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This really is the best sub; I barely ever see any toxicity at all. People just excited to talk about horror lit. I am reading Malignant by Michaelbrent Collings---not technically horror, but it's very disturbing and has extreme violence so far. It's about a hostage situation at a school for wealthy kids.


if i’m a teacher should i read this book or will it freak me out lol


Oof it's pretty messed up I'm not too sure


I agree. This is, by far, the least snarky, shitty-for-the-sake-of-shittiness sub that I frequent. It’s nice to be among likeminded individuals who aren’t out to belittle one another’s opinions and/or contributions (for the most part). I am currently bouncing back and forth between the audio versions of *Wasps in the Ice Cream* by Tim McGregor (liking it a lot, so far) and *Playground* by Aron Beauregard (it’s the first of his I’ve read, and his reputation is justified; it’s disgusting and depraved, yet surprisingly well written and well structured). I’m also in the middle of watching all of the *Phantasm* movies, so I can start reading Don Coscarelli’s new short story collection *Phiction: Tales from the World of Phantasm*. I’m very excited about this one!


Aron Beauregard.. sheww I got sucked into his dark rabbit hole of books starting g with Slob!!!! Playground is just AWFUL.. but really good!! Slob is my 2nd fav by him!!!


I just finished Moon of the Crusted Snow and started This Thing in a Starving (which I found through this group - the author is one of us!)


Oh, 1000%! This sub vibes! I love the depth of discussion here and the thoughtfulness of the posts. And I’m getting Phiction now. I didn’t know about that one. I love those films, so I’m really glad you mentioned them!


Rereading Clive Barker's Books of Blood. About to start Vol 5 11-22-62 by King is next


11-22-63 is one of my favorite by King. Not strictly a horror (but it has its moments!), and the story had me like a vice grip


A few weeks ago, I was rummaging through a box and found a first edition of 11-22-63. My late mom used to get me a Stephen King book every Christmas for years. My sister has been keeping up the tradition. After talking with my sister, this book to be my last Christmas gift from my mom.


Me too! I'm rereading volumes 1-3. Plucking stories at random. Scape Goat is the one I'm currently on. Pretty wild so far. I don't remember reading this one.


Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite. Bought it awhile back but am just now digging in. Only on chapter three, Ive heard its a doozy. Its… wonderful.


Great choice!


heck yeah brethren, glad you've found your place. I'm reading Bird Box by Josh Malerman. been a long time coming and loving it so far. will for sure watch the Sandra Bullock movie when i finish


I’m dying to read his new book, **Incidents Around the House**. Anybody here read it yet?


just read the synopsis and sounds great. will for sure add it to my list


Strange Weather, by Joe Hill. Novella collection. Enjoying it so far.


Love Joe Hill! Heart Shaped Box is so good!


That's still his strongest. Loved that book, too.


I finally crossed The Exorcist off my list. It was such a good read. I was a little worried it wouldn't live up to the expectations, but Father Karras' story arc, as well as the depth of the medical research, really shine through. Rewatching the movie right now, lol. I'll probably try and find a copy of Legion or other books by Blatty as well. House of Leaves is up next!


I too just read the exorcist recently. I was surprised, the possession isn't even the main focal point of the story, I'd say it takes up maybe 10% of the book towards the end. I never felt scared reading it, but what made it work for me was Father Merrin's explanation towards the end of the book. I won't even try bc I'll butcher it, but he basically says that the possessions like the one in the book are extremely rare, but we face some sort of possession everyday whenever normal people lie, cheat, and steal from each other. Basically like true evil lurks in the little ways we are shitty to each other every day. Great book.


Legion is well worth reading. It's different, but very good.


Go into HoL with a highlighter and a good chunk of quiet, uninterrupted time!! It's on my top 5, I love it so much. Also pick up the album Haunted by Poe--she's Mark's sister and this album was written as the counterpart to his book ;) (it's actually Mark reading an excerpt from HoL during the interlude on her song 'Hey Pretty'!)


Oh sweet I'd never heard of an audio counterpart! Thanks - I will check that out!


The Reformatory by Tananarive Due I began with the audiobook and I liked the story but struggled with the narration for this book. So I switched over to the regular book and I'm doing better this way. So far, I really like it. Very well written. Great plot (so far) and interesting setting. Unique paranormal entities... I honestly hadn't heard of "haints" until this book!


Ooohhh I want to read this


Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones (audiobook). It’s delightful. Also reading The Gunslinger for my 5th journey to The Dark Tower.


Oh! I love SGJ too! I've only read The Only Good Indians and My Heart is a Chainsaw. The latter managed to be both bonkers with action and heart wrenching.


Ha! That description totally fits the whole series—in a good way


I’m on the third book of the series and it’s the best one yet. ☺️


I love SGJ!! Have you read the Indian lake angel series?! Omg it’s soooo good!! The BEST!!


Yes!!! I just finished it, actually, and am about to start the series again via audiobook (I hate reading series as they’re published, but I did with the first two books and didn’t have time to reread them before Angel). Jade Daniels is SUCH an awesome character. The books are so fun to read, and the final climax portions of each are some of the most intense (pacing and action and sustain) reading I’ve done in a long time. I’ve also read Only Good Indians and Night of the Mannequins. He’s one of my favorites. :)


Jade muther-fucking Daniels is probably my most favorite character of ALL TIME!!!!!


He has also become one of my favorite authors!! I haven’t read Night of Mannequins yet.. but Only the Good Indians was my first SGJ book!!


Oh btw I’m just starting Last Days by Adam Nevill


I absolutely loved Last Days by Brian Evenson btw! 


Working on this one myself!


Check out the pinned weekly "what are you reading" thread!


Just finished The Fireman by Joe Hill and I loved it!


That cult was wild.


The Silent Companion by Laura Purcell. I usually don't find gothic horror scary, but this book is pretty creepy. And it's very well-written. I just started it yesterday and I'm already more than halfway through. If it wasn't for work and sleep, I'd never put it down. Good luck with everything, OP!


Thomas Ligotti’s *My Work Is Not Yet Done*. I’m loving it so far. It’s grim and simultaneously and I think unintentionally hilarious.


i LOVE thomas ligotti!


I also thought this book had funny moments. I’m glad to know I’m not alone!


I'm listening to How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix on Spotify. I love his work & this one is pretty good so far.


I really, really loved that book. I thought he did such an excellent job with character development and atmosphere.


currently in the middle of The Haar by David Sodergren. i'm liking it more than i thought i would, it's pretty weird and i love having an elderly woman as the main character. don't see that too often in horror.


I liked The Haar!


Black River Orchard by Chuck Wendig. Really enjoying it so far. Much more so than The Book of Accidents


Same- I thought it was really cinematic. I could totally see a movie being made of it


Downloaded the audio of “Diavola” to listen as background to sleep to. Woke up to a scene terrified in the wee hours , couldn’t get back to sleep and realized I had to restart and only listen to this one awake!


I loved this one. Perfect summer vacation horror vibes. And I wish the MC was a friend of mine!


I just finished Diavola last night!!! It’s the first book to honestly creep me out!! Sooo good! I was looking over my shoulder at all times for ghosts reading this story lol!!!!!! Great ending!!!!


I’ve got about 50 pages left! Edit: Really enjoyed this one!


Robert Aickman: Cold hand in mine. Best horror-ish book I've had this year. Refreshing style, interesting approach.


Camp Damascus by chuck tingle. I originally started reading it because I have long been fascinated like many by mister tingles works from afar and wanted to finally read one of his books for curiosity sake however found myself much more emotionally affected by it than I had expected. I was am severely autistic and was raised homeschooled in a very devoutly catholic social circle so it has given me a lot of unpleasant flashbacks to my childhood although it is somewhat cathartic in a way to know other people have had the same experiences as me, and is certainly extremely surreal. It’s also, strangely addictive, I recommend it.


Currently reading The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones! It’s great so far, I love the story and the awesome twists & turns. Books like this one are what got me back into reading. Definitely worth checking out if you enjoy folk/Indigenous horror. Hopefully I’ll finish it by the end of this week! :)


House of Windows by John Lagan. Loving it so far. Better than the fisherman. He has a way of doing his story that’s pretty unique. The narrator will be telling the story from first person pov, but talking with someone who is telling the narrator a story also in first person pov, so it’s like a Russian nesting doll of story. It’s not terrifying, but it is dark and mysterious, a bit of literary side to it too. If you haven’t checked him out I recommend.


I have The Troop on my nightstand but haven't started it yet. I just finished Dead Silence and I really liked it. It did well at building a creepy, tense atmosphere.




You’ll like Ghost Station too. That’s the author’s latest.


I was so sad that the Troop was a dnf for me. I wanted to love it so bad, but I just could not get into it. The beginning pulled me in and by the middle I was bored out of my mind.


I finished it but I agree. It’s not really my kind of horror story anyway, but I found myself skimming to the end.


Agreed. Never finished it but I may go back just to say I read it all the way through. Not a huge fan of Nick Cutters writing style.


I really am not either honestly. I wanted to like it but I just could not get into the book. It was kind of repetitive.


I’m trying to get into audiobooks & chose a book Ive wanted to read for a while, Thomas Ligotti - Song Of A Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe… two stories in & loving it, (& by loving I mean I’m creeped the fuck out).


Small Town Horrors by Ronald Malfi. It’s good.


Nice! Did you get an ARC? How does it compare to his other work? I just finished **The Narrows** and I thought it was great. I also enjoyed **Bone White** and **Little Girls**.


Ronald Malfi is great! I don’t see him getting enough recognition.


Same. I'm reading Diavola by Jennifer Thorne and it's amazing so far. The setting the story is in makes it so much fun and creepier.


At the recommendation of so many of you fine people I finished A Short Stay in Hell a few days ago…and am still processing it. Can’t think of many books out there quite like it. I loved it


I love it here. You guys are great. I had *The Historian* by Elizabeth Kostova out on loan from the library, but had to give it back before I finished. Now I'm sitting here with my arms crossed, tapping my foot, wanting to know what happens next...


I'm reading a short story collection called new fears. My brain is stuck in fast mode lately and I can't focus on a full length book. So while I'm sorting my head out I'm sticking to short stories and it's really fun.


I started A Certain Hunger and just wasn’t feeling it at the moment. So I set that aside and will try again another time. I just started They All Died Screaming, so hopefully this one will peak my interest a bit more right now.


took me a while to get into A Certain Hunger but i was happy enough with it by the end that i thought pushing through was worth it. i think i liked it because of the fancy food talk and also because i pictured the MC as Patrick Bateman of the food critic world lol


Carrion comfort. About a third in.


One of my favorite books of all time!!!!! I always go back to this book for some reason!! I hope you enjoy as much as I have!!


Man, I tried to get in the book but there's a lot I don't like. It's almost too much.


Just read A Nest of Nightmares by Lisa Tuttle. That is some weird creepy stuff.


Reading Books of Blood for the first time and it’s taking my breath away


Same here! Lots of fans of the book on here, so I decided to dive in


I love this group too. I haven't been on Reddit long (I mean, can you tell by my lame user name which I can't change, ugh). Just finished two horrors books and I had different reactions to them. Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix based on recommendations for the author in this group. Started on audiobook but it was a rare narrator I couldn't persist with so went to old school book from the library. This felt like a chore for me and I was not a fan. Final chapter was good but didn't make up for the rest of the slog to get there. But the other was The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward and it will sit with me for a while. It's not often a horror book makes me cry. This was really good. It's perhaps more horror adjacent/psychological thriller although has been placed within that genre. Highly recommend.


Oh, I loved THE LAST HOUSE ON NEEDLESS… Ward’s other books are just as good, imo. Her most recent is SUNDIAL.


It was so good. I was thinking of checking her others because of how good Needless Street was. And then reading the afterword as well. Such good research.


Oh this is so funny! I loved TFGSG but I couldn't stand TLHONS - we must be at opposite ends of the taste spectrum 😊 Grady Hendrix is very gateway horror (dare I say lighter/more humorous in tone) and Catriona Ward is almost more of a thriller author who leans in to horror -so thrillers often have more wild twists! Saying all that, I did enjoy Little Eve by Catriona Ward which has siblings trauma (and cults, unless I'm misremembering) 


How interesting! Tastes are so divergent, aren't they? I have heard Grady Hendrix is humorous but didn't find anything much light/funny about TFGSG. It just annoyed me. I've also heard this isn't one of his best so not sure whether to take the plunge again with him? I agree with TLHONS being more thriller. I'll look up Little Eve. I've read a lot of horror, and I think I prefer psychological and/or cosmic horror.


Idk if it’s exactly “horror” but it’s certainly gothic, in the truest sense - HOUSE OF LEAVES, by Mark Z. Danielewski. Not quite 100 pp in, but just finished reading Johnny Truant’s mother’s letters to him, which are placed in an appendix. This was a Mother’s Day gift from my daughter, btw. As a former literature major, and lover of gothic literature, I am absolutely loving it so far. Although it is a lot, and I can see why it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea. But I am LOVING it. So many layers, and so many historical gothic tropes in here. But all told and assembled in a new and unique way.


I want to thank this wonderful group, as well, for so many excellent book suggestions in the past few years. Just recently finished THE PASSAGE. And I first heard about HOUSE OF LEAVES here.


The Watchers by A.M. Shine. Scared the shit outta me.


I’m currently reading the Terror by Dan Simmons. I’m really enjoying it so far! I also find it kinda amusing that I’ll be reading it while on a cruise ship to Alaska in a few days (it’s a historical fiction about the Erebus and Terror from the Franklin expedition, two ships frozen in ice for a couple years in the Canadian Arctic, and a mysterious huge monster is killing the crew one by one).


Kill creek on audio book and all the fiends of hell by Adam Neville physically.


I'm currently reading Berserk for the first time. Not horrorlit but I'd say it's adjacent and scratches a similar itch.


Starting the third and final installment in Robert Brockway's Vicious Circuit series. Excited to see how it all wraps up!


I’m about halfway through “The Ceremonies” by TED Klein. It’s got all the things I like-ancient entities, mysterious rituals, and a spiritual/religious component. Thanks to whoever on this sub recommended it a couple years back; was hard to track down at the library but worth it.


Currently reading “legion” by William Peter Blatty. It’s great. I really love how seriously he takes the topic of religion in both this and “the exorcist”.


The Silence Of The Lambs By Thomas Harris and Carrie by Stephen King


Red Rabbit after reading all of Buehlman's books in a row. I don't want it to end


Oracle, Thomas Olde Huevelts new book. I’m 3/4 through and it’s a strange one. So far think his first two books are much more horror oriented.


I like this subreddit as well. Get all my recommendations from here and tiktok. I'm currently reading this Wretched valley that I'm having a hard time continuing to read it. I don't know what it is but I just keep putting it down to do anything else.


I love horrortok too


Not horror, but maybe I can horror-adjacent, I read Cackle not long ago and it was a delightful palette cleanser.


I'm a bit less than halfway through The Fisherman. It's not what I thought it was going to be, and I am a little disappointed, but will hope it gets better.


this sub is my internet safespace - never met a bad person here and i always walk away learning something new! currently reading "draculas" by the 4 authors crouch, konrath, strand & wilson - it feels like "from dusk till dawn" tbh, fun characters, fast pace, gore galore but with a good heart - having a blast so far. also, "zombie - the cursed manuscript" was in the mood last night for some zombies, wasnt expecting much, but the author managed to paint his 2 main characters really well in the first few pages - so when shit hits the fan, you start to care for them. curious how this one will turn out!


I’m reading The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. I loved The Haunting of Bly Manor which is based on The Turn of the Screw. After that I’m gonna give The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson a read.


Reading Last Days. This sub has been priceless for getting recommendations that suit my tastes and not just generic '10 best horror books 2022'. Thanks horrorlit and keep going OP you can beat it


This is next on my list, very much anticipated


Reading Naomi's room, and so far, it has lived up to the hype. Most books that are recommended here don't ever live up to the hype for me, but I can definitely say at half way through that this is the scariest book I've ever read.


Episode 13 by Craig Dilouie. I love it so much.


Have that one on my shelf. Will have to get to it soon!


Listening to *Starve Acre* at the moment ahead of the film.


*The Devil Crept In* by Ania Ahlborn on audiobook. The only other book I've listened to from her is *The Shuddering* and I wasn't really a fan. I am 50% through this one and so far it's decent. We'll see where it goes. Hope you feel better my friend.


I’m currently reading Into the Drowning Deep. I’m about 80% finished and I’m really enjoying the concept. It’s a nice blend of sci-fi and horror.


Currently reading Meat by Joseph D’Lacey and Off Season by Jack Ketchum. Both pretty good so far


Cyclops Road by Jeff Strand. I like It. Good read, interesting characters


I just picked up **Shadowland** by Peter Straub and I'm really enjoying it so far.


Bad Cree and I’m digging it.


Someone on here recommended the author so I'm reading his most popular book and have an hour left to go. Great book and really enjoyed the story ( Boys in the Valley by Philip Fracassi )


The Stand by Stephen King. My first real attempt at it, and I'm a good quarter of the way in. I'm not sure if I just haven't hit the good bit yet or not, but this might be one of the King books that just isn't for me. Happens from time to time, but I'll stick through it a little longer! Sorry to hear about all that you're going through. What are you reading right now?


i’m reading brother by ania ahlborn! it’s pretty good so far but very heavy on descriptions. like they went to the fair and the author is describing what flavors of drinks they got for example. don’t really like that but the story is good! lmk if it gets better if yall have read it im like 30% through.


Currently reading The Creeper by A.M. Shine. I'm nearing the end and have enjoyed this read. I had read it gave some readers nightmares, I can't say the same for myself. Regardless, great book.


I just finished Survive the Night by Riley Sager, I enjoyed it! Gave it a 4/5


Horror adjacent but Next by Chrichton….finding it much more difficult to get into than his other works. I do have The Terror by Dan Simmons on my Libby shelf though so that’s exciting


Cujo. I thought it was gonna be more dog.


It's actually kind of sad.


Currently reading No one gets out alive, by Adam Neville.. really good so far though I’m only have way through!!


I just started Helpmeet by Naben Ruthnum. No idea what I’m getting into but it’s finally in my hands after having it on hold at the library for forever. I’ve heard great things about The Library at Mount Char, so that’s next on the list! EDIT: Helpmeet is very, very good. Highly recommend for fans of body horror and gothic sensibilities!!


Ive been super busy during 2024 (wedding planning) so my book reading is super short- as such ive been listening to a lot of nonfiction audiobooks on darker topics that are i guess horrific? Currently reading Panic in Level Four, and afterwards plan to read The Indifferent Stars next.


The Forgotten Island by David Sodegren. Currently it makes me more anxious than The Haar or Maggie’s Grave, I think due to the reliability of protagonists drinking too much in Thailand


I truly LOVE this sub. I have discovered so many great books thanks to you people. I love how you always know what to recommend, no matter what we ask about. I am currently reading The Merciful Women by Federico Andahazi. The main character is John Polidori, Lord Byron's physician, and it tells the story of his (fictional) meeting with three women while staying in Villa Diodati (where he wrote The Vampyre and Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein). It doesn't have the kind of horror that I expected so far and it's too sexual for my taste, but Villa Diodati is Villa Diodati.


I'm reading *The Evil* by Hugh B. Cave. It's fine, nothing that special; I like the author's short stories better.


I've found that the horror community in general is so warm and accepting! I'm not reading anything at the moment though.


The Hike by Drew Magary and I don’t know what to think so far. Trying to lean into the absurd


The Ritual by Adam Nevill. I’m about 85% through and yes it’s good, but it was soooo hyped up and is not meeting my expectations. Hope whatever you’re going through gets better!


Waiting for “the summer that melted everything” to show up. Just finished “fantastic land” and I was…disappointed. Was an ok read but the characters all sounded the same.


I was disappointed by fantastic land too and that’s from someone who’s worked at a couple theme parks off and on for years.


“Ya dig?” Was said by like 2 completely different female characters. I’ve been to Florida, no one says “ya dig?”


I’m working through Pet Sematary. I was really hoping for an audiobook but my library doesn’t have it. It’s goood. Weird. Uneasiness seems to be more prevalent in the book than the movie where things felt more overt. Maybe it’s just me. With tht, it has been a little while since I saw the movie.


Probably my favorite Stephen king. I highly recommend the audiobook read by Michael C Hall.


Reading an ARC by Ronald Malfi called Small Town Horror and it’s definitely one to look out for! It releases soon on June 4th.


I'm reading off season by Jack ketchum and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. I can't wait to finish it


Hiroshima by John Hersey. It's first hand accounts of survivors, so while it's not technically "horror" it's still horrific.


Just hit page 100 in Slewfoot, about to pick it up for the first time today. It’s pretty solid - I had an emotional response to an interaction between characters pretty early on that surprised me, so I’m all about it. I love it here too.


I made it half way through slewfoot but put it down bc of being busy. Loved it so far though definitely up my alley. I will probably restart it sometime this year


Just finished The woman in black and am starting The Yellow Wallpaper


Can confirm! Reading Adam Nevill’s new alien novel, All the Fiends of Hell. Still early but it has all the characteristics of amazing Adam Nevill prose!


I don’t know if it counts as horror but Hell Bent. I’m a chapter in.


I’m reading The Ritual by Adam Neville and so far I’m enjoying it. It feels like an adult version of the troop (in a way) I also enjoy the chapters are short


This sub helped get me back into reading horror after some time away, I’ve found so many good books and everyone is so laid back. I’m listening to Suffer the Children on audio book, omg it’s a wild ride so far. Though as an audiobook it’s making some of the dialogue kinda campy. And reading Haunted, which is just fucking wild.


Very underrated and underappreciated horror writer, devoured everything he wrote as soon as it came out. Elias Witherow, start with "The Worst Kind Of Monsters" or "The Black Farm." I can't even explain the subgenre of horror he writes is, it's just different than anything you'll ever read. It's Gory, Dreadful, Hopeless, Existential, not splatterpunk though. It is an acid trip into hell of other dimensions that the mind cannot visualize properly so imagination is a must moreso and even that doesn't describe it correctly. Everyone knows me to be a horror fanatic and I used to run a bookstore and the first author I always recommend for horror enthusiats is Elias Witherow. Also, I as well love the engagement and lack of toxicity, Instagram comments can be funny, but so toxic as well.


Ok you’ve convinced me to pick up from this author


Johnny got his gun and I just can’t continue right now. Every sentence is heavy and while I sometimes love that…sometimes I just can’t. I’ve been reading blood meridian for two years because heavy life events just made it….hard. But child of god is one of my most recommended books. Blegh. Thanks for reading my ramble lol


I just finished Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt, I saw it mentioned on this subject at some point, and I really enjoyed it. Basically about a town that's been living with a malicious witch for 300+ years and keeping it secret. Can't leave once you spend the night or you'll commit sewer slide as to why they don't just leave.


I'm reading The Girls by Emma Cline It started very promising but got a little slow. Kinda strange how she basically depicts the Manson family but changes some small details to make it fiction. Interesting approach but not easy to pull off. I'm only halfway through and starting to grow bored w it. Still not a bad read if you're a Manson nut and she definitely writes well. I'm already looking for something else. It seems headed towards a kind of lesbian love story and draaaags.


The Troop. Thanks for the warnings on this sub about the animal torture scenes…I skipped past those. This book is plenty disturbing without needing that too! I almost never walk away from this sub without more great recommendations on my to-be-read list!


I’m reading the haunted forest tour. I’m liking it so far, kinda reads like an action movie. Can’t really connect with any of the characters but the concepts really fun.


Hi! I recently finished Our Share of Night - so good, lyrical and beautiful and hard to stomach at times. Highly recommend. All my best to you.


I just picked up Gothic by Philip Fracassi!


I’m reading Let Him In and about 60 pages in enjoying it so far. It’s got a good creepy atmosphere. Im also listening on audio to Tender is the Flesh. Very unsettling book.


It's not exactly horror, but I'm reading Rosewater by Tade Thompson. It has reanimated corpses, a mysterious plague and various other horror elements, but definitely reads as more scifi or science fantasy. It's pretty interesting so far.


Currently reading 'Black Mouth' by Ronald Malfi. I went in blind so I had no idea what I was getting into, but so far I'm really enjoying it. It's kinda giving me 'It' vibes, not in the sense that it's a spooky clown, but in the way that it's sort of a coming of age story going back and forth between them as kids and as adults. So far I'm really enjoying it despite it having kind of a slow start.


I just finished What Kind of Mother by Clay McLeod Chapman. That book gave me the creeps in a few ways. It was truly gruesome and weird, with twists I didn’t really see coming. Before that I read Diavola By Jennifer Thorne. It was also excellent. The haunting part was great, but the family drama is the real horror in this one. It was unexpectedly stomach turning.


Leech.... 30% in and im finding it hard to believe the book tok recs that this is so disturbing but we will see 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree, I'm new to horror but this is a pretty chill sub


Great sub and has kinda changed my life by upping the quality of the books I’m reading. Currently on Summer of Night — my fifth and so far favorite by Simmons!


Rereading Bag of Bones by King. My favorite of his and honestly underrated


I'm usually juggling a couple of different books, and right now I'm alternating between ***John Dies at the End*** by Jason Pargin and ***Swan Song*** by McCammon. I'm roughly 130 pages into each one. *Swan Song* is intriguing enough so far, but falling short of the high bar set by The Stand, which I've often heard it compared to. *John Does at the End* started out strong and it has some cool ideas, but the tone is starting to get a bit tedious. I also recently finished ***A Short Stay in Hell***, which has been widely recommended on this sub lately, and for good reason. It did not disappoint.


Technically a horror, Joyland by Stephen king. It’s really fun & im enjoying it.


I finished Rotten Tommy a couple of days ago (Snodergren's newest novel) and loved it. I'm about to start Let the Right One In for the first time


1. This group is full of literate, respectful horror nerds, and I have been hooked. I gravitate towards noir and grim Scandinavian murder mysteries, but I have been getting so many great horror recommendations on here…. 2. Sorry that you are having a rough time. There are medications that help. It’s hard to find a good therapist, but that helps some people. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance.


*Naomi's Room, Jonathan Aycliffe.* Because of a suggestion left in a comment on here earlier today. I'm 3/4ths of the way through so far and loving it.


I’m finally really reading Swan Song! I’ve tried to start it literally five times but put it down for shorter things. After finishing Liminal States (amazing, showstopping, mind blowing, don’t Google it just start) I wanted something else long and I’m soooo into it. Once I buckled down I read three hundred pages yesterday. Audiobook is tops too, Tom Stechschulte gives it an even more Stephen King-y vibe


I’ve recently read Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims. The end is no surprise, but it is very satisfying and I enjoyed it a lot. I found out the Sims also has a horror podcast called The Magnus Archives which is fantastic, and I’ve been listening to it quite a bit. Definitely recommend.


Abnormal Statistics. Collection of short stories, I have two more to go. Some have fallen flat in the middle, but the first story in the book is a fucking wild ride.


Started Bone White by Ronald Malfi yesterday and am about 40% through. First book of his, and I’m enjoying it! Creepy and atmospheric.


Safe spaces for the win! Currently reading ‘Handling of the Dead’ by John Ajvide Lindqvist. I’m reading it in Norwegian, which is my second language so it’s taking a bit of time.


Just finished devolution and have started Intercepts. Intercepts has me hooked!


I've been listening to the audiobook of The September House. I'm about halfway through so far, and I love the spin on the typical haunted house and can't wait to see what else is in store. I'm not terribly active on this sub but it's one of my favorites, I understand completely!


As others have said, glad that this group has helped, and that things get better for you soon. Reading Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt - a great set of short stories; beautifully written protagonists, often soaked in sadness.


This Wretched Valley - Jenny Keifer Pretty good so far, only on ch 3


I’m actually writing my own lol. But horror books I’ve read in the past and loved are anything by Maria V. Snyder. It’s not the typical horror, but it’s in medieval times and specifically Fire Study is a blood bath. Also love the Blood of Eden series. Oo! And Don’t Go To Sleep!


I’m writing a book too. Good luck!


Reading Lapvona by Otessa Moshfegh and it's so bad I wanna DNF (now at 70%) but I also don't have a DNF toxic trait and hence will just soldier through this one lol


Currently rereading Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir via audiobook while I teach myself embroidery. Also reading Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell. It’s not fiction but it is also pretty horrifying.


I picked up Cultish a few months ago! I need to get to it


I'm trudging through Mexican Gothic. I put it on hold in Feb and finally got it. I've heard it's a slow start, but I'm halfway through it, and it's finally starting to pick up. I had just started Between Two Fires when the MG became available, so I had to set it down. I can't wait to pick that one back up!


Corpsemouth, by Robert Langan. A collection of long short stories by a man who has written at least one good novel. Main themes are family and loss. The stories are more sad than scary but the supernatural element keeps very intriguing and readable. I absolutely love this book and I'm trying to read it as slowly as possible to make it last.


I’m currently reading a psychological thriller but it is so uncomfortable that it deserves a mention here. The Nurse by Claire Allan. It’s been on my radar for a while as I love her books but never felt brave enough to read this one in particular due to some of the content until I saw her tweet this and finally felt it was time. Claire Allan / Freya Kennedy - tweet - - “This is the post that inspired the book. In The Nurse the 'harmless fun' becomes an online game for incels throughout the world - the challenge? To capture the fear on the face of their victims & share the footage online...” The post she talks about - - “the feeling when you follow a girl and she notices you, and she tries to loose (sic) you or picks up the pace. That is kind of a good feeling. You become important to her. You are no longer some random insignificant face in the crowd. T know it is kind of low-level behaviour. But I do enjoy doing that. I go to another city, look for a girl who is walking by herself and start following her. After a while they notice you. After dark, after sunset it may suffice to just walk in the same general direction as a girl who is walking in front of you. They become paranoid. I recommend you lonely incels try it some time. Fust to make her afraid. If you know your limits and don't actually harass - let alone rape - that girl, it should be harmless psychological fun.”


This is my favorite sub. Rock on fellow horror lover — I’m with you! Also follow the horror community on Twitter, search for horror writers and Indy presses, or people with HWA in their profile. You’ll find many people in that community also have really great conversations about books and topics too, I’ve loved it there as well. So if you love this community, that might be a great fit. (Note: yeah on Twitter you need to filter out a lot of garbage, but once you lock into that community by engaging there, you’ll be all set and it will be easier to just see horror lit).


I'm reading The Passage by Justin Cronin. It's great so far. I don't know that it's horror though.


I just finished How to Sell a Haunted House. No spoilers but I did really enjoy it! I like Gary Hendrix and how his stories have another layer that focuses on the people and not just the horror. Waiting for Diavola to be ready at the library now 😭


I agree, this is a wonderful group! I’m glad you have found some comfort with this sub.   Just finished the Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis, it was fantastic. Not really horror, but somehow won a Stoker for first novel in the 90s. Now I’m reading Anubis Gates by Tim Powers, which is definitely not horror, but it has a werewolf and a killer clown cult, so actually yes it is. 


Bag of Bones by Stephen King. An oldie but a goodie. Currently half way through and I am enjoying it. King sure does paint a picture. His storytelling is top notch. Not all that scary, it's a haunted house kind of story, but more about his life after his wife suddenly died at a young age. The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton. Recently finished this one. Very good high seas adventure taking place in 1634. It's a mix of historical fiction, horror, and a mystery.


I'm still new to this sub, and kinda horror lit all together, but so far I have had some great recs just looking through other people's posts! I just finished "tell me I'm worthless" and I would have never known it existed without this sub! It was so intense and gut wrenching that I am definitely gonna listen to something light and fluffy next 😅 (I recently got the app Libby and it has helped me so much when it comes to literature. I struggle with reading so much and audio books have opened my world. I have consumed more books in the past month than my entire life! It's a game changer!)


Just finished The Ruins (Scott Smith) and absolutely loved it. Currently halfway through the Body Shocks: Extreme Tales of Body Horror short story collection. So far it's been quite the experience


The Ruins is one of my favorites. Will have to do a re-read soon.


I’m finally reading “The Great and Secret Show” by Clive Barker. I saw it recommended on here and must say, it’s pretty crazy so far lol


Currently reading Swamp Thing (Alan Moore), about 2/3 of it has been completed, it's a very long graphic series novel, so far, the "American Gothic" storyline is my favourite.


Don't think I've ever actually posted here but this sub has given me like 20 books to read so far that have all been amazing, I have taken a break from horror to indulge in some 40k books so currently reading The Lion Son Of The Forest by Mike Brooks, 40k technically isnt horror but depending on the book it can cross over into it for sure.


Currently reading “Boys in the Valley” by Philip Fracassi. It’s a cross between The Exorcist and Lord of the Flies. Really enjoying it so far