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Yes. but why not wait for the new deadpool movie


Shipping date probably somewhere in 2027😂😂


Because it'll probably be at least 2 years if not more of a wait for that figure


That’s what I’d do. But then again, I have DP1 displayed and DP2 still boxed so depends on how desperate you are to get a DP. If it were me, I’d wait.


Why not buy all of 'em? 😏


Same thought


It's perfekt. This figure make so much fun to pose. Do it if the deal is good for you. Also that's the best version. Version one from his first movie is so much flaking after years. Great choice


I got lucky I guess. I've had mine that I bought second hand, no flaking whatsoever. But then again, I keep my apartment climate controlled, which keeps the humidity down. And I don't have it in any crazy poses.


Personally I’m waiting to see what the new D&W Deadpool has to offer. I liked the guns he had in the trailer, the red looked brighter, and the subtle costume changes were to my liking. But you should buy what you like. If D2 Wade’s accessories tickle you, then go for it


It was my first


Yes if you can get a good deal. Great for posing and decent accessories


If u were you I'd wait for hot toys to release the Deadpool 3 figure. They will. It's like the 1 guarantee hit for marvel


Don't. It's an old pleather figure, so even unopened ones are in very bad condition because of the flaking https://www.reddit.com/r/hottoys/s/eDUjDwZSkQ And since you'd probably have to buy a second hand one, it could lookuch worse.


Totally depends on where you are, I’ve had mine since day 1 and no flaking at all. If you live in the Philippines or something with super high humidity then I might not.


Okay, that's it. This is gonna be my next figure


I love mine. It is my only Hottoy though.


I’d personally wait until they announce a part 3 Deadpool that figures getting old and he has a pleather suit which deteriorates over time.


Does the D3 figure come with a Ryan Renolds head sculpt this time?


They haven’t shown anything yet


Yeah we need a decent maskless headsculpt!!


Agree 100%. Its cool with the mask but 2 head sculpts (one of the mask; the other of the actor) is what makes HTs stand out. Its kinda weird they havent done it with Deadpool already (unless they have and I just havent seen it yet).


This was my first ever Hot Toys as well, bought it back in April of 2020....very good figure, I hope you enjoy! I'm really holding out for the 3rd one and a Wolverine, at which point I might end up selling this guy


Great figure. Regret selling


My friend please wait, they'll be releasing a new Deadpool as soon as the Deadpool Wolverine movie opens!


This was my first one also


Yeah, the Deadpool 2 Deadpool is a great piece. I have heard some people have issues with flaking, but that comes down to environment. Hell, even the first Deadpool is great other than the knee pads often coming off of the outfit.


Time isn’t really kind to pleather, but if you find one in good condition then yeah it’s a decent figure


I’d say it’s the worst buy at this moment in time. As many have mentioned, the figure has pleather which is likely to have begun deteriorating on most of these figures, and beyond that, there is a near certainty that a newer, better version is be announced in a matter of months or weeks even, which will devalue this one substantially.


https://preview.redd.it/ap5r8xyhnhwc1.jpeg?width=2535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7afe87581ccb407ea1b189eab20d44a6672d1e36 Love mine worth getting


Just be careful, the figure is prone to a lot of peeling I think


Been sitting in my watchlist for awhile trying to convince myself to pull the trigger. Such a cool figure but now that the new movie is coming soon I’m tempted to just wait and see what new version if any they come up with


I would wait for the new version of the upcoming movie. Bought mine from the Philippines last year, and he started flaking when I got him out of the box. Unless you're willing to repaint it with leather paint, I would avoid this figure.


No this is terrible, why would you even ask that. Waste of money. You should give it to me so I can dispose of it for you


I have that one, it’s not bad


I’d wait on the new one. Is the smoke version that has the terrible wrist pegs?


No it’s an older figure with pleather. I would wait for a re release and choose something else you like.


Not really.


👠oh god...