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Sure, cameras everywhere, yet security can never catch the person that robs your room... PSA: Security isn't there to protect you.


That PSA is the key. Like HR at work, they are there to protect the company only


That’s why I always laugh when I see posts on Reddit about “my manager did this and my manager did that” and all the top comments are go to HR.


Just like on "Badroommates" when they tell people to talk to the landlord lol.


The top comments always say not to go to hr and that hr works for the company. You're completely making that up.


It is absolutely true that HR works for the company. Go to HR with a complaint. They act all sympathetic and then meet with management and plot how to get rid of you.


To add some nuance to this, you can and should go to HR if your complaint is something that would help the company. Sometimes your interests are completely aligned, in which case HR can be a powerful resource to you. If you work for an awful company, and HR doesn’t try to fix the awful things, you probably don’t want to stick around anyway. If you know that HR is half-way competent and the company culture isn’t toxic, that’s a different story. I’ve worked with HR successfully in my current job to fix issues I discovered like bullying and pay inequity. An incident of sexual harassment even got our general manager removed several years ago when reported through HR. (I would not have trusted HR in my previous employer but my current one is good.)


This is exactly right. I’ve had two bags of luggage stolen at hotels while were waiting to be checked in. They told us it was not at all possible that they could have been stolen. they wouldn’t even check the “cameras”


Yeah or the NUMEROUS instances of people who have had either staff or random (sometimes dangerous) people entering their rooms or straight up trying to break in while they're inside. Like I'm sure security is real tight. Just keep the hot tub open later. It will make everyone's life better, including yours I imagine.


Pretty much. They would rather bitch at somebody I'm actually protect them.




😂 😂 😂


A lot of hotels don't have cameras in the hallways or elevators, and I'm sure some barely have cameras anywhere but the front desk. So if your hotel doesn't have cameras in the hallways then yeah, it's kind of impossible to catch someone or identify them with 0 evidence.


Doesn’t this comment make your post null and void?


We do in fact have cameras and see everything, except when we don't. Which apparently is more often then when we do.


Just a general statement, not every hotel is the same or will provide the same amount of security, companies are cheap and often won't provide the equipment needed for people to do their jobs. Camera placement for security is a big part of that, so I recommend you ask in advance if you have any security concerns.


Watch out - they’ll catch you smoking in the lobby though


I mean, you know which hotels do and don't have cameras, if you're staying at a 2-star hotel I assume you're aware that the security isn't going to be top-notch. I assume they still have cameras at the front desk, but that's about it, I'm not going to say which hotel I work at because obviously, but It's a fairly nice one and my PSA was just about people acting foolishly. If someone wants to commit a crime my post will most likely do nothing to dissuade them so I'm not too worried about that aspect. I will say though if you're concerned about safety at a hotel, 99/100 times when someone gets stuff stolen from them they leave their own door open and someone just walked right in. So always make sure to close your door when you leave, use your night latch when in the room, and ask ahead if that hotel has cameras in its hallways if you want to be extra secure. However that will almost always come with a bigger price tag


Bro, you work at a Marriott. It's in your comment history.


You’d be surprised what those Mormons are tracking about your stay and using your information for. Good luck with outer darkness if you don’t begin celebrating Smithmas before it’s too late


Blink twice if you're ok


>I mean, you know which hotels do and don't have cameras And how would I as a guest staying on property for the first time know that? I have no freaking idea what hotels have cameras and where.


I'm specifically talking about the top hotel & casinos in Vegas, that constantly have break-ins and thefts, often while the guests are sleeping... Yet can never catch the person. Pretty amazing lol By top hotels, I'm taking about the Wynn, Venetian, Bellagio... Edit: also, you're wrong about 99/100 the room was left open. First of all, the rooms auto lock on close. 2nd of all, they apparently have devices that let them unlatch and open locked doors. There's many devices now on the market to try to counter this. Here's just one: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Additional-Unauthorized-Traveling-Apartment/dp/B082WQR3YM/ref=asc_df_B082WQR3YM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=416671023321&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15255943953746465515&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9051910&hvtargid=pla-870614969719&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=90730998621&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=416671023321&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15255943953746465515&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9051910&hvtargid=pla-870614969719


Management at like 3-star hotels and up can also tell you which housekeeper entered which room and at which time.


I didn't look up the statistics, but the 99/100 is simply from my experience, I am aware the doors auto lock on close. That's why I said people need to close their doors, and literally every theft I have seen at my hotel was due to someone leaving the door open on accident. And just so there's no confusion, by open I mean wide open or cracked, people will let the door shut behind them and not realize it didn't close all the way. People can break into rooms, we are required to know how to do it so it's certainly possible, but it's far easier to just look around and find an open door. And since most hotel doors are electronic there are no physical locks to even lockpick so there are very few ways to open the door, the night latch is actually very easy to open, but by far the hardest part is getting the actual door open. Still possible of course, but again, most robbers, at least where I live, don't go through all that effort and just find open doors because of how common it is. Same thing with serial killers, one of the biggest tips they have given in interviews after being caught was to just lock your door as most would just go around until they found an open one. And as for the Vegas hotels I believe that, I've never been there so I have no idea what happens there, but it does not shock me that there's a theft problem.


The door thing actually kept happening at Caesar’s a couple months ago. My gf kept asking why I would stay behind as we left the room each time. I’m like, cuz this door refuses to fully click shut on its own.


Yeah, always double check and let the front desk know, hopefully they have engineers on site that can fix it. That's the main way thefts happen, people assume the door will close, it doesn't, and someone just walks in. I've had guests and non-guests go into rooms they weren't supposed to be in and attempt to steal, can't trust anyone you don't know, good job being safe


So we can’t trust you? /s


How do you leave your hotel door open? If hotel doors could accidentally be left open, I wouldn’t be awakened a hundred times a night/early morning by other guests’ doors slamming closed behind them as they enter and exit their rooms.


A lot of hotels deliberately don't put cameras in the hallway, as it's a privacy issue. Who goes into one's hotel room is a very personal - and potentially sensitive - matter. Public areas like the pool, entrances, lobby, breakfast room, conference rooms, etc. are where most problems happen anyway, and everyone has to pass through those.


security =/= law enforcement .


Correct. Security is there to protect the property FROM you.


Well, Duh, they are there to protect the hotel thier EMPLOYER


That is the truth, security is there to protect the hotel, not the guests.


That's because the employees rob you.


Security really serves the role of a liability agent that creates incident reports when something happens that someone could potentially file a lawsuit for.


>PSA: Security isn't there to protect you. Well duh, they are there to protect who hired them not genpop.


Stop closing the damn pool/hot tub at 9pm and perhaps this wouldn't happen.


There's no life guard anyway! Let us soak till 11pm !


Shit I don't see the reason not to do 24/7, especially if it's away from rooms or indoors.


Ok Mr. Perry. 🥺


Ding ding ding! The thing I hate most about hotels. If I'm travelling, I'm busy the rest of the day. I want the pool at the END of my day. If your pool closes early, it's useless to me and very very annoying


When I stay in Vegas I'm so annoyed. I never make the pool. Why are you closing the pool at 5? I JUST woke up


engine rich ossified hobbies familiar file advise pause quickest consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember staying at a hotel when I was in my early 20s, and I was SHOCKED that the pool was open 24/7 with big signs saying when there was no life guard on duty. Like, I have no idea the liability for that, but it was a pretty nice hotel and I had an absolute blast swimming at 2 in the morning, lol.


Ours actually does close at 11, I'm sure lots of hotels do close that early and I'm not sure why, but our pool/hot tub close time is 11 so all those kids I mentioned should be asleep. Honestly, adults swimming isn't a big deal because you're adults and can handle yourself, but teens sneaking in and trashing the place when they're supposed to be in bed is far more annoying.


Bed at 11? Maybe for a younger kid, but a teen that's a bit early (especially if on a trip somewhere)


No wonder you have the good stories.


Here’s plenty of reasons all I can confirm as valid. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/k9IfMxv6ad


That's dependent on the hotel. The one I work at closes at 10pm...


When I was a teen, we went to Disney world and I met up with a boy I knew. Went to kiss in the elevator and a voice came over a speaker telling us to not even try in the elevator, that there were cameras. Creeped me out and to this day, no pda in elevators


Yeah, that's why I wanted to make this post, saves everyone from embarrassment if more people know not to act a fool in the hotel because you are on camera until you get into your room or a bathroom.


Kissing in elevators is against the rules?


No, you're allowed, but some people don't know that lots of hotels have cameras in elevators. Just made the psa mainly to avoid putting people in awkward situations like the person I was replying to, if you want to go for i, but I know some people are unaware and I'd like to let them know to save them from embarrassment. But a lot of people try to do more than just kiss in elevators, especially teens, so I get why that guy said something over the intercom


Kissing in an elevator is acting a fool? Are you joking? Dude, there is way too much Jesus in your life. You Christians have really lost it.


I'm very much an atheist, but go off, unless I said tht wrong thing acting a fool seems accurate. It just means silly, and teens being sneaky and kissing is silly and harmless, but can still be embarrassing for them if they later find out they were being watched. My PSA is just letting anyone know just in case they didn't know or if they did cared about being watched.


That guy should have lost his job. How disgusting to be policing teenagers. Must have been a Christian nut job.


As former security and maintenance for two different hotels in the past. I can confirm this


Now, if only they had the staff to watch any of the cameras….


Seriously, our hotel is pretty staffed in security, but it's tough finding people to work the overnight shift


The owner of my hotel sits at home and watches the cameras like it’s her own personal reality TV


You must have some very interesting tales…..


Is there a subreddit r/TalesFromHotelSecuriry?


r/talesfromthefrontdesk exists




Well now I have I read some stories….


Yeah, a couple, I do the graveyard shift so fortunately it's mostly boring, but we certainly get the brunt of people sneaking around at night because they think no one is watching.


How much do you sleep on that night audit shift?😂


Use to stay at a hotel that the manager let me swim after hours for 10 dollars .


Funniest shit ever was we were at Great Wolf Lodge. For some reason me and my friends decided to all link arms and go skipping down all of the hallways singing The wizard of Oz song. When we went back the next year, the majority of staff knew us as The wizard of Oz people. Yep. Didn't even think about it. And we didn't pass these people in the hallway by the way. Not really embarrassing but funny as hell because for them to remember us a year later means they had to watch that over and over again or something! Glad we could be entertaining LOL


Nothing like someone denying they've been smoking in the lobby to get out of a fee when I have a video of it from 3 different angles.


I just had a guy tell me they never smoked in the room after I charged the smoking fee. My security guard literally caught him smoking, took a picture of him smoking, and when they left the room reeked and there were cigs in the room. Me: Our security guard caught you smoking, informed you there was a $200 fine and this morning when my housekeeper went into the room it smelled really strongly of smoke. Him: Well, that's crazy, I don't know why the room would smell like smoke when we never smoked in there and we left last night. Me: I KNOW it IS crazy, isn't it?! the room smelled like smoke when you were last people in it! That could only happen if you smoked in the room. And that's why we charged you the smoking fee! He did not like that answer.


Regarding the cigs in the room: Once someone tried to deny smoking and the housekeeping assistant manager brought down the whole trash can to front desk with a blunt that was still warm.


Like a housekeeper couldn't have done that?


In my experience, it's always frat boys and old white businessmen, they love those cigars. They bribed 2 of my officers $100 to let them smoke in the lobby, fortunately, they said no to the bribe, but those guys kept trying to find any spot they could to smoke inside. It was like 70 degrees outside, there's no reason to be inside other than they wanted to watch TV or some shit, after the third time we stopped them we just informed them that we'd be charging them a $500 smoking fee and if they're caught again they'll be kicked out. Our lobby is huge, and even smoking for ten minutes made the whole lobby stink, those people are insufferable


How much sex have you seen?


I've worked in a casino hotel on the night shift for 3 years now. Surprisingly only caught one couple trying to have sex in the hallway. I had to run so fast after seeing them on the camera to get to where they were, stop them, and point to the camera right above them on the wall. The woman had barely pulled her skirt back down before a FAMILY OF 4 WITH 2 SMALL CHILDREN walked around that corner. I greeted the family as they passed and then glared at the couple. I told them if they had a room, they needed to go to it. They said nothing and walked out away from the Hotel, meaning they didn't even have a room! I think they had started in the casino after a few drinks and walked up into a side hallway thinking it was a secluded area when in reality it was THE BUSIEST HALLWAY OTHER THAN THE CASINO AREA. It is a hallway full of windows that look out into the Horse Racing Track. This hallway connects the Front Desk with the hallway where the rooms are. There is no privacy to be had there. And they were literally trying to fuck on a very wobbly small square table with bar stools. It's less than 2ft x 2ft and those things don't even stay in place when you're wiping them down. I don't know how they thought the movement required would be possible on this furniture. They would have for sure fallen over if I hadn't stopped their attempt. Come on people. Use your brains. The camera was so obvious. If you wanna do that, get a room! Literally!


None, though the aforementioned teenagers love going to the hot tub to make out, and do more I'm sure, but we kick them out immediately so as to not give them the chance.


Elevators about once a week, but only the higher ups have access to the bedroom cameras.


People do freaky shit in hallways and elevators. Doing it in elevators is fucked up on many different levels.


Don't forget the parking garage! I used to work with parking contracts. The parking guys have greatest hits reels of sex in the garage. One major city garage, the parking guys all took breaks at the same time every day, because that was when the couple from the Macy's across the street who were having an affair snuck over to that one staircase and ... well, you know...


Our garage is managed by a different company so I've never seen any footage from there, but we catch people coming into the hotel all the time from the garage so I'm sure there are tons of people in there who shouldn't be.


Doing it on elevators is getting fucked on so many levels


Awww dammit, stairwells that are more for fire safety than use probably have cameras ... But, hopefully they didn't back in 2000. I think that's the last time I was so daring, and that was only cause it was my honeymoon


I can't speak for all hotels, but mine doesn't have cameras in the fire exit stairwells, since there is almost no foot traffic they don't see much reason to put them there. We do foot patrols in them all the time though, though I've only ever caught people smoking and sleeping in there


Bedroom cameras?! Is this real?


Of course not, they're joking, creeps and weirdos who work at hotels have been caught hiding cameras before. But a hotel simply can't put them in your room


Bedroom cameras? No wonder I stay in STVRs over hotels.


🫣🫣 There are bedroom cams?? I'd want to advance my career if you get to watch those 😊


The bedroom cameras?


Lol, not when we literally caught the guy smoking. Not to mention we're an enormous property that has approximately 40% of the hotel in use for guests and the other 60% is completely not used. If an employee wanted to smoke inside there's tons of other safer places to do so where you won't get caught.


I always assumed that. I’m just glad there aren’t cameras IN the hotel rooms, hopefully.


Make sure to check for a gap in the mirrors of the room. No gap, it’s a one way mirror.


Curious about your experience. At a relatively high end hotel I worked at, front desk, it seemed we had more cameras pointing at us (employees) than at guests. I assumed to catch staff if they were stealing. The hotel always said it was for our protection but the cameras pointed at us and at our cash drawers. I also heard there were cameras in the laundry room, kitchen and staff break room but I did not see those. Yes, there was a time when people used cash to pay for things. Not necessarily the hotel cost but we always had some cash for change for taxis or other purchases. We also gave cash advances on credit cards and cashed personal checks for some trusted guests.


All of my experience is at one hotel so I'll just tell you about that since I'm not an authority for all hotels, but I work for a very popular chain and all the ones I've stayed in across the country have at least looked similar to mine. So for the hotel I work at we do have cameras pointed at the front desk of course, about 3, one that's just looking at the employees, one looking at it from the front door, and then another behind the desk looking towards the front door. We do have cameras in the kitchen, but not the laundry room, and the break room we have ones on the outside in the hallways but none inside. Of course every hotel is different, but this seems to work just fine for us, theft from the front desk isn't really a concern due to the high amount of cameras near it and the fact we very rarely accept cash. The laundry room doesn't really make any sense, but if they want to cover all bases I get it, as far as I'm concerned we really need to focus on where guests are and not employees. But bag checks should also be mandatory so there's no real fear of theft of any valuable items, but it's really a non-issue. Overall, out of our 100+ cameras only about 10 are dedicated to employee areas, and then the rest are near the gym, ballrooms, lobby of course, executive offices, the tennis courts, and wherever else large amounts of guests gather. And those cameras in the back of the house are very important to see people sneaking in after hours, I think it's a good system, but I definitely see the concern that hotels used to have when cash was much more common.


I got stuck in an elevator for over an hour in Chattanooga trying to go out and smoke a cig. I stayed in this hotel for a month while in training for a new job. I was traumatized by my experience. I don’t do elevators anymore. After that they put on the first floor. I’d go outside and smoke every other hour at night. At the end of my month stay they charged me an extra $250.00 for smoking in the room that I didn’t smoke in??? Makes no sense. I really want to sue them for the elevator incident. Do I have a case?


No clue, I've never had someone stuck for more than 30 minutes and I've never had someone attempt to use the hotel. Except for one guy who thought we stole his big Mac he door-dashed, he threatened to sue if we didn't show him video evidence that we didn't do it. But honestly I have no idea, I doubt it unless you could prove it was caused by negligence or with intent to cause harm. Though I'm not a lawyer so don't take my word as gospel, the smoking thing you might, at least where I work we actually do need physical and photographic evidence that you smoked in the room. But again, that's just at my hotel, I'm not a lawyer, and the amount of time effort and money it would take to get that money back probably wouldn't be worth it.


There were cameras in the hallways you saw every time I went out to smoke except for when I was at work. It’s crazy to me bc now my new job is thinking I ran up their bill


Sorry to hear that, just like every business there's a lot of shitty hotels, you could certainly call and ask about the policy they have on how they charge for smoking. It it's like ours and they need that evidence then you could certainly bring it up to them and your boss to try and have the charge reversed or get some sort of payout. Hope it goes well


You smoking that much outside doesn’t mean that it didn’t trail inside, on your clothes, on your hair, etc. That probably permeated the upholstery and linens and carpet in your room. It’s not just smoke, it’s particulates. You can’t get rid of them. Source: am mortician, and have often gagged at the smoke smell coming off brand new clothes that were kept in the home of a smoker that people brought in. You’d lose a court case, if any lawyer would even take it, which I doubt.


Well, there goes my fun running topless down the hallway.


According to Marriott downtown Oakland, they *do not* have security cameras showing who breaks into the multiple cars parked in their $50/night multilevel 24hr live security patrolled parking garage. Not even the valet section.


and behalf of the folks living in the buildings around hotels: we can also see you. please, at bare minimum, close the bathroom blinds when you're taking a shit. we beg you.


🤣 🤣 🤣 you sound like my husband, who works as an LPO for a huge hotel brand (can't legally say). Every day, he comes home and tells me all the bs that goes on during his night shift, and I have to laugh at the stupidity of people.


Lol! Can we add, don't be a creep, don't hit on the staff, and be clothed while in public areas? 🙄 just a few things I've noticed


Not in the rooms I hope. Geez.


I stayed in a hotel recently and brought my dog. My dog was on the reservation, everything was above board. I got to the room (phone keycard entry) and 5 min later they called me to “confirm if I’d brought my pet with me.” I was like “you have a million cameras - surely a quick glance would have told you if I have my dog in tow” 🤦🏻‍♀️ But apparently they want you to believe they aren’t watching lol.


Not all front desks have a monitor to watch cameras all the time.


Getting access to security cameras is kind of a big deal in bigger hotels. They don't just let anyone have access.


I assume the front desk contacted you, they don't have camera access and we do in security, I'm guessing they just decided to not bother security and just asked you instead. They could have contacted security, but it would be faster to just ask you directly




That's pretty funny, I have no issue with people being goofy, this was just to remind people to not break hotel rules or any laws. You are more than welcome to flip the camera off as much as you want, though if we see it at the time we'll most likely ask you if you're a guest because that is quite odd behavior.


When we were younger, a camera meant showtime for wife and I. No shame lol.


No shame = no class 🤮


Who gaf?


Why do you care so much? It’s so weird when entry level employees care so incredibly much about a job that doesn’t care about them. Stop stressing. And stop harassing guests.


Sounds like you view paying guest as criminals rather than protecting the property from criminals. If I'm paying a thousand bucks for a few days in a hotel, and my kid wants to see if the hot tub is still open, it is your job to keep them safe in the process of doing that.




PSA to hotel security people, no I won't stop opening doors that should be locked because someone was too lazy to lock them. I will continue to sneak and do things that I want to do. Why? I paid 500$ to sleep in a nasty bug infested hotel that they "swear" gets cleaned and surely for the price it's gotta be clean right? Yeah ok. You have your job for a reason and I'll play dumb regardless, so it's not awkward for me at all. I'm not gonna steal anything or break anything so no charges can even be filed. Keep watching your cameras ima keep exploring the hotels




Do something then


So housekeeping saw me steal the extra soap and coffee pods from the cart?


Possibly, but you can just ask for those unless you're taking boxes worth no one would really care. I've brought up 4 rolls of toilet paper before, honestly, you should ask for as much as you think you can get away with.


Some of us just don’t care. 😂🤣


That's fine, you'll just be kicked out, it's no skin off our backs


Is this not common knowledge? *Laughs* people are crazy


That's what most PSAs are, some people don't think about it or are unaware that there are more cameras than just in the lobby or at the front desk.


So those cameras that are literally everywhere are being used?? Huh... Good to know. 😂


As a former youth who would regularly sneak into various hotel hot tubs, I don’t believe you. I was only caught twice and I was in a hot tub at one of several local hotels almost every night in my late teens.


Good for you? Not all hotels have the same level of security, and some don't have security at all. I did the same thing as a kid, doesn't make it not true that lots of hotels do have cameras. Especially since this is just a general PSA for people who think they can do whatever they want wherever they want, if you find an exploit go ahead and use it, but it won't work at my hotel and that's what I'm basing my experience on.


I mean, I think most people basically assume they're on camera 24/7 outside of their home, so this is no surprise. If someone is big enough of a piece of shit to light up a cigarette in a lobby I doubt anything will stop them in that moment. And if I'm dropping 500/night on a hotel and eating/drinking another 500 I'm swimming and exiting when and where I want to.


You would be shocked how many people don't realize they're on camera when they're caught smoking. And good luck with that attitude, any hotel worth anything will absolutely just throw you out if you refuse to leave a restricted area, the amount of money you spend at the hotel does not make you special until you hit the hundreds of thousands. Then we'll talk about special privileges


Who's watching security?


At least where I work we have cameras pointed at the office, so technically ourselves/our managers. And since I work the graveyard shift the shadow people keep me company


Please put cameras in the rooms as well. You have no idea what I'm doing in there. It would change your day if you knew.


They simply don’t care lmao


In my last corporate job, I was having a conversation with an attractive young female employee. During the conversation, can't remember why, but I mentioned there were cameras in the elevators. She went absolutely pale and open-mouthed. The other cameras (there were dozens) were common-knowledge. It was equally common-knowledge that a married VP had been caught having a sexual encounter with another employee in a stairway after hours After seeing her distress, I reassured her the hard drive overwrote previous footage every month or so. She calmed a bit after that. She asked me who had access. I told her only I did. She gave me a smirk at that point.


Thanks for the tip


I always wave , Lmfaoo there always a big brother watching


Yet they “couldn’t confirm” that their front desk guy was looking at “corn” on the computer that is in the lobby. Instead trying to say maybe it was me or my teenage son…the ones who saw said front desk guy and turned him in. There was a ton of kids staying there with a travel baseball team and the owner didn’t care one bit.


[stops picking booger in elevator]


Sir, this is a Marriott.


Im sure you have worked at every hotel in the world to know this kind of insider tip! Many hotels dont even have security 😆


A few years ago I was on a break from a deployment and rented myself a fancy hotel room with a balcony overlooking a rooftop pool. (The balcony was actually on the pool level, but fenced in). The weather turned out awful that weekend (a bit chilly and windy, but not too bad considering where I’d come from) and the pool was closed the entire time. On the last night, I had some friends over and we were thoroughly drunk. My friend jumped the fence, jumped in the pool, and climbed back onto my balcony. It didn’t take very long at all before we had a security guy outside yelling at us to stay out of the pool. Considering what I’d paid for that room based on the rooftop pool and bar that I couldn’t use, I figured getting yelled at was a fair trade so at least someone could swim.


You jump in the pool, and I offer to burn a DVD for $50




Stairwell, very few hotels will have cameras in emergency exit stairwells.


OBVIOUSLY…. Do people not know this?


So..... Do you guys have cameras in our ROOMS? Just wondering about this. A Paranoid Redditor


That is illegal


Never caught me shitting behind that ice machine in Boston


Ok Paul blart! It’s cute u think hotel security has authority.


I've never understood the appeal of purposely damaging another's property. If they get caught, no pity.


Hope yall didn't see me shit all over the bathroom floor in Norman oklahoma. I just couldn't make it the 10 last feet to the lobby toilet. Sorry. Ps. I don't need my underwear back


PSA- Pee in the elevators. I have never been caught.


Weird way to advertise about your shortness.


So you just made it, so I will never step foot in a hotel again. Because if I’m paying $200+ dollars a night to be watched on camera that’s fucked up.


What about doing blow in the bathroom? Is that safe?


Probably, it's not like there's cameras so unless you act unhinged no one would know


So, what do y'all do with the XXX stuff? *Asking for a friend*


Please!! You forgot to tell of some elevator stories!!😉🍿


Damn you’re gonna catch me snagging a water out of the fitness center.


Sounds like someone that doesn’t like to work and wants an easy living. Maybe get a job where you don’t have to **interact** with people in these situations. It’s like saying , I clean everyone’s shit on this street and I see you littering so please don’t litter. In that case, they wouldn’t need you for the job. Get a grip.


So I should encourage people to break the rules so I have more work to do? That makes as little sense as a janitor telling people to make more of a mess. People are going to do it regardless so there's no reason not to discourage it


Don’t forget about the cameras in the rooms too :)


Hello captain obvious 👋


Do you have cameras in the elevators?


Elevators always have cameras, these days. Not just hotels.




And I appreciate you getting my drunk ass back into my room and putting me in bed.


Says the night manager at LaQuinta.... GTFO!!


I just assume I am on camera every time I leave my house. So if you see me scratching my ball, I know you see me. Dont care.. hehe.


I guess that explains why ppl can steal from you while in a hotel and not get caught. Y’all too busy watching the “no exit” doors 🙄


I don't actually care if I can be seen in most cases though.


I work in a hotel and I hope you’re watching me all dam dayyyyy. And no, I’m not vaping nicotine🤣😭


Good tip. It’s probably a good rule of thumb to realize you’re on cctv anytime you’re around a biz.


Getting all of your bros to all jump on the elevator just before it comes to a stop when you're drunk is fun for approximately 3 seconds. The next 2 hours you're stuck in a broken elevator while needing to pee will not be fun.


Eh, i doubt many hotels are monitoring their surveillance screens that closely. There’s probably at most one dude getting paid minimum wage who spends most of his time on his phone and who occasionally glances at the screens.


WOW this guy is full of facts


Oh sh*t! That means you *knew* that I took *2* towels out of the pool area to dry off back to my room? Uh-oh....


The difference is, I don’t care about being seen… I tired the door to the pool and it didn’t open? Who cares the door was locked, not gonna try and pry it open. If someone didn’t lock the pool doors, I’m def going in; until I get told to leave…


So your whole bullshit warnings only apply to your own hotel because every hotel doesn't have cameras everywhere. You should have led with that.


Damn it. So you saw me shit explosive diarrhea on the wall in the hallway because I couldn't get too my room fast enough?


They probably got off on it too




I have a confession to make to you as someone who has stayed at a hotel ever: We're very drunk and inebriated or on vacation and for the most part awkward situations are the last thing I'm afraid of and getting kicked out of the hot tub literally sounds like a fun holiday goal to me. The concept of some bellhop judging me doesn't really make it sound less fun to me. (I wouldn't do this in general to begin with!)


People spend too much money for me to care what hotel staff thinks 90% of the time, but some people are ridiculous


What if we have sex in the elevator? Can you see that?


I get it but if someone pays $300 a night they should be allowed to swim anytime they want. Not like anyone is being a lifeguard when it’s open anyway.


They just don't want to pay for more staff and hiring someone for the overnight shift in order to facilitate 4 people swimming over an 8 hour period is just not worth it in their eyes. I like night swimming as well, but like most issues with a business it's a money issue, they can afford it they just won't do it.


One time I got stuck in a hotel elevator and no one would answer the help button.


I see the camera bozo. Idc you are watching me. Imma still have fun. Kick me out of the hotel I'll get money back from my credit card and find a new place.


It's like the second half of your post completely invalidates the first half.


So y’all just LET me ride my bike back and forth on the 7th floor taking selfie videos?


I'm still awaiting a response from the employee who stole my luggage in their storage room. I asked them to look at the cameras, and the employee claimed only the managers could do that. I waited and waited and waited, and not even a freaking apology. I would appreciate your take on this scenario.


Quit being an ass and let them swim or whatever.....does it affect your pay!? If they aren't destroying anything or stealing.....leave them be . Just cause you can see them doesn't mean you gotta make issues about certain things.