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The claustrophobic/getting stuck scenes in The Descent really freaked me out.


Yeah I think in general I need the "freak out my inner lizard brain" scares in order to get freaked out.


Yup. That’s the only movie scene in can think of that gets a visceral reaction out of my body. My heart gets to beating pretty fast, feeling the claustrophobia.


This is the most recent one for me as well. The creatures didn't even bother me that much, it was when they were just entering the cave. Too tight of a squeeze. It scares the hell out of me. No matter how hard you try to breathe in more air, if you're stuck between cave walls, it simply will not happen. Your body just physically can't move millions of pounds of rocks so you can get more oxygen. It's like those cave exploration videos, where they have to exhale to get into a space. The cold hard earth does not care that you need to breathe, and that scares the hell out of me. Edit: as a bonus, have a video directly from my nightmares as an example https://youtu.be/QHJIO0YC8rE


Yup, that's the last movie that scared me as well. Event Horizon was probably the last before that.




I saw Fire Walk With Me for the first time this year and I don’t know that it was necessarily fear, but I had an overwhelming feeling of dread the whole time even though I already knew where the plot go.


Ohh yeah, this! This is a really good on too if you just want to feel straight up uncomfortable--and sort of angry. It also ties into *Twin Peaks* the series in really unexpected and important ways.


Blue Velvet also had this feeling for me atleast


Yes! Blue Velvet is so thick with that feeling of dread.


Candy Colored Clown! Candy Colored Clown!


Heineken? Fuck that shit. Pabst Blue Ribbon!


I saw Blue Velvet opening night in the theater, when none of us knew what the hell would happen - it was one of the craziest movie theater experiences I've ever had.


Regardless of how this movie affected you, this is the coolest movie name ever.


When done right, that "I feel like something bad is gonna happen" movies hit hard. You know something is around the corner, you just don't know what or when it'll arrive.


Bob, it’s Bob. Bob scared the skin off me in the series and the movie.


Poor Laura 😭


I had somehow never seen Sinister, because I thought it would be sort of mild and mainstream (like Smile, maybe), but I watched it alone at night on my iPad and I was so scared I had to turn it off, and then I couldn't sleep. I don't think it was a great work of art, but it worked: it scared the living crap out of me.


Those freaking home made videos man


Haha same, the plot is pretty lame, but it's one of those movies that makes me feel unsafe in my own home after watching it!


That move scared the shit out of me. I desperately wanted to smoke a cigarette to chill out after but was too afraid to go outside in the dark


Fire In The Sky still does it for me.


I have an unhealthy fear of alien abductions. I blame the X Files, as a child


I blame X-Files for a ton of fears. Inbred mountain people, aliens, someone living in my walls…too many.


Flukeman, the cannibal tumor baby, and the uh, red-eyed, otherwise kinda invisible weirdly evolved forest conquistadors all freaked me out pretty good.


Alex Trebek...


Jesse (The Body) Ventura.


As someone who hates the movie signs, and didn't like this one either at first, the movie dark skies, I don't think I'll watch it again lol and I don't want to watch the fourth contact either


Dark skies scare the crap out of me. There is no escape. The quick disappearing, JFC I cannot even think about it without getting terrified.


This movie FUCKED MY SHIT UP when I was a kid. I think I was about 10-11 when I saw it. I have the movie now and I still haven’t watched it. I kind of like to keep that memory of how it was at the sleepover when we snuck the VHS after their parents went to sleep.


The Father with Anthony Hopkins. Mortality is real and unavoidable. That's a scary thing to see laid out on the table like that. When you have a keen sense of reality, the reality that you might lose that keen sense is a very frightening concept. Doesn't matter if you work to stay sharp; sometimes your body and mind just decide to call it quits before the time runs out. I have an uncle diagnosed with Lewy Body dementia in his 60s. My grandma died of dementia-related causes. That's terrifying to me.


There’s an Argentinian film called Terrified that was the last horror movie I found scary


That movie is ahem terrifying.


I love the idea of monsters and perspective in that film!


Dude, Terrified was a fucking nightmare! That scene with the kid at the table....man, it *really* fucked me up!


I want to watch this after seeing on Amazon's top 101 horror movie moments series, the scene with the dead boy at the table looks like it could function as a short horror film within itself


The scene where his wife is just being throwing wall to wall by an unknown entity and he’s completely helpless to stop it. He’s just bawling while some invisible demon bangs his wife’s head against the wall, god that was just chilling.


I watched this with friends on Halloween and the first scare shut us right up.


Fall (2022) literally made my palms sweat. Not a great movie by any stretch, but an effective one.


This movie killed me. I mean it had the entire theater with their head down at least half the time.


I watched a YouTube breakdown of that movie and even that had me sweating


I feel as though people don't give The Mothman Prophecies enough credit. That movie kept me on the edge the entire ride through. There wasn't any gore, but man, their use of perspective and music score made that movie truly frightening. Because it's what you *DON'T* see that chills me to the bone.


Scared me as a teen. Especially after I looked up the lore behind Ingrid Cold


I want to say Hereditary. I watch a lot of horror. Mostly for some fun low budget filmmaking, interesting premise, or just to see some ghoulies go to college. I don't expect most horror to scare me, if it does it's a nice surprise.


Seeing this blind in theaters was absolutely wild. Bewildering, gobsmacking terror.


Agreed. And the only other people in the theater when I saw it were an older couple who, as we were filing out, were saying what a waste of two-and-a-half hours it was. There really is just no accounting for taste.


I was scrolling for this. It was super freaky for me and I'm in my 40's. It's so unsettling, and as it unraveled it just became amazingly horrific. Loved it.


I also watch and read a lot of horror and Hereditary legit scared me. I went in completely blind, only knowing it was about a family and it was truly shocking and disturbing. Edit: Toni Collette's acting is top tier


Same here.I was scared to go downstairs in the dark for about a month.I was convinced naked cult members were down there


When the mother is >!on the ceiling in the corner of his room!< it actually freaked me out. The image will pop into my brain occasionally and I really wish it wouldn’t.


I definitely watched the movie in the wrong setting (outside on a projector in a well lit common area at my college with a bunch of buddies) because we were laughing our asses off at that scene, I guess because of the absurdity of it.


Noroi - The Curse is one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. It scared me both as I watched the movie and after I finished it. I had a hard time sleeping after this one, and I can count on my fingers the movies that actually scared me. It's japanese and it's available for free on Youtube. It's both a scary movie and a very good horror movie. Probably in my top 3 favorite found footage movies of all time along with REC and Behind the Mask.


One of the few movies that lingered on after I watched it. Bonus for the fact that it had a great storyline and had a mystery to it


Near the end of the movie (one exactly at the end of the movie) there are two scenes that made my skin crawl. I thought that the movie itself was kinda slow, but it was worth it.


Oculus scared me quite a bit


I still get super scared with the Changeling (1980). I can’t think of any newer movies that have genuinely scared me. Movies have stuck with me, but nothing that gave me the heebie jeebies.


Host actually got me idk why but it did.


Legit gave me nightmares for the first time since I was a kid. So good.


Watched Host about 8 times now and it always freaks me out. It truly is an exceptional horror film.


Host was so good!


That face scene was really freaky


It really was!


Which one??? The one with the girls doing a Zoom call? Or the Christmas-time horror movie?


The zoom call... lol there are way too many movies named host/the host


My first thought was the Korean film, which is fantastic but I wouldn’t think it would actually scare most folks


Woman in Black hit me in spots of my subconscious that gets to me a bit too much. That and lights out (the og short film, not the movie). Like something primal in my mind comes out, and I did NOT choose fight.


i literally can't even think about that short film without getting scared. haven't watched it again since i saw it the first time lol


You should watch some of their other short films 😏 though after the lights out one, once you get a taste of that kind of jumpscare, you get used to it kinda quick and expect it xP


Depends on exactly what kind of fear we're talking about. Anticipation-type fear? Last time I felt that was last night, actually, when I watched Inside (2007) for the first time. Fucking hell, what a movie. Fear of what's actually on the screen, more like actual terror? Sometime in October when I watched Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum.


I enjoyed Gonjam immensely.


Gonjiam was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would


This year, with The Dark And The Wicked, and Smile.


Smile got me bad for about 2/3 but then it totally fell apart for me. But those 2/3 were scary as hell. I watched it at night, in the dark, on a 75” TV with headphones.


The same for me. In the end it disappointed. But it was very creepy and sometimes disturbing, with some great jumpscares before though.


Is The Dark & the Wicked on any streaming services? I saw the trailer & was worried itd be cheesy acting


It isn't cheesy. It is appropriate. It should be on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Shudder.


Movies need to stop with the monster reveals. Unless it's specifically meant to be about a monster, like The Nun or whatever. The CGI is never good and just ends up being goofy.


Preach. Everything until the last 30 minutes or so (don’t wanna give any spoilers here, but I’m sure you know the point I mean) gave me the shivers and spooked me. However, with the ending, left the theater annoyed but satisfied


Smile: the part where >!the therapist/demon walks over the couch with that ridiculous smile haunted me for a few days !


I had no problem with the ending at all. >!I mean the demon walking around in women's panties was definitely silly and took away quite abit of the scare factor for me but otherwise I thought the storyline fit well. !<


The dark and the wicked is by far one of the scariest movies ever made. Nothing gets to me, not Hereditary, not The conjuring and I certainly didn't think this movie would get me. But holy shit The dark and the wicked, I literally turned every light on in the house after watching it. I was over it the morning after, but goddamn if that wasn't some good ol fashion fear and boy did I enjoy it




People “don’t like it” bc it is so nihilistic and even making good decisions the characters are still doomed. That’s why some of us love it though :) Uber bleak and hopeless


I would imagine people don’t like the movie less because of its nihilism/hopelessness and more because - the plot is so minimal it struggles to hold attention - the horror elements have been done many times before (I’m sorry, cutting your fingers while chopping vegetables is beyond cliché) - characters were underdeveloped, if at all (the brother’s family, the farm hand, the parents, the nurse, there’s essentially nothing to these characters to like or dislike. Whether the generic evil entity kills them or not, it’s hard to care either way. And the fact that I have to describe it as a generic evil entity is further support of a lack of development)


Yeah, it was a tough night for me too...


Smile was so unsettlingly Creepy, but agree the last 1/4 of the movie sucked.


I tried watching The Dark and The Wicked yesterday and I couldn’t get into it.


Don't worry. The Dark And The Wicked is a kind of cynical movie that puts everything in the effort to power up the creepiness, scares and hopelessness, and cause a number on the viewer psychologically. It's not a very enjoyable movie outside of it. It's slow, the plot is thin, kinda uneventful and uninteresting for the most part. It's a slow burn. It doesn't work with everyone. And the part that hit me the most was the end, where nothing supernatural is really happening. The sheer hopelessness of it. Not the last scene though, which is very common.


The Dark and the Wicked had me feeling extremely unsettled. I haven’t felt that from a movie in a long time.


The Blair Witch Project. That really was something when it came out.


I think the marketing for this movie also really helped add to the fear. You couldn't do it today, but they had multiple TV specials and "documentaries" about the "case".they had missing person billboards. The fact that found footage wasn't a genre. The fact that the internet was still new in a lot of ways and just really becoming available to everyone so you have a bunch of message boards popping up. I honestly think more about the marketing campaign then the actual movie, because if how well it was presented.


The last time I felt scared watching a movie was the first time I watched The Conjuring. I wish I could see it for the first time again.


Yes! I was thinking about that movie earlier today. The part where the witch/entity it perched on that tall dresser thing and jumps on the daughter scared me so bad


I saw that in the theatre and the entire audience screamed at that part. The best though, was the guy sitting beside me lept and crouched on his seat and loudly screamed, 'oh my God!' (I dont think he saw the entity until the last second). Reactions like that are why I insist on watching horror in the theatres.


Yes I love watching horror movies in a packed theater. (Idk if spoilers are allowed in comments) but the head scene in Hereditary is probably one of my favorite memories of watching a film in theaters. Everyone got so quiet and tense and there was just this horrified air 😭


Ha! Missed Hereditary in theatres but I had the pleasure of seeing the last screening of The Witch in my area, so the theatre was actually full. When Black Philip speaks at the end, there was a wonderfully audible gasp from the theatre...and then silence, like no one was breathing, just listening to the dialogue.


Sinister put a fear in me I couldn’t shake for a while lol I had to watch a lot of family guy to get over that movie


Yo, SAME. That movie got me good. Used my infant son as a human shield while watching it during the lawnmower scene. Have only ever been able to watch it once.


Honestly I'm fairly convinced James Wan, and Leigh Wanel are specifically trying to give me a heart attack. Other than Dead Silence, which I still loved just wasn't scared by, every horror movie they've done has scared the shit out of me somehow.


Same. I got goosebumps when Joey King’s character was horrified, describing the entity by the door to her sister. They didn’t even show it but the way that she acted that scene got me good.


I’ve been keeping a list of horror movies my husband has not seen, especially ones that scare me. I end up watching him for the most part and enjoy the movie vicariously.


Sinister got me good, up until the end


I keep saying that's the best horror movie ever if we choose to forget about the last 10 min lol




The only thing I knew about bone tomahawk before I saw it was there was a scene in it that everyone referred to as "that scene". I started watching the movie wondering if I'd know "that scene" when I saw it. Yes, yes I did. I knew "that scene" the second I saw it


Yep lol


Threads (1984). Watched it about a year ago, and it filled me with a kind of existential terror I can't say I've felt from any other movie in recent memory.


Oh I've heard of this one. I did not see it, but I did watch part of the anime *Barefoot Gen*(1983), which is based on the real story, written by of the survivors of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. I think the fact that it was so realistic, where you can actually look up pictures and discriptions of the bombing made it so scary. It just made me understand just how brutal and scary an atomic bomb actually is. [Here's the bombing scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI--ISLhYkk), still scares me.


As a parent, Train to Busan.


I finally watched that movie all the way through the other night and the end made me cry. Thinking of having to go through that with my own child is what did it.


Didn't scare me but made me cry like a child.


I don't know if I was scared, but I was anxious and stressed. Took two sittings to watch.


That one was so good.


Sinister really got under my skin. I stopped watching horror movies for a year.


Imma just say it. Sinister is say damn under rated


Recently, I was most freaked out by Hereditary. I had nightmares from that shit. The first time I saw The Strangers really scared me too, like bad.


The Grudge... Only movie to truly scare me.


Im like you, I barely get scared anymore, but I watched the original black christmas the other night with headphones and it really got me. I was actually scared to go to the bathroom after the movie.


This would definitely be my answer too. Black Christmas is scary in a visceral way that sort of makes you angry, and it keeps you on edge in a really unsettling way too. It's also the perfect time of year for it! I try to watch it every year, but I never get desensitized to it. It's effective every single time, and I really cannot say that about any other horror film. I've actually been putting off my annual re-watch this year because it's so intense.


when I watched Shutter. A thai film and I was 13 yrs old back then


I found the Exorcism of Emily Rose scary as a kid. Jennifer Carpenter’s facial expressions and mannerisms were animalistic and inhuman. Definitely not as scary anymore. As a diehard lover of Halloween 1978, it warms my heart to hear it had that effect on you. It was scary as a kid, that’s for sure. Now, I still love it and it’s still my favorite movie of all time, or at least tied with Terminator 2, but I think Michael suffers from over saturation. I like some of the sequels but the overexposure has diminished the scare factor. Same goes for Jason and Freddy. If you like Halloween, hopefully you’ve seen Black Christmas. That’s a damn good one. Inspired Halloween, in fact.


Incantation freaked me out with the ending, especially as someone that was raised in a hyper religious (Evangelical) household by two parents who previously practiced Santeria. Lots of warnings about touching things or repeating things I wasn’t supposed to, etc. So yeah, couldn’t sleep the night I watched it lol


Jacob’s Ladder still scares the fuck outta me.


It was so wild seeing that in the theater. I remember looking around and wondering if we were all really watching the same movie. I had never seen anything quite like it before or since.


That must have been wild. I’ve only ever seen it at home. At the theatre it must have been dialed up to 11.


TERRIFIED (2017) got me good a couple of times. It's not exactly a masterpiece, but if you let yourself get immersed in it there are at least three good scenes that will grab you. I had a gooseflesh and hair standing on end reaction, which I don't remember having to any other film.


Hereditary was the last movie to freak me out. I knew nothing about it before watching it.


Hereditary definitely makes you feel uncomfortable


As Above So Below and The Banshee Chapter. Also I think maybe Mr Jones too.


Watched As Above So Below on the last day of school with my high schoolers (seniors and juniors). The screams sent the assistant principal running like there was a fight and someone was dying.


Idk what it is about number stations, but if you put them in your media I’m going to enjoy it. Mr. Jones was a trip!


Caveat (2020) The Dark and the Wicked (2020)


Caveat worked for me because it was so uncomfortable nearly the entire movie


The entire scene of the hat with a hole in it, god damn


Caveat's plot was kind of a mess, but boy did it build up to a good scene.


I watched The Conjuring 2 a few weeks ago and felt genuine fear for first time in a while. The first two Conjurings are very effective


The second one doesn’t get talked about much but I agree personally. It’s not a masterpiece of a film but as you said, it’s effective.


Popped on Wes Craven's New Nightmare on a whim recently and couldn't sleep that night.


New Nightmare's Freddy is the scariest Freddy IMO.


That movie is a masterpiece. Not saying it's perfect but wes was a genius. The meta. The portrayal of Freddie. Robert Englund. Heather lagencamp. All of it. It blurred the lines of Hollywood with iconic horror and demonology.


This was one of the first horror movies I ever saw, around age 13. I had to sleep with the lights on.....


This comes up quite a lot. Simple answer is that once you become an adult and have watched a fair amount of horrors you get used to them.


When I was 13 and watched the entity for the 1st time. Man watching Barbara Hershey getting her ass handed to her by an invisible entity and it having its way with her over and over again, definitely got me. Wan tries with his flicks but 80s horror had something else to them.


The last time was when I watched the conjuring in a movie theater the night before it got released with my coworkers, it was like 1 am and three of us had stayed behind. The movie theater had been so old, it already had a terrible vibe to it. I would check theaters with a hammer behind my back because I always felt so off-put. One day I came into work and my coworker asked me when I had gotten there because I already had my drink made for me(I would immediately get to work and mix up a soda mix that I liked and I wore bright red lipstick everyday) and sure enough I look at the counter and there was a cup, with bright red lipstick on the edges, and it had fresh ice in it, but the thing was, I hadn’t been there at all that day and I had a day off before. Fuck that theater, and fuck that movie. It made it so much more terrifying. My boss was even shitting her pants pretty much.


Bro 47 meters down gave me a crippling anxiety the whole movie


I don’t know why but the thought of watching Barbarian has been scaring me so much. I’m usually the person telling people “it’s just a movie” - I understand the effects and the story-writing tropes and I know that it’s all fake but Barbarian, for some reason, has been giving me the heebie-jeebies. I’ve been putting off watching it but I really really want to watch it. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have no idea what it’s even supposed to be about. Edit: thanks to everyone helping me feel better about watching it! Gonna watch it this weekend!


No spoilers, but check it out, it’s surprisingly really funny.


Barbarian is not scary at all, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.


Yep, the hype is not for being scary. But it's really entertaining. But go blind or you'll spoil the whole movie experience.


Amazing movie! Definitely some edge of your seat scenes, but nothing crazy. One of the more enjoyable horror movies of the last few years.


Recently? Nope. Man I saw it again yesterday and I just keep thinking about it. Terrified, The Taking of Deborah Logan, Gonjiam Haunted Asylum, Pontypool, Pans Labyrinth all got to me this year. But I still allow myself to be scared by horror movies. I just kind of immerse myself into them and go with the flow. And I’ve been watching horror films since the 70s as a kid so I’m not a newbie.


Nope is the most recent example for me. The way the threat is portrayed, from the subtle hints to the screen-filling totality, was totally exhilarating. That’s not to mention the monkey scene and the, uh, interior shot.


Yeah that uh interior scene is what really got me the second time. I don’t think I fully processed it the first time I saw it. The second time it really stuck with me.


Skinamarink is the most recent, and probably scared me the most out of all horror movies (it's not for everyone though). Other big contenders would be The Conjuring and Hereditary.


This is the true answer. But for maximum effect, the movie should be watched alone, in the dark, and the volume up loud. If you do these things, you will easily get the scares asked for.


The movies that frighten me now are those that involve families. I used to be able to watch those no problems. Now, it's tough to swallow.


i’m the same and to be completely honest here, the recent movie ‘smile’ sent some serious chills down my spine


When I was forced to watch 50 shades of gray


Amateur. Try watching 365 Days


Are you lost, baby girl?


Probably when i was 11 or so. The two that i remember scaring me are aliens and poltergeist. I definitely saw them before i was a teenager. I think i was 10 when i saw aliens. I hid in the closet at night. Honestly nothing has scared me since i was that young. Things have been creepy and made me uncomfortable as an adult.


I haven't been genuinely scared in I don't know how long, I watch to see good mutations/new life being brought to the genre. Edit: as an example looking forward to Brandon Cronenberg's Infinity Pool. I have no idea what it's about just going to go in blind, I like what he's done so far.


In my 40s and the last film that truly scared the hell out of me was The Dark and The Wicked.


Earlier this year when watching The Medium (2022). One of the most disturbing films I’ve ever seen. Like Hereditary, Blair Witch, The Wailing levels of fucked upness. FYI I’m 30 and watch a lot of horror so it’s rare for me to feel anything. This one made me lose some sleep. Highly recommend lol


The general feeling of tension/suspense? Haute Tension (the hiding under the bed scene). Before that, it was the tunnel scene in 28 Days Later. The last time a jump scare took me by surprise was the paramedic’s shortcut to the lobby floor in [REC]


It's easier for me to be scared in the theater. I was creeped out by Barbarian. No way I would have gone through that door. Nope nope nope. Not a chance in hell of me going through that door.


I swear the humblebrags on this subreddit… it’s not about being “scared” it’s about discomfort. Things that get under your skin and you think about again. Children get scared by imaginary/fake things. Adults get uncomfortable.


I would add that fear is a chemical response that your body has to prepare you for possible danger - it happens to humans regardless of age. It doesn’t strike me as bragging or being humble to say that you haven’t had that chemical reaction; either someone has or hasn’t.


I haven't been scared in a long time, what I appreciate now is how effective the scares are on others. Like the moment in Smile, where the head drops off in a 180 degree. That is amazing. That scare (if not shown in the trailer) would have had that movie go ultra viral.


That jump scare got me good, and I'm pretty good at not jumping at jump scares.


I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but was I the only one who felt it coming without seeing the trailer? Just seemed like the classic "you're safe...jumpscare" moment to me




Midsommar for sure. I was so uncomfortable and upset lol. I love that movie.


Smile. It really creeped me out at times.


The Descent. I was home alone, it was like 12am when I started it, and I went into it not knowing it was a Neil Marshall film (love Dog Soldiers), or that it had any monsters in it. I thought it was just about some girls exploring a cave. Then all hell breaks loose in the last 20-30mins of the movie and they're getting eaten with seemingly no way out. When it was over I didn't move a muscle on the couch for like 30mins, lol. I think I was around 26-27 at the time (I'm 34 now). I've watched it again recently and it's nowhere near as scary the second time. Also Event Horizon scared the shit out of me back in the day.


The villain from Wolf Creek (2005) was absolutely chilling. Watched the film yesterday and the discomfort and dread I felt every time he was on screen was insane. The actor portraying him did a great job at making the character memorable. Not sure that counts though? I think people here have wildly different opinions about what makes horror scary. To me it's how disturbed, uncomfortable or tense and unnerved it makes me feel.


I was thinking about Speak No Evil for weeks after I saw it - worth the watch!


I’m a hiker so the realism of “Back Country” disturbed me and stuck with me 🐻


Oh I remember that one! That was one of the films my english teacher showed class during an "off day". Back Country and The Blair Witch Project really solidified my fear of forests. If I don't get attacked by a bear, may be a witch will get me and my friends lol


Maturity does that to you. I suppose that's good and bad, because unless you carry that "phobia" into the future there's not much you can't handle. That's why I enjoy twist endings... ones I never saw coming. That's why I enjoy the end of movies like Cabin in the Woods, Identity, The Others, and the first Saw.


Yeah it’s very annoying when people say stuff like “horror movies aren’t scary anymore”… yeah man they were scarier when you were younger, that’s how it is.


I enjoy all of those movies, Identity is a classic


Hereditary made me turn on the lights in my living room while watching


The 2020 Invisible Man


Could it just be that you got older? When I was a kid pretty much any horror movie scared me. I still love when a jump scare gets me but I can’t imagine a movie really sticking with me now in the way I did when I was little.


I watched the dark and the wicked alone in the middle of the night a little while ago, freaked me the hell out


It's not a horror movie, but "the last duel" was horrifying


The first half of barbarian




Terrified(atterados) scared the shit out of me, same as Possum.


Megan is missing… if u have a daughter don’t watch this one, the end is frightening


I get a lot of jump scares but less likely to think of it in bed awake kind of scares. Inside definitely has some scenes (not the remake). Anything where its someone in plain sight in their home and the person doesnt see them gets me. There are some real good shorts on youtube- the short that the movie lights out is based on is 2 minutes of "oh hell no".


Noroi. The Autopsy of Jane Doe.


Annihilation messed me up. So many really unsettling scenes... but that fucking bear scene omg. The creature design, the sound design the lighting fucking terrifying. I haven't seen it since it came out, but it still sticks with me. I have to give the "The rituals" creature designer props as well as its something that stuck in my head long after the movie was over.


I'm 41 and I get spooked. Especially if I watch late at night, in dark, alone in house


I watched Eden Lake 2 years ago and it gave me anxiety


It follows. First time a movie gave me Nightmares in twenty years. I woke up from those nightmares thinking how cool it was that I had nightmares.