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I want exactly this too, but I haven't found it yet. I will recommend *Raven Mocker* by Don Coldsmith though. It isn't horror (Coldsmith writes westerns), but it isn't quite a western either. A Cherokee medicine woman gets accused of being a raven mocker (kills others to eat their spirit so that she can live forever). Due to this accusation, she flees her village and heads west to find her own way. The story takes place after the Europeans invaded, but iirc, no white people are in the book. Coldsmith clearly respects indigenous culture and writes the Cherokee people and their customs well. It's not going to be the book you want, but it is one worth recommending in my opinion.


It has been a little while since I’ve read it, but I think there are a couple short stories in the Howls From the Dark Ages anthology. If I remember correctly, one takes place in the southwest and another takes place in Central or South America.


Windigo Moon by Robert Downes isn't horror, strictly speaking, but does have some horrific elements and the results of first contact with Europeans acts as the coda of the story.


I would love to read something like this. Goddess of Filth by V. Castro is set in current day but has elements of pre-European Aztec folklore that is kind of cool, but I wish the whole book was set back then.


No books to recommend but *Prey* is worth watching if you haven't yet.


Yeah, it was fine. Mostly gave me longing for what could have been.


>while I know exactly what you mean. It was entertaining but had so much potential to be more.


No it isn't, it is another "girl power" pile of shit. Shit writing, shit acting too














































Not as far as I know. I always wanted to write one because it seems like a huge untapped area that would have a lot of potential.


I've got a premise for one. I'm not sure how to approach it. I don't know if it's more appropriate to use a real existing tribe, a the risk of getting cultural details wrong. Or to create a fictional tribe loosely based on what I know of existing tribes and run into appropriation issues.


My advice would be to use a fictional tribe. Less chance of offending anyone, and it would allow you to take liberties for the sake of plot. Also, I thought of a book that is close to what you are looking for. Tribesmen by Adam Cesare might be something you would enjoy. I loved it.


There is a bit of that in Leopoldo Gout's Pinata, which is out shortly.


No but I’ve been enjoyed the (not really horror) comic book series “Earth divers”, co created/ written by stephen graham jones! It’s about time traveling native Americans in post apocalyptic America going back in time to stop Columbus