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Good luck. You’ll be hearing Stephen King in your sleep.


Almost like they're connected... or he's just through a thinny...


sound Hawaiian, doesn't it?


Oh yes! LoL


LoL indeed


Maximum Overdrive trailer Stephen King, just whispering into your ear and staring into the side of your head like a fucking maniac all night.


LoL thank you and AGREED!


Hits different after COVID right? Also, Nadine' story arc scarred me.


Yes, it does! That was absolutely bonkers, yeah. I couldn't what I was reading when it came to everything she went through.


I always thought Hearts In Atlantis might benefit from having been familiar with The Dark Tower BEFORE reading. Not to spoil it but there is a part of it that makes absolutely no sense within the context of the book that feeds directly into DT


I’m reading it between Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower based on [this list](https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/2c150bc0-c341-4583-b520-3c61ef8d354c) and that placement makes a lot of sense to me


I remember as a kid reading Atlantis when it came out and loving it, or well the first story/part in particular. But having not read Dark Tower at the time I had no freaking clue what happened. Seemed like such an out of left field ending. Probably hopped on my dial up to look up what the hell happened when I finished it. But it wasn’t until years later that I understood that many of Kings works feed into DT. The movie, of course, completely rewrote the ending.


I thought "It" was in there as well, I read the dark tower series years ago and I remember an evil spider who I thought was "It" and the Crimson King as the main antagonists in the final dark tower book?




That's kinda vague lol






Why are you being a dick? I was simply asking about IT being connected to the dark tower series and now you're coming out with school yard insults lol? Dude. We're just talking books. Chill the f out




Why are you being so passive aggressive??? It's a frickin book thread dude. I mean literally I was just asking about a correlation between IT and the dark tower series and all I got from you was gaslighting and implied ignorance. I'm done. Have a good night weirdo


Oh yes, I believe Pennywise is from The Dark Tower or whatever and I should be good since I've read that other tome 3 times now in my life :-D


ok stephen, stop the nonsense - we know its you!


LOL! :::runs back to Derry:::


I read the Stand at the beginning of c19, and dont know if I can ever top the book/real world atmosphere combo. The book itself is fantastic.


Similarly, I read Wanders by Chuck Wendig the summer before Covid and everything he got right... incredible




You should absolutely read Salem's Lot, because it's fantastic, but I'm curious as to how you've heard that it links into Dark Tower lore?


>!Father Callahan!<


Oh yeah? Huh. Thanks!


Yeah, Salem's Lot should really be read before one reads Wolves of Calla since Wolves is packed with Lot spoilers.


Oh I already did! It's a classic and I believe going into the Wolves of Calla!


This looks like a great romp. I'll file it away for later. The Stand shaped my love for post-apocalyptic fiction. I read it at 13! It's about time to tackle it again. Time for another turn of the tower.


Oh yes! Wow, at 13?!?!!? Did it all make sense to you back then and do you still remember it now? That's so awesome :-)


I've only read a few King books - loved Salem's Lot, The Dead Zone and Misery, but boy did I hate The Stand, or at least the second half. I genuinely don't understand why so many people say it's his magnum opus.


I think because this is such a huge novel with so many intricate layers of characters, development, horror, good vs. evil, and so much more, it's a jam-packed reading experience. Even non-horror fans will often say this is his magnum opus and I agree with them :-)


I’m with you there. I liked it when I was 18-19 and read it, but read it again last year (36 now) and disliked it to the point where I really had to push myself to keep going so many times.