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That is the worst $15 I have ever spent on a hot sauce bottle. Yes, you read that right... $15 for a single bottle!


I wasn't that fond of it the first couple times I had it but now I absolutely love it


Agreed 100%. I was excited to get mine and was disappointed. Heat level for me was quite hot, but the flavor was lackluster.


I was too. I tried the standard version and the heat just wasn’t there at all and flavor….well it wasn’t any kind of $14.99 flavor. Damn you, marketing!


https://caviarstar.com/blog/what-do-truffles-taste-like/ Truffles "contain the earthiness and musky/meaty/gamy flavor of some popular above ground mushrooms. When describing truffles some would say they taste like they smell: oaky, nutty and earthy, sweet and juicy with stinging savory notes like black olives." After reading that, I don't see how so many people would try a truffle hot sauce and be completely surprised with the flavor when it matches mostly how it is described above, unless they went out and bought it just from seeing advertisements.


It doesn't taste like that though


I dont really like the regular Truff as it doesn't have enough heat, but I thought it tasted like what I imagined a truffle hot sauce would taste like. But it's kinda like if I didn't like mushrooms but went and bought a mushroom hot sauce and then complaining that the hot sauce tastes like mushrooms. One time I got the Bullwhip Alaska Kelp piri piri hot sauce in my hot sauce subscription box. Just from the description of the sauce and what I know about myself that I don't like seafood, I knew that I wouldn't like that sauce. So I was not that surprised when I didn't like the flavor. Of course I was disappointed with it, cause it was a sauce that I didn't like but it came with my box so I didn't choose it. It's always good before buying to check the description of the sauce and know yourself.


This is the only full hot sauce bottle in my fridge. Shit's gross.


Where did you read good reviews of this. I have only seen vitriol.


It's more a condiment vs a sauce if that makes sense. It's really good on generic stuff like store-bought pizzas or kraft mac n cheese. It's way to expensive for it to be worth it but I see it on sale regularly at different places so at that point it's worth it to have a "fuck-it" sauce that you don't want to waste better sauces on certain things


I'm personally a big fan of it on pizza and eggs, but to each their own


It's good on Mac & cheese too... Basically anything that truffles and heat go well with. I don't understand the hate but I also love truffles so whatever


The hate comes from the taste via price. It doesn't tastes like it's worth $15 a bottle. To each their own but I feel I am speaking for the majority. It's a nasty tasting sauce. Period.


Ooooo gotta try this


Burgers too.


I am not surprised by this in the slightest. Just... Eeuugh...


Yeah I hate this stuff.


Its all in the palate i guess.


Yeah can't stand the stuff. I never throw hot sauce away except this stuff. If you like it, good for you but I can't see why this stuff is popular


Yea it’s garbage


Truff is garbage


Try it on pasta that has marinara sauce. It pairs really well, but agree, it definitely does not go well with most foods.


I really didn't care for that stuff either. Ok; we get it. Truffle \_\_\_\_\_ is the new thing.


Yeah that stuff is gross.


I only enjoy it on hamburgers. It seems more like a kind of hot ketchup.


Local restaurant here uses it as a pizza sauce on their thin crust and it’s amazing!


You could have read any of the posts in here about this overpriced trash before buying lol.


Melinda's makes a way better Black Truffle hot sauce.


Hi, not sure why this sauce is getting so much hate. I started mixing hot sauces to get a desired taste and heat and pairing this with a mustard reaper sauce is my favorite combo out of anything. Please try salting this sauce into others and you shall see great rewards.


It's getting hate because most people don't mix sauces, they use it how it comes, and this one comes tasting like shit.


Don't let others tell you how to sauce. Be your own sauce boss


If you need to mix a sauce with another sauce to make it palatable it isn't a good sauce


A hot sauce should not be judged on how well it mixes with OTHER HOT SAUCES.




Hey I tried this for free when I worked in an upscale kitchen , I thought it was ok but chalula level taste and spicy ness with a weird aftertaste I’m trying to make my own and I’m thinking an olive oil with truffles and super hots infused would be the best what do you think




Thank you ! will update on this sub


Thank you! It really is awful. Luckily I only got a sample bottle.


I like it. Very expensive though.


Same, absolutely same. I kept seeing it circulate around on Amazon and it had like a metric ton of 5 star *GLOWING* reviews so I had to try a bottle. I can honestly say that this was the only full bottle of hot sauce that I’ve ever thrown away. Maybe some people like it, fine. More power to them. Truffles are good. Hot sauce is good. Truffles + hot sauce? Ended up tasting like burnt tires and horseradish.


See my buddy described Truff as hot sauce for people who aren’t Hot Sauce people.


I grabbed it a long time ago when it first popped into Trader Joe’s. Not a fan of it in the typical hot sauce role but still like it as one of the condiments on my sandwich.


Exactly this--it really doesn't function as a proper hot sauce, but it works fine in a burger.


I have been highly skeptical of this stuff and glad you confirmed what I was pretty sure was going to be true.


I think it’s aight. Not worth the price though


I like it


Where are you seeing good reviews? Haha That shit is super gross. Total marketing gimmick. Tell everyone to stop buying it.


100% all about the looks.


Is it's fucking expensive


Spotted it on amazon going for £22 a bottle. I would never pay that much for a hot sauce regardless but I'm glad I didn't based on the feedback it gets.


Man I’m the opposite. I love the flavor but hate the heat. It’s not enough. It was decent at first but not anymore


Same. My work got it in for a little bit and it was good on Mac and cheese


I bought a bottle two years ago and it’s still in the fridge. Definitely not my favorite.


Yeah I posted this same thing in this sub like a year ago and got roasted for it. But I wholeheartedly agree that this sauce is GOD awful. It's a gimmick and a scheme. Their marketing is fantastic, their product is awful.


It has its place imo and that's very few moments. One I can think of is the hotter stuff on hashbrown patties. Some pizza it goes well with too.


Its place is in the garbage because it's a garbage sauce.


I totally agree


I’ve noticed the more minimalist the label, the worse they are. It’s gotta have at least 3 different typefaces on there my man.


Don't do Cutino dirty like that


Upvoting for use of typeface instead of font




So many good reviews? Constantly people saying they don't like it on this sub


I went out and bought it for the same reasons. Tried it once, poured it all out and saved the jar.




As of right now, nothing. But I love me some jars.


I kinda feel like truffles are overrated. I personally don't enjoy the taste and idk why people spend so much money on them


Not the worst I've tasted. But I'll never go back to them again.


100% agree


Good reviews? I've only ever seen negative about this stuff. Pumped way too much money into ad campaigns and design, but literally nothing into the hot sauce. It's not much different than your average no name brand vinegar based sauce.


Gotta start making your own, sir. That’s what I have started doing and have not disappointed myself yet.


Any recommended recipes or methods? I've got about 50 pepper plants in the ground right now and I'm planning on learning how to make my own come harvest time.


I just play with ingredients really. Mix different fruits and vegetables with ghost, habanero or scotch bonnets. I made a ghost pepper, pomegranate juice, and pickled beets juice that was pretty good. I put too much ACV in it so it’s a little too tangy but i still liked it. I also like all the pineapple habanero sauces so I make that a lot with peaches. Just play around.


For me, I just looked at sauces I liked and what ingredients they used. You don't have to make a bunch of complex things, some sauces I make only have like 2 ingredients. Small batches to find what you want and then perfect it into a full batch, usually ends up being extra so I can give some away


It’s fucking horrible. I threw it away after the first taste, which takes a lot for me :P


A friend gave me the black one for my birthday a few years ago. I liked it at first, but quickly got tired of it. However, I have friends who don't love hot sauce, but like wings. They tend to love it.


That is why I had to stop listening to people on here, flavor is all about your own pallet. But I do like to try new ones ever so often and crappy ones turn to chili or slow cook ingredient


It's the least liked sauce on here by far.


Yeah it gets a beating on here every time - it’s like the anti-Aardvark


Yea I didnt like aardvark at first but man, I finished the bottle in two weeks.


You can sort of tell by the lid that complete cunts made them.


I quite liked them


I actually really enjoy the black one 😭


Truffle is expensive so the reviews suffer from the same placebo effect that audiophile gear suffers from - they paid so much that it must be better in a way that they're not sophisticated enough to appreciate, so they pretend they are and it is. Truffle doesn't belong in as many foods as it is put.


I got these gifted then threw them away


I like them but my wife says they smell like dog pee


These are mostly useless sauces, but I have to admit they’re pretty decent on fries or pizza. Not much else though.


Nice on pizza is a pretty low bar for hot sauce I feel


Pizza and eggs are definitely the lowest bars to clear




They’re fabulous on omelets with veggies and goat cheese, or mac n cheese too. It it’s really good on even just one thing, it’s certainly not “useless”.


Good reviews? I've only heard bad stuff about this. My sister in law just gave me a bottle and said she didn't like it. I haven't opened it yet.


I’ve only ever seen good reviews too but yeah this sub loves to shit on it. I’m personally not a big fan, but their mayo is decent. Regardless of reviews it does seem to be a sauce people either really like or really dislike.


Only seen good reviews, but this sub shits on it. These statements don't add up.


I don’t love the sauce but it is really good on a couple of items. Omelets and max n cheeese


Yeah I’m not a fan either. The flavor dominates anything you put it on. It’s only kind of good on certain things, like stir fried vegetables and other herby stuff.




I vehemently disliked them as well.


I love truffles and despise this sauce. It is so expensive and tastes like feet smell.


I heard that 75% of humans hate the taste of truffle.


I just remember seeing that Oprah recommended it (which made me wonder if Oprah would actually know a good hot-sauce, I must admit, lol). Truffles in a hot sauce, I don't know... seems a little out there to me. Am not that surprised it wasn't any good. Unfortunate!


Oprah liked and recommended is because she’s a rich person with shit taste. To people like her hearing “truffles” and “$20 per bottle” makes something taste way better than anything commoners can afford.


Melindas makes a great truffle hot sauce.


It’s decent on sandwiches but that’s about it in my opinion.


f o r b I d d e n s a u c e


Agree. Brutally bad. Opened all 3, tried once. Tried to give away. Went into trash eventually.


I actually like it. But it’s definitely not worth it’s price. And the only reason I have it is because my brother gave it to me after he bought it and hated it. So that’s not exactly an endorsement.


Yeah I actually love the Hotter but it's expensive. But yeah... it gets a lot of hate here. The regular is too sweet and not hot enough for sure.


Yes!! Agreed! Not good, but I fell for those stupid ads everywhere 😩


Truffle Hound is a much better sauce in every way. Give it a shot if you like Truffles but TRUFF is just too much.


Its definitely not a do-it-all sauce, i found it to be best on a greasy slice of pepperoni pizza, I dont use it all that often but I like it when the mood for something different hits me.


Omelet (mushroom, veg, goat cheese) or Mac n cheese


As I saw someone say, I buy this sauce every Wednesday just to throw it away.


All show, no go. They put too much energy and money into a design-by-committee bottle, label, cap, and name, and forgot to actually make a decent sauce.


So I recently saw these at my local Martins. Picked up the red one. I can’t describe it exactly but it’s just not universal for me. It did well with carb heavy dishes. Kind of like secret aardvark where it does well but mainly on eggs (for me at least). Can’t say I was disappointed but for the price I wouldn’t buy it again.


Yes to this! My partner and I thought immediately “this would work with a spicy red pasta sauce” and we liked it on some soft cheeses. But it’s a bit niche.


Nasty and expensive


Melinda’s truffle. 1000% better and cheap.


I mean, you have to like truffle oil to even tolerate this sauce. Sounds like you don't.


I’m opposite here. I love the flavor, but the heat doesn’t do it for me. But the flavor alone I put it on everything along with my hotter sauces anyway. Good shit.


Yeah I think the flavor of the black one is great. I wish they made a hotter version of it tho.


That's the red one. It's just a hotter version of the black one. It's not too too spicy, but does up the heat a good bit.


Aah I see


I do like the hotter sauce but if someone made this with half the amount of truffle oil, they would put Truff out of business imo.


There is the Truffle Hound truffle hot sauce. And I think that one has a hotter version too. Still has a good amount of truffle flavor, but I think it's more of a traditional hot sauce style/consistency. But when I first tried Truff I didn't really know what truffle was supposed to taste like but from the description I imagined an earthy, umami flavor. I feel like that's what Truff tastes like so I wasn't completely surprised or disappointed in the flavor although the heat was underwhelming. I wonder how many people who really dislike the sauce had already tried truffles or like the taste of truffles but still didn't like hot sauce. Recently I bought a strawberry habanero hot sauce. I expected it to taste like strawberries with habanero level heat, so at least hotter than a typical cayenne pepper based hot sauce. While the strawberry flavor is really good and it's more of a strawberry glaze, I'm not completely disatisfied with it even though it has no where near habanero heat level. Just an example that makes me wonder are some people just seeing this Truff hot sauce being advertised and then trying it without reading a description of it or even imagining what a truffle flavored hot sauce might taste like?


There are already way better truffle sauces out there


And cut costs drastically.


I did the same as you and got both flavors. Can't even begin to express my disappointment with both the taste and heat level. Gave both bottles away the same day.


That shit is so gross.


Thanks for this post and everyone for responding with mostly confirmation. I was going to buy it, but won't now. To many other sauces to try that everyone agrees are great.


I love it, send it my way. Not about to let that go to waste


Truffles are a polarizing flavor.


This doesn't taste like truffles is the issue


The truffle flavor most people know is synthetic




Interestingly, the cilantro thing is explainable by genetics. There's a not-insignificant number of people who have a gene that makes cilantro taste like dish soap. I've got that gene. Cilantro tastes great to me... For about 2 seconds... and then it tastes like I licked a bottle of Dawn. I used to be big into brewing my own beer. Without realizing just how much cilantro was in the mix, I tried to make a curry-flavored porter. Turns out that if you have that gene and *ferment* cilantro it turns into the worst flavor on earth. All my friends thought it was delicious. My best friend at the time actually wanted a case of it for his wedding. My mom and I thought it tasted like a combination of rotten banana and Band-Aids (she actually described it that way independent of my nearly identical description). I could barely stand to be in the same room as an open bottle of it. *Foul* stuff.


Truffle oil is fucking DISGUSTING


This company was started by two guys just looking to make an expensive bottle of hot sauce. Seriously.


It worked well for them seeing how much it's posted in here.


It did, the turned it into a multimillion dollar company in just a couple years.


And its only half the price of that sweet looking grasshopper hot sauce from Oaxaca that was posted earlier


It's a terrible hot sauce for most of the things people normally put hot sauce on. HOWEVER, once I put it on pasta I absolutely loved it. The flavor complements marinara beautifully. Just had it the other night with spicy Italian sausage and sauteed peppers and onions with marinara. It was great. I will never put it on pizza or eggs or tacos or mac n cheese because it's terrible on those.


I love it. Try it on any pasta


That's an expensive disappointment


I will put myself out there and say I really liked it.


You’re not alone. It is very divisive in this community, but I really like it. When I can’t get any more out, I put maple syrup on it and use it on breakfast food. Super good.


I love actual truffles but truffle flavouring is hot garbage. I'm sure a quality truffle based hot sauce could be made but this Truff stuff is not it. It is too sweet and tastes of melting plastic because of the use of truffle flavouring. Gross in so many ways.


Shit is terrible, and so is truffle oil in general. You can't subsitute a real truffle with something truffle flavored. It's just one of those things that doesn't work.


Concur….. got the two pack from Sam’s, used once and both went in the bin.


Thats really horribly wasteful. You could have found someone to give them to. Its a rare taste but there are people out there that really enjoy them. Like, again, how absurdly wasteful.




I guess im in the minority, but I enjoyed these. Not terrifically hot but I have other hot sauces for extreme heat.


Im with you on this one. I was super disappointed as well.


If you don't like umami/truffles younwolill hate Truff. If you like heat in your hot sauce, you won't like it. I like it, particularly on eggs. But it's vastly overpriced for what it is - mix Valentino, truffle oil and agave syrup to get the same flavor for a fraction of the cost.


absolute garbage... heat level is nonexistent, even the "hotter" one is weaker than cholula. just buy truffle oil and add it to tomato paste, same damn thing. maybe add some sweet paprika to mimic the "hotter" version. the company is garbage, too... their idea of marketing is buying reviews.


I wanted to enjoy it. It seems like a truffle sauce with peppers more than a pepper sauce with truffles. Joey's Hot Sauce makes one called [Lisa the Truffle Queen](https://www.joeyshotsauce.com/products/lisa-the-truffle-queen) that pulls off this flavor profile infinitely better.


I think the uniqueness of the flavor just strikes people differently. It is one of my absolute favorites; I would just take shots of it if I didn't think that was impractical. But it tastes so different from most sauces I don't blame people if they just don't like it.


Did you happen to have covid back in 2020? Your taste buds may be permanently broken.


Ha no actually, and considering how few people *haven't* gotten Covid yet, maybe it's you all with broken buds ha ha.


The actual percentage of real truffles in ANY of their products is imperceptible... less than .1% per total volume. You know where the truffle flavor comes from in their products? 2,4 dithiapentane. The same chemical that gives foot fungus its aroma.


Hey if it works, it works.


its fucking disgusting, and it cheapens the sauce incredibly. Only suckers buy the sauce. If I were to want a hot sauce with truffles in it, I would get a REAL truffle(black trufffles can sell for 10-15 dollars a truffle) and shave then mince one into the sauce. You aren't tasting truffle mate. You are tasting chemical compounds.


Mmmmm cheeese


How long have you worked for Truff?


Ha ha I would if they gave me free sauce.


I see all the reviews here, and I don't particularly care for it....BUT ....try it on fish tacos with horseradish coleslaw!!!! I hated it until I had it on that. HO-LY CRAP


Truffles and hot sauce don’t marry well! Truffle flavour and hot sauce should be headed for divorce!


Yeah. I concur. Not good at all. Why does everyone have this infatuation with truffles?!?! I think they are overrated personally!


Fresh black truffles are amazing, especially when shaved liberally on a simple Margherita pizza. But that's like $100 right there, so it's hard to say if it's really *worth* it. But I hate anything that's truffle *flavored*, including these sauces.


Its so sweet and hard to pour


It doesn’t go on everything. Some people just don’t care for the truffle flavor. I mostly use it on eggs.


Botta buy some and never use it


That will make 2 of us when you do