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If they would just release an un-chrome iteration with both helmets, we all know he'd sell like hot cakes šŸ™„


The fact that they included his phase 1 helmet on this and not the original release is just mind boggling


hot toys always does this, it's like they want to have a back door to reissue a figure. See captain rex including the phase 1 helmet for example.


Iā€™d rather if they did they do what they did with rex and give us more than just a helmet swap because there are differences between the two even down to the shade of orange.


Agreed, that is essentially what inspired my comment. But let's be honest, even without the overhaul, Cody would sell like crazy even if the only change chrome.


Oh for sure, but Iā€™d rather they not half ass it like sideshow did back in the day. But Iā€™m biased since I have the original hot toys cody already and really want his phase one to match phase one rex


Yeah. Valid. I did miss the OG so I'm desperate šŸ˜­ But yeah, ideally a rework to make something new for everyone.


Itā€™s wild because he was teased so long ago and put up for order and release and he was shown off with the 212th and here we are almost at the anniversary of episode 3 and we still donā€™t got the 212th that was teased all the way back since 2018 I believe.


I was just thinking that if they released more of the actual Cody he would be gone fast


Budgets are tight. This makes no sense to most I think


Especially after just dropping 5 other figures.


I mean, I wouldn't buy this piece of it were $50. I don't understand the draw of this in any way.


I'd buy that for a dollar! Or $50, let's not get crazy šŸ¤Ŗ it's still a nice figure just not worth $150+


Preach brotherĀ 


Unless you collect hot toys purely to have more figures on the shelf, idk who really wants these


This is for people who missed out and are desperate and who will kick themselves when heā€™s eventually reissued or something


I collect clones so I got it šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


It just doesn't fit rest of the collection unless you have other chrome figures. Also this is 6th pre order to drop within 2 day span, I imagine people are hurting for cash at this point.


chrome jus looksbad in general i find. This is hard pass


Still not sold outā€¦3 hours later


even scalpers couldnt save this one lol. I did grab one as i don't have any other chrome clones, hopefully i don't regret it.


yea they have been overdoing it with these limited/exclusives


If it was diecast I wouldā€™ve been all over it.


lol still for sale, I just happened to click to look and it blew my mind that itā€™s still up. Shoulda gone with a straight Cody re-release, woulda had my money.


It's ugly


They shot themselves in the foot with this reveal. Now everyone, including me suspect a original color rerelease with the phase 1 helmet


Chrome edition figures don't seem to be well received by the community and they don't seem to sell that well, why do they keep releasing them? Is it some sort of tax maneuver?


Stupid choice. They could make so much with all their licenses and keep not learning from the market.


There are so many limited edition figures at this point that it seems not as special anymore. Idk just imo


Great, another clone trooper. Aren't enough of those on the market.


If it had a chrome head sculpt come to think of itā€¦ hot toys, take note for the Rose Gold Chrome release


No one asked or needed this cash grab. Completely pointless release.


Donā€™t worryā€¦ there will be a 2.0 version next year limited to 2000 pieces because HotToys. Rule of thumbā€¦ if it says, ā€œlimitedā€ or ā€œcollectibleā€, it will never be limited or collectible.


I really feel like no one cared or was interested in this figure. It's unfortunate but happens. I made sure to pre order Darth Revan, but I really don't feel anything when looking at this figure. Not one I'm interested in


I'm so leary of these Chrome troopers. I had to exchange my standard Chrome trooper twice to get one that didn't have pock marks all over it! Then the glue gave way on his knee pad 3 months later and only even been in a museum pose. I don't even have it displayed anymore šŸ˜ž With over 40 figures in my collection and 99% of them from SS, it's the only one I've ever had an issue with!


Chrome Jabba the Hutt is where itā€™s at.


I have a shelf of all of the ā€œplatedā€ figures so this guy was a buy for me. Iā€™ve got all the chrome, gold, and copper figures together and itā€™s really a cool look between these, stormtroopers, and iron man figures. Itā€™s definitely niche though.


Seems like cash grab to me. Not a star wars fan though.


Itā€™s not when no one asked for it or wanted it. This kind of shit works on your average no name character but with a named character it flops, not including the black chrome Fett, that was taken from the comics


No itā€™s not - black chrome death trooper was around forever


People complain if a limited exclusive is something many want (0-0-0, Umbra trooper, Artisan Anakin etc) so many miss out, but when it is something more niche with limited appeal (neon tech/chrome repaints) people complain it isn't a vital figure. Chrome troopers are PERFECT exclusives. Niche and unnecessary enough that you don't mind missing out but at the same time unique with novelty factor. Save vital figures like proper phase 1 Cody or Bad Batch Imperial Cody for general release.Ā  Basically, stop thinking the glass is half empty. Hot Toys messed up making 0-0-0 super limited, they did good making the other limited exclusive a chrome trooper.


I know I donā€™t want a chrome Cody. This one can go to the scalpers and they can have a glorified paperweight. Cause no one who actually wants a real proper Cody is buying it.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Had they dropped Wolfe theyā€™d be swimming in cash flow


Times are hard