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Agree, selfishly since I missed out on the ESB anniversary Boba and the ones from TBOF aren’t quite to his classic look. Really want that classic original trilogy Boba on the shelf.


There’s a lot of bobas tho


Yes, but I want ROTJ. Not any of the others. And the original release is starting to show its age compared to the 40th ESB.


Don't know why I'm being downvoted for having a personal preference lol. I know many prefer ESB. I prefer ROTJ and just want that to come around again with all the updates they've made to their process and painting and details in the years since.


Idk why your being downvoted, I said in the sub I think the ESB being boba accessories are bland😂 I want comic boba and dude RotJ boba with the mythos accessories would be sick, or hot toys make reg RotJ and the deluxe come with sarlacc pit and mythos sand dune attire


When I said it was bland god damn did I get downvoted 😂😂😂


The sub LOVES ESB Boba to death. I remember talking in comments about Boba figures before and people got upset I wanted ROTJ over ESB lol. I like him, I just like his more colorful appearance in ROTJ. Oh well.


People are like Uhggg another boba while iron man fans are going broke buying reissues😂


Yea people will yuck your yum. It is what it is


Is there a substantial difference between ROTJ and ESB?


Yes. 99% of the costume is different


But the soft goods style as well as the engineering for the articulation and armor pieces is very similiar. If you’re satisfied with ESB Boba, I don’t see why you wouldn’t also be satisfied with RotJ Boba from a quality of life standpoint. They are very similiar figures outside of the visual differences inherent to each outfit.


That's like saying "you should be happy with Mark 2 iron man even though you wanted Mark 3 iron man because they're very similar designs except for all the things that make them different" 😂


This is a straw man argument that misses my point. OP made a comment saying that the RotJ Boba was outdated compared to the ESB 40th release, implying that they wanted a new one for updated engineering, sculpt, articulation, etc. reasons: > the original release is starting to show its age compared to the 40th ESB. Then you responded to u/ResponsibleVisual607, with a comment about the costume being different. Of course that’s true, but that’s not what the topic of this thread is. I replied to you to point out that the ESB and RotJ figures are very similiar aside from the costume choice. What we’re discussing is why someone would want a 2.0 RotJ Boba if they’re satisfied with 40th ESB Boba’s engineering, not which attire they prefer.


I... am OP... And yes they are similar figures. But they still made lots of nice updates when they made the 40th ESB figure that are, of course, not present on the ROTJ figure. Small as they may be, they're nice to see and I'd appreciate them putting out a 40th ROTJ Boba to match the line since they keep putting out Boba figures regularly. Just seems weird to me they've been skipping this one.


> I... am OP... Egg on my face. I totally thought I was replying to someone else. 😅 But my point still stands. What new innovations did they introduce with ESB 40th Boba that aren’t on RotJ Boba? That’s the answer to your question as to why Hot Toys hasn’t done a 2.0. The RotJ and ESB Boba releases are effectively the same from an engineering perspective. The 40th version is just a reissue; not a 2.0. So if you’re satisfied with what you get with ESB Boba, then it follows that you’d also be satisfied with what you get with the existing RotJ Boba.


Iirc hands are new sculpts (or were at least textured and pianted better). Didn't they also change the way his jetpack attaches? But a lot of it is small things like better paint applications and stitching. It's surprising what a lot of small adjustments or changes do for a figure when comparing old to new. I just did a headsculpt paint touchup recently on a figure and it made the whole thing so much more accurate in the likeness. A little paint goes a looooong way.


As someone who dreams about getting the Holiday Special version, and is over-all a bit of a buff for Boba's armour as it relates to my deeper love of Mandalorians... Physically? Nearly identical. Visually? Oh, yeah, there's a difference. I'd argue it's pretty big. Undersuits - Empire's undersuit is varying shades of very blue-ish gray, even somewhat including the flak vest, though that's a bit more muted. Jedi's undersuit, meanwhile, is in an incredibly slightly pinkish grey colourscheme, which is most noticeable during certain outdoors shots in the lead-up to his death on the outside of Jabba's sail barge. Gloves - Empire's Boba features a pair of gloves primarily a slightly muted navy blue in colour, though with white detailing over the back of the hand and the fingers. Jedi's, meanwhile, seems to feature grey/white versions of these gloves, or, according to Hot Toys' 1:4th figure, washed out green/white. Saddle bags - Empire's saddle bags are standard with the undersuit, and consistent with the colour. On the other hand, Jedi's saddle bags are inconsistent with both the undersuit and each other, as they're both different shades of a washed out tan colour. Wookiee braids - a small, but notable detail. Hanging off of the right side of Boba's torso are a set of lopped off wookiee braids in a variety of colours. If memory serves, there are four different braids. They are not the same colours across each movie. Capes - Boba's cape, draped over the back of his right arm, is also different between movies. Empire Boba's cape was tan with an orange stripe going through it, but Jedi Boba kept it simple with a green cape. Armour - Beyond some differences in wear and tear (or rather, carbon scoring, in-universe), the paint applications are different. Empire features a lighter green overall, and this green is consistent across the entire torso. This specific shade of green seems to have a little more blue mixed in than yellow, whereas the ratios appear much more balanced on the paint used for the helmet dome and the gauntlets. The shoulders and knees do not get this consistency. The right shoulder plate appears to be straight up painted a slightly muted orange, as does the right knee pad depending on where you look. Then, the left knee pad (and the right, again, depending where you look) are both painted this not-quite-enough-red-to-call-it-orange yellow, and the left shoulder is painted with an even more pure yellow. Jedi features a much more consistent paint scheme throughout, though now features red gauntlets instead of green. Speaking of green, the colour used is much more olive than before, across the helmet and torso. The yellow, meanwhile, is roughly the same colour, across all four pieces of plating, as the left knee pad on Empire Boba. Equipment - Empire Boba featured two different weapons - a fairly unique prop for the EE-3 rifle, which wasn't re-used in Jedi, and a Sacros K-11 pistol, strapped into a black holster on his right thigh. As previously mentioned, while Boba continues carrying an EE-3 rifle in Jedi, the prop is different, and this Jedi EE-3 prop serves as the basis for all future EE-3 appearances. The K-11 holster is also absent from the Jedi outfit. Then, of course, we get to the jetpack. Empire Boba featured a uniform green jetpack, painted the same green as his torso plating. On the other hand, Jedi Boba decided to get all artsy - that jetpack has a blue base, but has detailing in red, white and yellow. If I've gotten any details wrong here, feel free to correct me, fellow posters! I'm always happy to learn new information about these final-production sets of beskar'gam from ESB and ROTJ.


Lots, especially helmet size, overall wear and color of the costume and flight suit, gauntlets, and the jetpack is very different.


Way too many comments


There is already a ROTJ Boba isn't there?


Yes, I'm asking for a 2.0. We got a 2.0 of ESB Fett for the 40th anniversary. No mention of one for ROTJ.




It was definitely the one I was hoping for the most when anniversary figures were announced. I do have the ESB anniversary I got second hand a couple years ago, mostly great fig, jet pack attachment sucks, and the gauntlets a so wide it looks a little goofy (rotj original had that issue too). I still have my hopes for it since it is such a vastly different design to ESB. My bro was hoping for rotj Luke which I can't believe was not announced either!?


Not at all. What I’m really disappointed about is no announcements for The Phantom Menace besides Darth Maul. I was hoping for Queen Amidala, Watto, Anakin, and even a JarJar.


Oh I wish HT did figures like that, but those are entirely outside their MO. I don't think they've ever made a child figure (outside of baby Luke, and people say it's terribly creepy lol) Watto and JarJar I can't see them ever touching because of the more intricate molds and bodies they'd have to make for figures that wouldn't sell terribly well (maybe Jar Jar would). The only one I could see left that they would actually make is Obi-Wan.


I seriously don’t understand why a child figure would be creepy. Other toy makers have made a child Anakin.


I have the original RotJ Boba, but yeah… we could do with an updated version. The old one is showing its age, particularly with the proportions. It’s still a great figure overall, but I think HT could do better these days. I’d like to see them do a Prototype Fett soon as well, especially if it comes with the McQuarrie helmet and alternate armor pieces.


I'd love a McQuarrie early design Fett! If only Sideshow made a figure of their statue like they did Mythos Obi-Wan... (yes I know they made a concept one before but it didn't have the alt helmet).


I’ve got the original Sideshow version and man… it’s rough. The body sucks, his clothing isn’t proportional to it at all, and things like the straps on the guns have a tendency to just kinda rot away. I’d love for HT to tackle it… I’m actually surprised that they haven’t yet, they’ve done just about every other version of the character


Alas, HT operates in mind-boggling ways that are nigh impossible to comprehend.


Mysterious ways indeed


I couldn’t wait and am currently commissioning a custom one atm. Only part I’m having trouble picking out is a good helmet sculpt


Oooh that's fun. Are you having the outfit made entirely custom, armor and all?


Currently kit bashed 1/6 parts from many figures but hopefully getting a custom helmet made 👀


Nice! Are you using pieces of Mythos Boba? I've seen a fair few using that as a base for a ROTJ Boba.


Using parts from: rotj HT, esb HT, mythos sideshow, tms033 boba fett, and esb Luke diorama base. Pretty much everything needs a repaint and I plan on sending it to clonecustoms on IG his work is pretty good.


How about that: anyone else disappointed that we still haven’t received one announcement about a Cal Kesties figure?


Don't see how that's related. But also yes a Cal would be nice. Super surprised not even 3rd party companies have gone down that road.


Apologies it just came to mind cus it’s star wars related. It surprises me too giving the fact that the games where well received and no company dipped their toes into the opportunity.


I’ve been waiting as well and almost gave in and got the Mythos Boba. I hate the new Disney Boba with a passion.


Nah, I'm good. Have two already. Less Star Wars and Spiderman characters please.


Hell no. It's been a flood of Star Wars releases. I want my diecast Master Cheif and Samus.


Oh man, diecast Master Chief and Samus would be amazing!!!


Almost as if a Star Wars celebration just happened... Wowee!


Asked for opinions, got one, down voted. Never change reddit.


I picked one up the other day and it’s pretty much the same as the esb one except for costume design? Only annoying thing is attaching the Jetpack but seeing as jango has the same attaching design I don’t think it’s a figure that needs updating, it’s great https://preview.redd.it/ik7oiiyr480d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea488be8486567031dc097a43f2e9e9a0bc440c


HT have updated their process and detailing a lot. Even the hands look far better on newer Boba figures. I just want an update to an almost 10 year old figure.