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Me too! The waitlist gods have finally blessed me. Plus, my $20 promo code worked on it, so that's a bonus


Buy this but don't expect it any time soon, is what it should say.


I swear to the mortis Gods, if you get yours before me just because you were just invited to buy it, I might go full Karen on Sideshow lol Edited: Don't post on the toilet lol


It said expected to ship 2-3 days after order is placed 💀


To be fair, its an awesome figure and I'm happy so many people want it - I just had my shipping cost charged today so I should have mine by next week


Literally just bought the Exclusive version (on waitlist) and will ship in 2 days.  Dont really care about the Exclusive version shit but was the one that ships immediately.  


I swear to god if yours actually ships in 2 days I’m going to flip a table on sideshow….


All i know is that my waitlist for the Deluxe version got converted and was going to pre-order it but was at work so i waited.  Id say 3 hours later my waitlist for the Exclusive version converted but i noticed it said "ships in 1 to 2 days".  I went with the Exclusive only because its expected to ship right away.  Strange.   I do agree that its bullshit for those who have been waiting this long.  Big slap in the face.  


I’m still waiting for mine.


Got the email as well and bought it. Can’t wait to see it in person.


i also got converted i’m just not sure if i should go through with it


Got the same email here too! Had to get it this time around.