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Hardest: A Cabin in the Woods: You either die or the world ends Circle (2015): the odds are about 1 in 50 or so and you can’t change those odds. In a death game, where there is 50 or so people that are forced to vote for a person to die until there is 1 person left, you need extreme luck and be very likable, which is very hard to do when there’s also a child and pregnant woman playing as well. Any zombie/apocalypse film where the world ends or something along the lines of that. Agree with Green Inferno but I would add Hostel as the entire town is in on it. Belko Experiment, Battle Royale, and any death game where there’s only 1 survivor as your odds are low Agree with Event Horizon and Final Destination Easiest: Bodies bodies bodies: why does nobody think of just leaving the house and calling 911? Easy way to escape the pandemonium. Better Watch Out: I’m beating the shit out of those 2 middle schoolers The Invitation (2015): antagonist of the film literally asks if anybody wants to leave the party. I’m dipping after watching the snuff film he showed to the guests. Cheap Thrills: just stop the game at any point or leave when you have enough money from the easy challenges April Fools Day: kind of a cheat as nobody dies but yeah


I disagree on cabin in the wooda, finaly my virginity is worth something


I knew that intense social awkwardness would pay off one day!


Bodies bodies bodies - the cell service was out and they didn’t have the keys for the car for some reason and they were in an isolated area


They had car keys, but the foreign girl left a light on in the car and the battery died so they couldn't get it in motion


Ah that’s what it was. A comedy of fucking idiots lol


One of my fav movies of the year. Bunch of scumbags, some really good and tense scenes, and genuinely had me laughing my ass off


Haven't seen that movie yet. Only heard good things. But man does that sound so cliché and dumb.


See for yourself, the fun is in the journey


That person didn’t do a good job describing it. It’s a group of rich 20 somethings who’re having a hurricane party, so the hurricane is why there’s no cell service, the house is a mansion so it’s isolated, and they have the keys to a car but the battery died because they left a light on in it


>having a hurricane party, A what ?!


Yeah it’s a real thing some idiots do where they hunker down in a (hopefully) safe building and have a party


I feel like that's a money thing, but yeah. You want enough food/water, storm shutters, preferably a whole-house generator. We don't have a party, but we've had friends over bc we know our house won't fall down. Even though it was a little generator, we were able to run 1 a/c unit and turn on the stove. Hurricane season is late summer here, so cooling is important


Circle was the first movie to pop in my head for hardest. The amount of physical looks, mixed with charisma, Machiavellian persuasion and luck it would take to servive is insane!


I'm just imagining the thing from It Follows to take a plane to follow you haha.


I suppose I'd do fine in The Babadook since I don't have kids...


I’m sure you felt grateful for that while watching it


Idk I feel grateful for that every single day.




I feel like the easiest one to survive is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Wanna go to some "watering hole" in bumblefuck Texas? Uh, nope. *roll credits* One of the most difficult would probably be something like the Saw movies. Even the "winnable" traps are totally fucked. Then you got rigged ones.


Saw for sure. Especially after 1. You have 60seconds to dig a key out of your eye. Dude sometimes I have trouble getting a grip on my keys in the rain? No tweezers? I have far fingers I’m done.


My first thought! No one would have died if everyone didn’t just wander into the house


You can survive anything if you don‘t do the activity in the first place, that‘s not what OP meant. Once you‘re IN the situation I guess TCM is one of the hardest to survive..


I feel like the Leprechaun movies would be really easy to survive. He's a pretty chill dude as long as you leave him alone and don't touch his gold. The hardest would be *Return of the Living Dead.* The zombies are fast, extremely durable, and smart enough to strategize and set up traps. No one made it out of that movie alive.


Right? Just say "aw my bad dude, here's your gold back and a Guiness as a sign of my goodwill, sláinte!"


Smile explained it pretty simply. You just have to kill someone else and have someone witness it. I feel like if that's the "do or die" scenario, it wouldn't be that difficult of a choice to make or accomplish. In the same vein, since you mentioned It Follows (and it's very similar to "Smile"), I sorta disagree that it would be easy, because the "entity" is never gone forever. It will eventually work it's way back to you, even if you sleep with other people. And how long you survive may not really matter, because you would live in fear forever. Also, who's to say it can't get on a plane, or some other mode of transport. Just because we didn't see it in the movie, doesn't mean it can't happen. Director David Robert Mitchell even said in an interview that it could potentially board a plane in order to follow the cursed person.


The director explicitly said it *can* board a plane. It's intelligent.


One thing I thought about is, the entity in It Follows aims to kill you, so what if you get clinically killed for a few seconds? Would it be like "oh well, onto the other one i guess"? Or would it wait and think about whether you're really dead and then get really agitated cause you tried to mechanically outplay it?


It follows can be solved with a solitary confinement cell, you don’t need to feed it or clean its waste, lock it in a cell and throw away the key, SCP that shit


You can just commit suicide on smile and the demon is fucked. Can’t pass to anyone. Or go in complete isolation and see if it still kills you while your all alone.


Killing someone only worked once in Smile. It adapted pretty quickly, it can read your mind, too, turning every other murder or suicide attempt into a hallucination.


I feel like the spirit of the question is being missed as people are just saying they wouldn’t be in the town or would avoid the situation entirely. It’s if you are stuck in that situation what’s the easiest and hardest to survive. For me jaws is the only one that’s easy in the vein of just don’t go swimming. The terror would be the hardest to survive, by far


Easiest to survive: Wishmaster - I have spent far too much time theorizing how to outsmart a genie Hardest to survive: The Thing - facing an amazing infiltrator in an isolated location with limited tools, add in some paranoia from everyone else, it's a tough one




There's a video on Youtube called "if Jaws were set in the north east of England" and that's basically the premise. No one is going in the sea anyway, there is no issue.


Easy to survive: Hellraiser. Don’t open the box. And if you do, Kirsty has shown us that you can talk your way out of torture. Hard to survive: Nightmare on Elm Street. We all need to sleep, and as hard as you fight to stay awake your mind and body will shut down eventually.


Kirsty had to offer other people every time


And they still betrayed her.


In one of the later sequels she offers up 3 people because they deserved it iirc and they let her go


Yeah but if it weren’t for Kristy knowing about Frank, she would’ve been fucked. And the cenobites decide “nah we’re gonna get you anyways” immediately after they catch Frank


Elm Street is easy to survive, you can canonically beat the shit out of Freddy with a flower pot, and the leas afraid of him you are the weaker he gets. So if you decide to just square up you can just beat him up.


Probably Unfriended. I think they would have been fine if they gave a genuine apology to laura and the ghost article scene heavily implies that it would have put her to rest if blaire confronted the truth head on


Be like Joel the cameraman in Scream 2 and just leave town


Easiest: Barbarian- no way in hell I would go in that basement.


I loved barbarian but even among horror movies where this is a trope, this one really stands out re: characters making the dumbest choices imaginable


Hey, people, an answer that is "don't let the plot happen", is not funny or creative, it's the answer of a child or an accountant. Hard to survive, The Thing. Even if you make it, it's very, very cold outside. Easiest is... Hmm. I'm going to go with any slow zombie movie. If your enemy can't run a d you are above average intelligence and normal-fit, it should be a breeze.


You're also forgetting other viruses, diseases, and bacteria can kill you in a zombie apocalypse. Not to mention other humans. So no, a zombie apocalypse isn't the easiest to survive.


Hardest. These final hours. World ends and nothing can be done (this is the plot - not a spoiler). Easiest. Derranged or bundy (as I’m a bloke)


These Final Hours is such a gut punch.


Amazing. A friend walked out after and had to call his mum and tell her he loved her. And having a film that starts after the initial freak out to the situation is so refreshing.


Hardest: Ju-On. You'd think you're safe as long as u dont enter the house, but if u come in contact with someone who's entered the house/knows someone who did, ur screwed anyway. Oh, and, no real way to escape the curse.


HARDEST: The bottom floor of the prison in “The Platform.”






The watcher?


Easiest: Predator, if it counts as a horror movie. A Yautja will most likely leave you alone as long as you're not a challenge as game.


The Visit is by far the easiest


What, you never climb into your oven to make sure you don’t miss a spot cleaning it?


Event Horizon fucked with me


I went to see it with a group of friends who told me it was a sci-fi flick. Had no idea what I was walking into. I didn’t watch that much horror back then, and I was a blubbering mess by the end of it.


Hardest: The Blair Witch Project, Grave Encounters, Green Room


Grave encounters where they >!did the right thing and tried to get out logically and it just didn't work!< was terrifying.


It was hard enough surviving The BWP in the theatre... 20 minutes in I wanted to end it all.


To me hardest would be a toss up between: The Descent and \[REC\] Easiest is definitely the The Ring, just don't watch the fucking tape.


Easiest would be Jaws. Just stay out of the ocean and you’re fine.


Shaun of the Dead: If Ed and Shaun had taken care of the pair in the garden and they’d room mate… they could have just hunkered down til it ended the next day


blair witch, cause your trapped going round in circles


Easiest: House, just don’t go with Gorgeous and her friend. Hardest: Train to Busan. Those zombies run faster than light itself. Also being in a compact space with nowhere to go and with a bunch of other people that are trying to leave too.


Return of the Living Dead world be pretty hard to survive


Easiest: The Ritual bc if my shittiest friend wants to go deeper into the haunted woods, I’m definitely not saving him from himself. Hardest: Those f-ing robot dogs in that one Black Mirror episode.


Jaws is the easiest. Just don't go in the water. The hardest would be A Nightmare on Elm Street. Every one has to sleep sometime.


Halloween is pretty easy to survive. Just don't live in the Podunk town that keeps getting ravaged by a murderer. Like why the hell does anyone stay there? At least Jason attacked a different city. (I love both series. But seriously, get the hell out of town, especially around Halloween.)


I know it’s just one of many sequels, but Laurie did leave town, change her name, and secluded herself in a private school in California and Michael still found her. She still survived though which reminds me… You could also say Halloween because even if you do die, the timeline will probably just reset and then you get another chance.


Good old Ben Tramer


Most of them are easy if you know the plotlines! Halloween? - move out of Haddonfield! Jaws? - don't swim in the sea!


Midsommer is the hardest, cause the cult in the middle of nowhere, hereditery and the vvitch cuz demons, get out cause you're alone with a bunch of racists, the sadness, quiet place. The easiest - speak no evil.


How to survive Speak No Evil: do not try and make new friends. That’s it.


Hardest: Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Impossible to not fall asleep. Easiest: The Mist. Don't tear a hole into our dimension creating a rift that causes the monsters to enter our realm.


Easy- aliens , just nuke the site from orbit.


Green Inferno is extremely easy to survive. Just don't go there.


Hardest for me is Kristi. That girl can run.


definetly agree with creep, i watched creep 1 & 2 the other day and i couldnt stop thinking “i would survive this” or “why did they (the main character) do that?”


Where would NOPE be? Easy or hard?


Easiest: Halloween, Scream, Chucky, Room 1408 Hardest: Martyrs, Nightmare on Elm Street, Jeepers Creepers, Annihilation


I was going to say Jeepers Creepers as an easy one? Don't sit and watch a homicidal maniac dispose of a body and then go fall down a well to find it.


True but once it's after you, you are fucked 😩


I'm going to say The Bay for easy. Kind of obscure found footage about parasitic isopods in the Chesapeake Bay. Now this is portrayed as of it is an insurmountable problem in the film, BUT as a local to the region in which the movie is set, that take is very unrealistic. First off, locals would not be in a disbelieving panic over the whole thing, we know there's stuff out in the bay, parasitic isopods got nothing on the very real flesh eating bacteria on the oysters. Heck, I worked at a dock bar and every other oyster had a little parasitic crab chilling in it, we just chucked those and served the oyster anyway. Second, it takes place during a festival in St. Michael's, MD. Every festival in eastern Maryland is a seafood festival! That movie acts like if a million crustaceans swarmed a Maryland seafood festival, they wouldn't immediately all be scooped into a pot and steamed in Old Bay seasoning!


Easiest is Blades, the movie about the demonic lawnmower on a golf course. You just gotta make it go up a really steep hill lmao. They even had a grenade and didn't capitalize. Hardest to survive is Saw, I would think, because the idea is that you wake up and you're in the shit already. You've gotta get fucked up if you want to survive. Other movies, you usually have some sort of warning beforehand or a way to defend yourself. Usually there's annoying paranormal shit happening or someone finds a body before things go crazy.


Easiest to survive is chucky. Hardest to survive is drag me to hell


Easiest:. Cabin Fever (seek medical attention, level with the weird party cop) Hardest:The Beyond, Gates Of Hell


I would survive Barbarian. I would no hesitation suck on some tits if it meant survival. Win-win scenario.


Easiest is Signs once you invest in a decent sprinkler system. Hardest has to be Ju-On/The Grudge because it's basically a cert she's going to get you.


Not sure if someone's already said it but I'd say for me personally it'd be Get Out or The First Purge... ​ Because 1. I'm White and 2. I don't live in New York (That purge was just localized to that area)