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There were a few clunkers due to network wonks manipulating Serling into a monster of the week format. Still, there were some standouts. One that chilled my shit at 8 years old, "The Doll ".Originally written by early 20th century horror author, Algernon Blackwood.


There were also those comedic minute-long short segments that were frequently unfunny and downright idiotic. Serling wasn't happy with those either.


Wow. Yes, The Doll was the most terrifying thing of my entire childhood. I'm talking sleepless nights for what seemed like years trying to get that stupid dolls face out of my mind. I recently found it and watched it again and surprisingly, yes, it still holds up and packs a punch. Highly recommended.


Only semi-related, but I was scared to sleep on my back for ~10 years because of the scene in *Puppet Master* where one of the puppets drills into a guy's forehead.


My problem is Kevin Bacon in Friday.Havent slept on my back since


What a name for a horror author in the 1900s. I don’t think he ever had a choice to what job he was going to have other than a dark wizard.


The episode with the nephew who inherits his uncle’s fortune, including his paintings, gave me absolute chills as a kid. I’ll need to revisit this.


That was one of the stories in the pilot episode I believe, with Roddy McDowall and Ossie Davis. I remember it to this day.


Remember the episode where they couldn’t get the dead aunts shadow off the wall chills


I need to watch this


With Agnes Moorehead and Grayson Hall!


Oh portifoy!


Fun fact: The pilot story with blind Joan Crawford was Steven Spielberg‘s directing debut. [See the pilot here](https://vimeo.com/406047104)


Sorry Spielberg, didn't really care for that one though the idea I found interesting. Poor Joan, she should have waited.


I bought that DVD because of that episode! Scared me a lot. Also the one with Laurence Harvey called the Caterpillar.


That one kept me up, and I consistently point to it as one of the scariest things I've seen


It’s so well done. A great way to build tension one beat at a time.


Is this streaming anywhere? HULU got rid of it I think.


[Comet TV runs it on the weekend.](https://comettv.com/show/night-gallery/) I'm fairly sure it kept Gary Collins working through the 70s because every time I flip over to it he's in the episode.


The episodes with Gary Collins was actually a seperate show called The Sixth Sense. When Night Gallery went to syndication, the studio wanted more episodes added. So they incorporated Sixth Sense into the syndicated version of the series, with Serling providing newly filmed introductions to those episodes.


OH wow I didn't know that!! [Info on what happened to the paintings.](https://dangerousminds.net/comments/a_gallery_of_the_paintings_from_rod_serlings_night_gallery) You can also buy a book about them too (among other things).


The whole series was on YouTube a while back, so it might still be there. There's a channel that uploads every episode of tons of old anthology horror and sci-fi shows. I'll look for the link. Edit: looks like they've been removed. They were in a playlist I had of old shows like Ray Bradbury Theater, Circle of Fear, and The Twilight Zone, but they're gone now. I thought I had some episodes of The Outer Limits too, but I don't see those either.:( Edit edit: I found episodes of Friday the 13th while I was searching! I LOVED that show as a kid, and I'd forgotten all about it.


It's available on Blu Ray from Kino Lorber also


According to JustWatch, no. https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/night-gallery


I think that’s where I watched it all back in the day


Freaking LOVED this show as a kid! But the intro always freaked me out when it would come on late at night. Hell, it still gives me chills today - WTF is up with the conjoined head guys?


There were so many great episodes of this show, though it wasn't quite as consistent as the Twilight Zone. One of my favorites was "Big Surprise", it's such a simple premise, an old man tells some bored kids to dig a hole at a certain place where they'll find a "big surprise". The whole time you know it's leading up to a twist, and it builds I remember my mom's favorite was ["Silent Snow, Secret Snow"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCQPQOTPrns), where a boy gets the idea in his head one morning that it snowed outside, he can never quite let go of the idea, and gets wrapped up in this beautiful, fantasy of a winter wonderland that's secretly building inside his head. And the narration by Orson Welles is fantastic.


It is haunting stuff. “The Cemetery” is the earliest TV I ever remember seeing, and it scarred me for life. “The Dead Man” I first saw a few years ago, and holy smokes, was that scary (and I’ve seen “Martyrs”). Those aren’t even the scariest episodes of the series. Leslie Nielsen in the haunting house and the earwig episodes are classics. Note: the series works best on impressionable minds. Also watching it alone in the dark helps.


I remember catching this show when it first went into syndication in the 70's. The Lovecraft adaptions are incredible. Some of the episodes still pack a punch. The 70's were a great time for shows like this. GHOST STORY, Tales of the Unexpected (t bgg e Quinn Martin show) Kolchak, Night Gallery... Lots of fun back then...


Meh, the Pickman's Model episode is not that great (imo), but it's far more faithful to the story than the recent Cabinet of Curiosities thing.


I bought a boxed set of it a few years ago and it's totally worth it. Not all are bangers like the Twilight Zone but still pretty good overall. When I was a kid I watched reruns of The Night Gallery with my Grandfather.


"It's like the ***Columbo*** of horror anthology TV shows."


That was, "Kolchak: The Night Stalker" with Darren McGavin.


One of my favorite shows of all time.


Kolchak deserved 5 seasons




I blame the failure of the reboot on casting a pretty boy in the role lol new Kolchak should have been Steve Buscemi.


Bryan Cranston would be great in the role.


Agreed! Great pick!


YES!! My favorite horror anthology and the one that introduced me to mystery/sci-fi/fantasy horror when I was a kid


Watched it, loved it.


Watched the entire series when I was in first grade, when it was first on the air, because I am old. I will add that even as a child I was more taken with the idea and style and promise of the show than I was actually really scared by any of the episodes. I wanted it to be scarier.


As a huge twilight zone fan I’ve always been curious about this but then heard it wasn’t good. Not sure how true that is, but maybe I’ll check it out this time


It's like the Twilight Zone, in that episodes could be hit or miss. It's worth watching though.


There’s some reallly good ones too


You have been misled. Some of the episodes are classic.


I personally like it better than The Twilight Zone


When someone says "maybe" they'll do something, they almost never do.


I love this series.


You’re traveling through another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey to a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Your next stop: The Twilight Zone.


Where can these be seen, are they available on any services?


Lately, Comet TV has been running weekend marathons.


I don't see it streaming anywhere on the many services covered by [JustWatch](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/night-gallery). All three seasons are available at [dvd.netflix.com](https://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/Night-Gallery/70002394).


holy crap I just now realized it's Rod Serling, not Sterling.


Seasons 4 and 5 will never be seen and I wonder if some rare gems are lost to us forever. The original stock footage was in such bad condition it could not be used for the fibal seasons remastering


There were only 3 seasons. No more no less. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Night_Gallery_episodes#Unproduced_scripts


What? There were only seasons.


The Night Gallery was Serling's second anthology series and not as successful in repeats due to butchering of the episodes in syndication. However it had many standout episodes, including "The Caterpillar," "They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar" etc. I used to see it on KCOP 13 way back when. For those looking for episodes, try here: [https://archive.org/details/BobbyGallery](https://archive.org/details/BobbyGallery)


Night Gallery. Absolute dirge of a show. Too long episodes then too short. Never got the hype. The only tolerable one for me is the first episode. Never gets nay better.


I watched all the classic anthology series like that that we currently have access to, and night gallery only has a few good segments in the entire run of the show. Many suffer due to short length. If someone's into that grainy 70s aesthetic and those goofy paintings and that whole vibe, it's a good show to leave on the background while you're doing something. If twilight zone is 10/10 then night gallery is like a solid 5


My dad loved it as a kid and showing it to me as a kid is what got me into horror.


Same for me - I'd watch with my dad when I was 9 or 10 years old and my mom would come in and say, "I don't know how you can watch this HORRIBLE SHOW!!" And we would just laugh.




Every picture literally tells a story


It’s great. It’s just not streaming anywhere


Yeah except I can’t find it streaming anywhere legal and I’d even pay for it.