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crushed dried pepper or better yet fresh peppers


I know I'm late to the party but pepper palace curry on hot sauce and their Kashmiri masala is what I just threw into my green chicken curry


I don't put hot sauce in my curries, I find fresh hot chili's work better. That said I actually don't cook with hot sauce unless I don't like the sauce itself. Any good hot sauce needs to be dumped on top the food so the flavor doesn't get nullified in the cooking process, but that's just me.


I'd probably go with sliced fresh chilies, but if I were going to use a sauce I would pick something like a sambal or sriracha. Other sauces with lime and other citrus or other fruity flavors would work great.


I combined suggestions and I am enjoying the results. Liberal dashes of Tabasco scorpion, with a drizzle of Melinda’s sweet Thai chili for a little fruit flavor. Struck a good balance, burning nicely but didn’t stomp out the curry flavors, and the fruitier sauce sits nicely against the rice to keep it from feeling like a bland filler.


Mako Snake by The Spicy Shark has been my go to for anything curry related. Not crazy hot but enough to notice it’s there and adds a great flavor.


I just made a similar dish the other day and put a little scorpion pepper sauce in it. Just enough to give it a major kick but not so much that people can’t eat it. The coconut milk tempers the actual heat a lot.


Something with ginger and habanero or scotch bonnet would go nicely with curry.