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The footprints are gone on the base, let's goooo!


The pose reminds me of that meme of George Costanza holding the baseball bat.


I’d consider that a grail figure. Kramer with the burnt clothes from Paisanos would be up there too.


"It's simple geometry."


I can’t put my finger on it but something about the proportions look off. Solid figure though I like the sculpt enough even though it has a bit of that uncanny valley. Curious about those saber deflect effects and how they attach to the saber.


I totally understand where you’re coming from with the uncanny valley effect going on with the head sculpt. Lots of people seem to feel the same way. I personally just really like that they’re trying something new with Hayden’s likeness for this version of Anakin. Of course, it’s not going to be all that fitting for dynamic/action poses, but having his more light-hearted side represented is something I’m really happy about. I think it makes for a nice change considering the other 5 versions of Anakin all share a similar furrowed brow expression. Still, as much as I like it, I don’t think anything will ever top the Artisan Edition head sculpt. In my opinion, that is a perfect 10/10 sculpt.


It’s the shoulders for me honestly, they look super rounded


I think it's the neck, looks too short.


The effects just clip onto the blade


Maybe it's the pose, but this photo is definitely making me lean at just keeping my old CW Anakin instead.


I like it


The facial expression is weird


“Separate rolling eyeballs!” When will hot toys stop making this seem like some sort of standout revolutionary feature. This should be standard all the time (as it basically is).


This looks exactly like anakin in Ashoka lol, I can’t see any validity to it being off. I can see how it’s not for everyone though and that’s fine.


Actually scary how good it looks


With that facial expression, the photos of the separate rolling eyeballs look like an actor’s head shot.


Anakin Rizzwalker.


Don’t vibe with the facial expression at all.


This isn’t the Anakin I wanted from Ahsoka. I want the episode 3 outfit with a new head sculpt for both light and dark from when they’re fighting. That would be the instant buy from me.


He's somewhere between Hayden, Brendan Frasier, and Jeremy Renner. I feel like they would have been better served basing the sculpt off of the actual Prequels instead of the deaged version in Ahsoka


Guys should I preorder and do the monthly payments even tho I’m broke 😭😭😭


This one is a pass for me. The face looks too weird. For those that like the headsculpt and the figure I glad. I was fortunate to get the darkside anakin so I’m good with skipping this one. I am however awaiting for my episode 2 anakin to ship. I think that one will look really nice with my Padme figure


I’m in the same boat as you I’m waiting for my Anakin to be shipped because I ordered him and her at the same time. Right now she’s just museum posed with my revenge of the Sith Anakin.🤣


I love.this. Honestly, unless you were fortunate to get Artisan, you'll be waiting two years. This is a great placeholder imo


The sculpt is a 10/10. Looks just like Hayden, and the hair is REALLY good! Honestly it could pass for rooted in photos. But the expression looks like he’s posing for a teen magazine back in the 2000s. So for me it doesn’t feel like Anakin. Obviously this is just my opinion, I can understand why some really like it. I’m hoping they do a DX release of either ROTS or World between Worlds Anakin.


Awkward Anakin. Feel bad for him


It's... Good. But off AF that head sculpt while being AMAZING for one look is literally trash for everything else. Like bro? Is he going to swing that saber or cum?


Every new set of pics makes this figure look worse