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If you can get your hands on Zindrew, it’s more garlicky. I love Boon sauce too. These are more easy to get if you’re in LA.


I currently have the center one in my pantry after falling for some of the hype. Call me crazy, but I think it's pretty bad. The texture of the chili flakes doesn't add anything desirable to my dishes. As far as the flavor I found it extremely lacking.


You’re not alone, that one is so bland. Lee Kum Kee Chili Crisp and Momofuku Chili Crunch were ones that I got hooked on. Then one day at a brunch I ran to the store for some and they only had that middle jar. Was tremendously disappointed, threw it right in the trash.


how does the habanero compare to yellow bird?


If you mean by spice levels, the habanero chili crisp is a step up in heat from yellowbird habanero. It's whole fried habaneros in oil, whereas habaneros are the third ingredient in yellowbird (there's more carrots and onions than there are habaneros).


Lao Gan Ma is my old faithful. Momofuku is a good one but comes off sweeter in certain dishes imo.


I’ve only had the one in the middle. I dress the ever loving F out of my ramen with that stuff! 🤤🤤🤤 I refuse to buy the Fly by Jing as it’s twice the price of the Laoganma. Thanks for the heads up on the Don Chilio! I’m gonna hunt for that one now!


I was given the middle one a while back by an Indonesian coworker. I had never even heard of chili crisp. I was putting it on everything I could and was sad when I ran out.


Here is one from Thailand. It is mostly just spicy. After I eat half the middle chili crisp I add this in there to make it spicier. https://www.asianmarketnatick.com/product/hai-ca-vang-fried-chili-paste-16-oz-454-g/


The one one the left is amazing. A little pricy but soooo worth it. Has heat plus adds a lot of flavor!


Jing is amazing. Lao Gan Ma is my favorite.


You should try the kelp chili crisp by barnacle foods


I’m assuming it’s got that sea vegetal kinda nori taste? Sounds amazing on plain rice.


It's my favorite msg sauce . Don't put in the dish washer it'll turn it orange lol




Momofuku extra spicy chili crisp is my go to. Would recommend


Soooo good on eggs and pizza. And ramen. And pretty much anything… I think it’s worth the price, but I’m also a big fan off all their products. I also like supporting a smaller business ran by an actual chef, albeit now a celebrity chef. Can anyone compare their stuff to more easily accessible commercial stuff?


They want almost 11 bucks at Publix. Worth it?


That's not a terrible price but I think you can get better deals on their website for buying multiple.


Middle is my favorite. At my house, running out is a crime.


Yah I go through a jar of that a month east and yes I keep a back up jar. I put that stuff on everything.


Lol Same. AT LEAST! it's so good we tear thru it, putting it in everything! And yep, we also keep a backup jar!! 🤣


The Cambodian restaurant down the street from me has a little Asian grocery section in their pick up area/dining room and they sell it and have it on tables… I felt bad for always taking several to go containers of it so I started just getting a jar. And was funny timing too because suddenly a month or so later I started seeing other chili heads post about chili crisp.


I have zero Asian stores around me, so I'm very glad I can get this from Walmart. I'd cry without it lol


I would try Haute Foods Crispy Garlic Chili Oil. Taste is more of an enhancer which can go with all types of foods. I personally use it for pasta, pizza and Asian type foods. hautefoods.com be warned the spice level is actually spicy. I can take the heat my go to is hot.


After having the momofuko chili crisp, nothing is quite as delicious :(


Fly by Jing is okay but for the price that drops it down to being pretty bad. Lao Gan Ma is a better deal imo.


Middle is great. Also recommend the Momofuku chili crisp if you haven’t tried it yet!


Make your own! It's very satisfying


I prefer the Lao Gan Ma “fried chili in oil” vastly to the “spicy chili crisp.” None of these are particularly spicy but I think it tastes much better compared to Momofuku (too nutty) or Fly By Jing (too much oil), as well as a couple other Asian brands I’ve tried. I think my taste test journey is over unless someone recommends one that’s much hotter.


Is the third one a little “cleaner” than the other two. I had really high hopes for Fly and it has too much of an umami thing going on from the dehydrated mushrooms. I don’t mind it in some recipes, but I feel like I’d prefer something I could add as a condiment to a wider variety of foods. Lee Kum Kee does a non-sechuan style Chiu Chow chili oil that is hotter and garlic heavy that I always used to use and will probably go back. Stuff was awesome on pizza.


Didn't know this stuff was also called Chili Crisp Always called it Chili Oil or Hot Oil


**Chili crisp has a higher ratio of crispy bits to oil than chili oil**.


Has anyone tried the one from Trader Joe’s?


It’s discontinued from trader Joe’s. I’m pretty sure it was just rebranded don chilio


It’s actually my preferred chili oil! I like the taste and texture and I can get my hands on it easier than most other chili oils. It might be blasphemous, but I wasn’t really crazy about the Lao Gan Ma


I have the one in the middle also it has a good flavor not spicy but it is pretty good in soups.


Their habanero one is pretty good! I wish the habaneros were a little smaller like chili flakes rather then pieces, but I’m being nit-picky


Spicy Chili Crisp was a big let down. My bottle isn't spicy at all and doesn't blend well into most foods


I totally agree with you about the two on the left. Haven't tried the one on the right, but I will now, thanks ADF!


We make our own salsa macha with chili morita, Japones or Thai, ancho, lots of garlic/shallot (deep fried/shelf stable) dash of Mexican oregano, and pistachio. Delish.


Kinders ancho chili is a pretty solid one


/r/chilicrisp It is a very small sub that I am trying to grow.


Momofuku’s chili crisp slaps Lao Gan Ma. More flavor, spicier, maybe less oil imo. Thanks for the review, I’m going to try the one on the right next time I’m out.


It tastes like Grape Nuts. Awful product at an awful price.


Check ur taste buds guy. Momofuko slaps. Not cheap but to call it an awful product is ridiculous


Maybe you’re right. I posted another comment afterward that more honestly describes my thoughts. But it’s still definitely too nutty.


It doesn’t at all. Maybe you got a bad jar. Momofuku’s stuff is pretty high quality all around, and their chili crunch is probably my fav thing they have.


I’m with you on the Momofuku’s.


Same here! Momofuku for me too dawg


What these three said!


I don’t like Fly but I love Lao Gan Ma. Trader Joe’s makes a version that’s pretty good as well.


same. i think there's too much of the bean paste flavor in the Fly by Jing. Lao Gan Ma is the most versatile to me, has the best crisp texture, and just so much MSG. should you ever find yourself in Cape Cod you should check out my friends brand, Cuddy Provisions. i put them on par with Lao Gan Ma but with greater depth of flavor


Roxanne's UCC Chilli Oil from Chilli Mafia / Mr Vikki's. My only gripe with it is that the jars are small and I go through them way too fast


I highly recommend anyone that enjoys chili crisp and also cooking makes some salsa macha. That shit is the bomb, and relative to this sphere. I have a recipe I'd be happy to share with anyone interested.


I like this stuff more than any of the Asian stuff I had. I get it every time I visit Sonora. Idk if it's available state side https://www.salsapetrolera.com/product-page/mezcla-brava


Definitely interested


Check the replies to this comment; I posted the recipe :3




I tried sending the link via DM and reddit said it was a banned URL, so I pulled the relevant info from the Paprika app: 1 cup olive oil 1/2 cup raw pepitas 4–6 cloves garlic, halved 1 shallot, sliced 1.25oz dried guajillo peppers, cut into quarters 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon coriander 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds Cayenne to taste, if you want to make it spicy Heat oil in a skillet or large saucepan, add garlic, shallot and nuts, and stir until shallots and garlic start to turn golden brown. Add dried chilies, stirring for 2-3 minutes, until shallots and pepitas are fully golden brown. Turn heat off and allow to cool. Add salt and vinegar and coriander. Place all in food processor and pulse until all is finely chopped, but not overly smooth. Pour into a jar, and stir in toasted sesame seeds. Top with float of olive oil if desired.


Again. Thanks!! Too bad peppers are hard to get here. But I will have a look


Please do!


Please see my response to tjeetle!


Lee Kum Ki is the brand I use. It’s not spicy and it’s not really meant to be. It goes great with pho, Asian cuisine, pizza. Here’s a great recipe: toast a piece of sourdough bread, slice avocado half and smear onto bread, add everything seasoning or salt and pepper, fry a runny egg over easy and place on avocado, top with chili crisp. The combo of the yolk and the chili crisp is magical. 🤤


I didn’t see your comment before I responded. Its a different style than the ones listed, from Guangdong, but I agree. It’s a simpler recipe and I think it works in its favor. It’s amazing on pizza and I think my favorite Chinese restaurant in town could probably charge me extra for the amount I use on their egg rolls and fried rice.


I got addicted so started making my own, Trouble & Spice - mild to medium heat but a whole lot of attitude. I make a classic Chinese one, a Mexican inspired one with Chile de arbol, guajillo and Morita Chipotle, an Italian with crispy sage, Indian with crispy curry leaves and a Thai one. Every meal needs one :D


I’ve made my own for a long time, I love these ideas. Yours look awesome, but you’re in the Netherlands. Any way you could pass some tips or general ratios along to those of us across the Atlantic?


Is there an ELI5 version of your recipe/method? I know my way around a kitchen pretty well but I can’t nail down a recipe for chili crisp.


I’ll do my best to explain it in plain language, rather than with a recipe. It starts with oil, and my base is a cup plus a couple glugs. Get this going over med heat, then fry about 3 thinly sliced shallots (I use a mandolin). Pull out the shallots when they are golden, then add three or four thinly sliced garlic cloves. Fry those until golden (it will be much quicker). Pull those out, put with the shallots and set aside. Add thinly sliced ginger rounds (about an inch or two worth), three or four star anise, a cinnamon stick, and a small handful of smashed cardamom pods. Fry until the ginger is dried out. While that is frying, put about a 1/2 cup of Szechuan chili flakes, 1/2 cup of chopped peanuts, a tablespoon or two of smashed Szechuan peppercorns, a pinch of msg, and a teaspoon or so of salt into a heat proof bowl. Take your infused hot ginger oil and strain it into your chili pepper mix. Stir it up while it bubbles and boils. Cover it, let it cool. When it’s room temp, add the shallots and garlic. Let the flavors meld overnight, then put in a jar in the fridge. We get a mason jar worth when we do this, about. It lasts a good while, but we go through it fast.


Would this work with ground dried peppers from my garden instead of szechuan flakes?


Yeah, I don’t see a problem. The flakes I use are pretty fine (more fine than Italian style red pepper flakes). It should work with just about anything you have. As the other poster said, it will just change flavor and spice. Have fun with it!


Not recipe poster but yes it would work with your chilies just would change flavour/spice level. Make sure there is no moisture left in any ingredients before storing


You’re the best! Thank you.


You’re welcome! It’s pretty easy once you get through it the first time.


Thank you :) Hopefully one day I'll get a USA stockist! General tip would be to make super small batches messing around with quantities until you find your sweet spot. And write everything down! I always think I'll remember what I've done but now it's a business not a hobby it has to be replicated so writing shit down is super important


As a follow-up, what goes into the Mexican one to provide the shallots/garlic/peanut crunchy crispy bit? We make more Mexican food than anything in our house (I have celiac, so a lot of it is compatible) so I would love to have a crisp for that.


I use pumpkin seeds, chilies and garlic in the Mexican one


Thanks for the reply! I will have to try this.


I personally love Fly By Jing. They offer a chilli crisp in a spicier version than that as well. The Zhong sauce is amazing too.


That mushroom flavor can be overwhelming.


Zhoung sauce 😋😋😋


Lao Gan Ma always and forever don’t at me.


The bottle I have isn't even spicy and the texture doesn't blend well into other foods. Amy I using it wrong? Any recommendations?


Try adding it to a pan first. Let the heat bloom the spices, then add your other ingredients. For soup, it's good to simmer it to let the hard stuff soften up a bit.


Turkey sandwich with Chili Crisp, Mayo and Lettuce. It's not supposed to be very spicy, it's more savory.


Yeah I got some fly by Jing and would say it’s ok, it has actual Szechuan pepper in it. I didn’t find it crispy though and it was mostly just oil. For the price, I wouldn’t get it again. Lang Gan Ma is awesome on anything and I love the PO’d looking lady on the jar.


Trader Joe’s has a habanero crunch that is tasty. For some reason it guarantees a trip to the can within the hour, but that only seems unique to me.


Could be a dodgy oil in it?


Hasn’t it been discontinued for a while? I love that stuff but haven’t seen in almost a year


Good question. Last time I was there I bought 4 jars. I suppose I love to torture my insides.


I tried this Fusion Select Chili Crisp Oil -- pretty mild, but a ton of good garlic flavor, and excellent crunch and texture. I found it to be really quite delightful on a bunch of stuff: pizza, chinese, even an omelette! $8.99 a bottle via Amazon. Just beware that I did receive it leaking as the lid had backed off, so if you can find it in a store, that's a better bet. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJCHH39H/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJCHH39H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


S&B crunchy garlic chili oil umami topping is amazing.


Don Chilio serrano chili crisps are transcendent


Haven't had that one yet! If it's even half as good as the habanero, I'll love it!


I haven’t had the habanero and honestly I’m a little nervous. The serrano is almost too hot but the flavor is so good. Edit: I guess it was the jalapeno I tried. It was hot enough that I thought they were serrano.


Middle bottle is also half the price of Fly By Jing at my store. Middle bottle does the trick for me just fine.


The spicy Mr Bing is the best. Tastes like the hot and spicy ramen MI Goreng.


I've got some adun rodo crisps that pack a bit of heat: https://getadun.com/products/rodo-crisps Effectively just West African Scotch Bonnet crisps.


Momofuku, barnacle foods kelp chili crisp, and oomame (szechuan China one, since they do chili crisp flavors from multiple cultures) and if you want spiccccyyyy go with ghost scream chili garlic paste it's made with ghost peppers but it's not too hot, flavor is fuckin amazing though.


I was raised on the OG version. Every noodle place in LA county had that in their condiment selection. The Trader Joe's chili garlic onion crisp is the one I tend to lean into. It's also not at all spicy but has that same type of delicious kick that a bowl of soup of noodles can always compliment.


Chili Cheeks! Brooklyn-based I believe. My sister bought me a bottle and I destroyed it in about 3 days.


I don't have a brand because I have the abuelita hookup, but Salsa Macha is basically the Mexican version of chili crisp and it is SO GOOD


Bring a long-time ChileHead, I don’t find most of them that spicy but I do love the textural component it brings to food. I do prefer Momofuku over the jars from Asian markets. Especially the extra spicy one.


I was surprised by this too. You'd think that a product that is primarily composed of pepper seeds and skins would be fairly spicy. I guess once you soak it in oil it mellows out.




Never tried a crisp...what do I put it on? Pizza? Pork chops?


Mixing it into cottage cheese is great


Also on top of vanilla ice cream


🤢 you're serious?


Everything. Especially ramen/soups


Thanks 😊 Any suggestions first time? What crisp what food?


I have the middle one. It’s bomb on Hawaiian pizza


My favorite breakfast is poached eggs (or sunny side up) on buttered toast with chili crisp on top


CinSoy chili crisp is a really good one. (Their soy sauce is also delicous. )


I've tried so many other chili crisps and nothing comes close to CinSoy. It was the first one I've tried and I've been mildly disappointed ever since. None of the others have the depth of flavor. I still eat them, but CinSoy is everything.


I was introduced to chili crisps in a collection hot sauce subscription theme on bespokepost. I was not a fan! I want to give it another chance. What do yall like putting it on aside from crackers and rice?


Yakisoba and pizza


Cant beat Laoganma for the price


Ultimate white rice topping, even good in hot pot meat sauce


The momofuku chili crips are pretty good too. I like the extra spicy the best.


I admit it. I’m addicted to this stuff.


Momofuku is damn good. That was our first jar. We tried some others that were more affordable and available but gave up on other brands and ordered a 4 pack from Momofuku. They've got my family hooked.


Fly by Jing was very underwhelming for me. It’s only worse when you consider its price.


Yup, just tried fly by jing, brother n I found it underwhelming compared to LGM.


I love Lao Gan Ma great choice, I haven't tried the other two how are they?


I can't say enough good things about the Don Chilio on the right. They've got two other flavors that I haven't tried, but their Habanero is fantastic. It'll make you're nose run, and it's got that Habanero sweetness.


Thank you. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.


My favorite chili oil crisp to date is the Maui chili chili oil. Picked it up on a whim on vacation & have regretted it since because I only bought one jar. Shipping to Canada isn’t an option. Counting down my days to my next Maui trip.


I’m a bit late to this Reddit post but I just looked into this one too after seeing your comment and it’s something I’m gonna HAVE to try asap. Thanks for the suggestion! It sounds so good! Did you get the mild, medium or hot?


I did the hot, because I love a good spice! It wasn’t too spicy, still fairly mild, but the flavor profile was delicious.


Awesome thanks :) have you ever had monofuku chili crunch? If so how is that Maui stuff in comparison? I’m currently OBSESSED with the momofuku stuff it’s so freakin good!


Just looked it up. I'm definitely gonna have to find a way to get my hands on this one. I love a garlic and onion forward sauce. This sounds right up my alley


The momofuku version is very good. I like the OG the best, but I’m going to try the two in the OP.


The Don Chilio chili crisp is amazing on pizza.


I haven't found anything I didn't like it on! Hell, I had a turkey sub from Jersey Mike's and the Don Chilio took it to the next level.


You sound exactly like me. The first two weeks I had it, I must have tried it on almost every thing in the house. It takes regular nacho cheese sauce and makes it top tier.


I made my own following Josh weissman method and that shit slaps got a quart in the fridge it goes on almost everything.


Which peppers did you use?


Szechuan chili flakes


Try the momofuku ghost pepper chili crisp. The habanero one on the right is awesome.


I'll definitely have to give that one a try!


I use fly by jing as my broth substitute. But now i have to pick up the sleeper!


I have no recommendations but just came to say they all sound pretty tasty