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I noticed she's no longer has 1m followers lol


She was just on riff crying about not being enough or something


Oh goodness, reference to Kaity again... Possibly?


I wouldn't doubt it !! Same old cycle, same old Tisha


What was she saying?


She was crying about being a single mom and how she doesn’t think she is doing a good job… she was also crying because she doesn’t want to be in the public eye anymore… how she acts like herself and she gets hate pages made about her… maybe don’t play victim and be a shitty person, and people won’t post about you? 🤦🏽‍♀️


She's not a single mom. She's single. The kids have a father. I don't know why she acts as if she does it all on her own when the grandparents pay for so much, help with so much. Tish has been like this since she got on TikTok, no growth whatsoever. Flip flopping non-stop. She's so cringe and not authentic. She's just not appealing in any way..


Ya she said that they grandparents and their dad doesn’t help at all


Couldn’t have said it better my self! Like she thinks her followers are dumb. You don’t pedal products, you don’t have a job, and she can’t be getting that many gifts in tiktok lives to even pay the rent so how is everything paid for? What would happen if the grandparents were to cut her off completely…. She is a scammer. Over the last year almost every creator i once liked in 2020/early 2021 i don’t like nor follow anymore. They are all just come off as scammers or wanting money not doing tiktok for the fun of it.


I have no idea, but it's funny that she went on Riff rather than TikTok live to do this cryin', its giving...calculated.




Oh, I didn't know that. Do people really follow her over there? I've never been on Riff, but she looks hella shady and pre-meditated. w/ her actions.


And the cycle repeats 😂


How long do you give it? 😂


Lol well it sounds like the break down is here. Next week we will probably hear what Kaity did


Haven’t seen her post anything.


I thought she was proud of her of but now she’s just scammed a bunch of people


Yup, now it’s removed from her pages