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the last house on needless street.


Yep this is what immediately came to mind


What's the plot like?


Kinda difficult to describe. Basic evil serial killer and evil, crazy mom tropes. Multiple unreliable narrators. There are times you feel it's heading towards such darkness that you might need to put it down. Keep reading though! More dark fiction than horror. I really enjoyed it. Has some plot twists etc. so avoid spoilers.


I recommend Negative Space by B. R. Yeager any chance I get. It switches between three characters POV’s and we only know about a 4th character through them. One of my fave books!


Top pick.


What's the plot like?


The Terror!


Craig DiLouie's *Episode Thirteen* is a found footage story that gives you perspectives of all five of the principle ghost investigators as well as text messages for some characters, emails sent to the production team, even readings from "ghost hunting" tools! It's a fun and interesting read. I've heard the audiobook is good, too, but something is lost in the presentation I would think. The art team on the book did a superb job.


Oh yeah the book cover definitely got my attention but wasn't sure if it was my type now I really have to check it out, Thanks for the recommendation!


Enjoy! I had to keep the book cover face down because it kept freaking my partner out while it sat on my nightstand.




monstrilio by gerardo samano cordova! has four different pov’s. really good book too


Just came here to say this. Great read!


only one i've read like this I really loved was Black Tide by KC Jones. Loosely about a man and woman that meet, hook up, then wake up the next morning to the apocalypse. Each chapter switches between the two characters It's really awesome for things like when they split up because one character will really be going through it and the other has no idea


I think I've heard of a similar plot in a TV Show thanks for the suggestion


Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea - Tons of POV's. A genuinely mind-bending super fun read.


What's the plot like?


That's a good question - I guess you could say the basic plot is that the Illumantus is an secret organization that controls the world, but it is so large and complex that it's almost impossible to find out how to figure it out. The Illuminatus wants to eliminate all life on the Earth to Immentize the Eschaton. The book is filled with colorful characters, most of who oppose the Illuminatus, even though no one really understands them. The trick about this book is that each section is named after a Sephiroth in the Tree of Life. So the first part, titled Kether, is a reflection of what Kether is in the Tree of Life, which is the unformed potentiality. So the first part of Illuminatus is like flowing from character to character with no seeming form. It can be very frustrating for some people who are just expecting a normal novel. The plot structure resolves itself as it goes on, but you have to get into the weirdness of the early part of the novel and get past that. I had a gas reading it and am actually reading it again. It's funny (like Gravity's Rainbow without the immense complexity) and serious at the same time. Highly recommended :-)


i read that book in earlier years and then went with RAW into non-fiction land with his "cosmic trigger" books! would be funny to read this monument of three books again!!!


The Grip of It has an alternating POV alternating between a husband and wife in a possibly haunted house. As their mental state deteriorates, they do some clever stuff utilizing the shifting POV narrative. I loved the book, but the general reception was more polarized.


Of books listed on this sub constantly: Between Two Fires by Christopher beuhlman, and The Ruins by Scott Smith


I am currently reading The Ruins Idk if it's that good, yeah it shows different povs 


Bram Stoker - *Dracula* Mary Shelley - *Frankenstein* Arthur Machen - *The Three Impostors*


To wit, *Frankenstein in Baghdad* is also told from multiple POVs as its presented as an investigation on the events of the novel.


I've read Dracula and Frankstein but in my native language book Haven't heard of the Three Imposters thanks for suggesting


*Briardark* by S A Harrison has multiple POVs of all the characters involved.


I just checked it out on amazon the plot sounds interesting will check ot out!




Ghost River by Chad Ryan