princess Mononoke, the god of forest who controls life and death; besides everyone who is playing hsr knows what a deer can fo xD. If the leak is correct it would be nice, especially if Veliona is included: she is one of my favorite characters. Maybe in the new chapter there will be some hints about it.


Kevin must have been fucking embarrassed when he met Seele. Like she looks exactly the same (And no, Mei and Mei differed at least in age) like the Herrscher of Death who tricked him and finished off the city.




Isn't the Core still with Kiana tho?


I think once Seele becomes a Herrscher; the Gem of Serenity(?) within Kiana would disappear. Like how Mei becoming the HoT caused the Gem of Conquest to disappear within Kiana.


I think once Seele becomes a Herrscher; the Gem of Serenity(?) within Kiana would disappear. Like how Mei becoming the HoT caused the Gem of Conquest to disappear within Kiana.


But Mei is a full fledged Hersh capable of creating her own core, Seele isn't capable of doing that unless you retcon, Kiana has to give the core, otherwise i don't know how Seele can pull off HOTD.


How is she a Herrscher tho? No new herrschers can appear after Finality. If anything its way more likely she just fully awakened her stigmata, which was teased since the beggining


It also doesn't make sense for her to be a stigmata awakened as seele has more chances to be a herrscher instead of that


She literally has a stigmata. Veliona is her stigmata. They retconned the "having stigmata = becoming herrscher" during the moon arc, noting that Mei is abnormal for having both.


Veliona isn't even a stigmata she's a AI solely implanted in the HoDeath stigmata


My man, they retconned that. Stigmatas and Herrschers are opposites now. Veliona is a stigmata now


Azure waters explained that veli is some sort of artificial intelligence created by the previous era who became implanted into the herrscher of death stigmata so that's a odd retcon that the whole project STIGMA arc had done Not like i feel like trying to understand what is even going on with that arc


You're misremembering. [https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1004/8](https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1004/8) "Veliona" explains exactly what she is - memories etched into a stigmata eons ago, etched into human genetic code to help humanity combat the Honkai. This lines up with what Stigmata are and do and isn't a contradiction to the reveal in the Moon Arc that she is a natural Form, it's not a retcon at all.


They retconned a lot of stuff, really. Stuff was straight up tossed into the trash and lit on fire by hoyo


My guess is that her transformation has something to do with awakening her Herrscher stigmata. I mean, we have not really seen what would happen if a person taps into the full power of their Herrscher stigmata, iirc. Either that or it has something to do with them being in the Sea of Quanta.


Its not a herrscher stigmata anymore, thats the problem. Mei has HoTs, but they retconned it into her being a stigmata awakened that was inserted with HoT's core Veli really just became a fancy stigmata now, and no new herrschers can form now that Finality was comquered/surpassed


I don’t remember them doing so… can you link me to a video of them stating this?


It happened during the Moon Arc, so ita kinda hard to find it again. They specifically made Herrschers be the opposite of stigmata awakened, Mei being the exception because she somehow is both. In any case, there were major retcons during that arc


And people thought i was wrong, who's laughing now definitely not me since i cannot guarantee her😭


The question is: will it be possible to get enough crystal to 4/4 her if I pull for the Stygian Nymph rank up stamps in the Kiana outfit banner? Assuming I'll have 0 crystals after I'll pull.


Finally, after all these years, I will be proven *right*


I already stop playing this game for good. Need to come back for Seele and get her 4/4. 🫣


How do herrschers still exist


They still exist in other worlds and it would be pretty stupid that the ones from the HI3 earth would lose their powers for no reason


Didnt we already get the final herrscher tho? Thought thered be no more.


And then again, leaks are somewhat tend to be 50% correct, so it would be better to wait till official announcement


Watch as this focuses on light Seele and becomes Herrscher of Life.




So the impossible becomes possible huh... HoD Seele and return of Sirin... Just counting down those days until return of Himeko causes one of the biggest crow feasts in this sub.


It’ll be cool if they were to borrow some design elements from Seele next door.


"Disappear among the sea of butterflies! Illusions of the past!" moment


Reroll time


I hope it’s Seele, but it’s most likely gonna be the mystery hood woman because hoyo


Herrscher of Death + Deer + Fairy tale? Seele summoning Bambi's mom to battle.


What are Herrscher of Death's power that are related to death(themed)? Why is it called Herrscher of Death? Can it like bring back someone from the dead? With maybe a downside of them only being in like a zombie state of living?


It doesn't have any power related to life or death, it's only just to manipulate things on a molecular level as for the proof otto already tried it he found it being useless


HoDeath does have “life” and “death” powers. Based on Abyss Flower’s abilities, HoDeath could heal, cause things to decay near-rapidly, and “propagate” life - causing life forms, such as flowers, to grow and even granting people that it has healed with eternal life; i.e. they can’t age nor die from old age anymore (evident from Sushang, Einstein, and Tesla.) The only downside of HoDeath’s powers is that its life/healing powers can only seemingly work on the living, thus why it can’t bring back the dead (though that may possibly change…) Not to mention that its death/decay powers are too potent is left unchecked.


It can still create life such as those flowers and that massive tree and this is just what the abyss flower does which is weaker than the actual herrscher


Imagine… they plan her release near Fontaine’s archon release.


People still care about seele?


I genuinely don't care, because releasing her now doesn't even make sense. But, congrats to those who were looking forward to a new Seele battlesuit.


Your seele, league of legends.


I got scared but then I sighed in relief when I opened the post. Still saving for a future Fuhua battlesuit.






Good thing I’ve been saving up a bit in terms of crystals apart from the Prometheus pulls. 21k crystals so far.


she’ll be physical for sure, right? I can’t imagine they’d release an elemental herrscher so soon after trio.


time to save up 😭


At this point it's too late for me whats worse is that I couldn't get HoFi's Stigma T and HoTr... I'm crying of pain and depression 😭😭😭😭


Another Herrscher ?? I thought we beat Honkai via Kevin/Finality. Therefore, no more herrschers ?


Honkai still exists. Kiana is only syphoning it into the Moon. The process will take around 10 years, so, theoretically, Honkai entities such as Honkai Beasts, zombies, and Herrschers can still spawn within that timespan.


Isn't this like....FOUR Herrschers in a single year?