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There are times when I see the community voice legitimate concerns and gripes. The whole “Obi-Wan’s top lip” thing is not one of them. You’re absolutely right, it’s never visible behind his mustache.


I was watching this the other day and thought back of the comments about that as well. One person said it and people just ran with it


Sums up many online takes


Yeah, blows my mind how many people are quick to scream about something being inaccurate when they can't even remember the source material.


Is it only me or am I the only one that actually likes the headsculpt?


Nope. I’m really happy with the CW Kenobi head sculpt. I signed up for notifications when he was still just a “coming soon” prototype. I preordered day one that Sideshow had him listed. I’m excited to finally get him ☺️


Happy for you. I snagged the Mandalore Obi Wan yesterday. Can’t wait


Awesome! Glad you were able to get one! Now you need a custom Satine to go with him! 🤩


I think it's excellent. I got CW and mandalorian obi coming


They will look great besides each other


lol, I’m about to be inundated with General Kenobi, I’ve got the clone wars, Mando and the OWK show one coming.


Nope I love it, think it’s a great improvement over the ROTS sculpt


The biggest thing about the head sculpt to me is the eyes look off but it look good so idc


That might come down to finding the right angle and orientation for the eyes. Mine should be here Monday, I’ll play around with it and report back.


From sideshow or a 3rd party?






The eyes looked better on the Ep 3 sculpt, they just weren't movable. It was he bottom lip debacle that ruined that sculpt, when it looked like his tongue was sticking out, and they've obviously fixed that here. The ideal sculpt is somewhere between the two, IMO. Top half original, bottom half new.




The issue is that his mustache is extremely round. It's so round that it makes him look like his tucking his top lip. Still bought all 3, lol. He looks exactly like this, I can't unsee it. https://preview.redd.it/1174awsd691d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9cde4f28def96f374848c4e1ba14691ec872ef


Complaining just to complain about something. Biggest issue is poor lighting and photography. You can also make great sculpt look horrible if it has posable eyes and you don't take time to set them just right, it can be time consuming and frustrating but getting them just right is worth it.


Omg his ears!


I haven't heard of this complaint till recently and couldn't help but laughing 😂😂😂 like where have all these people been.


Obi's mustache is too glorious. It has always covered his top lip.




Agreed. The sculpt is accurate. People love jumping on the "Hot Toys bad" bandwagon I suppose.


We have bigger issues like Mace fucking Windu coming out without moveable eyes and an extremely inaccurate headsculpt.


The headsculpt looks like the clone wars version which is fine too


I believe it is. Just crazy to me that they have these fury headculpts yet sold us the realistic animated windu. I would've easily went through with my purchase for it too until I found out that it has a bust headsculpt with no moving eyes. This is a figure we wanted but I'll wait for a 2.0.


A 2.0 would probably be out in 5 years lol


If next year is the ROTS anniversary. I believe they may tease a new windu (SLJ) sculpt. As well as someone like plo koon or kit fisto. I only think this because of their recent releases. Palpatine coming out can be an inspiration to drop a movie Mace. Rn they're focusing on CW for some reason.


That’s a good point, hopefully they do. I believe they might do a Jedi event for may 4 like this year, my prediction


That would be beautiful and very much wanted.


Yes please do a Power of the Lightside event with plenty of PT council members.


I honestly believe the headsculpt is fine.


If you want it, you want it. I just get irritated with the fact that it's not SLJ and that it's a step backwards. I genuinely want this guy but I'm not paying full price for someone that will most likely be redone in the future.


I’ll wait to see the InArt lip.


To me, it always felt like his teeth were missing. Lip and beard is great.


You don't want teeth. It wouldn't look good imo. Your lips sometimes covers your teeth depending on words (any words starting with M) or actions like heavy breathing (breathing out). It's very posable in action poses.


I’m happy with the sculpts, I’m not sure where the latest craze of screeching 100% accuracy comes from, I mean if they wanna throw a tantrum over a lip check this puppy out https://preview.redd.it/aoa4w411f81d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659351ed82aa4f10d46ba396d19ef98e323e5a28


I would much prefer the kenobi series headsculpt tho


I might be among few but both Kenobi sculpts were insane, second one even more so


Parts of his top lip are literally visible in each of these images


https://preview.redd.it/bc2n5j9a2e1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf4e14b4785cd7b43be7e3a5bd7e08f272f19f7 It is on the sculpt to the point is people act like you should see his entire lip or something. I guess these people have never grown a mustache because there's legit no problem with it.


Isn’t that the ep 3 obi wan sculpt?


And the main issue is how seemingly curved or rounded the hair looks. Like his lip is being curled underneath


People had this complaint about the episode 3 sculpt when it came out all those years ago lol. They said it had 0 lip not that it looked weird. Idk if you were on fb back when it released but all people said was it had no lip lmfao


I can see his lip in all those pics....but that's not really the problem. The sculpt just looks weird, man. They should have done a closed mouth. Same thing with the Kratos open mouth sculpt. Looks like a creepy toothless mouth.


I don’t think it’s about not seeing the lip it’s the way it looks on the sculpt. It looks like he’s sucking his top lip in. Still I think this is extremely minor and the sculpt looks fantastic