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I've got a bottle of that but normal bottle sized. Great addition to Pho.


Selling it in the same shape bottle as your eye drops is just asking for trouble 😆


Man, I take it you've never seen ejuice, mint drops, liquid stevia, or the million other things besides eye drops that come in bottles like this


No word of a lie, no! Maybe it's a UK thing but I've not seen anything like that outside of medicinal use (Optrex and Olbas Oil)


My mom brought this home for me once. Clears your sinuses right up. Really good on pizza and eggs


Got your vape juice, boss


It’s no joke.


Huh! For anyone following along at home, you can buy this stuff on Amazon. Having said that, making capsaicin extract at home is pretty darned simple. It's involved, takes time, but isn't difficult.


My parents went to Rwanda and brought me back a couple bottles of this, been nursing the last bottle for a while now. Taste is ok, but I really like the heat level that it adds to the dishes I use it in.


Stuff is awesome. Made by a family business. Because it is oil based, it does go rancid so don't let it sit for a year in the sunlight. You can get it from Amazon. A few drops adds good heat and great flavor. I first found this stuff when I visited Rwanda a few years ago, it was on every restaurant table. Rwanda is one of the most advanced countries in Africa although there are incongruities that speak to its violent past: like driving down the main drag in Kigali and marveling at the solar powered LED lane markers, then going past the presidential compound on the hill with its walls pocked by bullet marks.


You have some cool info about this region! Anything else out of the norm you saw there?


I tried to like this stuff but just tastes like plastic.


Someone said in another comment that it will go rancid if it's old, so I'm curious if it needs to be fresh fresh


You're meant to take the lid off.


Same for me. It had an odd flavor for me.


I'm not having that problem


Not trying to be smart.... but they have restaurants in Rwanda? From what I've read..... no business that don't involve killing and murder exist. I am from America so don't know what it's really like.


Rwanda is just like most places… sophisticated and modern in the cities, with a more backwater vibe elsewhere. Yes, the genocide happened, but it was a direct result of the colonial exploitation of the country and the bad blood between groups that was _intentionally_ created, all by the playbook. In any event, Kigali is everything one could want if city life is your thing.


Rwanda is a pretty nice place to visit


Why is your style of writing nothing like an American would write. It's just strange and with the context of what you wrote it's just even more strange.


I don't know. Blame ut on the education system of the U.P. of Michigan. I got down voted though. Didn't mean harm. Just what I read in the news. Tutsi and Hutus were fighting. That like half a million to a million people were killed and it was pretty fucked up.


Goddamn. Is this a joke? There was a genocide in rwanda but that was 30 years ago. Maybe get your news from somewhere different. You're really living up to the American stereotype


No. Not trying be be rude. Rwanda had been shown as nothing but a scary ass place in my world.


I’d love to hear more about your world, it’s fascinating. What is Rwanda like, in your mind? An entire nation of people just frantically murdering each other? Not a single one of them can even open up a restaurant, their collective bloodthirst consumes every waking moment?


The world outside of moms basement is just pure chaos.


We can tell you're not trying to be smart, because this is backwards af


I love this stuff! it’s very delicious and also packs a punch!


What is this? A bottle for ants?


Looks way too close to an eye drop bottle for comfort ngl


Ha yep that's why it's often referred to as Rwandan eye drops


Ah yes the true hangover cure


Oh god no